Picture of Markus Reisenbüchler

Dr.-Ing. Markus Reisenbüchler

Technical University of Munich

Chair of Hydraulic Engineering (Prof. Rüther)

01.04.2022 - 31.10.2022

Senior Research Engineer

01.10.2021 - 31.03.2022

Professor (temporary)
Acting Head of the Chair of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering and Director of the Oskar von Miller Institute and the Dieter Thoma Laboratory

01.11.2020 - 30.09.2021

Senior Research Engineer

01.03.2016 - 31.10.2020 Research Engineer

  • 03/2016 - 10/2020: PhD-study at the Chair of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, Technical University of Munich
  • 10/2013 - 03/2016: M.Sc. Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Munich
    • Master's Thesis: The influence of an open stone ramp on flood events in the Saalach river
  • 10/2010 - 09/2013: B.Sc. Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Munich
    • Bachelor's Thesis: Hochwasserbasisstudie an der Glonn in Allershausen (WWA-München)


  • CONTEMPO2: CONtrolling TEMPerature and Oxygen in rivers with diversion plants (EU-LIFE)
    • Sep. 2022 - Oct. 2022: Teamleader
  • Inno_MAUS: Innovative Instruments to Manage Urban Flashfloods - Subproject 3 (BMBF)
    • Feb. 2022 - Oct. 2022: Coordinator of the subproject

  • Hydro4U: Hydropower For you - Sustainable small-scale hydropower in Central Asia (EU H2020)
    • Oct. 2021 - Oct. 2022: Project Coordinator

  • VieWBay: Coupling hydrology and hydromorphodynamics in large scales - an approach for whole Bavaria. (Bavarian State Ministery of the Environment and Consumer Protection; StMUV)
    • Jan. 2018 - Dec 2020: Project Engineer

    • Jan. 2021 - June 2022: Project Manager

  • DanubeSediment - Restoration of the sediment balance in the Danube river (EU Interreg)
    • Jan. 2017 - Nov. 2019: Project Manger and Engineer

  • 2D-hydromorphological modelling at the Saalach River (WWA-Traunstein, Salzburg AG)
    • Jan. 2016 - Dec. 2017 and Jan. 2018 - Jun. 2019: Project Engineer

  • Schletterer, M., Reisenbüchler, M., Berg, L., Zunic, F., Rutschmann, P. Reisebericht zur Wasserbauexkursion 2019 der TU München nach Sibirien, Wasserwirtschaft 2021, 9-10 https://doi.org/10.1007/s35147-021-0902-8 
  • Schletterer, M., Shevchenko, A., Yanygina, L., Manakov, Y., Reisenbüchler, M., Rutschmann, P. Eindrücke vom Oberlauf des Obs in Russland, Wasserwirtschaft 2021, 9-10 https://doi.org/10.1007/s35147-021-0903-7 
  • Schletterer, M., Zaikina, S., Reisenbüchler, M., Rutschmann, P. Eindrücke aus dem Jenissei-Einzugsgebiet in Russland, Wasserwirtschaft 2021, 9-10 https://doi.org/10.1007/s35147-021-0901-9 
  • Reisenbüchler, M.; Bui, M.D.; Rutschmann, P. Reservoir Sediment Management Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study of the Lower Section of the Alpine Saalach River. Water 202113, 818. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13060818
  • Reisenbüchler, M (2020): Rolling stones - Modelling sediment in gravel bed rivers. Dissertation, TUM (https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/?id=1547630)
  • Reisenbüchler, M; Skiba, H; Schwaller, G. Außendorf, M. DanubeSediment: Wie steht es um den Sedimenthaushalt der Donau? Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft 2020 https://doi.org/10.3243/kwe2020.12.004 
  • Reisenbüchler, M.; Bui, M.D.; Skublics, D.; Rutschmann, P. Sediment Management at Run-of-River Reservoirs Using Numerical Modelling. Water 202012, 249. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12010249
  • Reisenbüchler, M.; Bui, M.D.; Skublics, D.; Rutschmann, P. Enhancement of a numerical model system for reliably predicting morphological development in the Saalach River. International Journal of River Basin Management 2020 https://doi.org/10.1080/15715124.2019.1628034
  • Kaveh, K.; Reisenbüchler, M.; Lamichhane, S.; Liepert, T.; Nguyen, N.D.; Bui, M.D.; Rutschmann, P. A Comparative Study of Comprehensive Modeling Systems for Sediment Transport in a Curved Open Channel. Water 201911, 1779. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11091779 
  • Reisenbüchler, M.; Bui, M.D.; Skublics, D.; Rutschmann, P.  An integrated approach for investigating the correlation between floods and river morphology: A case study of the Saalach River, Germany. Science of The Total Environment 2019 Vol. 647, p: 814-826. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.018
  • Reisenbüchler, M.; Liepert, T.; Nguyen N.D.; Bui M.D.; Rutschmann, P. Prelimirary study on a Bavaria-wide coupled hydrological and hydromorphological model. Proc. of the 32nd EnviroInfo conference, Garching, Germany, 2018 p:145-148 (http://doi.org/10.2370/9783844061383)
  • Reisenbüchler, M.; Nguyen N.D.; Liepert, T.; Bui, M.D.; Rutschmann, P. TELEMAC - A hydrodynamic solver for HPC? InSiDE Magazine Spring 2018, 2018, Vol. 16, p 95:97 (http://inside.hlrs.de/assets/pdfs/inside_spring18.pdf)
  • Reisenbüchler, M.; Bui, M.D.; Skublics, D.; Rutschmann, P. Implementing the concept of sediment balance for reliable predicting future river development and management: A hydro-morphological study in the Saalach River. Proc. of the 5th IAHR Europe Congress - New Challenges in Hydraulic Research and Engineering, Trento, Italy, 2018 p: 541-542. (download)
  • Reisenbüchler, M.; Bui, M.D.; Skublics, D.; Rutschmann, P. Hydromorphological effects of an open stone ramp on flood events in the Saalach River. Book of Abstracts of the International symposium on the effects of global change on floods, fluvial  geomorphology and related hazards in mountainous rivers, Potsdam, Germany, 2017 p: 46-47. (download)
  • Reisenbüchler, M.; Bui, M.D.; Rutschmann, P. Implementation of a new Layer-Subroutine for fractional sediment transport in SISYPHE. Proceedings of the XXIIIrd Telemac-Mascaret User Conference, Paris, France, 2016 p: 215-220. (download)

Some selected thesis:


Master's Thesis:

  • Numerische und datengestützte Modellierung von urbanen Sturzfluten
  • Verwendung eines 2D-Flachwassermodells mit dynamischer Druckerweiterung zur Simulation der Strömung bei geringer relativer Überflutung
  • Untersuchungen zur Hydromorphologie großer Gletscherflüsse - Am Beispiel des Katuns
  • Implementierung des Sedimenttransportes über Wehre in TELEMAC-MASCARET
  • Analyse der hydromorphologischen Veränderung der bayerischen Donau der letzten 200 Jahre
  • Entwicklung einer Methode zur automatischen Bestimmung der Sohlrauheit für hydraulische Simulationen mit TELEMAC-2D
  • Analysis of numerical modelling results using ANN
  • Langzeitsimulation des Geschiebetransports: Parameterstudie zur Rechenzeitoptimierung am Beispiel der Unteren Salzach 
  • Comparison of two hydromorphological softwares - Hydro_AS and Telemac

Study Project:

  • Analysis of the inflow velocity field of power plants with a 2D numerical model
  • Literature Review (IKYDA-NEREID) Different Models in the Scientific Hydraulic Work & The Influence of Climate Change on Sediments and Reservoir Management
  • Hydromorphologische Modellierung an der Isar zwischen Lenggries und Bad Tölz

Bachelor's Thesis:

  • Ermittlung von Sedimentbilanzen mittels MATLAB
  • Rekonstruktion von Schwebstoffdaten mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz: Künstliche Neuronale Netze und Suchverfahren
  • Erstellung eines 1D Modells der Deutschen Donau (engl.: 1D HEC-RAS Modell of German Danube)
  • Literaturstudie zum Einfluss der Sohlporosität auf den Geschiebetransport (engl.: Literaturestudy about the effect of soil porosity on sedimenttransport)
  • Der Einfluss von Buhnen auf Stauraumspülungen in der Saalach
  • Effiziente Modellierung von Sohlenbauwerken in Telemac2D - Die Saalach von Kiblingersperre bis Zollhauswehr (engl.: Efficient modeling of riverbed buildings in Telemac2D - The river Saalach from the Dam Kibling to the Zollhaus Weir)