Engineering Risk Analysis Group

Optimize decisions in infrastructure systems & environment
We develop and utilize engineering reliability, risk & decision analysis methods to enhance optimal & sustainable decision making for civil systems and the environment.
Our goal is to do cutting edge research that leads to practical solutions that make a difference in the world. We are internationally active and collaborate with other leading research groups worldwide, while actively pursuing projects and contacts locally.
We are active in a number of research areas and in education. Please contact us if you have an interest in working with us.
Prof. Dr. Daniel Straub, Group leader
News & events
The Engineering Risk Analysis Group is hiring two PhD students for FOURIER, a new EU-funded MSCA doctoral training school. The objective of FOURIER is to train the next generation of multidisciplinary researchers who will develop innovative techniques for AI-based management of civil systems. The job descriptions of the two positions can be found here.
We organize a Workshop on Time-Variant Reliability Analysis under the auspices of the Joint Committee on Structural Safety, Dec. 2-3, 2024, at TUM. This is preceded by a half-day tutorial on the topic, intended for PhD students, researchers, and practitioners.
Three new Humboldt fellows in our group! Dr. Kai Cheng is developing and employing machine learning methods for data-informed structural reliability analysis, Prof. Xinyu Jia will work on a hierarchical Bayesian modeling framework and Dr. Dimitris Georgiadis will develop a probabilistic digital twin methodology for real-time risk-informed decision-making of ships under extreme events.
Prof. Daniel Straub is awarded the 2023 C. Allen Cornell Award of the Civil Engineering Risk and Reliability Association at the ICASP conference in Dublin. Every 4 years, this award "recognizes an individual for contributions made to the development of risk and reliability methods in civil engineering."
Prof. Elizabeth Qian of Georgia Tech will be a Hans Fischer Fellow of the TUM Institute of Advanced Studies in our group from 2023-26. We will jointly develop reduced models for reliability analysis.
Dr.-Ing. Max Ehre is awarded the first place in the 2023 Hochschulpreis des Bayerischen Bauindustrieverbandes e.V. in the category Computer-aided modelling and manufacturing for his dissertation titled Uncertainty quantification and separation with high-dimensional engineering models. Congratulations!
Luca Sardi is awarded the third place in the 2023 Hochschulpreis des Bayerischen Bauindustrieverbandes e.V. in the category Computer-aided modelling and manufacturing for his dissertation titled Bayesian filtering for joint state and parameter estimation of structural deterioration. Congratulations!
Antonis Kamariotis successfully defended his PhD thesis on Decision support with health monitoring for deteriorating engineering systems. Congratulations!
Sebastian Geyer successfully defended his PhD thesis on Structural reliability analysis accounting for spatial variability and measurements. Congratulations!
Prof. Kostas Papakonstantinuou of PennState is visiting us in Feb-June 2023. He is a leading expert in AI and reliability assessment of engineering systems. We look very much forward to collaborating with him on multiple topics, including our INFRA.RELEARN project.
Elizabeth Bismut successfully defended her PhD thesis on Optimal heuristic strategies for risk- and reliability-based inspection and maintenance planning. Congratulations!
Prof. Daniel Straub is awarded the Research Award from the Geotechnical Safety Network during the 8th International Symposium for Geotechnical Safety & Risk at the University of Newcastle.
Dr. Iason Papaioannou has been awarded the Early Achievement Research Award of the International Association for Structural Safety and Reliability during the ICOSSAR conference in Shanghai, September 2022. This prize is awarded every 4 years to outstanding young academics in the field.
Dr. Mario Berk and Prof. Daniel Straub are awarded the 2022 Ralph H. Isbrandt Automotive Safety Engineering Award of the Society of Automotive Engineers for their contribution on assessing the safety of environment perception in automated driving vehicles.
Max Ehre successfully defended his PhD thesis on Uncertainty quantification and separation with high-dimensional engineering models. Congratulations!
In 2021, Prof. Rackwitz would have celebrated his 80th birthday. He remains one of the most influential persons in structural safety and reliability (many would say the most influential). In honor of his birthday, a memory was published in Bautechnik. We have also made available many of his publications here.
Dr. Iason Papaioannou has been nominated by students for the Supervisory Award 2021 of the TUM Graduate Council.
We are announcing the Online Speaker Series on the topic "Frontiers in Monitoring-supported Decision Making for Structures and Infrastructures". 12 leading experts will be discussing during 6 tandem webinars from May 20th till July 8th. The online series is moderated by Eleni Chatzi and Daniel Straub, under the auspices of the TUM Institute for Advanced Study. More details and the link to registration for this free event are found here.
Three new Humboldt fellows will join our group in 2021: Prof. Matteo Pozzi, Dr. Ji-Eun Byun and Prof. Rafael Holdorf Lopez . We look very much forward to the collaboration with them!
Felipe Uribe successfully defends his PhD thesis on Bayesian analysis and rare event simulation of random fields. Congratulations!
ERA seminars are now taking place virtually and are open to everyone. Contact Marco Kryda if you are interested in joining.
Dr. Mario Berk receives the Bauer prize for the best PhD thesis of the Faculty of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering. Congratulations!
We organize a Workshop on Data Analytics in Geotech on October 7, 2019. Attendance is free, but registration is required.
Prof. KK Phoon of NUS Singapore will be visting us in October 2019 as a visting professor. The focus of his visit is on the use of data analytics in geotechnical and civil engineering. Prof. Mahesh Pandey of University of Waterloo will be visting us February-March 2020, working with us on probabilistic life-cycle assessment.
Prof. Eleni Chatzi of ETH Zürich will be an Hans Fischer Fellow of the TUM Institute of Advanced Studies in our group from 2019-22. We will collaborate on monitoring-supported decision making for structures and infrastructures.
Semi-plenary lecture of Prof. Straub at the ECCOMAS UNCECOMP conference 2019 on "Aleatory and epistemic - why it matters"
Prof. Straub delivers a keynote lecture at the ICASP13 conference at Seoul National University on "Reliability. Uncertainty. Sensitivity. Decision!"
Prof. Straub delivers a keynote lecture at the IALCCE 2018 conference on "Reliability assessment of deteriorating structures: Challenges and (some) solutions"
Felix Schneider receives the Maurer Söhne Preis for his MSc thesis. Congratulations!
Prof. Straub joins the editioral board of Structural Safety.
Prof. Straub delivers a keynote lecture at the ESREL 2017 conference on "reliability of smart systems"
Max Teichgräber receives the Maurer Söhne Preis for his MSc thesis & Sebastian Geyer receives the - SOFiSTiK Preis for his MSc thesis. Congratulations!
We organize the FrontUQ workshop in Munich, September 6-8, 2017, together with the Chair of Numerical Mathematics:
Prof. Straub joins the editioral board of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics.
Iason Papaioannou receives the Geosnet Young Researcher Award at the 5th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk in Rotterdam. Congratulations!
Giulio Cottone is appointed as an Assistant Professor at the University of Palermo. Congratulations!
Mario Berk wins the "HP Scholz Prize" prize for his MSc thesis. Congratulations!
Prof. Straub is a member of the editorial board of a new journal Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructures. Contributions are welcome!
Kilian Zwirglmaier receives the Student Recognition Award at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, Vancouver. Congratulations!
Olga Spackova is awarded the IGSSE Postdoctoral Fellowship. Congratulations!
Prof. Junho Song is visiting the ERA group in July & August 2014.
New book "Risk - A Multidisciplinary Introduction", edited by Klüppelberg, Straub & Welpe, available from Springer.
Anke Scherb wins the "Georg Burg Prize" prize for her MSc thesis. Congratulations!
ASCE and ASME jointly launch the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems. Prof. Straub is a member of the editorial board.
IAS Lecture of Prof. Pol Spanos, Rice University, on Emerging Joint Time-Frequency Analysis Techniques for Structural Dynamics Applications, Tuesday Sept. 24, 16:30.
Prof. Daniel Straub receives the IASSAR Early Achievement Research Award during the ICOSSAR conference at Columbia University, NY. (more here)
Dr. Iason Papaioannou receives the Bauer prize for the best PhD thesis of the Faculty of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering. Congratulations!
Würdigung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rüdiger Rackwitz im Bauingenieur (PDF 2MB).