Mara Ruf, M.Sc.
Room: N3628
Phone: +49 (89) 289 - 25032
Office hours: by arrangement
Curriculum Vitae
- Since 2022 | Scientific Employee at the Engineering Risk Analysis Group, Technische Universität München
- 2021 (Jan - Jun) | Exchange Semester, Lund University (Sweden)
- 2019-2022 | M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, Technische Universität München
- 2015-2019 | B.Sc. in Engineering Science, Technische Universität München
- Cost-benefit analysis for flood protection measures
- Dynamic probabilistic flood risk assessment
- SS24 and SS25: Teaching assistant for the lecture "Risk Assessment and Reliability of Engineering Systems", TUM
- WS23/24: Teaching assistant for the lecture "Stochastik und Risiko", TUM
- SS23: Teaching assistant for the lecture "Risk Assessment and Reliability of Engineering Systems", TUM
- WS22/23: Teaching assistant for the lecture "Stochastik und Risiko", TUM
Supervised theses/projects
- Study project: Felicien Robert-Vassey (2024): Improving Vulnerability Curves for Refineries under Earthquake Hazard
- Study project: Haritha Scaria (2024): Dike Failure Probabilities and Breach Characteristics: Assessing Overtopping, Piping, and Micro-instability along the Bavarian Danube
- Bachelor’s thesis: Sebastian Schiele (2024): Synthetic Generation of flood scenarios for the Danube River catchment in Bavaria
- Bachelor’s thesis: Paula-Sophie Becklas (2024): GIS-basierte Hochwassermodellierung zur Erzeugung von Schadensbeziehungen am Beispiel des Donaugebiets in Bayern
- Bachelor’s thesis: Samuel Schuler (2023): GIS-Based Flood Modelling in the Context of a Cost-Benefit Analysis Exemplified by the City of Regensburg
- Study project: Daniel Koutas (2023): Decision-related sensitivity analysis of a cost-benefit model for flood polders at the Bavarian Danube
- Master’s thesis: Georg Helling (2023): Analysis of the influence of hydrological input scenarios on the benefit-cost ratio of flood polders
- Mara Ruf, Amelie Hoffmann, Daniel Straub (2023). Application of a decision sensitivity measure for the cost-benefit analysis of a flood polder at the Bavarian Danube. 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP14), Dublin, Irland.
- Mara Ruf, Amelie Hoffmann, Daniel Straub (2024). Quantifying flood risk under uncertainties – overview of a probabilistic assessment approach for the Bavarian Danube. INTERPRAEVENT 2024, Vienna, Austria.