Projects ongoing


Geothermal Energy Group

FlexGeo aims to develop innovative geothermal energy system designs for maximized systems performance and flexibility. 

Funded by: Horizon Europe                                    Targeted SDG: 7; 11; 17


Geothermal Energy Group

Large-scale integrated overall analysis of the deep geothermal potential and its synergetic utilisation in the greater Munich area

Funded by: BMWK                                     Targeted SDG: 7; 11; 17


Geothermal Energy Group

The overall aim of the project is to develop an open source tool for optimising closed geothermal systems close to the surface (EWS, BTES).

Funded by: BMWK                                     Targeted SDG: 7; 1117​​​​​​​


Geothermal Energy Group

The aim is to ensure a sustainable assessment of deep hydrothermal geothermal expansion in the Bavarian part of the Molasse Basin and to speed up the authorisation and initial planning assessment.

Funded by: StMUV; LfU Bayern             Targeted SDG: 7; 1117​​​​​​​


Geothermal Energy Group

The focus of this research is the recording and parameterization of the potential of the "shallow" geological horizons in the underground of the "Nürnberg" urban area, as well as the user-specific further development of lithoclasst 3D models and tools for underground-management.

Funded by: LfU Bayern; StMUV             Targeted SDG: 6; 7; 1117​​​​​​​


Geothermal Energy Group

GeoChaNce is a joint project funded by the Environmental Agency between the assistant professorship for geothermal technology GTT and the Chair of hydrogeology.

Funded by: LfU Bayern;                             Targeted SDG: 7; 1117​​​​​​​


Hydrogeology, Biogeochemistry and Modelling Group

Hydraulic Investigations in the Area of the New Construction Project "Starnberg Tunnel". The Chair of Hydrogeology has been commissioned to verify the groundwater flow directions resulting from numerical simulations through appropriate experimental investigations.

                                                                  Targeted SDG: 11


Hydrogeology, Biogeochemistry and Modelling Group

On the origin of nitrate in a spring catchment area. Using stable isotope technique coupled with UV spectral sensors, tracer hydrogeology and modeling should help to identify nitrate sources, its origin and possible microbial conversion in the subsurface.

                                                                  Targeted SDG: 6

Fighting against climate change

Hydrogeology, Biogeochemistry and Modelling Group

The overall aim of the project is to investigate the roles of the methanogenesis and the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) in river sediments on the impact on CH4 emission rates.

Grant: TUM                                                 Targeted SDG: 11; 13


Hydrogeology, Biogeochemistry and Modelling Group

The project PollLCA investigates the impact of pesticides on pollinating insects, where TUM’s focus is on investigating chemical fate in the plant-soil system.

Funded by: Bayer AG                              Targeted SDG: 6; 15,


Hydrogeology, Biogeochemistry and Modelling Group

End of March 2023, the project executing organization has approved the funding for our WaterMARk application. This project will be performed with different  leading research institutions, the Queen's University Belfast, the University of California Davis and the University of Sao Paulo and focuses on Adaptive water resources management using Managed Aquifer Recharge.

                                                                  Targeted SDG: 6


Geothermal Energy Group

Boosting geothermal heat pumps to mainstream cost-effective and efficient renewable heating and cooling in buildings

Funded by: EU-LIFE-2021-CET                 Targeted SDG: 7; 1117​​​​​​​


Geothermal Energy Group

SAPHEA addresses the market uptake of geothermal energy and underground heat storage supplied multivalent heating and cooling networks.

Funded by: EU-Horizon 2020                    Targeted SDG: 7; 1117​​​​​​​

Nitrat Lurch

Hydrogeology, Biogeochemistry and Modelling Group

The project will use a novel method to enhance natural denitrification in shallow nitrate contaminated aquifers.

Funded by: BMBF; FONA;                   Targeted SDG: 6


Geothermal Energy Group

In the joint project "SpeicherCity", innovative models for the system integration of aquifer storage are being developed, coupled and applied to different locations in Germany.

Funded by: BMBF                                   Targeted SDG: 7; 1117​​​​​​​

3D-GeoModell Berlin

Geothermal Energy Group

The Berlin Senate Department for Mobility, Transport, Climate Protection and the Environment (SenMVKU) has commissioned the Chair of Hydrogeology at TUM to set up a geological 3D subsurface model for the Berlin area using the modeling approach developed at TUM, i.e. the “Di models” method, and to adapt and further develop the local conditions.

Funded by: SenUMVK                             Targeted SDG: 6; 7; 11 17

Energie Atlas Bayern

Geothermal Energy Group

Bayernweite räumlich detaillierte Bestimmung des technisch nutzbaren Potenzials der oberflächennahen Geothermie zur Einbindung in den Energieatlas Bayern.

Funded by: LfU Bayern; StMWi             Targeted SDG: 7; 1117​​​​​​​

Cooperations Bahamas

Hydrogeology, Biogeochemistry and Modelling Group

We are continuously cooperating with the University of the Bahamas (UB) and the Grand Bahama Utility Company (GBUC) on the island to evaluate groundwater quantity and quality concerning the current state and expected future developments.

Funded by: BPAF; BayFOR;                 Targeted SDG: 6, 11, 15

                  TUM Global Incentive Fund

GFK Monitor

Geothermal Energy Group

The GFK-Monitor project will develop a holistic monitoring system supported by fiber optics and tracer technology to improve the integrity of geothermal systems.

Funded by: BMWK                                  Targeted SDG: 7; 1117​​​​​​​


Geofluids Group

The goal of this project is the technical implementation of a decentralized storage concept in existing aquifers that is capable of absorbing one or more flood peaks and releasing them to the receiving water with a very significant time delay or holding them for higher-value use.

Funded by: BMBF; FONA; WaX         Targeted SDG: 6

Geothermal Alliance Bavaria (GAB-2)

Geothermal Energy Group

In this subproject, the minimization of the drilling, exploration and production risk of hydrothermal geothermal energy in the Bavarian Molasse Basin, as well as sustainable reservoir management, are to be addressed in particular. (

Funded by: StMWK                                 Targeted SDG: 7; 1117

GAB: Chemical reservoir management

Hydrogeology, Biogeochemistry and Modelling Group; Geothermal Energy Group

In this project, which is part of the Geothermal-Alliance Bavaria, subproject "long-term. Ensuring sustainable thermal water production" the physical and hydrochemical measured values of characteristic plants are processed and examined for multivariate changes in order to discriminate and quantify natural and technically induced gradients.

Funded by: StMWK                                 Targeted SDG: 7


Geothermal Energy Group

We are working on work package 2, which deals with the interpretation of temperature data in the Bavarian Molasse Basin, as well as an estimation of heat storage potentials.

Funded by: LfU Bayern;                           Targeted SDG: 1117​​​​​​​

GeoSPOT - Augsburg

Geothermal Energy Group

The research objective of the GeoSPOT project is the creation of a hydrogeological and geothermal database to estimate and improve the geothermal potential of the shallow quaternary aquifer in the wider area of Augsburg. Furthermore, the extension of the 3D-geological lithofaciesmodel of Munich (GeoPot-project) for user-specific applications is carried out.

Funded by: LfU Bayern; StMUV             Targeted SDG: 6; 7; 1117


Geofluids Group

In this project, a low-cost, ultrasound-based sensor network for direct detection and determination of fouling and biofilms is developed for geothermal plants and open cooling circuits. The sensor network is supported by a self-learning predictive-maintenance algorithm that enables prediction of fouling formation based on hydrogeochemical simulations and models developed in the project.

Funded by: BMWi; Zim Bmwi                Targeted SDG: 7; 11


Geothermal Energy Group

Geothermal-DHC aims to address the integration of geothermal technologies to heating and cooling grids based on experiences from case studies across Europe. About 40 Institutions take part in this action. TUM is National Coordinator.

Funded by: COST                                    Targeted SDG: 7; 111317​​​​​​​