Drilling risk as part of a geothermal assessment model for the Bavarian Molasse Basin (BOhrRISiko im Beurteilungsmodell Tiefengeothermie im Molassebecken)

BORIS is funded by the Bavarian Environment Agency and addresses the mitigation of drilling risks related to subsurface pore pressure and minimum stress in the North Alpine Foreland Basin in SE Germany (Bavarian Molasse Basin). BORIS is the successor of the project BoostGeotherm.Bayern and covers the following aspects:
- Expansion of the public scout ticket database, which includes drilling information and pore pressure related drilling risk information, from currently 25 to 100 wellbores
- Integration of geological, geophysical and geomechanical datasets to produce a 3D pore pressure (PP) and fracture gradient (FG) model (3D PPFG Cube) for the Bavarian Molasse Basin
- Knowledge transfer through workshops and expertise provision in deep geothermal well planning
Funded by: Bavarian Environment Agency
Project Duration: 2024-2027 (4 years)
Project Team @TUM.GTT: Julian Breitsameter, Michael Drews