Publications before TUM.GTT
Großmann, J., Jaumann, L., Lutterschmid, E., and Günther, A. 2020: Die Geophysikdatenbank im Bayerischen Bodeninformationssystem (BIS-BY), Geologica Bavarica Bd. 116 (
Diepolder, G. W., Pamer, R., and Großmann, J. 2019: Advancements in 3D Geological Modelling and Geo-Data Integration at the Bavarian State Geological Survey 2019 (
Großmann, J., Jaumann, L., Lutterschmid, E., and Günther, A. 2019: Developing a database for geophysical data serving 3D geological modelling and beyond. Poster presentation, 5th European Meeting on 3D geological modelling 2019, Bern.
Großmann, J., Geiß, E., Veress, C., and Kröner, B. 2019: Exploring for maar volcanoes in Eastern Bavaria. An integrated approach with near-surface geophysical methods. Poster presentation, EUREGEO 2019, Hof.
Großmann, J., Gallemann, T., Veress, C., Sieblitz, S., and Geiß, E. 2017: Integrating tachymetric surveying and ERT measurements to construct the sliding plane of an active landslide near Maria Eck monastery (Bavarian Alps, Germany). Poster presentation, Fourth International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring (GELMON 2017), Vienna.
Veress, C., Großmann, J., Geiß, E., and Kröner, B. 2017: Integrating ERT and other near-surface geophysical techniques for the investigation of a maar structure near Neualbenreuth (Eastern Bavaria, Germany). Poster presentation, Fourth International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring (GELMON 2017), Vienna.
Rohrmüller, J., Kämpf, H., Geiß, E., Großmann, J., Grun, I., Mingram, J., Mrlina, J., Plessen, B., Stebich, M., Veress, C., Wendt, A. und Nowaczyk, N. 2018: Reconnaissance study of an inferred Quaternary maar structure in the western part of the Bohemian Massif near Neualbenreuth, NE-Bavaria (Germany). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 107: 1381-1405.
Großmann, J., Geiß, E., Veress, C., Kröner, B., van Lier, A. und Asprion, U. 2016: 3D-Visualisieurung geoelektrischer Widerstandsmessungen im Bereich des Neualbenreuther Maares (Bayern). Poster presentation, BUCHA meeting 2016, Leipzig.
Großmann, J., Macaulay, E., Broichhausen, H., Ellis, J. F., Davis, T., Clarke, K. und Tomura, M. 2015: Fault Response Modelling - Application of Elastic Dislocation theory in earthquake research and industry. Talk, Geological Society of Japan, Nagano.
Großmann, J., Ellis, J. F. und Broichhausen, H. 2014: The Ribbon tool – Model Building using 3D Dip Domains. Poster presentation, GeoMod 2014, Potsdam.
Rourke, P., Großmann, J., Smith, S., Vaughan, A.P.M., Davis T. und Collins, N. 2013: Digital Field Mapping – Enhanced Field Skills. Poster presentation, Reducing Subsurface Uncertainty & Risk through Field-based Studies, 2014, Geological Society of London, London.
Großmann, J., Leiss, B. und Tanner D. C. 2012: Strukturgeologisches 3D Modell des östlichen Leinetalgraben Störungssystems im Bereich Bovenden. Poster presentation, Tektonik, Struktur und Kristallingeologie (TSK), 2012, Kiel.