Fischhabitat-Modellierung: CFD und MesoHABSIM

Fish Habitat Modeling: Mesoscale and microscale modeling of habitat conditions using the MesoHABSIM tool and CFD based fish habitat models. Theory and hands-on. The course took place in July 01-05, 2019 in Obernach, Germany
Piotr Parasiewicz, Peter Rutschmann
Technical University of Munich, in collaboration with the Rushing Rivers Institute, USA and S. Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute in Poland.
Course Content:
This course will feature numerical CFD based fish habitat modelling and the MesoHABSIM technique, a comprehensive planning tool used for river scale, quantitative planning and evaluation of river restoration measures and environmental flows determination.
The numerical CFD approach computes the flow properties and the hydro-morphological changes with hydrodyamic models and evaluates flow and substrate suitability as a habitat for fish at microhabitat scale. MesoHABSIIM is a physical habitat simulation model that directly describes the instream habitat conditions for aquatic fauna at meso-scale. It strength is to simulate changes of habitat quality and quantity for fish communities in response to spatio-temporal alterations of river morphology or flows.
The results from the purely numerical and the physically based approach are then compared. The course will be valuable for those interested in habitat modeling, restoration planning, e-flows and looking for alternative solutions to tough ecological questions.
Course Structure:
Section 1 (01-02 July 2019): Two days of numerical CFD habitat modelling theory and hands-on on the computer.
Section 2 (03-05 July 2019): MesoHABSIM in classroom and field, followed by practical MesoHABSIM software use. The last day covers a comparison of both methodologies and discussions.
Course information and registration:
Registration is closed. Announcement for upcoming courses about to follow.
Course Venue:
Oskar von Miller-Institut
Hydraulic engineering Laboratory of Technical University of Munich (TUM)
Obernach 15
82432 Walchensee
Organization and Logistics:
Accommodation in Obernach:
- Gasthof & Hotel “ZUR POST” in Wallgau:
- Parkhotel Wallgau:
- More Information about accommodations close to Obernach are provided by the Tourist-Information Wallgau:
- In the VAO guesthouse you can stay overnight for 50 Euro (whole week). Space is limited, students and doctoral students have priority. Please send your stay request to before 15.06.2019
Accommodation in Munich:
- Hotel Theresia-Regina at the Luisenstraße (lowcost)
- Ibis Muenchen City Hotel:
Transport from Airport to Munich (ca. 1 hour):
From the Airport, take S1 or S8 (rapid train lines called “S-bahn”) to Hauptbahnhof (Central station) Journey Planner: Type in from “München-Flughafen, Flughafen München” to “ München, München Hbf”
Transport from Munich to VAO (ca. 2-2.5 hours)
From the central station, take a train to Klais or Kochel and then a bus to the laboratory Journey Planner: Type in from “München Hbf” to “Obernach Versuchsanstalt, Jachenau”
Food is not included in the course fees.
Ready to heat meals can be purchased in the canteen.
Self-catering (transport to the supermarkets can be arranged there).