SAFEPEC - Innovative risk-based tools for ship safety inspection
SAFEPEC, the EU-financed research project, aims to make ship inspections more efficient with probability-based risk models and sensor-based inspection tools. With new technologies and risk models, the consortium creates innovative ready-to-use techniques making ship inspections on safety more reliable – and cheaper. The project promotes proactive safety and develops a unified risk-based framework built upon the analysis of historical data of casualties, near miss cases, deficiencies and non-conformities that are detected by various types of inspections. Based on this framework a software prototype is developed that enables the interoperability and coherent interpretation of those data sources; and can contribute to the early detection of failure, either in the ship structure or its equipment.
We, TUM, particularly work on two workpackages (WPs): WP4-Risk based inspection framework and WP5-Unified risk management models. The risk models are categorized into the 4 modules, as illustrated in the Figure below: Cause, Vulnerability, Consequence and Inspection, which are interlinked through the overall risk framework. Bayesian Network (BN) method is selected as a strategy of modeling the risk modules, not only for enabling Bayesian inference but also for the efficient representation of the random variables with considering their causal relations. The risk-based inspection framework is applied to selecting ships from a fleet for inspection and specifying the scope of an inspection for a particular object and deterioration mechanism.

- Glintt INOV (Portugal)
- DNV GL (Germany and Norway)
- IHS Markit (France)
- TNO (The Netherlands)
- SINTEF Ocean (Norway)
- National Technical University of Athens – NTUA (Greece)
- World Maritime University – WMU (Sweden)
- Kim, H. J. and Straub, D. (2017). Reliability analysis and updating of inspected ship structures subject to spatially variable corrosion. ICOSSAR 2017 - 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, Vienna, Austria, 2017.
- Kim, H. J., Hamann, R., Peschmann, J., and Straub, D. (2017). Vulnerability and risk assessment of ship structures via a Bayesian network model, MARINE 2017.
- Kim, H. J. and Straub, D. (2016). Quantifying the effect of inspections in ships considering the spatial variability of corrosion. 2nd International Conference on Safety & Reliability of Ships, Offshore & Subsea Structures(SAROSS), Glasgow, UK, 2016. - invited presentation
- Hamann, R., Kähler, N., Straub, D., Kim, H.J., Ventikos, N., Sotiralis, P., and Valkonen, J. (2016). Generic risk models for ship inspection based on readily available information, International Conference of Maritime Safety and Operations (MSO 2016).
- European Union