From October 17 to 21, the European Geothermal Congress EGC 2022 took place in Berlin, attended by project staff and PhD students of the chair.
Daniela Pfrang and Felix Schölderle from the Geothermal Energy Group presented their works in two talks about geophysical reservoir characterization (Daniela) and temperature prognosis (Felix) in the Bavarian Molasse Basin.
From the Geofluids Group, Annette Dietmaier, Lilly Zacherl and Mohamad Omidi presented posters about geothermal reservoir management with multiple sensor data (Annette) and the quantification and modelling of scalings in geothermal systems (Lilly and Mohamad).
Contributions at the Congress:
Dietmaier A, Baumann T. Multiple sensor data fusion applied to geothermal reservoir management. In European Geothermal Congress 2022 Oct 20.
Pfrang D, Schölderle F, Bohnsack D, Beichel K, Dirner S, Zosseder K. Geophysikalische Reservoircharakterisierung des oberen Jura im Molassebecken – von der Detailstudie des Geothermie Projekts Schäftlarnstraße (München) zu beckenweiten Erkenntnissen. In European Geothermal Congress 2022 Oct 19.
Schölderle F, Götzl G, Zosseder K. Temperaturprognosen im Bayerischen Molassebecken: eine neue risikobasierte Korrektur von Bottom Hole Temperaturen. In European Geothermal Congress 2022 Oct 19.
Zacherl L, Omidi M, Baumann T. Scalings in Geothermal Systems: Quantifying and Modeling the Role of Degassing. In European Geothermal Congress 2022 Oct 19.