Geothermal-Alliance Bavaria
The Geothermal Alliance Bavaria (GAB) addresses questions from research and practice in the field of deep geothermal energy. GAB's research aims to answer open questions in deep geothermal energy and to develop targeted solutions. The technology is examined holistically from exploration to the finished project and its optimized operation. GAB's interdisciplinary research approach allows both opportunities and risks to be considered holistically from different perspectives.
In the sub-project “Long-term. Ensuring sustainable thermal water production” sub-project, the main aim is to minimize the drilling, exploration and production risk of hydrothermal geothermal energy in the Bavarian Molasse Basin and to address sustainable reservoir management. To this end, a holistic approach is planned that considers the interactions of the various influencing parameters (temperature, hydraulics, stresses/mechanics, hydrochemistry) across scales. In particular, the Bavarian Molasse Basin is to be investigated as an overall geothermal system. The influences of the various structural units of the Bavarian Molasse Basin on the exploration, development and productivity of the Malm reservoir will be investigated. The petrophysical and geomechanical characterization of the reservoir as well as the interacting structural units of the Bavarian Molasse Basin based on well data, product and geothermal data will play an important role.