T. Winter, F. Schölderle, D. Pfrang, T. Baumann, K. Zosseder, G. Kus & F. Einsiedl (2025): Evaluierung allgemeiner Modellvorstellungen zur großräumigen Fließsystematik im Oberjura-Aquifer (Molassebecken), Grundwasser doi://10.1007/s00767-024-00581-w.
L. Zacherl & T. Baumann (2024): Quantification of scalings in dynamic environments using a combination of quartz crystal microbalance and Raman microscopy, Adv. Geosci. 65, doi://10.5194/adgeo-65-9-2024.
L. Zacherl & T. Baumann (2023): Quantification of the effect of gas-water-equilibria on carbonate precipitation, Geothermal Energy 11, doi://10.1186/s40517-023-00256-4.
I. Stüwe, L. Zacherl & C. U. Grosse (2023): Ultrasonic and impact-echo testing for the detection of scaling in geothermal pipelines, J Nondestruct Eval 42, doi://10.1007/s10921-023-00926-0.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann (2023): Forecasting changes of the flow regime at deep geothermal wells based on high resolution sensor data and low resolution chemical analyses, Adv. Geosci. 58, doi://10.5194/adgeo-58-189-2023.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann (2023): Assessing sustainable development of deep aquifers, Water Resources Management doi://10.1007/s11269-023-03529-6.
C. Wieland, H. Spliethoff & T. Baumann (2020): CO\_2-neutral carrier-gas utilization for deep geothermal applications, Geothermics 88, doi://10.1016/j.geothermics.2020.101895.
M. Ueckert, C. Wismeth & T. Baumann (2020): Crystallization of calcium carbonate in a large scale push-pull heat storage test in a jurassic carbonate aquifer, Geotherm. Energy 8, doi://10.1186/s40517-020-0160-5.
B. Köhl, J. Grundy & T. Baumann (2020): Rippled scales in a geothermal facility - a key to understanding the scaling process, Geotherm. Energy 8, doi://10.1186/s40517-020-00177-6.
B. Köhl, M. Elsner & T. Baumann (2020): Hydrochemical and operational parameters driving carbonate scale kinetics at geothermal facilities in the Bavarian Molasse Basin, Geotherm. Energy 8, doi://10.1186/s40517-020-00180-x.
T. Baumann (2020): Hydrogeochemical restrictions for flexible hydrogeothermal power generation, In: , Proc. World geothermal congress, , , (2020).
S. Eyerer, C. Schifflechner, S. Hofbauer, C Wieland, K. Zosseder, W. Bauer, T. Baumann, F. Heberle, C. Hackl, M. Irl & H. Spliethoff (2017): Potential der hydrothermalen Geothermie zur Stromerzeugung in Deutschland, Potential der hydrothermalen Geothermie zur Stromerzeugung in Deutschland .
M. Hegels & T. Baumann, Safe yield of deep groundwater aquifers - a case study from mineral water production, EGU 2025, 27.4.-2.5.2025, Vienna.
M. Omidi & T. Baumann, Coupling OpenFOAM and PhreeqC to quantify local disruptions of hydrochemical equilibria due to bubble formation and stripping of CO2, EGU 2024, 14.-19.4.2024, Vienna.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann, Hydrochemical indicators for sustainable and optimized geothermal use of deep groundwater, EGU 2024, 14.-19.4.2024, Vienna.
L. Zacherl & T. Baumann, Quantifizierung der Calciumkarbonatausfällungskinetik unter dynamischen Bedingungen, Wasser 2023, 15.-17.5.2023, Augsburg.
M. Omidi & T. Baumann, Numerical analysis of scaling formation in geothermal systems: Application in bubble columns, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.
J. Bartels, P. Schätzl & T. Baumann, Hydrochemical stimulation in fractured carbonate rocks - monitoring and simulation, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.
M. Ueckert, C. Wismeth & T. Baumann, Kristallisation der polymorphen Formen des Calciumcarbonats während eines Wärmespeicherversuchs in den carbonatischen Sedimenten des oberen Jura, Der Geothermiekongress 19.-21.11.2019, München.
M. Hegels & T. Baumann, Das hohe C in der Geothermie, 9. Wissenstransfer der Geothermie-Allianz Bayern, 2025-02-10, Garching (invited).
T. Baumann, Hydrogeochemistry in geothermal applications, Institute of Geo-Hydroinformatics, TU Hamburg-Harburg, 2025-01-28 (invited).
L. Zacherl & T. Baumann, Pore scale assessment of disrupted hydrochemical equilibria in geothermal systems, EGU 2024, 14.-19.4.2024, Vienna.
M. Hegels, F. Schölderle & T. Baumann, Hydrochemische Fingerabdrücke als Basis für ein optimiertes Reservoirmanagement, Der Geothermiekongress 2024, 22.-24.10.2024, Potsdam.
M. Hegels & T. Baumann, Depletion of a mineral water aquifer – implications on sustainable groundwater management, EGU 2024, 14.-19.4.2024, Vienna.
L. Zacherl & T. Baumann, Quantification of calcium carbonate precipitation kinetics under dynamic conditions, Anakon 2023, 11.-14.4.2023, Vienna.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann, Local effects of the injection of undersaturated waters in geothermal applications, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.
L. Zacherl, M. Omidi & T. Baumann, Scalings in geothermal systems: Quantifying and modeling the role of degassing, European Geothermal Congress 2022, 17.-22.10.2022, Berlin.
L. Zacherl & T. Baumann, Gas phase induced carbonate precipitation - experimental proof and model verification, EGU 2022, 23.-27.5.2022, Vienna.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann, Multiple sensor data fusion applied to geothermal reservoir management, European Geothermal Congress 2022, 17.-22.10.2022, Berlin.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann, Forecasting high resolution variations in deep geothermal wells based on low resolution measurements utilizing virtual sensors, EGU 2022, 23.-27.5.2022, Vienna.
T. Baumann, Assessment of the hydrochemical integrity of deep geothermal aquifers - lessons from bottled water producers, EGU 2022, 23.-27.5.2022, Vienna.
L. Zacherl & T. Baumann, Gasblaseninduziertes Scaling in Geothermieanlagen, Der Geothermiekongress, 30.11.-1.12.2021, Essen (online).
L. Zacherl & T. Baumann, Gas bubble induced scalings in geothermal systems, vEGU 2021, 19.-30.4.2021, online.
B. Tilley, M. Ueckert & T. Baumann, Porosity dynamics through carbonate-reaction kinetics in high-temperature aquifer storage applications, InterPore 2021 online, 31.5.-4.6.2021.
F. Kaplar & T. Baumann, Comparative study of chemical stimulation at geothermal wells in the carbonates of the upper jurassic in the bavarian molasse basin, vEGU 2021, 19.-30.4.2021, online.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann, Long term variations of the hydrochemical composition of deep thermal ground water in the lower bavarian molasse basin - causes and perspectives, vEGU 2021, 19.-30.4.2021, online.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann, Langfristige Schwankungen in der hydrochemischen Zusammensetzung des tiefen geothermalen Grundwassers im Bayerischen Molassebecken - Gründe und Perspektiven, Der Geothermiekongress, 30.11.-1.12.2021, Essen (online).
T. Baumann, C. Wieland, R. Staudacher, S. J. Baumann & G. Pasquazzo, Gasmonitoring: Erhöhung der Betriebssicherheit und energetischer Nutzen, GAB Wissenstransfer 25.3.2021 (online).