in press
Gilg HA, Kaufhold S, Ufer C (in press) Smectite and bentonite terminology, classification and genesis. – in: Kaufhold S (ed.) Bentonites – Characterization, Geology, Mineralogy, Analysis, Mining, Processing and Uses. Geologisches Jahrbuch B 106, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart; ISBN 978-3-510-96859-6.
Kyle R., Gilg HA, Appold M (in press) Formation of an Active Giant Non-sulfide Zinc System, Jinding, China: Relations between Tectonics, Climate, and Supergene Metal Remobilization. Economic Geology, 119,
Brlek M, Trinajstić N, Schindlbeck-Belo JC, Kutterolf S, Vukovski M, Guillong M, Markovic S, Šuica S, Wang K-L, Lee H-Y, Gaynor SP, Brčić V, Mišur I, Grizelj A, Kurečić T, Martinčević Lazar J, Milošević M, Baranyi V, Kukoč S, Gilg HA, Georgiev S, Lukács R (in production) A distal record of the Middle Miocene silicic eruption of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region stored within the Dinaride Lake System: implications for tephrostratigraphy and emplacement of volcaniclastic deposits. International Journal of Earth Sciences.
Heap M, Meyer G, Violay M, Reuschle T, Baud P, Gilg HA, Harnett C, Kushnir A, Mortensen A (2024) Compaction and permeability evolution of tuff from Krafla volcano (Iceland). Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 129(8), e2024JB029067,
Gilg HA (2024) Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen an Granat-Gemmen der Sammlung Hansmann. In: Weiss C, Staatliche Antikensammlung München Katalog der geschnittenen Steine: die antiken und nachantiken Gemmen und Kameen der Sammlung Helmut Hansmann. S. 292-302. Staatliche Antikensammlung und Glyptothek München.
Raphael Schneeberger R, Andersson UB, Gilg HA, Bindeman I, Dohrmann R, Kumpulainen S, Kiviranta L, Elliott WC, Wampler JM, Ozigbo C, Villa I, Otake T, Kikuchi R, Fujimura T, Sato T, Suzuki S, Goto T, Nemoto S, Bernier-Latmani R, Jakus N, Alexander RW, Michau N, Behazin M, Hughes A, Norris S, Heino V, Sellin P, Svensson D, Leupin O. (2024) Kiirunavaara Ca-smectite, northern Sweden: a natural analogue of long-term clay stability. 9th Clay Conference, Hannover, Germany 25-28th Nov 2024.
Kanik NJ, Longstaffe FJ, Derkowski A, Gilg HA (2024) Tracking bentonite-water interactions by stable-H- and O-isotope exchange over a thermal gradient: First isotopic results from the Alternative Buffer Materials 2 and 5 bentonites. 9th Clay Conference, Hannover, Germany 25-28th Nov 2024.
Gilg HA, Then-Obłuska J, Dussubieux L (2024) Four thousand years of gem garnet trade in NE Africa. Abstract for the 37th International Geological Congress 2024, Busan, Republic of Korea, 25th-31st August 2024.
Gilg HA, Müller D, Taube M, Allscher T (2024) Analysis of the chemical composition of red gem garnets in ancient jewellery by Raman and hand-held X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for origin determination. Abstract for the 37th International Geological Congress 2024, Busan, Republic of Korea, 25th-31st August 2024.
Herzog M, Hagemann S, Gilg HA, Fogliata A, Montenegro N (2024) Physico-chemical constraints associated with hypogene hydrothermal alteration and supergene oxidation at the Farallón Negro intermediate-aulfidation Epithermal Au-Ag deposit, NW Argentina. Ore Geology Reviews, 167, 106010.
Griffiths L, Heap MJ, Lengliné O, Baud P, Schmittbuhl J, Gilg HA (2024) Thermal stressing of volcanic rock: microcracking and crack closure monitored through acoustic emission, ultrasonic velocity, and thermal expansion. Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 129/3, e2023JB027766.
Gilg HA, Then-Obłuska J, Dussubieux L (2024) Four millennia of garnet trade in Northeast Africa – chemical analysis of ancient and Late Antiquity beads from Lower Nubian sites. Archaeometry, 66(4), 860-876.
Hall AM, Barfod D, Gilg HA, Stuart FM, Sarala P, Al-Ani T (2024) Intensive chemical weathering in the Arctic during the Miocene Climatic Optimum. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 634, 111927
Engelhardt M, Gilg HA, Richter K, Sanchez-Ferrer (2024) Adhesion‑related properties of silver birch (Betula Pendula Roth) wood as affected by hydrophilic extraction. Wood Science and Technology, 58, 379-402.
Schmetzer K, Gilg HA, Ranz H-J (2023) Bohemian garnets as decorative materials for glass vessels from the late sixteenth to early eighteenth centuries. Gems & Gemology, 59(4), 432-449.
Schmetzer K, Gilg HA (2023) Herkunft der Smaragde im Brustkreuz und Ring des Abts Dominikus Hagenauer der Erzabtei St. Peter in Salzburg aus dem späten 18. Jahrhundert. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Salzburger Landeskunde, 162/163, 596-609.
Nasdala, L., Lamers, T., Gilg, H.A., Chanmuang N., C., Griesser, M., Kirchweger, F., Erlacher, A., Böhmler, M. & Giester, G. (2023): Gem spinel in the Imperial Crown of the Holy Roman Empire: Evidence for very early gemstone heating? MinWien2023 conference, Wien, Austria. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 169, pp. 206–207.
Gilg HA (2023) Clay Mineral Characterization of Deep Clay Alteration at the Kiruna deposit. Unpublished Report to NAGRA (KINA WP 2), 57 p.
Heap M, Harnett C, Farquharson J, Baud P, Rosas-Carbajal M, Komorowski JC, Violay M, Gilg HA, Reuschle T (2023) The influence of water-saturation on the strength of volcanic rocks and the stability of lava domes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 444, 107962.
Nasdala L, Lamers T, Gilg HA, Chanmuang C., Griesser M, Kirchweger F, Erlacher A, Böhmler M & Giester G (2023) The Gemstones in the Imperial Crown of the Holy Roman Empire. Part I: Photoluminescence and Raman Spectroscopic Study. The Journal of Gemology 38(5): 448-473.
Guzman JO, García-Dils de la Vega S, Fernández Abella D, Carrasco López JM, Gilg HA, Eguiluz Maestro D, Molina Pérez A, Martín García E (2023) Results of the 2022 Season in the Beryl Mining Area of Wadi Sikait: Excavations in Sikait and Documentation of the Emerald Mines. Thetis - Mannheimer Beiträge zur Klassischen Archäologie und Geschichte der antiken Mittelmeerkulturen, 27, 7-12.
Jakus N, Schneeberger R, Andersson UB, Gilg HA, Leupin O, Bernier-Latmani R (2023). Microbial metabolic potential in a natural clay analogue for deep geological radioactive waste repositories. Goldschmidt 2023 Abstract
Troll VR, Carracedo JC, Gilg HA (2022) African sand storms, blood rain, and continental mineral delivery to the Canary Islands. Geology Today 38(6) 218-229.
Schmetzer K, Gilg HA (2022) Origin of emeralds from a late 18th century pectoral and ring from St. Peter monastery, Salzburg, Austria. Journal of Gemmology 38(3): 272-283.
Grundmann G, Gilg HA (2022) Le gisement d’émeraude d’Habachtal, Autriche. In: Émeraudes, tout un monde ! Les Editions du Piat, pp 169-178, ISBN 978-2-917198-51-3
Gilg HA, Grundmann G (2022) Géologie et genèse des gisements d’émeraude d’Égypte. In: Émeraudes, tout un monde ! Les Editions du Piat, pp 153-158, ISBN 978-2-917198-51-3
Gilg HA, Grundmann G (2022) Histoire des anciennes mines d’émeraude en Égypte. In: Émeraudes, tout un monde ! Les Editions du Piat, pp 161-168, ISBN 978-2-917198-51-3
Gilg HA (2022) L’expédition “Mons Smaragdus“ en Égypte. In: Émeraudes, tout un monde ! Les Editions du Piat, pp 159-160, ISBN 978-2-917198-51-3
Ferraris C, Gilg HA, Weinert O 2022) Les béryls verts du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle: le fond ancien, l’histoire et la science. In: Émeraudes, tout un monde ! Les Editions du Piat, pp 399-404, ISBN 978-2-917198-51-3
Heap MJ, Troll V, Harris C, Gilg HA, Moretti R, Rosas-Carbajal M, Komorowski JC, Baud P. (2022) Whole-rock oxygen isotope ratios as a proxy for the strength and stiffness of hydrothermally altered volcanic rocks. Bulletin of Volcanology 84:74.
Heap M, Harnett CE, Wadsworth FB, Gilg HA, Carbillet L, Rosas-Carbajal M, Komorowski JC, Baud P, Ryan A, Troll VR, Deegan FM, Holohan EP, Moretti R (2022) The tensile strength of hydrothermally altered volcanic rocks. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 428, 107576.
Kennedy B, Heap MJ, Burchardt S, Villeneuve S, Tuffen H, Gilg HA, Davidson J, Duncan N, Saubin E, Gertsson EB, Anjomrouz M, Bulter P (2022) Thermal impact of dykes on ignimbrite and implications for fluid flow compartmentalisation in calderas. Volcanica 5(1): 75-93
https://doi: 10.30909/vol.05.01.7593
Heap M, Jessop DE, Wadsworth FB, Rosas-Carbajal M, Komorowski JC, Gilg HA, Aron N, Buscetti M, Gential L, Goupil M, Masson M, Hervieu L, Kushnir ARL, Baud, P, Carbillet L, Ryan A, Moretti R (2021) The thermal properties of hydrothermally altered andesites from La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (Eastern Caribbean). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 421, 107444.
Heap M, Baumann T, Rosas-Carbajal M, Gilg HA, Komorowski JC, Villeneuve M, Moretti R, Baud, P, Carbillet L, Harnett C, Reuschlé T (2021) Alteration-induced volcano instability at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (Eastern Caribbean). Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth 126(8) e2021JB022514.
Sánchez-Ferrer A, Soprunyuk V, Engelhardt M, Stehle R, Gilg HA, Schranz W, Richer K (2021) Polyurea networks from moisture-cure, reaction-setting, aliphatic polyisocyanates with tunable mechanical and thermal properties. Applied Polymer Materials 2021, 3, 4070-4078.
Heap M, Baumann T, Gilg HA, Kolzenburg S, Ryan A, Villeneuve M, Russel J, Kennedy L, Rosas-Carbajal M, Clynne M (2021) Hydrothermal alteration can result in pore pressurization and volcano instability. Geology 49 (11), 1348-1352;
Carter AK, Dussubieux L, Miriam T, Stark MT, Gilg HA (2021) Angkor Borei and Protohistoric Trade Networks: A View from Glass and Stone Bead Assemblage. Asian Perspectives 60/1, 32-70.
Yilmaz TI, Wadsworth FB, Gilg HA, Hess K-U, Kendrick JE, Wallace PA, Lavallée Y, Utley J, Vasseur J, Nakada S, Dingwell DB (2021) Rapid alteration of fractured volcanic conduits beneath Mt Unzen. Bulletin of Volcanology 83:34.
Then-Obłuska J, Gilg HA, Schüssler U, Wagner B (2021) Western connections of northwest Africa: the garnet evidence from late antique Nubia, Sudan. Archaeometry 63(2) 227-246.
Selin P, Gilg HA, Andersson UB, Klein E, Svensson D, Leupin OX, Norris S, Alexander WR (2020) Kiruna natural analogue (KiNa). Clays on the Columbia: Bridging Scales and Disciplines. Clay Minerals Society Meeting, October 18-23, 2020, PNNL, Richmond, Washington, USA, Conference abstracts.
Schmetzer K, Gilg HA (2020) A Late 14th-Century Royal Crown of Blanche of Lancaster - History and Gem Materials. Journal of Gemmology 37(1), 606-644.
Heap MJ, Troll VR, Kushnir ARL, Gilg HA, Collinson ASD, Deegan FM, Darmawan H, Seraphine N, Neuberg J, Walter TR (2019) Hydrothermal alteration of andesitic lava domes can lead to explosive volcanic behaviour. Nature Communications 10, 5063.
Heap MJ, Gravely DM, Kennedy BM, Gilg HA, Bertolett E, Barker S (2019) Quantifying the role of hydrothermal alteration in creating geothermal and epithermal mineral resources. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 390, 106703.
Heap M, Kushnir A, Gilg HA, Violay MES, Harlé P, Baud P. 2019) Petrophysical properties of the Muschelkalk from the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal site (France), an important lithostratigraphic unit for geothermal exploitation in the Upper Rhine Graben. Geothermal Energy 7, 27
Gilg HA (2019) Mineralogische Untersuchungen an Granateinlagen der Scheibenfibel von Markt Einersheim. - in Pütz A (Hrsg.) Merowingerzeitliche Gräberfelder am unteren Maindreieck - Auswertung und siedlungsgeschichtliche Einordnung im 5. - 8. Jahrhundert. Materialhefte zur bayerischen Archäologie, Band 111, Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, Verlag Michael Lassleben, Kallmünz/ Oberpfalz. S. 417-424.
Gilg HA, Schüssler U, Krause J, Schulz B (2019) The use of phosphate inclusions in origin determination of ancient and medieval red garnets. 35th International Gemmological Conference, Nantes, August 2019, 39-41.
Schmetzer K, Gilg HA (2019) A gothic crown in the treasury of the Munich Residence Museum: examination of English royal insignia from the late middle ages. 35th International Gemmological Conference, Nantes, August 2019, 42-45.
Boni M, Gilg HA, Balassone G, Mondillo N, Menschik F, Rumsey M, Struck U, (2019) Stable isotopes of non-sulphide Zn-Pb ores in Britain and Ireland: fluid characteristics and paleoclimatic variability. Journal of the Geological Society London.
Heap MJ, Gilg HA, Hess K-U, Mertens L, Pösges G, Reuschlé Z (2019) Conservation and restoration of St. George’s church (Nördlingen, Germany), a 15th century Gothic church built using suevite from the Ries impact crater. Journal of Cultural Heritage.
Mordensky S, Heap M, Kennedy B, Gilg HA, Villeneuve M, Farquharson J, Gravley D (2019) Influence of alteration on the mechanical behaviour and failure mode of andesite: Implications for shallow seismicity and volcano monitoring. Bulletin of Volcanology 81: 44
Gilg HA (2019) Rezension zu Hilgner A, Greif S, Quast D (Hgb) Gemstones in the First Millenium AD. Mines, Trade, Workshops and Symbolism. Bonner Jahrbücher 217, 610-614
Li H, Xu X-W, Borg G, Gilg HA, Dong L-H, Fan, T-B, Zhou G, Liu R-L, Hong T, Ke Q, Wu, C, Zhang G, Li, H (2019) Geology and mineralogy of the giant Huoshaoyun zinc-lead deposit, Karakorum Range, northwestern Tibet. Ore Geology Reviews 106, 251-272
Środoń J, Kuzmenova O, Stanek JJ, Petit S, Beaufort D, Gilg HA, Liivamägi S, Goryl M, Marynowski L, Szczerba M (2019) Hydrothermal alteration of the Ediacaran Volyn-Brest volcanics on the western margin of the East European Craton. Precambrian Research 325, 217-235
Köster MH, Williams L, Kudejova P, Gilg HA (2019) The boron isotope geochemistry of smectites from sodium, calcium and magnesium bentonite deposits. Chemical Geology 510, 166-187
Kushnir A, Heap M, Baud P, Gilg HA, Reuschlé T, Dezayes C., Lerouge C. (2018) Characterizing the physical properties of the transition zone from the Paleozoic basement to the overlying Permo-Triassic sedimentary sequences in the Upper Rhine Valley. Geothermal Energy 6:18 (32 p.)
Schmetzer K., Gilg H.A., Vaupel E. (2018) Die Züchtung synthetischer Smaragde in Deutschland (1910 bis 1973). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft 67/1-2, 7-28
Gilg HA, Schmetzer K, Schüssler U (2018) An Early Byzantine engraved almandine originating from the Garibpet deposit, Telangana State, India: Evidence for Garnet Trade along the ancient Maritime Silk Road. Gems and Gemology 54/2, 149-165.
Rocholl A, Böhme M, Gilg HA, Pohl J, Schaltegger U, Wijbrans J (2018) Comment on ‘‘A high-precision 40Ar/39Ar age for the Nördlinger Ries impact crater, Germany, and implications for the accurate dating of terrestrial impact events” by Schmieder et al. (Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 220 (2018) 146–157). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 238, 599-601.
Heap MJ, Farquharson JI, Kushnir ARL, Lavallée Y, Baud P, Gilg HA, Reuschlé T (2018) The influence of water on the strength of Neapolitan Yellow Tuff, the most widely-used building stone in Naples (Italy). Bulletin of Volcanology 80:51 doi: 10.1007/s00445-018-1225-1
Heap M, Kushnir A, Griffiths L, Wadsworth F, Marmoni GM, Fiorucci M, Martino S, Baud P, Gilg HA, Reuschlé T (2018) Fire resistance of the Mt. Epomeo Green Tuff, a widely-used building stone on Ischia Island (Italy). Volcanica, 1(1), 33-48. doi: 10.30909/vol.01.01.3348.
Kyle R, Ahn H, Gilg HA (2018) Nature and origin of the non-sulfide zinc deposits in the Sierra Mojada district, Coahuila, Mexico: Constraints from regional geology, petrography, and isotope analyses. Mineralium Deposita 53(8): 1095-1116. doi 10.1007/s00126-018-0797-1
Heap M, Kushnir A, Gilg HA, Wadsworth F, Reuschlé T, Baud P (2017) Microstructural and petrophysical properties of the Permo-Triassic sandstones (Buntsandstein) from the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal site (France). Geothermal Energy 5: 26 (37p)
Schmetzer K, Gilg HA, Bernhardt HJ (2017) Synthetic star sapphires and star rubies produced by Wiede’s Carbidwerk, Freyung, Germany. Gems & Gemology 53(3): 312-324.
Schmetzer K, Gilg HA, Schüssler U, Panjikar J, Calligaro T, Périn P (2017) The linkage between garnets found in India at the Arikamedu historical site and their source at the Garibpet deposit. The Journal of Gemmology 35(7): 589-627.
Leitner C, Wiesmaier S, Köster MH, Gilg HA, Neubauer F (2017) Alpine halite-mudstone-polyhalite tectonite: Sedimentology and early diagenesis of evaporites in an ancient rift setting (Haselgebirge Formation, eastern Alps). Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 129(11-12): 1537-1553.
Köster MH, Hölzl S, Gilg HA (2017) A strontium isotope and trace element geochemical study of dolomite-bearing bentonite deposits in Bavaria (Germany). Clay Minerals 52(3), 161-190.
Mayer K, Scheu B, Rott S, Montanaro C, Yilmaz TI, Gilg HA, Joseph EP, Dingwell DB (2017) Phreatic activity and hydrothermal alteration in the Valley of Desolation, Dominica. Bulletin of Volcanology 72: 82(19 p.)
Rocholl A, Schaltegger U, Gilg HA, Wijbrans J, Böhme M (2017) The age of volcanic tuffs from the Upper Freshwater Molasse (North Alpine Foreland Basin) and their possible use for tephrostratigraphic correlations across Europe for the Middle Miocene. International Journal of Earth Science (Geol Rundsch) DOI 10.1007/s00531-017-1499-0.
Heap M, Cole J, Jolly A, Farquharson, Ashworth J, Mayer K, Letham-Brake M, Reuschlé T, Gilg HA, Scheu B, Lavallée Y, Siratovich P, Dingwell DB, Kennedy B (2017): A multidisciplinary approach to quantify the permeability of a volcanic hydrothermal system (Whakaari/White Island, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 332, 88-108.
Gilg, H. A. & Ulbig, A. (2017): Bentonite, Kohlentonsteine und feuerfeste Tone in der Bayerischen Molasse und dem Urnaab-System (Exkursion F am 20. April 2017). – Jber. Mitt. oberrhein. geol. Ver., N.F. 99: 191–214.
Ferreiro Mählmann R., Gilg H. A., Hillier S., Galán, E. (2016) Clay mineral indices in palaeo-geothermal and hydrothermal studies. Applied Clay Science 134, 1-4.
Schmetzer K., Gilg H.A., Vaupel E. (2016) Synthetic emeralds grown by Zerfass – historical account, growth technology and properties of the samples. The Journal of Gemmology 35(5), 404-414.
Schmetzer K., Gilg H.A., Vaupel E. (2016) Synthetic emeralds rown by R. Nacken in the mid-1920s – Properties, growth technique, and historical Account. Gems & Gemology 52(4), 368-392.
Schmetzer K., Gilg H.A., Vaupel E. (2016) Synthetic emeralds grown by IG Farben – historical account, growth technology and properties of the samples. The Journal of Gemmology 35(2), 224-246.
Gilg H. A. (2016) Pencil clays: Haydn H. Murray’s first patent and the pencil clay deposits in Germany. Program and Abstracts – 53rd Annual Meeting of the Clay Mineral Society, June 5-8, 2016, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A., p. 37. (abstract)
Dingwell, D. B., Lavallée, Y., Hess, K.-U., Flaws, A., Marti, J., Nichols, A. R. L., Gilg, H. A., and Schillinger, B. (2016): Eruptive shearing of tube pumice: pure and simple. Solid Earth 7, 1383–1393.
Griffiths L., Heap M. J., Wang F., Daval D., Gilg H. A., Baud P., Schmittbuhl J., Genter A. (2016) Geothermal implications for fracture-filling hydrothermal precipitation. Geothermics 64, 235–245.
Bauer, K.K., Vennemann, T.W., Gilg, H.A. (2016) Stable isotope composition of bentonites from the Swiss and Bavarian Freshwater molasse as a proxy for paleoprecipitation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 455, 53-64.
Schmetzer K, Bernhardt H.-J., Gilg H.A. (2016) Oriented inclusions in alexandrites and chrysoberyls. Journal of Gemology 25(1), 28-54.
Schmetzer K, Caucia F, Gilg H.A., Coldham T.S. (2016) Chrysoberyl from the basalt-related New England sapphire deposits, New South Wales, Australia. Gems & Gemology 52(1), 18-36.
Gilg H.A., Gast N. (2015) Determination of Ti concentrations in pyrope using Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy.
Griffiths L., Heap M.J., Wang F., Daval D., Gilg H.A., Baud P., Schmittbuhl J., Genter A. (2015) Geothermal implications for fracture-filling hydrothermal precipitation. European Geothermal Workshop 2015, 19-20 October, Strasbourg, 4p.
Will, P., Lüders, V., Wemmer, K., Gilg, H.A. (2015) Hydrothermal formation of an unusual sedimentary pyrophyllite deposit in the Lower Saxony Basin, Germany. Geofluids.doi: 10.1111/gfl 12154, 15 p.
Gilg H.A., Hall A.M., Fallick A.E., Friedrich F., Andersson U.B. (2015) Hydrothermal clays in Fe oxide deposits of Norrbotten County, northern Sweden. in Wagner J, Elger K [Eds.] GeoBerlin2015 - Dynamic Earth from Alfred Wegener to today and beyond - Abstracts. Annual Meeting of DGGV and DMG, 4-7 October 2015, Berlin: GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. p. 154.
Schmetzer, K., Steinbach, M.P., Gilg, H.A., Blake A.R. (2015) Dual-color double stars in corundum and quartz. 34th International Gemmological Congress, Vilnius, Lithuania. Aug. 29th 2015, p. 60-64.
Gilg, H.A. (2015) Zur Herkunft des Tonrohstoffes der Urmitzer Ware aus Weißenthurm am Rhein. – in: Grunwald L. (Hrsg.) Den Töpfern auf der Spur – Orte der Keramikherstellung im Licht der neuesten Forschung. 46. Internationales Symposium Keramikforschung. Tagung in Mayen, vom 16. bis 20. September 2013. RGZM – Tagungen 21 (Mainz 2015), pp. 49-62.
Wiesmeier, S., Heap, M.J., Branca, S., Gilg, H.A., Kueppers, U., Hess, K.-U., Lavallée, Y., Dingwell, D.B. (2015) Variability in composition and strength of the sedimentary basement of Mt Etna, Italy: Texture, Young’s modulus, Physical properties. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 302, 102-116.
Mayer K, Scheu B, Gilg HA, Heap MJ, Kennedy BM, Lavallée Y, Letham-Brake M, Dingwell DB (21015) Experimental constraints on phreatic eruption processes at Whakaari (White Island volcano). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 302, 150-162.
Schmetzer, K., Steinbach, M.P., Gilg, H.A., Blake A.R. (2015) Double stars in rubies, sapphires and quartzes. Gems & Gemmology 51/2, 112-143.
Köster, M.H., Gilg, H.A. (2015) Pedogenic, palustrine and groundwater dolomite formation in non-marine bentonites (Bavaria, Germany). Clay Minerals 50, 163-183.
Gilg, H.A., Gast, N., Hyrsl J. (2015) Chromium pyropes from Bohemia: characterization and identification in archaeological and historical jewellery. Proceedings of the 13th Biennial SGA Meeting, 24-27 August 2015, Nancy, France, Vol. 4, p. 1301-1304
Gilg H.A., Hall A.M., Fallick A.E., Friedrich F., Andersson U.B.(2015) Hydrothermal clays in Fe oxide deposits of Norrbotten County, northern Sweden. Euroclay 2015, Edinburgh UK (abstract).
Hall, A.M., Gilg, H.A., Fallick, A.E., Merritt, J. (2015) Warm kaolins in Scotland. Euroclay 2015, Edinburgh UK (abstract).
Köster M.H., Williams L.B., Kudejova P., Dohrmann R., Gilg H.A. (2015): Boron content and boron isotope composition of Na, Ca and Mg bentonites. Euroclay 2015, Edinburgh UK (abstract).
Will P., Friedrich F., Grathoff G., Hochleitner R., Gilg H.A. (2015) Fraipontite/sauconite – a new mixed-layer clay mineral from the oxidation zone of the Zn-Pb-deposit Preguiça, Southern Portugal. Euroclay 2015, Edinburgh UK (abstract).
Hall, A.M., Gilg, H.A., Fallick, A.E., Merritt, J. (2015) Kaolins in gravels and saprolites in north-east Scotland: Evidence from stable H and O isotopes for Palaeocene–Miocene deep weathering. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 424, 6-16.
Heap, M.J., Kennedy, B.M., Pernin, N., Jacquemard, L., Baud, P., Farquharson, J., Scheu, B., Lavallée, Y., Gilg, H.A., Letham-Brake, M., Mayer, K., Jolly, A., Reuschlé, T., Dingwell, D.B. (2015) Mechanical behaviour and failure modes within the White Island volcano hydrothermal system, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 295, 26-42
Gilg H.A., Piening H. (2014) Der Malkasten der Dammhafner – Materialtechnische Untersuchungen eines Farbenfundes aus der ehemaligen Töpferei Meyer. - in Dittmar V. (Hrsg.) Eine Welt im Kleinen. Krippen aus dem Egerland und Marktredwitz. Ausstellungskatalog Egerland Museum, Marktredwitz. pp 237-240.
Gilg, H.A., Hyrsl, J. (2014) Garnet Deposits in Europe. in Toussaint, J. (Ed.) Rouges et Noirs. Rubies, grenat, onyx, obsidienne et autres minéraux rouges et noirs dans l’art et l’archéologie. Monographies du Musée provincial des Arts du Namurois-Trésor d’Oignies (TreM.a), Société Archéologique de Namur, Namur, pp. 144-173.
Yilmaz, T.I., Prosser, G., Liotta, D., Kruhl, J.H., Gilg, H.A. (2014) Repeated hydrothermal quartz crystallization and cataclasis in the Bavarian Pfahl shear zone (Germany). Journal of Structural Geology. 68A, 158–174 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2014.09.004)
Gilg, H.A., Krüger, Y., Taubald, H., van den Kerkhof, A.M., Frenz, M., Morteani, G. (2014) Mineralisation of amethyst-bearing geodes in Ametista do Sul (Brazil) from low-temperature sedimentary brines: evidence from monophase liquid inclusions and stable isotopes. Mineralium Deposita 49, 861-877.
Schmetzer, K., Steinbach, M.P., Gilg, H.A., Blake A.R. (2014) Double stars in rubies, sapphires and quartzes. Abstract volume, 4th Int. Gem and Jewelry Conference, Dec. 8-9, Chiang Mai, Thailand.(extended abstract, 4 p.)
Köster, M., Hölzl, S., Gilg H.A. (2014) Geochemical study of dolomite and smectites from non-marine bentonites (Bavaria, Germany). 7th MECC, Dresden, Sept. 16-19th 2014, Programme & Abstractbook, p. 103. (abstract)
Köster, M., Stumpp, D., Gilg H.A. (2014) Water soluble ions in non-marine bentonites (Bavaria Germany). 7th MECC, Dresden, Sept. 16-19th 2014, Programme & Abstractbook, p. 103. (abstract)
Will, P., Friedrich F., Hochleitner R., Gilg H.A. (2014) Fraipontite in the hydrothermally overprinted oxidation zone of the Preguiça mine, Southern Portugal. 7th MECC, Dresden, Sept. 16-19th 2014, Programme & Abstractbook, p. 133. (abstract)
Gilg, H.A., Hall, A.M., Ebert, K., Fallick, A.E. (2013) Cool kaolins in Finland. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 392, 454 -462.
Gilg, H.A., Will, P. (2013) Beiträge zur Jahrestagung München 25.-26. Oktober 2013. Berichte der deutschen Ton- und Tonmineralgruppe e.V. Band 13, ISSN 1432-7007, 42 p.
Gilg, H.A. (2013) Ton- und Tonmineralforschung am Tagungsort München. Berichte der deutschen Ton- und Tonmineralgruppe e.V., Band 13. p. 13-16 (extended abstract).
Köster, M., Gilg H.A. (2013) Boron in smectite from calcium and sodium bentonite deposits. Program and Abstracts – 50th Annual Meeting of the Clay Mineral Society, October 6-10, 2013, University of Urbana at Urabana-Champaign, U.S.A., p. 76.
Gilg, H.A., Hall, A.M., Ebert, K., Fallick, A.E. (2013) Hot and cool kaolins of the Fennoscandian shield. Program and Abstracts - 50th Annual Meeting of the Clay Mineral Society, October 6-10, 2013, University of Urbana at Urabana-Champaign, U.S.A., p. 76.
Gilg, H.A. (2013) Zur Herkunft des Tonrohstoffes der Urmitzer Ware. 46. Internationales Symposium Keramikforschung, 16-20 September 2013, Mayen, p. 18-19 (abstract).
Gilg, H.A., Schwangler, M. (2013) Genesis of pencil clays in Germany. Mineral deposit research for a high-tech world. Proceedings of the 12th Biennial SGA Meeting, 12–15 August 2013, Uppsala, Sweden, ISBN 978-91-7403-207-9, 1770–1773.
Gast, N., Calligaro, T, Gilg, H.A., Macknapp, K., Schmahl, W.W., Stark, R. (2013) Die Funde: Farbige Einlagen. – in Gebhard, R. (Hrsg.) Haas-Gebhard, B. Unterhaching. Eine Grabgruppe der Zeit um 500 n. Chr. bei München. Abhandlungen und Bestandskataloge der Archäologischen Staatssammlung München (ISBN 978-3-927806-38-2), Band 1, pp. 50-74.
Mayer, K., Scheu, B., Lavallée, Y., Kennedy, B., Gilg, H. A., Heap, Letham-Brake, M., Montanaro, C., Jacquemard, L., Pernin, N., Dingwell, D.B. (2013) Experimental approach to constrain phreatic eruption processes on White Island, New Zealand. IAVCEI 2013, July 20 - 24, Kagoshima, Japan, p. 229 (abstract).
Morteani, G. Kostitsyn, Y.A., Gilg, H.A., Preinfalk, C., Razakamanana (2013) Geochemistry of phlogopite, diopside, calcite, anhydrite and apatite pegmatites and syenites of southern Madagascar: evidence for crustal silicocarbonatite (CSC) melt formation in a Panafrican collisional tectonic setting. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol Rundsch) 102, 627-645
Baioumy, H.M, Gilg, H.A., Taubald, H. (2012) Mineralogy and geochemistry of the sedimentary kaolin deposits from Sinai, Egypt: Implications for the control by source rocks. Clays and Clay Minerals 60, 633-654.
Mayer, K., Scheu, B., Lavallée, Y., Kennedy, B., Gilg, H. A., Heap, M., Baud, P., Letham, M., Montanaro, C., Jacquemard, L., Pernin, N., Reuschlé, T., Dingwell, D.B. (2012) Constraining edifice stability and phreatic eruptions at White Island, New Zealand. 7th Cities on Volcanoes, Colima, Mexico (abstract).
Gilg, H.A., Liebetrau, S., Staebler, G., Wilson, T. (2012) Amethyst – uncommon vintage. Lithographie Ltd., Denver Co. 124 p.
Gilg, H.A. (2012) In the Beginnings: The Origins of Amethyst. – in: Gilg, H.A., Liebetrau, S., Staebler, G., Wilson, T. (Eds.) Amethyst – uncommon vintage. Lithographie Ltd., Denver Co. p. 10-13.
Gilg, H.A. (2012) Ancient Gems: Egyptian Amethyst. – in: Gilg, H.A., Liebetrau, S., Staebler, G., Wilson, T. (Eds.) Amethyst – uncommon vintage. Lithographie Ltd., Denver Co. p. 22-25.
Köster, M., Gilg H.A. (2012) Authigenic dolomite in Bavarian bentonites. 6th MECC, Prague, Sept. 5-9th 2012, 1p. (abstract)
Will, P., Lüders, V, Wemmer, K., Gilg, H.A. (2012) The Ueffeln pyrophyllite deposit, western Lower Saxony Basin, Germany. 6th MECC, Prague, Sept. 5-9th 2012, 1p. (abstract)
Schwangler, M., Gilg, H.A. (2012) Natural pencil clays deposits in Germany. 6th MECC, Prague, Sept. 5-9th 2012, 1p. (abstract)
Thüns, N., Gilg, H.A. (2012) Bentonites in the Neuwied basin and the adjacent Westerwald. 6th MECC, Prague, Sept. 5-9th 2012, 1p. (abstract)
Gilg, H.A., Gast, N. (2012) Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen an Granatgemmen der Sammlung James Loeb. In: F. Knauß [Hrsg.] Die Gemmen der Sammlung James Loeb, Forschungen der Staatlichen Antikensammlung und Glyptothek, Supplement zu Band 1. Kunstverlag J. Fink, Lindenberg im Allgäu, S. 48-57 & 62-63.
Gast, N., Gilg, H.A., Weiß, C. Gebhard, R., Schmahl, W., Stark, R. (2011) Exploring the roots of garnet jewellery: Raman spectroscopic and microscopic analysis of Hellenistic engraved gems. Book of Abstracts RAA2011, 6th International Conference on the application of Raman spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology, 5-8 Sept. 2011, Parma, Italy. 2 p.
Hagemann, S.E. & Gilg, H.A. (2011) Oxygen and hydrogen isotope study of the Archean granulite-hosted Griffin’s Find gold deposit, Western Australia. In: Reich, M. Barra, F., Tornos, F. (Eds.): Let’s Talk Ore Deposits. Proceedings of 11th Biennial SGA Meeting, 11-13 Aug. 2011, Antofagasta, Chile, 3p. (extended abstract)
Melchiorre E.B. & Gilg, H.A. (2011) Oxygen stable isotope fractionation behavior of cerussite and hydrocerussite: New results and reconciliation of the recent literature. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 3191–3195.
Gilg, H.A. (2011) Topazion, topazoV, topazius: A story of facts and fiction. - in: Cliffort, J., Falster, A.U., Hanson, S., Liebetrau, S., Neumeier, G., & Staebler, G. [Eds.] Topaz – perfect cleavage. Lithographie, LLC, Denver, pp. 10-13.
Gilg, H.A. (2011) Experiments in topaz: diversions of the genius of David Brewster. - in: Cliffort, J., Falster, A.U. Hanson, S., Liebetrau, S., Neumeier, G., & Staebler, G. [Eds.] Topaz – perfect cleavage. Lithographie, LLC, Denver, pp. 86-87.
Gilg, H.A. (2011) The inside story on topaz. - in: Cliffort, J., Falster, A.U. Hanson, S., Liebetrau, S., Neumeier, G., & Staebler, G. [Eds.] Topaz – perfect cleavage. Lithographie, LLC, Denver, pp. 88-93.
Baioumy, H. & Gilg, H.A. (2011) Pisolitic flint kaolin from Kalabsha, Egypt: A laterite-derived facies. Sedimentary Geology 236, 141-152.
Morteani, G., Kostitsyn, Y., Preinfalk, C., & Gilg H.A. (2010) The genesis of the amethyst geodes at Artigas (Uruguay) and the paleohydrology of the Guaraní aquifer: structural, geochemical, oxygen, carbon, strontium isotope and fluid inclusion study. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol. Rundschau) 99, 927-947. doi 10.1007/s00531-009-0439-z
Gilg, H.A., Gast, N., & Calligaro, T. (2010) Vom Karfunkelstein. – in: Wamser, L. (Ed.) Karfunkelstein und Seide. Ausstellungskataloge der Archäologischen Staatssammlung (München), Band 37, S. 87-100.
Boni, M., Balassone, G., Mondillo, N., & Gilg, H.A. (2010) Nonsulphide zinc ores in the Irish Midlands and Britain: Palaeoclimate information from stable isotopes of carbonates. In: IAEG Zinc 2010 Conference, Cork, Ireland, 17.-19.Spet 2010, Extended Abstracts Volume, pp. 37-40.
Gilg, H.A., Riehl, M., Hattori, K., Takahashi, Y, & Vennemann, T. (2010) Cr-rich alunite nodules in acid sulfate alteration zones overlying bentonites at Milos, Greece: evidence for Cr transport by acidic fluids. Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series, Vol. 6, Szeget, IMA 2010, Budapest, Hungary. p. 503.
Gilg, H.A., Blänsdorf C., Höfle E., & Thiemann, L. (2009) Mineralogical investigation on loam plaster fragments of the destroyed Buddha statues at Bamiyan, Afghanistan. – in: Petzet M. [Ed.] The Giant Buddhas of Bamiyan - Safeguarding the Remains. ICOMOS, Berlin, Monuments and Sites Vol. 19, S. 219-225.
Ahn, H., Kyle, J.R., Gilg, H.A., & Kolvoord, R. (2009) Nature and origin of the Sierra Mojada non-sulfide Zn deposits, Coahuila, Mexico. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Oct. 18-21,2009, Portland, Oregon. Abstracts with Programs Vol. 41, No. 7. No. 163218.
Ahn, H., Kyle, J.R., Gilg, H.A., & Kolvoord, R. (2009) Preliminary investigation on the nature and origin of the Sierra Mojada non-sulfide deposits, Coahuila, Mexico. Abstracts, 2009 Joint Assembly AGU-GAC-MAC-GGU-IAH, Toronto, Ontario, May 24-27.
Krüger, Y., Gilg, H.A., Frenz, M., Taubald, H. (2009) Microthermometry of monophase liquid inclusions and stable isotopes: new insights on the genesis of amethyst geodes from Ametista do Sul (Brazil). Abstracts, XX ECROFI Meeting, Granada, Spain, September 25-30th, 2009.
Gilg, H.A., Rocholl, A. (2009) The bentonite puzzle: a stable isotope and geochemical perspective. Abstracts, 46th Annual Meeting of the Clay Minerals Society, Billings, Montana, June 5-11, 2009.
Baioumy, H., Gilg, H. A., Hegner, E., Hölzl, S., Taubald, H., & Warr, L.N. (2009) Source and origin of sedimentary kaolin deposits in Egypt. Abstracts, 46th Annual Meeting of the Clay Minerals Society, Billings, Montana, June 5-11, 2009.
Baioumy, H., Gilg, H. A., Hegner, E., Hölzl, S., & Taubald, H. (2009) Mineralogical, geochemical and Sr-Pb-Nd isotope studies of sedimentary kaolin deposits in Egypt: implications for their sources and origins. Abstracts, 14th International Clay Conference, Castellaneta Marina, Italy, June 14-20, 2009.
Grundmann, G., Modl, D., Bojar, H.-P., & Gilg, H.A. (2009) Die Arsenikhütte Zuckenhut/Straßßegg (Steiermark, Österreich) Archäologischer Erstnachweis der Produktion künstlicher Arsensulfid-Pigmente. – in: Hauptmann, A., Stege H. [Eds.] Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 2009, Metalla (Bochum), Sonderheft 2, S. 240-242. (Extended Abstract).
Gilg, H.A. (2009) Lee A. Groat (ed), Geology of gem deposits. Mineralium Deposita 44, 241-242. doi 10.1007/s00126-008-0224-0 (book review)
Coppola, V., Boni, M., Gilg, H.A. & Strzelska-Smakowska, B. (2009) Nonsulfide zinc deposits in the Silesia-Cracow district, Southern Poland. Mineralium Deposita 44, 559-580. doi 10.1007/s00126-008-0220-4.
Lüders, V., Romer, R.L., Gilg, H.A., Bodnar, R.J., Pettke, T. & Misantoni D. (2009) A geochemical study of the Sweet Home Mine, Colorado Mineral belt, USA: hydrothermal fluid evolution above a hypothesized granite cupola. Mineralium Deposita 44, 415-434. doi 10.1007/s0126-008-0221-3
Gilg, H.A., Boni, M., Cook, N.J. (2008) A special issue devoted to nonsulfide Zn-Pb deposits. Ore Geology Reviews 33, 115-116. doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2007.02.007
Gilg, H.A., Boni, M., Hochleitner, R., & Struck, U. (2008) Stable isotope geochemistry of carbonate minerals in supergene oxidation zones of Pb-Zn deposits. Ore Geology Reviews 33, 117-133. doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2007.02.005
Coppola, V., Boni, M., Gilg, H.A. Balassone, G., Boni, M., & Dejonghe L. (2008) The “calamine“ nonsulfide Zn-Pb deposits of Belgium: petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical characterization. Ore Geology Reviews 33, 187-210. doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2006.03.005
Gilg, H.A., Kile, D., Liebetrau, S., Modreski, P., Neumeier, G., & Staebler, G. [Editors] (2008) Garnet - Great Balls of Fire. Lithographie LLC, Connecticut, USA. 98 p.
Gilg, H.A. (2008) Anthrax, carbunculus, and granatus: garnet in ancient and medieval times. - in: Gilg, H.A., Kile, D., Liebetrau, S., Modreski, P., Neumeier, G., & Staebler, G. [Editors] Garnet - Great Balls of Fire. Lithographie LLC, Connecticut, USA, pp. 12-18.
Zang, J. & Gilg, H.A. (2008) Classic garnets: Pyrope. - in: Gilg, H.A., Kile, D., Liebetrau, S., Modreski, P., Neumeier, G., & Staebler, G. [Editors] Garnet - Great Balls of Fire. Lithographie LLC, Connecticut, USA, pp. 52-54.
Gilg, H.A. (2008) Industrial garnet. - in: Gilg, H.A., Kile, D., Liebetrau, S., Modreski, P., Neumeier, G., & Staebler, G. [Editors] Garnet - Great Balls of Fire. Lithographie LLC, Connecticut, USA, pp. 77-79.
Boni, M., Gilg, H.A., Balassone, G., Schneider, J., Allen, C., and Moore, F. (2007) Hypogene Zn carbonate ores in the Angouran deposit, NW Iran. Mineralium Deposita 42, 799-820. doi 10.1007/s00126-007-0144-4
Gilg, H.A., Taubald, H., & Struck, U. (2007) Phosphoric acid fractionation factors for aragonite between 25 and 72°C with implications on aragonite-calcite oxygen isotope fractionation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, Suppl.1, A323 (abstract)
Gilg, H.A., Krüger, Y., Stoller, P., Frenz, M., & Boni, M. (2007) Geothermometry of oxidized Zn-Pb ores: oxygen isotope systematics and a new femtosecond laser technique on monophase fluid inclusions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, Suppl.1, A324 (abstract)
Gilg, H.A., Krüger, Y., Stoller, P., Frenz, M., Boni, M., & Ziemann, M. (2007) Temperatures in sulfide oxidation zones: microthermometry of monophase aqueous fluid inclusions and stable isotope systematics. European Current Research on Fluid Inclusions (ECROFI-XIX), University of Bern, Switzerland, 17-20 July 2007, Abstract Volume, p. 130. (abstract)
Lüders, V., Romer, R.L., Gilg, H.A., Bodnar, R.J., & Pettke, T. (2006) Fluid origin and evolution at the Sweet Home Mine (Alma, Colorado) - a poor cousin of the giant Climax molybdenum deposit. European Current Research on Fluid Inclusions (ECROFI-XIX), University of Bern, Switzerland, 17-20 July 2007, Abstract Volume, p. 36. (abstract)
Coppola, V., Boni, M., Gilg, H.A. & Strzelska-Smakowska B. (2007) Nonsulphide zinc deposits in Upper Silesia, Southern Poland. Mineral Exploration and Research: Digging Deeper. Proceedings of the 9th Biennal SGA Meeting, 20-23 Aug. 2007, Dublin, Ireland. p. 1401-1404.
Boni, M., Balassonne, G., Gilg, H.A., & Stanley, G. (2007) Nonsulphide Zn-Pb mineralisation in the Irish Midlands (Tynagh, Silvermines and Galmoy), Mineral Exploration and Research: Digging Deeper. Proceedings of the 9th Biennal SGA Meeting, 20-23 Aug. 2007, Dublin, Ireland.1377-1380.
Boni, M., Dejonghe, L., Balassonne, G., Coppola, V., Gilg, H.A. (2007) State of the art on the “Calamine”-type zinc deposits of Belgium. Geologica Belgica, Vol. 10, p. 141-144.
Coppola, V., Boni, M., Gilg H.A. & Strzelska-Smakowska B. (2007) Preliminary remarks on the nonsulphide Zinc deposits in the Upper Silesia, South Western Poland. MDSG 2007 Annual Meeting, Bristol, January 4-6, 2007, (abstract)
Gilg, H. A., Schneider, J. & Frei, R.E. (2006) Pb and Sr isotope evidence for the origin of the Hirschau-Schnaittenbach kaolin deposit, Germany. Berichte der deutschen Ton- und Tonmineralgruppe e.V. Band 12. Beiträge zur Jahrestagung Valkenburg an der Geul, Netherlands, 4.-5. Oktober 2005 (H. Stanjek, ed.) (abstract)
Gilg, H.A. (2006) Geochemistry and genesis of bentonites: a view from Bavaria to Milos. Abstracts of NECAM 2006, Milos, Greece, (abstract).
Skarpelis, N. & Gilg, H.A. (2006) Miocene extensional fault-controlled mineralization in the central Aegean (Mykonos, Cyclades): deposition from a two-stage system? Abstracts of NECAM 2006, Milos, Greece, September 11-13, 2006 (abstract).
Gilg, H.A. (2006) Sweet, soft myrrhine. Extra-Lapis English, Vol. 9, p. 2
Gilg, H.A. (2006) Fluid inclusions in fluorite: brines, gases, oils, and more Extra-Lapis English, Vol. 9, p. 114-116.
Lüders, V., Romer, R.L., Pettke, T. & Gilg, H.A. (2006) Fluid origin and evolution at the Sweet Home Mine, Alma, Colorado. 16th V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Melbourne, Australia, August 27 – September 1, 2006, (abstract).
Gilg, H.A., Boni, M., Balassone, G., Allen, C., and Moore, F. (2006) Marble-hosted sulfide ores in the Angouran Zn-(Pb–Ag) deposit, NW Iran: interaction of sedimentary brines with a metamorphic core complex. Mineralium Deposita, Vol. 41, p. 1-16.
Coppola, V., Boni, M., Gilg, H.A. Balassone, G., Boni, M., & Dejonghe L. (2006) Characterization of the Zn nonsulphide deposits (“Calamine“) of Belgium. MDSG 2006 Annual Meeting, London, January 4-6, 2006, (abstract)
Boni, M., Balassone, G., Rossi, M., Stanley, G., McDermott, P., & Gilg, H.A. (2006) Preliminary characterization of nonsulphide Zn-Pb ores at Silvermines and Galmoy (Irish Midlands). MDSG 2006 Annual Meeting, London, January 4-6, 2006, (abstract).
Gilg H.A. (2005) Eine geochemische Studie an Bentoniten und vulkanischen Gläsern des nordalpinen Molassebeckens (Deutschland, Schweiz). Berichte der deutschen Ton- und Tonmineralgruppe e.V. Band 11. Beiträge zur Jahrestagung Celle 10.-12. Oktober 2005 (R. Dohrmann, ed.) 4 p. (extended abstract)
Gilg H.A. (2005) Stable isotope geochemistry of nonsulfide Zn-Pb deposits. ESF Exploratory Workshop on Non Sulfide Zn-Pb Deposits (abstract).
Gilg, H.A., Boni, M., Balassone, G., Allen, C., and Moore, F. (2005) Genesis of the Angouran Zn-Pb deposit, NW Iran. ESF Exploratory Workshop on Non Sulfide Zn-Pb Deposits (abstract).
Coppola, V., Balassone, G., Boni, M., Dejonghe L. & Gilg, H.A. (2005) The “Calamine” Deposits of Eastern Belgium. ESF Exploratory Workshop on Non Sulfide Zn-Pb Deposits (abstract).
Gilg, H.A. & Hünken U. (2005) Contrasting styles of amethyst mineralization in the Cretaceous Paraná-Etendeka Continental Flood Basalt Province (Brazil, Uruguay and Namibia). Proc. ECROFI XVIII Siena (abstract).
Lüders, V., Romer, R.L., Pettke, T. & Gilg, H.A. (2005) Fluid evolution at the Sweet Home Mine, Park County, Colorado. Proc. ECROFI XVIII Siena (abstract).
Canet, C., Prol-Ledesma, R.M., Torres-Alvarado I., Gilg, H.A., Villanueva, R.E. & Lozano-Santa Cruz, R. (2005) Silica-carbonate stromatolites related to coastal hydrothermal venting in Bahía Concepción, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Sedimentary Geology, Vol. 174, p. 97-113.
Gilg, H.A., Girard, J.-P. and Sheppard, S.M.F. (2004) Conventional and less conventional techniques for hydrogen and oxygen isotope analysis of clays, associated minerals and pore waters in sediments and soils. - in: Handbook of stable isotope analytical techniques, Vol. 1, P.A. de Groot (Editor), Elsevier, Amsterdam. p. 38-61.
Gilg, H.A. and Boni, M. (2004) Stable isotope studies on Zn and Pb carbonates: Could they play a role in mineral exploration? -in: Applied Mineralogy, Developments in Science and Technology, Vol. 2, M. Pecchio, F.R.D. Andrade, L.Z D'Agostino, H. Kahn, L.M. Sant'Agostino, M.M.M.L. Tassinari (Editors), ICAM-BR, São Paulo, 781-784. (extended abstract)
Morteani, G., Kostitsyn, Y., Preinfalk, C., Gilg, H.A. and Disperati L. (2004) Genesis of the amethyst geodes in the Cretaceous Serra Geral/Arapey basalts of Brazil and Uruguay. - in: Metallogeny of the Pacific Northwest: Tectonics, Magmatism and Metallogeny of Active Continental Margins (Proceedings of the Interim IAGOD Conference), A.I. Khanchuk, G.A. Gonevchuk, A.N. Mitrokhin, l.F. Simanenko, N.J. Cook and R. Seltmann (Editors), Dalnauka, Vladivostok, 359-361. (extended abstract)
Gilg, H.A. and Boni, M. (2004) Stable isotope compositions of Zn- and Pb-carbonates: their role in exploration of non-sulfide ores. - in: SEG 2004 Predictive Mineral Discovery Under Cover, (Perth WA, September, 27th - October, 1st), J. Muhling, R. Goldfarb, N. Vielreicher, F. Bierlein, E. Stumpfl, D. I. Groves and S. Kenworthy (Editors.) compiled by C. Knox-Robinson, Centre for Global Metallogeny, The University of Western Australia, Publication No. 33, 362-365. (extended abstract).
Boni, M., Dejonghe L., Balassone, G., Coppola, V. and Gilg, H.A. (2004) The Mesozoic weathering in Belgium and the “calamine”-type ore deposits. 32nd International Geological Congress, Scientific Sessions, Abstracts (Part 2), August 20-28, Florence, Italy, p. 1439 (abstract).
Gilg, H.A. and Boni, M. (2004) Role of stable isotope studies on Zn and Pb carbonates in mineral exploration of large non-sulfide deposits. 32nd International Geological Congress, Scientific Sessions, Abstracts (Part 2), August 20-28, Florence, Italy, p. 1105 (abstract).
Gilg, H.A., Boni, M., Balassone, G., Allen, C., and Moore, F. (2004) Genesis of the Angouran Zn-Pb deposit, NW Iran. MDSG 2004 Annual Meeting, University of Leeds, 6th-7th January (abstract).
Gilg, H.A., Weber, B., Kasbohm, J. and Frei, R. (2003) Isotope geochemistry and origin of illite-smectite and kaolinite from the Seilitz and Kemmlitz kaolin deposits, Saxony, Germany. Clay Minerals, Vol. 38, p. 95-112.
Gilg, H.A. (2003) Isotopic tools of dating paleoweathering in Europe. Géologie de France. 2003 No.1, p 49-51.
Gilg, H.A., Struck, U., Vennemann, T., and Boni, M. (2003) Phosphoric acid fractionation factors for smithsonite and cerussite between 25 and 72°C. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol 67, p. 4049-4055.
Boni, M., Gilg, H.A., Aversa, G., and Balassone, G. (2003) The "calamine" of SW Sardinia: Geology, mineralogy and stable isotope geochemistry of supergene Zn mineralization. Economic Geology. Vol. 98, 731-748.
Gilg, H.A., Allen, C., Balassone, G., Boni, M., and Moore, F. (2003) The 3-stage evolution of the Angouran Zn "oxide"-sulfide deposit, Iran. In: Eliopoulos et al. (Eds.): Mineral Exploration and Sustainable Development. Proceedings of 7th Biennial SGA Meeting, 11-13 Aug. 2003, Athens, Greece, Millpress: Rotterdam, p. 77-80. (extended abstract)
Gilg, H.A., Morteani, G., H. Kostitsyn, Y., Preinfalk, C., Gatter, I. and Strieder, A.J. (2003) Genesis of amethyst geodes in basaltic rocks of the Serra Geral Formation (Ametista do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil): a fluid inclusion, REE, oxygen, carbon, and Sr isotope study on basalt, quartz, and calcite. Mineralium Deposita, Vol. 38, p. 1009-1025.
Boni, M., Aversa, G., Balassone, G. and Gilg, H.A. (2003) The Zn-Pb ore deposits in SW Sardinia (Italy): from sulfides to "calamine". In: C. Andrew, J. Ashton, M. Boland, M. Cruise, G. Earls, L. Fusciardi, J. Kelly and G. Stanley (Eds.). Europe's Major Base Metal Deposits, Irish Association of Economic Geologists, p. 283-291.
Gilg, H.A., Kasbohm, J., Plötze, M. and Fallick A.E. (2003) Mineralogy and geochemistry of clay-sized fractions of sediments from the Oligocene maar near Baruth (Saxony, Germany). Zeitschrift für Geologische Wissenschaften (Berlin), Vol. 31: 331-342.
Gilg, H.A., Hochleitner R., Keller P., and Struck U. (2003) A fluid inclusion and stable isotope study of secondary oxidation minerals from the Tsumeb Cu-Pb-Zn deposit, Namibia. Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica. Abstract Series. Vol. 2. Szeged. (Proceedings of ECROFI XI, Budapest, Hungary., June 5-7, 2003). p. 78-79 (abstract).
Gilg, H.A. (2003) Ein Beitrag zur Isotopengeochemie von Tonmineralen und Tonen. Habilitationschrift. Fakultät Chemie, Technische Universität München.
Schulz, B., Triboulet, C., Audren C., Pfeifer H.-R. and Gilg, H.A. (2001): Two-stage prograde and retrograde Variscan metamorphism of glaucophane-eclogites, blueschists and greenschists from Ile de Groix (Brittany, France). International Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 90, p. 871-889.
Gilg, H.A., Lima, A., Somma, R., Belkin, H.E., De Vivo, B. and Ayuso, R.A. (2001): Isotope geochemistry and fluid inclusion study of skarns from Vesuvius. Mineralogy and Petrology. Vol. 37, p. 144-176.
Gilg, H.A. (2000): D-H evidence for the timing of kaolinization in Northeast Bavaria, Germany. Chemical Geology, Vol. 170, p. 5-18.
Gilg, H.A. and Hecht L. (2000): Ein Überblick zu den wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Giulio Morteani. Münchner Geologische Hefte, Vol. A28, p.4-22.
Hecht, L., Freiberger, R., Gilg, H.A., Grundmann, G. and Kostitsyn, Y. (1999): Rare earth element and isotope (C, O, Sr) characteristics of hydrothermal carbonates: Genetic implications for dolomite-hosted talc mineralization at Göpfersgrün (Fichtelgebirge, Germany). Chemical Geology, Vol. 155 (1-2), p. 115-130.
Andrade, F.R.D., Möller, P., Lüders, V., Dulski, P. and Gilg, H.A. (1999): Hydrothermal REE mineralization in the Barra do Itapirapuã carbonatite, southern Brazil: behaviour of selected trace elements and stable isotopes (C, O, S). Chemical Geology, Vol. 155 (1-2), p. 91-113.
Gilg, H.A., Hülmeyer, S. Miller, H., and Sheppard, S.M.F. (1999): Supergene origin of the Lastarria kaolin deposit, South-Central Chile, and paleoclimatic implications. Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol. 47 (2), p. 201-211.
Yao, Y., Trumbull, R.B., Gilg, H.A. and Morteani, G. (1999): Ore genesis of the Mesozoic Niuxinshan gold deposit, Eastern Hebei province, Northeast China. Economic Geology Research Unit, Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg, Information Circular No. 331, 41p.
Köster, H.M., Ehrlicher, U., Gilg, H.A., Jordan, R., Murad, E. and Onnich, K. (1999): Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of five nontronites and iron-rich smectites. Clay Minerals, Vol. 34. p. 579-599.
Rao, B.K., Sethumadhav, M.S., Prasad, M.H., Mahabaleshwar, T.D., Rao, A.V. and Gilg H.A. (1999) Features and genesis of vein-type magnesite deposit in the Doddakanya area of Karnataka, India. Journal of the Geological Society of India Vol. 54 (5), p. 449-465.
Gilg, H.A. and Sheppard, S.M.F. (1999) Stability of H and O isotope ratios in natural hydrated silicic glasses: estimation of diffusion coefficient for water at ambient temperatures. Journal of Conference Abstracts Vol. 4, No. 1 (Proceedings of EUG 10, Strasbourg, France, March, 28th – April 1st), p. 531, (abstract).
Gilg, H.A., Hülmeyer, S., Miller, H., and Sheppard, S.M.F. (1998) Origen supergénico del yacimiento de caolín de Lastarria, Sur de Chile e implicaciones paleoclimáticas. – In: Actas X Congreso Latinoamericano de Geología y VI Congreso Nacional de Geología Económica, vol. III, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nov. 8-13, 1998. Eds.: G. I.Vujovich et al., Buenos Aires: Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino, p. 57-61 (extended abstract).
Gilg, H.A., Haus, R. and Frei, R. (1997) A new illite deposit near le-Puy-en-Velay (France) - Genesis and usage for waste encapsulation. In: H. Papunen (Ed.) Mineral Deposits: Research and exploration - where do they meet ? Proceedings of 4th Biennial SGA Meeting, 11-13 Aug. 1997, Turku, Finland, Balkema: Rotterdam, p. 717-720. (extended abstract)
Gilg, H.A. and Frei, R. (1997): Isotope dating of residual kaolin deposits in Europe (Tirschenreuth, Germany and St. Yrieix, France). In: Energy and mineral resources for the 21th century, geology of mineral deposits, mineral economics. P. Rongfu (Ed.). Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Beijing, Vol. 9, VSP International Science Publisher, Zeist, Netherlands, p. 123-132.
Gilg, H.A., Sheppard S.M.F. and Ulbig A. (1997) H- und O-Isotopie von Tonen und Gläsern: Hinweise zur Paläogeographie und -klima des Molassebeckens und seines Rahmens. Kurzfassung der Vorträge, Treffen der Molasse-Geologen, 12.-13. Dez.1997, p.4b (abstract).
Gilg, H.A. and Sheppard, S.M.F. (1996): Hydrogen isotope fractionation between kaolinite and water revisited. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, Vol. 60, p. 529-533.
Sheppard, S.M.F. and Gilg, H.A. (1996): Stable isotope geochemistry of clay minerals. Clay Minerals, Vol. 31, p. 1-24.
Franz, G., Gilg, H.A., Grundmann, G., and Morteani, G. (1996): Metasomatism at a granitic-pegmatite - dunite contact in Galicia: the Franqueira occurrence of chrysoberyl (alexandrite), emerald, and phenakite: a discussion. The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 34, p. 1329-1331.
Gilg, H.A. (1996): Fluid inclusion and isotope constraints on the genesis of high-temperature carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn-Ag deposits. In: Carbonate-hosted lead zinc deposits. D. Sangster (Editor) SEG Special Publication No.4, p. 501-514.
Gilg, H.A. (1995): Source of fluids and metals in high-temperature carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn-Ag deposits. In: D.L. Leach and M. Goldhaber (editors) Extended Abstracts: International Field Conference on Carbonate-Hosted Lead-Zinc Deposits, St. Louis, Missouri, p. 104-107 (extended abstract).
Gilg, H.A. and Sheppard, S.M.F. (1995): Hydrogen isotope fractionation between smectites and water. Terra abstracts, abstract supplement No. 1 to Terra Nova, Vol. 7, p. 329 (abstract).
Gilg, H.A. and Frei, R. (1994): Chronology of magmatism and mineralization in the Kassandra mining area (Greece): The potentials and limitations of dating hydrothermal illites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, Vol. 58, p. 2107-2122.
Gilg, H.A. (1993): The role and origin of CO2 in porphyry copper systems. Terra abstracts, abstract supplement No. 1 to Terra Nova, Vol. 5, p. 457-458 (abstract).
Gilg, H.A. (1993): The high-temperature carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn-Ag-Au replacement deposits of the Kassandra mining area, Greece. Archiwum Mineralogizne T. XLIX, p. 261-262 (abstract).
Gilg, H.A. (1993): Geochronology (K-Ar), fluid inclusion, and stable isotope (C,H,O) studies of skarn, porphyry copper, and carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn-(Ag,Au) replacement deposits in the Kassandra mining district (Eastern Chalkidiki, Greece). Doctoral dissertation, ETH Zurich.
Gilg, H.A., Frei, R., Kalogeropoulos, S.I., and Nicolaou, M. (1992): Metamorphism and polygenesis of the Madem Lakkos polymetallic sulfide deposit, Chalkidiki, Greece- a discussion: Economic Geology 87, p. 1184-1187.
Gilg, H.A. (1991): Are K-Ar age determinations of illites from hydrothermal ore deposits reliable? - Theoretical aspects and a case study from N. Greece.- In Pagel, M. and Leroy, J.L. (eds.) Source, transport and deposition of metals, Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 391-394. (extended abstract)
Gilg, H.A. (1991): The hydrothermal evolution of the carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn-Ag-Au replacement deposits of the Kassandra mines, Eastern Chalkidiki, Greece, and their genetic relationships to the adjacent porphyry copper style and skarn mineralizations. Plinius Vol. 5, p. 88 (abstract).
Gilg, H.A. Höll, R., Kupferschmied, M.P., Reitz, E., Stärk, H. and Weber-Diefenbach, K. (1988): Die Basisschieferfolge in der Habachformation im Felber- und Amertal (Tauernfenster, Salzburg) - Gesteinsinhalt, Geochemie, Fossilführung und genetische Implikationen. Mitt. österr. geol. Gesellschaft 81, p. 65-91.