Oindrila Kanjilal, Ph.D.
Room: N3623
Phone: +49 89 289 23033
E-Mail: oindrila.kanjilal@tum.de
Office hours: by arrangement
Curriculum Vitae
- Since Oct 2021: Senior researcher at the Engineering Risk Analysis Group, Technical University of Munich
- Oct 2019 - Sep 2021: Post-doctoral research fellow at the Engineering Risk Analysis Group, Technical University of Munich, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- Feb-Jul 2019: Research scientist at the Department of Computer Science, University of Tuebingen
- Aug 2013 - Oct 2018: Ph.D. student at the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science
- Aug 2011 - Jul 2013: Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science
- Jul 2007 - May 2011: Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering, Jadavpur University
- Reliability assessment of engineering systems subjected to dynamic excitation
- Bayesian methods for updating engineering models and reliability using data
- Advanced Monte Carlo methods for rare event (small failure probability) estimation and Bayesian analysis
- Optimization of engineering systems in presence of uncertainty
- Physics-informed computational approaches for uncertainty quantification of dynamical systems
- WS 21/22: Lecturer of the course 'Introduction to Random Vibration', TUM
- SS 21: Lecturer of the seminar course 'Elements of Machine Learning', TUM
- WS20/21: Instructor of the seminar course on "Elements of Machine Learning", TUM
- SS20: TA for the "Estimation of rare events and failure probabilities" course, TUM
- WS19/20: TA for the "Stochastic Finite Element Methods" course, TUM
- Jan-Apr 2016: Teaching assistant for the "Structural dynamics" course, Indian Institute of Science
- Aug-Dec 2015: Teaching assistant for the "An introduction to finite elements in solid mechanics" course, Indian Institute of Science
Selected publications
- Engel M, Kanjilal O, Papaioannou I and Straub D. Bayesian updating and marginal likelihood estimation by cross entropy-based importance sampling. Under review.
- Kanjilal O, Papaioannou I and Straub D. Series system reliability of uncertain linear structures under Gaussian excitation by cross entropy-based importance sampling. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Forthcoming.
- Kanjilal O, Papaioannou I and Straub D. Cross entropy-based importance sampling for first-passage probability estimation of randomly excited linear structures with parameter uncertainty. Structural Safety, 91, 102090, 2021
- Kanjilal O, Papaioannou I and Straub D. Series system reliability estimation of randomly excited uncertain linear structures by cross entropy-based importance sampling. In Proceedings of the 7th Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and Its Applications (APSSRA), Tokyo, Japan, October 2020.
- Gessner A, Kanjilal O and Hennig P. Integrals over Gaussians under linear domain constraints. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), PMLR 108:2764-2774, Palermo, Italy, September 2020.
- Kanjilal O and Manohar CS. Time variant reliability estimation using combined Markov chain splitting and Girsanov's transformation. Archive of Applied Mechanics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00419-020-01726-y, 2020.
- Kanjilal O and Manohar CS. Estimation of time variant system reliability of non-linear randomly excited systems based on the Girsanov transformation with state dependent controls. Nonlinear Dynamics, 95, pp 1693-1711, 2019.
- Sonal SD, Ammanagi S, Kanjilal O and Manohar CS. Experimental estimation of time variant system reliability of vibrating structures based on subset simulation with Markov chain splitting. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 178, pp 55-68, 2018.
- Kanjilal O and Manohar CS. State dependent Girsanov's controls in time variant reliability estimation in randomly excited dynamical systems. Structural Safety, 72, pp 30-40, 2018.
- Kanjilal O and Manohar CS. Dynamic series system reliability estimation based on closed loop Girsanov's controls. In Proceedings of the12th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR), Vienna, August 2017.
- Kanjilal O and Manohar CS. Girsanov's transformation based variance reduced Monte Carlo simulation schemes for reliability estimation in nonlinear stochastic dynamics. Journal of Computational Physics, 341, pp 278-294, 2017.
- Kanjilal O and Manohar CS. Reliability estimation in vibrating structures by Girsanov's transformation with Markov control forces. In Proceedings of the 10th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC), SERC Chennai, December 2016.
- Kanjilal O, Greegar G, Karuna K, Manohar CS and Usmani A. Analysis of heated structures with uncertain properties. In Proceedings of First Inter- national Conference on Structural Safety under Fire and Blast (CONFAB), Glasgow, United Kingdom, September 2015.
- Kanjilal O and Manohar CS. Markov chain splitting methods in structural reliability integral estimation. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 40, pp 42-51, 2015.
- Mechanistic Machine Learning and Digital Twins for Computational Science, Engineering and Technology (MMLDT-CSET), Bayesian inference by cross entropy-based importance sampling, September, 2021, Streamed from San Diego, California
- International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP), Bayesian model updating by cross entropy-based importance sampling, June, 2021, Streamed from Athens, Greece
- International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN), Reliability updating for linear dynamic systems subjected to Gaussian excitation by cross entropy-based importance sampling, November, 2020, Athens, Greece
- Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and Its Applications (APSSRA), Series system reliability estimation of randomly excited uncertain linear structures by cross entropy-based importance sampling, October, 2020, Tokyo, Japan
- University of Tübingen, Structural reliability estimation using Markov chain splitting and Girsanov's transformation based methods, February, 2019, Tübingen, Germany
- Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Structural reliability estimation using Markov chain splitting and Girsanov's transformation based methods, December, 2018, Kharagpur, India
- International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR), Dynamic series system reliability estimation based on closed loop Girsanov's controls, August, 2017, Vienna, Austria
- Structural Engineering Convention (SEC), Reliability estimation in vibrating structures by Girsanov's transformation with Markov control forces, December, 2016, Chennai, India
- International Conference on Structural Safety under Fire and Blast (CONFAB), Analysis of heated structures with uncertain properties, September, 2015, Glasgow, United Kingdom