Geo-potentials of the tertiary subsurface in the wider area of Munich (Germany)
The shallow deposits of the tertiary subsurface, the “Obere Süßwassermolasse”, in the wider area of Munich, represent a huge natural resource and storage facility for geo-potentials. Those geological and geothermal potentials could be used for sustainable energy usage (shallow geothermal energy) or as necessary water resource (drinking or domestic use). The usage of these geo-potentials is influenced by various aspects. The construction of shallow geothermal energy plants depends on the geological and hydrogeological conditions and its thermal characteristics. However, the same conditions define the subsurface sediments in matters of water storage and usability for drinking or domestic usage. One goal of the “GeoPot Project” is to avoid the negative effects of the competition between the various usages of the geo-potentials. Besides editing and analyzing the existing and new collected hydrogeological and geothermal data, a 3D-model of the subsurface, especially for the heavy influenced urban underground area of Munich, is the key to understand and optimize the planning and the usage of geo-potentials and to avoid the potential rivalry. The “GeoPot Project”, which deepens the results of the “GEPO Project” (2012 - 2015), is financed by the “Bavarian State Ministry of Environment and Public Health (StMUV)”, supervised by the “Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU)” and realized by the “Chair of Hydrogeology - Technical University of Munich (TUM)” between 2016 and 2019.
The geoinformation on the GeoPOT project is available on the website of the LfU-Bavaria. In addition to a brief description and the final report, there is also a download link (ZIP-file) for the project's data results and appendices.
Contributions to SDG
Dr. Kai Zosseder; Dr. Lilian Chavez-Kus; M. Sc. Marco Kerl; Dipl.-Ing. Alberto Albarrán Ordás; Dr. Manuel Gossler; Dr. Aleksandra Kiecak; M. Sc. Jan Huch; M. Sc. Thomas Schaller; M. Sc. Markus Theel; M. Sc. Fatemeh Shajari
Funded by
Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection; Bavarian Environment Agency;
State Offices for Water Management: München, Weilheim, Rosenheim; City of Munich; Stadtwerke München;
Project duration
2016 - 2019 and continuing its effects through the GeoPortal Munich
Related projects
GeoSPOT; Energie-Atlas Bayern; Geo-KW; GePo