Kilian Zwirglmaier, Dr.-Ing.
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E-Mail: kilian.zwirglmaier@tum.de
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Curriculum Vitae
- since 2018 Data Scientist, verification of autonomous driving at Zenuity GmbH, Unterschleißheim
- 2017-2018: Research Assistant (Post-Doc.) at the Engineering Risk Analysis Group, TUM
- 2017: Visiting Researcher at the Structural & System Reliability Group, Seoul National University, Korea
- 2013-2016: Research Assistant and Ph.D. Student at the Engineering Risk Analysis Group, TUM
- 2010-2013 M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, TUM
- 2007-2010 B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, TUM
- Bayesian Networks
- Combination of Bayesian Networks with Structural Reliability concepts
- Risk assessment for airline flight operations
- Application of Structural Reliability Methods (accidents in aviation)
- 2013 - 2016, Teaching assistant for the course Risk Analysis 2
Supervised theses/projects
- Master thesis: Updating of small probabilities using hybrid Bayesian networks (Zhibin Cheng, 2017)
- Master thesis: A study on supervised score-based Bayesian Network Classifier learning (Giannis Kyprianou, 2016)
- Software lab: Implementation of a discretization algorithm for the application of Bayesian Networks to real-time reliability problems (Steve Schäfer, Martin Ruchti, Julia Fischer, 2015)
- Study project: A study on score based structure learning for Bayesian networks (Giannis Kyprianou, 2014)
- Study project: Learning Bayesian Networks from data - Application to wildfires (Maria Nitsa, 2014)
Byun J., Zwirglmaier K., Straub D., Song J. (2019) Matrix-based Bayesian Network for efficient memory storage and flexible inference. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, in print
Drees L., Mueller M., Schmidt-Moll C., Gontar P., Zwirglmaier K., Wang C., Bengler K., Holzapfel F., Straub D. (2017) Risk analysis of the EASA minimum fuel requirements considering the ACARE-defined safety target, Journal of Air Transport Management, 65, 1-10.
Zwirglmaier K, Papaioannou I, Straub D. (2017) Enhancing sampling-based inference in hybrid BNs for reliability assessment. Proc. 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability ICOSSAR 2017, Wien, Österreich.
Zwirglmaier K., Straub D. (2016). Approaches to Bayesian network structure elicitation. Proc. European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL 2016, Glasgow, Scotland.
Graziano, A., Kataria, A., Schröder-Hinrichs, J. U., Koimtzoglou, A., Ventikos, N. P., Zwirglmaier, K. (2016). An exploration of the circumstances and changes in the shipbuilding industry in the last decades. Proc. 3rd International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering MARTECH 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.
Sättele M., Bründl M., Zwirglmaier K. (2016). Towards the evaluation of human factors in avalanche early warning systems. Proc. International Snow Science Workshop 2016, Breckenridge, Colorado, USA
Zwirglmaier K., Straub D., Groth K. (2016) Capturing cognitive causal paths in human reliability analysis with Bayesian network models. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 158, 117-129
Zwirglmaier K., Straub, D. (2015) A discretization procedure for rare events in Bayesian networks. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 153, 96-109
Zwirglmaier K., Straub D. (2015). Discretization of Structural Reliability Problems: An Application to Runway Overrun. Proc. 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering ICASP 12, Vancouver, Canada.
Zwirglmaier K., Straub D., Groth K.M. (2015). Framework for a Bayesian Network Version of IDHEAS. Proc. European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL 2015, Zürich, Switzerland.
Zwirglmaier K., Straub D. (2014). Efficient discretization procedure for integrating structural reliability into Bayesian networks. Proc. IFIP WG7.5 Working Conference on Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems, Huangshan, China.
Zwirglmaier K., Drees L., Holzapfel F., Straub D. (2014). Reliability analysis for runway overrun using subset simulation. Proc. European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL 2014, Wrocław, Poland.
Zwirglmaier K., Papakosta P. Straub D. (2013). Learning a Bayesian network model for predicting wildfire behavior. Proc. 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability ICOSSAR 2013, Columbia University, New York.
Papaioannou I., Zwirglmaier K., Straub D. (2012). Assessment of MCMC algorithms for subset simulation. Proc. IFIP WG7.5 Working Conference on Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems, Yerevan, Armenia.