Max Teichgräber, M.Sc
Room: N3628
Phone: +49 89 289 23072
E-Mail: max.teichgraeber@tum.de
Office hours: by arrangement
Curriculum Vitae
- since 2017 | PhD student at the Engineering Risk Analysis Group, Technische Universität München
- 2024 | Visiting Researcher at Tongji University, Shanghai (2 months)
- 2018-2019 | Visiting Researcher at NTNU, Trondheim (2x2 months)
- 2014-2017 | M.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Technische Universität München
- 2011-2014 | B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Technische Universität München
- 2007-2011 | B.Sc. in Mathematics, Ludwig Maximilian Universität München
- Assessment of existing safety standards and development of a new safety code in structural engineering
- Investigations on the effect of erasing hidden safety to the structural safety and the resource efficiency.
- Development of a semiprobabalistic design on system level.
- SSF Ingenieure Prize.
- Maurer Söhne Foundation Prize.
- WS23/24: Teaching assistant for the lecture "Risk Analysis", TUM
- SS23: Teaching assistant for the lecture "Risk Assessment and Reliability of Engineering Systems", TUM
- WS22/23: Teaching assistant for the lecture "Stochastik und Risiko", TUM
- SS22: Teaching assistant for the lecture "Risk Assessment and Reliability of Engineering Systems", TUM
- WS21/22: Teaching assistant for the lecture "Stochastik und Risiko", TUM
- SS21: Teaching assistant for the lecture "Risk Assessment and Reliability of Engineering Systems", TUM
- WS20/21: Teaching assistant for the lecture "Risk Analysis", TUM
- SS20: Teaching assistant for the lecture "Risk Assessment", TUM
- WS19/20: Teaching assistant for the lecture "Zuverlässigkeit und Lastannahmen", TUM
- SS19: Lecturer for the course “Introduction to Data Analysis with MATLAB”, TUM
- WS18/19: Teaching assistant for the lecture "Structural Reliability", TUM
- SS18: Teaching assistant for the lecture "Risk Assessment", TUM
- WS17/18: Teaching assistant for the lecture "Risk Analysis", TUM
- WS17/18: Teaching assistant for the lecture "Umweltmonitoring & Risikomanagement", TUM
Supervised theses/projects
- Bachelor's thesis: Lili Yan (2021) - Cost-Benefit Analysis of Exemplary Fire Safety Facilities at TUM
- Master's thesis: Iván Camilo Viveros Góngora (2021) - Modification, Implementation and Validation of IEC 61400-1, v.4 to Determine the Probability of Extreme Winds Induced by Cyclones in the Northwest Pacific
- Study Projekt: Alexander Frank (2018) - Development of a Parametric Flood Trigger
and Effects of Declustering on Extreme Value Statistics - Master's thesis (jointly with the Chair of Concrete Structures): Alexandra Lipp (2017) - Beitrag zu modifizierten Sicherheitselementen für objektspezifische Verkerslastansätze in der Brückennachrechnung
- Master's thesis (jointly with the Chair of Timber Structures): Verea Brodesser (2017) - Ermittlung der erforderlichen Standdauer zum indirekten Nachweis der Standsicherheit von bestehenden Dachtragwerken in Holzbauweise
- Martin Fußeder, Max Teichgräber, Daniel Straub, and Kai-Uwe Bletzinger (2023): On the design of membrane structures with the partial safety factor concept – a parameter study on the infuence of structural and probabalistic properties. Proceedings of the Tensinet Symposium
- Max Teichgräber, Martin Fußeder, Daniel Straub (2023). Investigations on the effect of non-linear models on the reliability ofpartial safety factor designs. 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP14), Dublin, Irland
- Max Teichgräber, Martin Fußeder, Kai-Uwe Bletzinger, Daniel Straub (2023). Non-linear structural models and the partial safety factor concept. Structural Safety
- Max Teichgräber Daniel Straub (2022). A study on the effects of hidden safety when assessing existing structures. International Probabilistic Workshop (IPW), Capetown, South Africa.
- Max Teichgräber, Jochen Köhler, Daniel Straub (2022). Hidden safety in structural design codes. Engineering Structures
- Martin Fußeder, Max Teichgräber, Kai-Uwe Bletzinger, Daniel Straub, and Ann-Kathrin Goldbach (2021): Investigations on the design of membrane structures with the semi-probabilistic safety concept. 10th edition of the conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures
- Max Teichgräber, Jochen Köhler, Daniel Straub (2020). Über den Umgang mit versteckten Sicherheiten - Eine Fallstudie am Windlastmodell des Eurocode. Baustatik-Baupraxis 14, Stuttgart
- Max Teichgräber, Jochen Köhler, Daniel Straub (2019). When advanced models can lead to lower safety: Codified design of structures against wind loads. 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP13), Seoul, South Korea
- Max Teichgräber, Marcel Nowak, Jochen Köhler, Daniel Straub (2018). A study on the effect of improved load models on structural safety. 6th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (6ISRERM). Singapore
- Max Teichgräber, Marcel Nowak, Jochen Köhler, Daniel Straub (2018). The effect of traffic load model assumptions on the reliability of road bridges. 6th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering. Ghent, Belgium