Alpine cities face unique groundwater issues, including the impact of climate change and rising competition for groundwater use. To address these concerns, MARGIN helps cities understand their vulnerability and risk, building resilience to future groundwater changes. The project offers city-tailored management for upcoming groundwater difficulties, creating the potential to replicate best practices and accelerate their implementation in Alpine cities, thus strengthening preparedness and capacity to cope with the impacts of climate change.
The project aims to develop effective adaptation measures to safeguard groundwater quality and quantity, essential for drinking water, energy, and ecosystem health. By examining the four pilot cities Milan, Ljubljana, Linz and Munich and involving a Network of Observers, MARGIN will enhance city planning and policy-making through a practical toolbox of guidelines and best practices. This initiative will empower cities to responsibly manage their groundwater resources and build resilience against environmental challenges.
More information on our website
Contributions to SDG

Funded by
MARGIN is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. The project total budget is 2.985.083,95 € with an ERDF Co-financing rate of 75 %.
Technical University Munich (Lead partner); City of Ljubljana; Municipality of Milan; Municipality of Munich; LINZ Service GmbH for infrastructure and municipal services; GeoSphere Austria; Geological Survey of Slovenia; University of Milan-Bicocca; University of Vienna; National Institute of Biology; Climate Alliance of European Cities with Indigenous Rainforest Peoples; European Water Association
Dr. Kai Zosseder; Dipl.-Met. Christine Haas; MSc. Cristina Astudillo
Project duration
01.09.2024 – 31.08.2027
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