Welcome to the Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering at the Technische Universität München. Our research activities are centered around sustainable, energy-efficient urban water and wastewater systems, energy recovery from wastewater and anaerobic technologies, storm water treatment and management, microbial systems, engineered natural treatment systems, advanced water treatment (membrane- and oxidation hybrid processes), water recycling, and state-of-the-art analytical tools for process control and water quality.
The Association of Fraunhofer UMSICHT has awarded the UMSICHT Science Prize 2013. Dr. Benjamin Simstich received the award in the science category for…
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Das 41. Abwassertechnische Seminar (ATS) findet am 20. Juni 2013 in Neubiberg zum Thema "Klärschlamm – Energie- und Wertstoffressource" statt.
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