Bohnsack, D., Potten, M., Pfrang, D., Wolpert, P. & Zosseder, K. (2020): Porosity–permeability relationship derived from Upper Jurassic carbonate rock cores to assess the regional
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Breuninger, T., Garcia-Londoño, C., Gamperl, M., Thuro, K. (2020): Initial Experiences of Community Involvement ina n Ealry Warning System in Informal Settlements in Medellín, Colombia - Proceedings of the 5th World Landslide Forum, Kyoto, Japan, 2021, 6 p.
Breuninger, T., Gamperl, M., Menschik, B., Thuro, K. (2020): First Field Findings and their Geological Interpretations at the Study Site Bello Oriente, Medellín, Colombia (Project Inform@Risk) - Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium of Landslides, Cartagena, Colombia, 2021, 7 p.
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Knapp, S., Anselmetti, F., Lempe, B. & Krautblatter, M. (2020): Impact of 0.2 km³ Rock-Slope Failure from Zugspitze on Paleolake Eibsee: Reconstruction of Displaced Lake and Impact Interaction (Northern Calcareous Alps, D) – Part II. - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
Keilig, K.P., Bauer, M., Neumann, P. & Thuro, K. (2020): Towards an early warning system for instable slopes in Georgia: The large Tskneti-Akhaldaba-landslide. - Proceedings of the 5th World Landslide Forum, Kyoto, Japan, 2021, 6 p.
Latal, Ch., Bach, H. & Thuro, K. (2020): Application of test methods for tool wear in quality control of railway ballast. - Geomechanics & Tunnelling 13: 327-337. https://doi.org/10.1002/geot.201800008
Lehrberger, G., Sonnenwald, M., Meier, S. & Snethlage, R. (2020): "Bayreuther Marmore". Verwendung polierfähiger bunter Kalksteine und Marmore aus Oberfranken im Barock. - Schönere Heimat, 109. Jg, 2: 84-96, München.
Lehrberger, G. (2020): Mensch und Stein – Zivilisation und Geologie. Eine steinreiche Geschichte aus der Sicht der Geowissenschaften. - Festvortrag bei der Absolventenfeier des Münchner Geozentrums der TUM und LMU, 31.1.2020, München.
Lehrberger, G. (2020): Workshop "Steine in der Stadt". - Tagung des Dt. Bundesverbandes der Gästeführer, 29.2.2020, Straubing.
Mayr, C., Stojakowits, P., Lempe, B., Blaauw, M., Diersche, V., Grohganz, M., López Correa, M., Ohlendorf, C., Reimer, P., Zolitschka, B. (2020): Geochemistry, grain size and radiocarbon ages of MIS 3 sediment record from Nesseltalgraben, Germany. - PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.914109
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Mayr, C., Stojakowits, P., Lücke, A., Wissel, H., Hedenäs, L., Lempe, B., Friedmann, A. & Diersche, V. (2020): Impacts of climatic extremes during MIS 3 on Alpine vegetation: evidence from Nesseltalgraben (SE Germany). - EGU2020-5500, EGU General Assembly 2020.
Moeck, I., Straubinger, R., Thuro, K., Stockinger, G., Dussel, M. (2020): The deep well GEN-1ST-A1 (Geretsried, Bavaria) – Unlocking a geothermal reservoir. OilGas, 46/1, 1-3, doi 10.10225/200311
Pfrang, D., Dirner, S., Dorsch, K., Bohnsack, D., Beichel, K., Feindt, O., Heine, F., Hörbrand, T., Lentsch, D., Meinecke, M., Nold, K., Potten, M., Savvatis, A., Schölderle, F., Winter, T. & Zosseder, K. (2020): GEOmaRe - Ganzheitlich optimierte und nachhaltige Reservoirverschließung für tiefengeothermische Anlagen im bayerischen Molassebecken. Geothermische Energie 97, 20-21.
Potten, M., Bohnsack, D., Drews, M., Käsling, H. & Thuro, K. (2020): Update zur geomechanischen Charakterisierung der bayerischen Reservoirgesteine. – In: Tagungsband – Der Digital Geothermiekongress DGK 2020, 09.-13. November 2020.
Potten, M. (2020): Geomechanical characterization of sedimentary and crystalline geothermal reservoirs. – 232 p., Dissertation, München (Technische Universität München).
Sellin, P., Svensson, D., Leupin, O.X., Klein, E., Norris, S., Muuri, E., Gilg, H.A., Alexander, W.R., Andersson & U.B. (2020): Kiruna Natural analogue (KiNa) 57th Annual Meeting of the Clay Minerals Society (Virtual), Oct. 18-23, 2020, PNNL (abstract)
Singer, J., Thuro, K., Gamperl, M., Breuninger, T. & Menschik, B (2020): Technical Concepts for an Early Warning System for Rainfall Induced Landslides in Informal Settlements. - Proceedings of the 5th World Landslide Forum, Kyoto, Japan, 2021, 6 p.
Stojakowits, P., Mayr, C. Lücke, A., Wissel, H. Hedenäs, L., Lempe, B., Friedmann, A. & Diersche, V. (2020): Impact of climatic extremes on Alpine ecosystems during MIS 3. - Quaternary Science Reviews, 239: 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106333
Thuro, K. (2020): The large Alpine Base Tunnels - From Yesterday to tomorrow. - Presentation at the University of Adelaide, Australia
Thuro, K. (2020): Prediction of drilling rates and bit wear in hard rock drill and blast tunnelling. - Presentation at the University of Adelaide, Australia.
Thuro, K. (2020): TBM performance prediction in hard rock tunnelling. - Presentation at the University of Adelaide, Australia.
Thuro, K. (2020): Registration of Engineering Geology Professionals in Europe and Germany. - Presentation at the University of Adelaide, Australia.
Thuro, K. (2020): The large Alpine Base Tunnels - From Yesterday to tomorrow. - Presentation at the Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
Thuro, K. (2020): The large Alpine Base Tunnels - From Yesterday to tomorrow. - Presentation at the The University of New South Wales Canberra, Australia.
Thuro, K., Singer, J., Menschik, B., Breuninger, T., Gamperl, M. (2020): Development of an early warning system for landslides in the tropical Andes (Medellín; Colombia). - Geomechanics and Tunnelling 13/1: 103-115.
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Gilg, H.A., Andersson, U.B. (2020): Geology of deep clay alteration zones in the Kiirunavaara and other iron ore deposits, northern Norrbotten, Sweden. LKAB - Investigation 2020-0053, 30p.
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