Pore Pressure Scout Tickets/Reports
Pore pressure measurements and indicators from drilling data were compiled for a set of 25 wells from the Bavarian Molasse Basin. The database contains drilling fluid densities, casing points, measured pore pressure magnitudes, total gas profiles and basic stratigraphic tops.
The wells have been selected based on two criteria:
- Geographical coverage
- Dataset quality in terms of data availability
It is critical to understand how the datasets where compiled and where the information was retrieved. Moreover, it is important to know that pressure measurements, in particular DSTs, have not been quality controlled for the scout reports and therefore only reflect minimum pore pressure magnitudes.
Quality-ranked pore pressure magnitudes from DSTs and a detailed description of the data acquisition and compilation process can be found in Shatyrbayeva et al. (2023).
Please note that the filenames do not contain the actual well names, but a unique identifier number. A translation table and the actual well locations can be retrieved from figure 1.
The scout-ticket database is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy (Research Project BoostGeotherm.Bayern) and the Bavarian Environment Agency (Research Project KompakT and Research Project BORIS).
The well "scout reports" can be downloaded as zip-folder (ca. 18 MB) from the Bavarian Environment Agency (Bay. Landesamt für Umwelt) from the KompakT-website.
Direct download link: https://www.lfu.bayern.de/geologie/kompakt/doc/steckbriefe_kompakt.zip