Reliability‐based smart bridge management
How can bridges be inspected and monitored more efficiently?
Using reliability- and risk-informed methods, the effect of inspections and monitoring is quantified. This enables to plan the optimal extent and scheduling of inspections on bridges. It furthermore ensures the optimal use of information obtained from monitoring systems. Through case-studies on RC bridges subjected to corrosion and of steel bridges subject to fatigue, the concepts are demonstrated and validated.

- Johannes Fischer
- Ronald Schneider
- Daniel Straub
- Federal Roadway Agency (Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt)
- Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung, BAM Berlin
Selected publications
- Schneider R., Thöns S., Straub D. (2012). Reliability-based inspection planning with application to orthotropic bridge deck structures subjected to fatigue. Proc. IALCCE, Vienna
- Straub D., Der Kiureghian A. (2011). Reliability Acceptance Criteria for Deteriorating Elements of Structural Systems. Journal of Structural Engineering, Trans. ASCE, 137(12): 1573–1582.
- Fischer J., Schneider R., Thöns S., Rücker W., Straub D. (2011) Intelligente Bauwerke – Zuverlässigkeitsbasierte Bewertung von Brückenbauwerken. Zwischenbericht für die BASt.
- Zilch K., Straub D., Dier F., Fischer J. (2011). Entwicklung von Verfahren einer zuverlässigkeitsbasierten Bauwerksprüfung. Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen B85, Wirtschaftsverlag NV, Bremerhaven, ISBN 0943-9293.
- Fischer J., Straub D. (2011). Reliability Assessment of Corroding Reinforced Concrete Slabs with Inspection Data. Proc. 9th International Probabilistic Workshop, TU Braunschweig, Germany.
- Straub D. (2011) Spatial reliability assessment of deteriorating reinforced concrete surfaces with inspection data. Proc. ICASP11, Zürich, Switzerland.
- Straub D., Malioka V., Faber M.H. (2009). A framework for the asset integrity management of large deteriorating concrete structures. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 5(3) pp. 199 - 213.