Iason Papaioannou, PD Dr.-Ing. habil.
Room: N3631
Phone: +49 89 289 25038
E-Mail: iason.papaioannou@tum.de
Office hours: by arrangement
Curriculum Vitae
- 2023: Appointment as Adjunct Teaching Professor (Privatdozent) in the area of Uncertainty Quantification, TU München
- 2023: Habilitation at the TUM School of Engineering and Design, TU München
- since 2019: Akademischer Rat at the Engineering Risk Analysis Group, TU München (tenured since 2021)
- 2011-2019: Research Associate and Lecturer at the Engineering Risk Analysis Group, TU München
- 2010: Visiting Researcher, University of California, Berkeley
- 2007-2012: Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at the Chair of Computation in Engineering, TU München - Funded by SOFiSTiK AG
- 2005-2007: M.Sc. (Hons.) in Computational Mechanics, TU München
- 1999-2005: Diploma in Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
Research interests
- Uncertainty quantification of numerical models of engineering systems
- Reliability assessment and reliability-based optimization of engineering systems
- Reliability analysis of network systems
- Bayesian updating of engineering models with data
- Uncertainty-based sensitivity analysis
- Probabilistic modeling and machine learning
- Random field models of spatially variable properties
- Uncertainty analysis and reliability assessment of high-dimensional systems
- Geotechnical reliability assessment
- Stochastic Finite Element Methods (since WS11/12)
- Structural Reliability Methods (since WS14/15)
- Estimation of Rare Events and Failure Probabilities (since SS18)
- Elements of Machine Learning (since SS20)
- Prognostics and Health Management (since SS22)
- Advanced Stochastic Finite Element Methods (SS15, SS16, SS17, SS18)
- Engineering Data Analysis with Matlab (SS12, SS13, SS14)
Key publications
Chan J., Papaioannou I., Straub D. (2022)
An adaptive subset simulation algorithm for system reliability analysis with discontinuous limit states.
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 225: 108607. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ress.2022.108607
Wagner F., Papaioannou I., Ullmann E. (2022)
The ensemble Kalman filter for rare event estimation.
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 10(1): 317-349. https://doi.org/10.1137/21M1404119
Schneider F., Papaioannou I., Straub D., Winter C., Müller G. (2022)
Bayesian parameter updating in linear structural dynamics with frequency transformed data using rational surrogate models.
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 166: 108407. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2021.108407
Geyer S., Papaioannou I., Straub D. (2021)
Bayesian analysis of hierarchical random fields for material modeling.
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 66: 103167. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.probengmech.2021.103167
Kanjilal O., Papaioannou I., Straub D. (2021)
Cross entropy-based importance sampling for first-passage probability estimation of linear structures with parameter uncertainties.
Structural Safety 91: 102090. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.strusafe.2021.102090
Uribe F., Papaioannou I., Marzouk Y.M., Straub D. (2021)
Cross-entropy-based importance sampling with failure-informed dimension reduction for rare event simulation.
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 9(2): 818-847. https://doi.org/10.1137/20M1344585
Papaioannou I., Straub D. (2021)
Variance-based reliability sensitivity analysis and the FORM α-factors.
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 210: 107496. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ress.2021.107496
Papaioannou I., Straub D. (2021)
Combination line sampling for structural reliability analysis.
Structural Safety 88: 102025. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.strusafe.2020.102025
Papaioannou I., Geyer S., Straub D. (2019)
Imrpoved cross entropy-based importance sampling with a flexible mixture model.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 191: 106564. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ress.2019.106564
Papaioannou I., Ehre M., Straub D. (2019)
PLS-based adaptation for efficient PCE representation in high dimensions.
Journal of Computational Physics 387: 186-204. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2019.02.046
Geyer S., Papaioannou I., Straub D. (2019)
Cross entropy-based importance sampling using Gaussian densities revisited.
Structural Safety, 76: 15-27. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.strusafe.2018.07.001
Papaioannou I., Breitung K., Straub D. (2018)
Reliability sensitivity estimation with sequential importance sampling.
Structural Safety 75: 24-34. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.strusafe.2018.05.003
Jiang S.H., Papaioannou I., Straub D. (2018)
Bayesian updating of slope reliability in spatially variable soils with in-situ measurements.
Engineering Geology, 239: 310-320. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2018.03.021
Papaioannou I., Straub D. (2017)
Learning soil parameters and updating geotechnical reliability estimates under spatial variability - theory and application to shallow foundations.
Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineering Systems and Geohazards. 11(1): 116-128. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17499518.2016.1250280
Papaioannou I., Papadimitriou C., Straub D. (2016)
Sequential importance sampling for structural reliability analysis.
Structural Safety 62: 66-75. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.strusafe.2016.06.002
Ullmann E., Papaioannou I. (2015)
Multilevel estimation of rare events.
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 3: 922-953. dx.doi.org/10.1137/140992953
Papaioannou I., Betz W., Zwirglmaier K., Straub D. (2015)
MCMC algorithms for subset simulation.
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 41: 89-103. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.probengmech.2015.06.006
Straub D., Papaioannou I. (2015)
Bayesian updating with structural reliability methods.
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE 141(3): 04014134. dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000839
Betz W., Papaioannou I., Straub D. (2014)
Numerical methods for the discretization of random fields by means of the Karhunen-Loève expansion.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 271: 109-129. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2013.12.010
Papaioannou, I., Straub, D. (2012)
Reliability updating in geotechnical engineering including spatial variability of soil.
Computers and Geotechnics 42: 44-51. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2011.12.004