Large-scale integrated overall analysis of the deep geothermal potential and its synergetic utilisation in the greater Munich area
The aim of the GIGA-M project is to optimise the use of the extensive deep geothermal potential for the climate-neutral heat supply of the greater Munich area. The focus here is on the strategic shift from the current implementation of individual sites to the synergetic utilisation of a geothermal field. This should also make it possible to shift the utilisation of deep geothermal energy from base load to medium to peak load. The following challenges exist for achieving this goal: i) assessment of the economic and technical risk in thermal mining due to the mutual influence of projects and sustainable utilisation in the comprehensive expansion of a geothermal field, ii) lack of basic principles and tools for intensive use in mining and water law for the dimensioning of mining rights fields and approval of maximum extraction rights and shortening the duration of approval and implementation procedures, iii) technical measures to increase the productivity of individual plants and iv) non-technical barriers to the cross-municipal expansion of deep geothermal energy.

An interdisciplinary research approach has been chosen for the development of the solutions, which aims to achieve the following results: (i) creation of a reservoir management model for the greater Munich area and a prototype for a transferable evaluation model for planning and approval of synergistic large-scale expansion (collaboration with the Project BEM-TG), (ii) 3D seismic exploration of a large part of the project area and further development of the seismic interpretation as a basis for a holistic evaluation, iii) further development of technical measures to increase production through extended reach drilling, iv) reduction of non-technical barriers through the development of concepts for inter-municipal business models, prioritisation of facilities in area planning and development of communication concepts.
Contributions to SDG
Funded by
Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK)
Stadtwerke München GmbH; Landeshauptstadt München; Landkreis München; Energieagentur Ebersberg-München; Energiewende Garching
Dr. Kai Zosseder; M. Sc. Valerie Ernst; Dr.-Ing. Ishani Banerjee; Dr. Aurélia Crinière, Dr. Bob Bamberg; M. Sc. Wolf-Rüdiger Titus Seeger; M. Sc. Mohamed Nasralla; Dr. Ayman AlRassas
Project duration
01.02.2024 – 31.01.2028
Deep Geothermal Projects Handout
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Press release 2024.02.28
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