Peer-reviewed papers in international journals
Böttcher, F., Halilovic, S., Günther, M., Hamacher, T., Zosseder, K. (2025): Integration der thermischen Grundwassernutzung in die kommunale Wärmeplanung. Grundwasser - Zeitschrift der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie (2025).
Jorge Martínez-León,J.,Marazuela, M. Á., Baquedano,C., Schneider E., G., Gasco-Cavero,S.,Escayola, O., G., Janža, M., Boon, D. P., Zosseder, K., Epting, J., Binder, M. &García-Gil, A. (2025): Novel management strategies for optimizing shallow geothermal energy exploitation: A European urban experience perspective, Renewable Energy, Volume 239. ISSN 0960-1481.
Winter, T., Schölderle, F., Pfrang, D., Baumann, T., Zosseder, K., Kus, G., Einsiedl, F.: Evaluierung allgemeiner Modellvorstellungen zur großräumigen Fließsystematik im Oberjura-Aquifer (Molassebecken). Grundwasser - Zeitschrift der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie (2025).
Imig, A., Perosa, F., Hotta, C.I., Klausner, S., Welsh, K., Zheng, Y., Rein, A. (2024): Technical assessment combined with an extended cost–benefit analysis for the restoration of groundwater and forest ecosystem services – an application for Grand Bahama. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 28, 5459–5478.
Trapp, S., Rein, A., Fantke, P. (2024): Initial pesticide residue concentrations in nectar and pollen after spray application on flowering plants for assessing impacts on pollination. Environmental Sciences Europe 36, 214.
Tzoufka, K., Blöcher, G., Cacace, M., Pfrang, D., and Zosseder, K.: Physics-based numerical evaluation of High-Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (HT-ATES) in the Upper Jurassic reservoir of the German Molasse Basin, Adv. Geosci., 65, 103–111,, 2024.
Rein, A., Trapp, S., Fantke, P., Yalçın, M., Turgut, N., Ahat, C., Camcı, E., Turgut, C. (2024): Uptake and translocation of pesticides in pepper and tomato plants. Pest Management Science,
Albarrán-Ordás, A., Zosseder, K. (2024): Estimation of 3-D hydraulic conductivity fields from fictive grain-size distributions derived from 3-D geological modeling. Paper. Open access, Published: 28 November 2024, Hydrogeology J.
Figueira,J. S., García Gil, A., Vieira, A., Michopoulos, A. K., Boon, D. P., Loveridge, F., Cecinato, F., Götzl, G., Epting, J., Zosseder, K., Bloemendal, M., Woods, M., Christodoulides, P., Vardon, P. J., Borg, S. P., Poulsen, S. E. & Andersen , T. R (2024): Shallow geothermal energy systems for district heating and cooling networks: Review and technological progression through case studies, Renewable Energy Vol. 236, ISSN 0960-1481,
Zacherl, L., Baumann, T. (2024) Quantification of scalings in dynamic environments using a combination of Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Raman Microscopy, Adv. Geosci., 65, 9–17,
Augustin, L., Baumann, T. (2024) Suitability Mapping for Subsurface Floodwater Storage Schemes, InterPore J, 1(2)
Halilovic, S., Böttcher, F., Zosseder, K., Hamacher, T. (2024) Spatial analysis of thermal groundwater use based on optimal sizing and placement of well doublets, Energy (132058),
Coskun, Ö., K., Gomez-Saez, G. V., Beren, M., Özcan, D., Günay, S., D., Elkin, V., Hoşgörmez, H., Einsiedl, E., Eisenreich, W., D Orsi, W., (2024) Quantifying genome specific carbon fixation in a 750 meter deep subsurface hydrothermal microbial community, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2024, fiae062,
Michaelis, T., Kaplar, F., Baumann, T., Wunderlich, A., Einsiedl, F. (2024). High methane ebullition throughout one year in a regulated central European stream. Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 5359 (2024).
Winter, T., Aeschbach, W., & Einsiedl, F. (2024). Reconstruction of the Pleistocene paleoclimate from deep groundwater in Southern Germany from noble gas temperatures linked with organic radiocarbon dating. Water Resources Research, 60, e2023WR035644.
Welsh, K., Imig, A., Listl, I., Rein, A. (2023): Grand Bahama Post-Hurricane Dorian: A Comparison of Fresh Water in Two Primary Wellfields. International Journal of Bahamian Studies 29(1), 59-73,
Kiecak, K., Huch, J., Albarrán-Ordás, A., Chavez-Kus, L., Zosseder, K. (2023) Interpretation of hydrogeochemistry of the Upper Freshwater Molasse (Obere Süßwassermolasse) in the Munich area (Bavaria, Germany) using multivariate analysis and three-dimensional geological modelling, Paper. Hydrogeology J.
Halilovic, S, Böttcher, F., Zosseder, K. and Hamacher, T (2023): Optimization approaches for the design and operation of open-loop shallow geothermal systems. Article, Volume 62, ADGEO, 62, 57–66, 2023.
Michaelis, T., Wunderlich, A., Baumann, T., Geist, J., & Einsiedl, F. (2023): Technical note: Testing the effect of different pumping rates on pore-water sampling for ions, stable isotopes, and gas concentrations in the hyporheic zone. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 27(20), 3769-3782.
Imig, A., Augustin, L., Groh, J., Pütz, T., Elsner, M., Einsiedl, F., Rein, A. (2023). Fate of herbicides in cropped lysimeters: 2. Leaching of four maize herbicides considering different model setups. Vadose Zo. J. 1–14.
Imig, A., Augustin, L., Groh, J., Pütz, T., Zhou, T., Einsiedl, F., Rein, A. (2023). Fate of herbicides in cropped lysimeters: 1. Influence of different processes on unsaturated flow 1–13.
Halilovic, S., Böttcher, F., Zosseder, K., Hamacher, T. (2023): Optimizing the spatial arrangement of groundwater heat pumps and their well locations. Renewable Energy, Volume 217, November 2023, 119148.
Dietmaier, A., & Baumann, T. (2023): Assessing sustainable development of deep aquifers. Water Resources Management.
Dietmaier, A., & Baumann, T. (2023): Forecasting changes of the flow regime at deep geothermal wells based on high resolution sensor data and low resolution chemical analyses, Adv. Geosci., 58 , 189-197.
Zacherl, L., & Baumann, T. (2023): Quantification of the effect of gas-water-equilibria on carbonate precipitation. Geothermal Energy, 11.
Albarrán-Ordás, A., Zosseder, K. (2023): Uncertainties in 3-D stochastic geological modeling of fictive grain size distributions in detrital systems. Applied Computing and Geosciences, Volume 19, article id. 100127. Special Issue on “Applications in 3D geoscience modeling”.
Coskun ÖK, Gomez-Saez GV, Beren M, Ozcan D, Hosgormez H, Einsiedl F and Orsi WD, 2023: Carbon metabolismand biogeography of candidate phylum “Candidatus Bipolaricaulota” in geothermal environments of Biga Peninsula, Turkey.
Stüwe, I., Zacherl, L. & Grosse, C.U. Ultrasonic and Impact-Echo Testing for the Detection of Scaling in Geothermal Pipelines. J Nondestruct Eval 42, 18 (2023):
Schölderle, F., Pfrang, D., Zosseder, K., 2023. Inverse flow zone characterization using distributed temperature sensing in a deep geothermal production well located in the Southern German Molasse Basin. Adv. Geosci., 58, 101–108, 2023.
Wolpert, P., Aigner, T., Bendias, D., Beichel, K. & Zosseder, K. (2022): A novel workflow for geothermal exploration: 3D seismic interpretation of biohermal buildups (Upper Jurassic, Molasse Basin, Germany); Geothermal Energy 10:27;
Imig, A., Shajari, F., Augustin, L., Einsiedl, F., Rein, A., (2022): Improved lumped‐parameter and numerical modeling of unsaturated water flow and stable water isotopes. Groundwater 1–13.
Welsh, K., Bowen-O’Connor, C., Stephens, M., Dokou, Z., Imig, A., Mackey, T., Moxey, A., Nikolopoulos, E., Turner, A., Williams, A., Al Baghdadi, L., Bowleg, J., Chaves, H.M.L., Davis, A., Guberman, G., Hanek, D., Klausner, S., Medlev, D., Mazzoni, N., Miller, I., Rein, A., Williams, L., Wilchcombe, R., (2022): Potable Water and Terrestrial Resources on Grand Bahama Post-Hurricane Dorian : Opportunities for Climate Resilience. Int. J. Bahamian Stud. Vol. 28.
Michaelis, T., Wunderlich, A., Coskun, Ö. K., Orsi, W., Baumann, T., Einsiedl, F. (2022): High-resolution vertical biogeochemical profiles in the hyporheic zone reveal insights into microbial methane cycling, Biogeosciences, 19, 4551-4569, 10.5194/bg-19-4551-2022, 2022.
Halytsia, O., Vrachioli, M., Janik, K., Sitek, S., Wojtal, G., Imig, A., Rein, A., Sauer, J., (2022): Assessing Economic Feasibility of Managed Aquifer Recharge Schemes : Evidence from Cost-benefit Analysis in Poland. Water Resour. Manag.
Schölderle F, Götzl G, Einsiedl F, Zosseder K. (2022): Uncertainty Assessment of Corrected Bottom-Hole Temperatures Based on Monte Carlo Techniques. Energies. 2022; 15 (17): 6367.
C. Wismeth, M. Flury, T. Baumann (2022): Experimental quantification of interfacial convections at the water–nonaqueous-phase liquid interface in microfluidic systems, Vadose Zone J.
Anahi Molar-Cruz, Maximilian F. Keim, Christopher Schifflechner, Markus Loewer, Kai Zosseder, Michael Drews, Christoph Wieland, Thomas Hamacher (2022): Techno-economic optimization of large-scale deep geothermal district heating systems with long-distance heat transport. Vol. 267, Energy Conversion and Management,
Halilovic, S., Böttcher, F., Kramer S. C., Piggott, M. D., Zosseder, K., Hamacher, T. (2022): Well layout optimization for groundwater heat pump systems using the adjoint approach. Vol. 268, Energy Conservation and Management,
Winter, T., Einsiedl, F (2022): Combining 14CDOC and 81Kr with hydrochemical data to identify recharge processes in the South German Molasse Basin; Vol. 612, J. of Hydrology, ISSN 0022-1694,
An, Q., Wu, Y., Li, D., Hao, X, Pan, C., Rein, A. (2022): Development and application of a numerical dynamic model for pesticide residues in apple orchards. Pest Management Science, DOI: 10.1002/ps.6897
Peña Sanchez, A., Duffner, C., Wunderlich, A., Mayer, B., Schulz, S., Schloter, M., Einsiedl, E. (2022): Seasonal dynamics of anaerobic oxidation of ammonium and denitrification in a dimictic lake during the stratified spring–summer period. Limnology and Oceography,
Imig, A., Szabó, Z., Halytsia, O., Vrachioli, M., Kleinert, V., Arno R. (2022): A review on risk assessment in managed aquifer recharge. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management–Volume 00, Number 00–pp. 1–17.
Zosseder, K., Pfrang, D., Schölderle, F., Bohnsack, D., Konrad, F. (2022): Characterisation of the upper Jurassic geothermal reservoir in the South German Molasse Basin as basis for a potential assessment to foster the geothermal installation development – Results from the joint research project Geothermal Alliance Bavaria. Geomechanics and Tunnelling 15, No. 1, pp. 17–24.
Geologica Bavarica Band 122: Die hydraulischen Grundwasserverhältnisse des quartären und des oberflächennahen tertiären Grundwasserleiters im Großraum München. Monographie Autor*Innen:
Zosseder, K., Kerl, M., Albarrán-Ordás, A., Gossler, M., Kiecak, A., Chavez-Kus, L. (2022):
Peña Sanchez, A., Mayer, B., Wunderlich, A., Rein, A., Einsiedl, F. (2022): Analysing seasonal variations of methane oxidation processes coupled with denitrification in a stratified lake using stable isotopes and numerical modeling, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2022, ISSN 0016-7037,
Albarrán-Ordás, A., Zosseder, K. (2022): The Di models method: geological 3-D modeling of detrital systems consisting of varying grain fractions to predict the relative lithological variability for a multipurpose usability. Bull Eng Geol Environ 81, 34 (2022).
Böttcher, F., Zosseder, K. (2022): Thermal influences on groundwater in urban environments – A multivariate statistical analysis of the subsurface heat island effect in Munich, Science of The Total Environment 810(4).
Lipus, M. P., Schölderle, F., Reinsch, T., Wollin, C., Krawczyk, C. M., Pfrang, D., Zosseder, K. (2021): Dynamic motion monitoring of a 3.6 km long steel rod in a borehole during cold-water injection with distributed fiber-optic sensing, Solid Earth Discuss.
Schölderle, F., Lipus, M., Pfrang, D., Reinsch, t, Haberer, S., Einsiedl, F. & Zosseder, K. (2021): Monitoring cold water injections for reservoir characterization using a permanent fiber optic installation in a geothermal production well in the Southern German Molasse Basin. Geotherm Energy 9, 21.
Bohnsack, D., Potten, M., Freitag, S., Einsiedl, F., Zosseder, K. (2021): Stress sensitivity of porosity and permeability under varying hydrostatic stress conditions for different carbonate rock types of the geothermal Malm reservoir in Southern Germany. Geotherm. Energy 9, 15.
Konrad, F., Savvatis, A., Degen, D., Wellmann, F., Einsiedl, F., & Zosseder, K. (2021): Productivity enhancement of geothermal wells through fault zones: Efficient numerical evaluation of a parameter space for the Upper Jurassic aquifer of the North Alpine Foreland Basin. Geothermics, 95, 102119.
Metreveli, G., Kurtz, S., Rosenfeldt, R.R., Seitz, F., Kumahor, S.K., Grün, A. Klitzke, S., Vogel, H.-J., Bundschuh, M., Baumann, T., Schulz, R., Manz, W., Lang, F., Schaumann, G.E. (2021): Distribution of Engineered Ag Nanoparticles in the Aquatic-Terrestrial Transition Zone: A Long-Term Indoor Floodplain Mesocosm Study. Environ. Sci. Nano,
Heine, F., Zosseder, K., Einsiedl, F. (2021): Hydrochemical Zoning and Chemical Evolution of the Deep Upper Jurassic Thermal Groundwater Reservoir Using Water Chemical and Environmental Isotope Data.Water,13, 1162.
Tilley, B.S., Ueckert, M., Baumann, T. (2021): Porosity Dynamics through Carbonate-Reaction Kinetics in High-Temperature Aquifer Storage Applications. Math Geosci.
Duffner, C., Wunderlich, A., Schloter, M., Schulz S., Einsiedl, F. (2021): Strategies to overcome intermediate accumulation during in situ nitrate remediation in groundwater by hydrogenotrophic denitrification, Frontiers in Microbiology.
Duffner, C., Holzapfel, S., Wunderlich, A, Einsiedl, F, Schloter, M, Schulz, S. (2021): Dechloromonas and close relatives prevail hydrogenotrophic denitrification in stimulated microcosms with oxic aquifer material, FEMS Microbiology Ecology.
Schübl, M., Kiecak, A., Hug, K., Lintelmann, J., Zimmermann, R., Stumpp, C. (2021): Sorption and biodegradation parameters of selected pharmaceuticals in laboratory column experiments, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 236.
Luijendijk, E., Winter, T., Köhler, S., Ferguson, G., von Hagke, C., & Scibek, J. (2020): Using thermal springs to quantify deep groundwater flow and its thermal footprint in the Alps and a comparison with North American orogens. Geophysical Research Letters.
Heine, F., Einsiedl, F. (2020): Groundwater dating with dissolved organic radiocarbon: a promising approach in carbonate aquifers. Applied Geochemistry,
Amininejad, S. M., Ivleva, N. P. & Baumann, T. (2020): Characterization of coatings on metallic nanoparticles by surface‐enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) for environmental purposes. Vadose Zone Journal 19:e20076,
Einsiedl, F., Wunderlich, A., Sebilo, M., Coskun, Ö. K., Orsi, W. D., Mayer, B. (2020): Biogeochemical evidence of anaerobic methane oxidation and anaerobic ammonium oxidation in a stratified lake using stable isotopes. Biogeosciences 17, 20.
Gossler, M. A., Bayer, P., Rau, G. C., Einsiedl, F., Zosseder, K. (2020): On the Limitations and Implications of Modeling Heat Transport in Porous Aquifers by Assuming Local Thermal Equilibrium. Water Resources Research.
Köhl, B., Elsner, M. & Baumann, T. (2020): Hydrochemical and operational parameters driving carbonate scale kinetics at geothermal facilities in the Bavarian Molasse Basin, Geotherm. Energy 8, 26,
Köhl, B., Grundy, J. & Baumann T. (2020): Rippled scales in a geothermal facility - a key to understanding the scaling process, Geotherm. Energy 8, 23, doi://10.1186/s40517-020-00177-6.
Theel, M., Huggenberger, P. & Zosseder, K. (2020): Assessment of the heterogeneity of hydraulic properties in gravelly outwash plains: a regionally scaled sedimentological analysis in the Munich gravel plain, Germany. Hydrogeology J.
Wieland, C., Spliethoff, H., Baumann, T. (2020): CO2-neutral co-produced gas utilization for deep geothermal applications. Geothermics 88
Bohnsack, D., Potten, M., Pfrang, D., Wolpert, P., Zosseder, K. (2020): Porosity–permeability relationship derived from Upper Jurassic carbonate rock cores to assess the regional hydraulic matrix properties of the Malm reservoir in the South German Molasse Basin. Geotherm Energy 8, 12.
Kiecak, A., Breuer, F., Stumpp, C. (2020): Column Experiments on Sorption Coefficients and Biodegradation Rates of Selected Pharmaceuticals in Three Aquifer Sediments. Water, 12 (1)
Albarrán-Ordás, A., Zosseder, K. (2020): Geostatistische Reliefmodellierung der quartären Grundwasserleiterbasis in der Münchener Schotterebene unter Verwendung von Massendaten. German Journal of Geology.
Ueckert M., Wismeth, C., Baumann, T. (2020): Crystallization of calcium carbonate in a large-scale push–pull heat storage test in the Upper Jurassic carbonate aquifer. Geothermal Energy, 8.
Shajari, F., Einsiedl, F., Rein, A. (2019): Characterizing water flow in vegetated lysimeters with stable water isotopes and modeling. Groundwater, In Press.
Gossler, M. A., Bayer, P., Zosseder, K. (2019): Experimental investigation of thermal retardation and local thermal non-equilibrium effects on heat transport in highly permeable, porous aquifers, Journal of Hydrology.
Epting, J., Böttcher, F., Mueller, M. H., García-Gil, A., Zosseder, K., Huggenberger, P. (2019): City-scale solutions for the energy use of shallow urban subsurface resources – Bridging the gap between theoretical and technical potentials. Renewable Energy.
Wild, L., Rein, A. Einsiedl, F. (2019): Monte Carlo simulations as a decision support to interpret δ15N values of nitrate in groundwater. Groundwater.
Konrad, F., Savvatis, A., Wellmann, F., Zosseder, K. (2019): Hydraulic behavior of fault zones in pump tests of geothermal wells - a parametric analysis using numerical simulations for the Upper Jurassic aquifer of the North Alpine Foreland Basin. Geothermal Energy.
Böttcher, F., Casasso, A., Götzl, G., Zosseder, K. (2019): TAP - Thermal aquifer Potential: A quantitative method to assess the spatial potential for the thermal use of groundwater. Renewable Energy, 142, 85-95.
Drews, M.C., Hofstetter, P., Zosseder, K., Straubinger, R., Gahr, A., Stollhofen, H. (2019): Predictability and controlling factors of overpressure in the North Alpine Foreland Basin, SE Germany: an interdisciplinary post-drill analysis of the Geretsried GEN-1 deep geothermal well. Geothermal Energy.
Ueckert, M., Baumann, T. (2019): Hydrochemical aspects of high temperature aquifer storage in carbonaceous aquifers - evaluation of a field study, Geotherm. Energy 7,
Liu, N., Skauge T.,Landa-Marbán, D.,Hovland, B.,Thorbjørnsen, B., Radu, F. A., Vik, B. F., Baumann, T. Bødtker, G. (2019): Microfluidic study of effects of flow velocity and nutrient concentration on biofilm accumulation and adhesive strength in the flowing and no-flowing microchannels, J. Industr. Microbiol. Biotechnol. doi://
Wild, L.M., Mayer, B., Einsiedl, F. (2018): Decadal delays in groundwater recovery from nitrate contamination caused by low O2 reduction rates. Water Resources Research.
Wunderlich, A., Heipieper, H. J., Elsner, M., Einsiedl, F. (2018): Solvent stress-induced changes in membrane fatty acid composition of denitrifying bacteria reduce the extent of nitrogen stable isotope fractionation during denitrification Author links open overlay panel. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
T. Hörbrand, T. Baumann & H. C. Moog (2018): Validation of hydrogeochemical databases for problems in deep geothermal energy, Geotherm. Energy 6,
L. Degenkolb, G. Metreveli, A. Philippe, A. Brandt, K. Leopold, L. Zehlike, H.-J. Vogel, G. E. Schaumann, T. Baumann, M. Kaupenjohann, F. Lang, S. Kumahor & S. Klitzke (2018): Retention and remobilization mechanisms of environmentally aged silver nanoparticles in an artificial riverbank filtration system, Sci. Total. Environ. 645,
P. Anger, E. v. d. Esch, T. Baumann, M. Elsner, R. Niessner & N. P. Ivleva (2018): Raman microspectroscopy as a tool for microplastic particle analysis, Trends in Analytical Chemistry 109, 214-226,
Casasso, A., Piga, B., Sethi, R.,Prestor, J., Pestotnik, S., Bottig, M., Goetzl, G., Zambelli, P., D’Alonzo, V., Vaccaro, R., Capodaglio, P., Olmedo, M., Baietto, A., Maragna, C., Böttcher, F. and Zosseder, K. (2017): The GRETA project: the contribution of near-surface geothermal energy for the energetic self-sufficiency of Alpine regions. Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater, 6. DOI: 10.7343/as-2017-265
Albert, K., Franz, C., Koenigsdorff, R. & Zosseder, K. (2017): Inverse estimation of rock thermal conductivity based on numerical microscale modeling from sandstone thin sections. Engineering Geology 231,1-8.
T. Baumann, J. Bartels, M. Lafogler & F. Wenderoth (2017): Assessment of heat mining and hydrogeochemical reactions with data from a former geothermal injection well in the malm aquifer, bavarian molasse basin, germany, Geothermics 66, doi://10.1016/j.geothermics.2016.11.008.
Albert, K., Schulze, M., Franz, C., Koenigsdorff, R., Zosseder, K. (2017). Thermal conductivity estimation model considering the effect of water saturation explaining the heterogeneity of rock thermal conductivity. Geothermics 66, 1-12.
Rein A., Adam I.K.U., Miltner A., Brumme K., Kästner M., Trapp S. (2016): Impact of bacterial activity on turnover of insoluble hydrophobic substrates (phenanthrene and pyrene) – Model simulations for prediction of bioremediation success. – Journal of Hazardous Materials 306, 105 -114.
A. C. Wiesheu, P. M. Anger, T. Baumann, R. Niessner & N. P. Ivleva (2016): Raman microspectroscopic analysis of fibers in beverages, Anal. Meth. 8, doi://10.1039/C6AY01184E.
M. Ueckert, R. Niessner & T. Baumann (2016): High temperature aquifer storage, In: Proceedings, 41st workshop on geothermal reservoir engineering, 1396-1407, Stanford University.
L. Pang, M. Lafogler, B. Knorr, E. McGill, D. Saunders, T. Baumann, P. Abraham & M. Close (2016): Influence of colloids on the attenuation and transport of phosphorus in alluvial gravel aquifer and vadose zone media, Sci. Tot. Environ. 550, 60-68.
M. Lafogler, F. Wenderoth, J. Bartels, G. Somogyi, T. Hinkofer, K. Hess & T. Baumann (2016): Processes in the vicinity of an injection well of a geothermal facility in the malm aquifer, In: Proceedings, 41st workshop on geothermal reservoir engineering, 251-256.
M. Lafogler, J. Bartels, F. Wenderoth, A. Savvatis, U. Steiner, A. Schubert, R. Niessner & T. Baumann (2016): Quantifizierung der lokalen und Prognose der regionalen hydraulischen und hydrochemischen Reservoireigenschaften des Malmaquifers auf Basis eines Push-Pull-Tests am Standort Pullach (Puma) doi://10.2314/GBV:869941763.
T. Baumann (2016): Validation of hydrochemical analyses and gas concentrations of deep geothermal aquifers, In: Proceedings, 41st workshop on geothermal reservoir engineering, 1269-1277, Stanford University.
S. Yoon, S.-R. Lee, J. Xue, K. Zosseder, G.-H. Go , H. Park (2015): Evaluation of the thermal efficiency and a cost analysis of different types of ground heat exchangers in energy piles. - Energy Conversion and Management.
Rein, A., Holm, O., Trapp, S., Popp-Hofmann, S., Bittens, M., Leven, C., and Dietrich, P. (2015): Comparison of phytoscreening and direct-push-based site investigation at a rural megasite contaminated with chlorinated ethenes. - Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation 35 (4), 45-56.
Schubert, M., Knoeller, K., Rocha, C. and Einsiedl, F. (2015): Evaluation and source attribution of freshwater contributionsto Kinvarra Bay, Ireland, using 222Rn, EC and stable isotopesas natural indicators. Environ onit Assess 187:105. (DOI: 10.1007/s10661-015-4274-3)
Einsiedl, F., Pilloni, G., Ruth-Anneser, B., Lueders, T., and Gribler C. (2015): Spatial distributions of sulphur species and sulphate-reducing bacteria provide insights into sulphur redox cycling and biodegradation hot-spots in a hydrocarbon-contaminated aquifer. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2015.01.014)
G. E. Schaumann, A. Philippe, M. Bundschuh, G. Metreveli, S. Klitzke, D. Rakcheeva, A. Grün, S. Kumahor, M. Kühn, T. Baumann, F. Lang, W. Manz, R. Schulz & H.-J. Vogel (2015): Understanding biological effects of Ag- and TiO2-nanoparticles in the environment: The quest for advanced analytics and interdisciplinary concepts, Sci. Tot. Environ. 535, doi://10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.10.035.
G. E. Schaumann, T. Baumann, F. Lang, G. Metreveli & H.-J. Vogel (2015): Engineered nanoparticles in soils and waters, Sci. Tot. Environ. 535, 1-2.
M. Kühn, S. P. Ivleva, S. Klitzke, R. Niessner & T. Baumann (2015): Investigation of coatings of natural organic matter on silver nanoparticles under environmentally relevant conditions by surface-enhanced Raman scattering, Sci. Tot. Environ. 535, doi://10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.12.026.
M. Herbrich, R. Niessner & T. Baumann (2015): Minimierung von Risiken bei Planung und langfristigem Betrieb tiefengeothermischer Anlagen im bayerischen Molassebecken, Minimierung von Risiken bei Planung und langfristigem Betrieb tiefengeothermischer Anlagen im bayerischen Molassebecken .
C. Chrysiokopoulos, T. Baumann & M. Flury (2015): Special issue on fate and transport of biocolloids and nanoparticles in soil and groundwater systems, J Cont. Hydrol. 181, 1-2.
Adam, I. K. U., Rein, A., Miltner, A., da Costa Fulgêncio, A. C., Trapp, S., and Kästner, M. (2014): Experimental results and integrated modeling of bacterial growth on an insoluble hydrophobic substrate (phenanthrene). - Environmental Science and Technology, 48, 8717-8726. Abstract
Algreen, M., Trapp, S., and Rein, A. (2014): Phytoscreening and phytoextraction of heavy metals at Danish polluted sites using willow and poplar trees. - Environ Science and Pollution Research 21, 8992–9001. Abstract
Lauber, U., Kotyla, P., Morche, D., and Goldscheider, N. (2014): Hydrogeology of an Alpine rockfall aquifer system and its role in flood attenuation and maintaining baseflow, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 4437-4452 (DOI:10.5194/hess-18-4437-2014). Abstract
C. Mayrhofer, R. Niessner & T. Baumann (2014): Hydrochemistry and hydrogen sulfide generating processes in the Malm aquifer, Bavarian Molasse Basin, Germany, Hydrogeol J. 22, doi://10.1007/s10040-013-1064-2.
Marchal, G., Smith, K.E.C., Rein, A., Winding, A., Trapp, S., Karlson, U.G. (2013): Comparing the desorption and biodegradation of low concentrations of phenanthrene sorbed to activated carbon, biochar and compost. – Chemosphere 90, 1767–1778. Abstract
Marchal, G., Smith, K.E., Rein, A., Winding, A., Wollensen de Jonge, L., Trapp, S., Karlson, U.G. (2013): Impact of activated carbon, biochar and compost on the desorption and mineralization of phenanthrene in soil. Environmental Pollution 181, 200-210. Abstract
Wunderlich, A., Meckenstock, R.U., Einsiedl, F. (2013): A mixture of nitrite-oxidizing and denitrifying microorganisms affects the δ18O of dissolved nitrate during anaerobic microbial denitrification depending on the δ18O of ambient water. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Abstract
Menberg K., Bayer, P., Zosseder, K., Rumohr, S., Blum, P. (2013): Subsurface urban heat islands in German cities. Sci of Total Environ., 442: 123-133. Abstract
Milosevic N., Qiub S., Elsner M., Einsiedl F., Maier M., Bensch, H. Albrechtsen, H.-J. Bjerg P.L. (2013): Combined isotope and enantiomer analysis to assess the fate of phenoxy acids in a heterogeneous geologic setting at an old landfill. Water Research. 47, 637-649. Abstract
N. Nestle, R. Morris & T. Baumann (2013): Environmental NMR: Magnetic resonance imaging, eMagRes 2, doi://10.1002/9780470034590.emrstm1349.
N. P. Ivleva, S. Huckele, B. Weinzierl, R. Niessner, C. Haisch & T. Baumann (2013): Identification and characterization of individual airborne volcanic ash particles by Raman microspectroscopy, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 405, doi://10.1007/s00216-013-7328-9.
T. Baumann (2013): Organische Spurenstoffe in Tiefengrundwasserleitern, Jh. Ges. Naturkde. Württemberg Sonderband Carlé, 103-117.
P. Abraham, S. Barnikol, T. Baumann, M. Kühn, N. P. Ivleva & G. Schaumann (2013): Sorption of silver nanoparticles to environmental and model surfaces, Environ. Sci. Technol. 47, doi://10.1021/es303941e.
Petrunic, B. M., Duffy, G. P., and Einsiedl, F. (2012): Major ion chemistry in a coastal karstic groundwater resource located in western Ireland. Irish journal of earth science 30, 13-30.
Einsiedl, F. (2012): Seawater/ groundwater interactions along a small catchment of the European Atlantic Coast. Applied Geochemistry 27: 73-80.
Wunderlich, A., Meckenstock, R. and Einsiedl, F. (2012): Stable isotopes fractionation of nitrogen and oxygen in nitrate during microbial denitrification, Environmental Science and Technology 46, 4861-4868.
Brunner, B., Einsiedl, F., Arnold, G., Müller, I., Templer, S. and Bernasconi, S. (2012): Insights into the reversibility of dissimilatory sulfate reduction using oxygen isotopes in sulfate. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies. (DOI:10.1080/10256016.2011.608128)
Legind, C.N., Rein, A., Serre, J., Brochier, V., Haudin, C.S., Cambier, P., Houot, S. and Trapp, S. (2012): Simultaneous Simulations of Uptake into Plants and Leaching to Groundwater of Cadmium and Lead for Arable Land Amended with Organic Waste. PloSOne 7(10), e47002
Smith, K.E.C., Rein, A., Trapp, S., Mayer, P. and Karlson, U.G. (2012): Dynamic Passive Dosing for Studying the Biotransformation of Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals: Microbial Degradation as an Example. Environmental Science and Technology 46(9), 4852-4860
Algreen, M.A., Rein, A., Legind, C.N., Amundsen, C.E., Karlson, U.G. and Trapp, S. (2012): Test of Tree Core Sampling for Screening of Toxic Elements in Soils from a Norwegian Site. International Journal of Phytoremediation 14, 305-319.
B. Tilley & T. Baumann (2012): On temperature attenuation in open-loop wells, Renew. Energy 48, 416-423.
M. Rieger, G. E. Schaumann, Y. Kunhi Mouvenchery, R. Niessner, M. Seidel & T. Baumann (2012): Development of antibody-labeled nanoparticles for the visualization of benzo[a]pyrene in porous media with magnetic resonance imaging, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 403, 2529-2540.
Goldhammer, T., Max, T., Brunner, B., Einsiedl, F. and Zabel, M. (2011): Marine sediment pore-water profiles of phosphate δ18O using a refined micro-extraction. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 9: 110-120.
Rein, A., Legind, C.N. and Trapp, T. (2011): New Concepts for Dynamic Plant Uptake Models. – SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research 22 (1–2), 191-215.
Legind, C.N., Kennedy, C.M., Rein, A., Snyder, N. and Trapp, S. (2011): Dynamic plant uptake model applied for drip irrigation of an insecticide to pepper fruit plants. – Pest Management Science 67, 521-527.
Rein, A., Popp, S., Leven, C., Bittens, M. and Dietrich, P. (2011): Comparison of approaches for the characterization of contamination at rural megasites. – Environ Earth Sciences 63,1239-1249.
Rein, A., Bauer-Gottwein, P. and Trapp, S. (2011): New model concepts for dynamic plant uptake and mass flux estimates in the soil-plant-air system. – IAHS Publ. 342, 55-58.
Wegscheider, S., Post, J., Zosseder, K., Mück, M., Strunz, G., Riedlinger, T., Muhari, A., Anwar, H.Z.: (2011): Generating tsunami risk knowledge at community level as a base for planning and implementation of risk reduction strategies. Natural Hazard and Earth Syst. Sci. 11: 249-258.
Strunz, G. , Post, J., Zosseder, K., Wegscheider, S., Mück, M., Riedlinger, T., Mehl. H, Dech, S., Birkmann, J., Gebert, N., Harjono, H., Anwar, H.Z., Sumaryono, Khomarudin, R.M., Muhari, A.: (2011): Tsunami risk assessment in Indonesia. Natural Hazard and Earth Syst. Sci. 11: 67-82.
J. Birner, C. Mayr, L. Thomas, M. Schneider, T. Baumann & A. Winkler (2011): Hydrochemistry and evolution of deep groundwaters in the malm aquifer in the bavarian part of the South German Molasse Basin, Z. geol. Wiss. 39, 291-308.
Einsiedl, F., Radke, M. and Maloszewski, P. (2010): Occurrence and transport of pharmaceuticals in a vulnerable karst system. J. of Contaminant. Hydrology 117: 126-136.
Anneser, B., Pilloni, G., Bayer, A., Lueders, T., Einsiedl, F., Richters, L. and Griebler, C. (2010): High resolution analysis of contaminated aquifer sediments and groundwater – what can be learned in terms of natural attenuation? Geomicrobiology 27:130–142.
C. J. Werth, C. Zhang, M. Brusseau, M. Oostrom & T. Baumann (2010): A review of non-invasive imaging methods and applications in contaminant hydrogeology research, J. Contam. Hydrol. 113, 1-24.
H. H. Dieter, H. Höring & T. Baumann (2010):Befund und Bewertung, In: R. Niessner, Höll - Wasser, 713-808, deGruyter, Berlin (2010).
T. Baumann, L. A. Toops & R. Niessner (2010): Colloid dispersion on the pore scale, Water Res. 44, doi://10.1016/j.watres.2009.11.035.
T. Baumann (2010):Nanoparticles in groundwater - occurrence and applications, In: F. H. Frimmel & R. Niessner, Nanoparticles in the water cycle, doi://10.1007/978-3-642-10318-6, Springer, Berlin (2010).
Einsiedl, F. (2009): Effect of NO2- on stable isotope fractionation during bacterial sulfate reduction. Environmental Science and Technology 43, 82-87.
Einsiedl F., Maloszewski, P. and Stichler, W. (2009): Multiple isotope approach to the determination of the natural attenuation potential of a High Alpine Karst System. Journal of Hydrology 365, 113–121.
Schwientek, M., Maloszewski, P. and Einsiedl, F. (2009): Effect of the unsaturated zone thickness on the distribution of water mean transit times in a porous aquifer. Journal of Hydrology 373, 516–526.
Promme, H., Anneser, B., Rolle, M., Einsiedl, F., and Christian Griebler (2009): Biogeochemical and isotopic gradients in a BTEX/PAH contaminant plume: model-based interpretation of a high-resolution field data set. Environmental Science and Technology 43, 8206-8212.
Rein, A., Bauer, S., Dietrich, P. and Beyer, C. (2009): Influence of temporally variable groundwater flow conditions on point measurements and contaminant mass flux estimations. – Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 108 (3-4), 118-133.
Post, J., Wegscheider, S., Mück, M., Zosseder, K., Kiefl, R., Steinmetz, T., Strunz, G. (2009): Assessment of human immediate response capability related to tsunami threats in Indonesia at a sub-national scale.- Natural Hazard and Earth Syst. Sci. 9: 1075-–1086.
Zosseder, K., Bender, S., Wohnlich, S. (2009): Hydraulische Ursachen der zeitlichen Varianz von PAK-Konzentrationen in einem Kiesgrundwasserleiter.-Grundwasser 14/2: 97-111.
Einsiedl, F., Mayer, B. and Schäfer, T. (2008): Evidence for incorporation of H2S in fulvic acids using traditional stable isotope technique and Sulfur K-edge XANES spectroscopy, Environmental Science and Technology 42, 2439-2444
Mangalo, M., Einsiedl, F., Meckenstock, R.U. and Stichler, W. (2008): Influence of the enzyme dissimilatory sulfite reductase on stable isotope fractionation during sulfate reduction, Geochimica et Cosmochimica. Acta 72, 1513-1520.
Schwientek, M., Einsiedl, F., Stichler, W., Strauß, H., Stögbauer, A., and Maloszewski, P. (2008): Evidence for denitrification regulated by pyrite oxidation in a heterogeneous porous groundwater system, Chemical Geology 255, 60–67.
Anneser, B., Einsiedl, F., Meckenstock, R., Richters, L. and Griebler, C. (2008): High-resolution analysis of biogeochemical gradients in a tar oil-contaminated aquifer, Applied Geochemistry 23, 1715-1730.
Goldhammer, T., Einsiedl, F., and Blodau, C. (2008): In Situ Determination of Bacterial Sulfate Reduction in Wetlands: A Downscale Push-pull Tracer Technique, J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 171, 1-11.
Stoegbauer, A., Strauss, H., Arndt, J., Marek, V., Einsiedl, F. and Geldern, R.v. (2008): Multiple isotope investigations in North-Rhine Westphalian Rivers – Tracing sources of river constituents and changes during the past 15 years, Applied Geochemistry 23, 3290-3304.
Rein, A. and Bittens, M. (2008): Risk-based decision support using multimedia environmental modelling – Towards sustainable implementation of biological in situ methods. IAHS Publ. 324, 523-530.
Beyer, C., Kahn, F., Rein, A., Dietrich, P., Kolditz, O. and Bauer, S. (2008): Assessing contaminant attenuation under temporally variable groundwater flow conditions. IAHS Publ. 324, 210-217.
Taubenböck, H., Post, J., Roth, A., Zosseder, K., Strunz, G. & Dech, S. (2008): A conceptual vulnerability and risk framework as outline to identify capabilities of remote sensing. Natural Hazard and Earth Syst. Sci., 8/3: 409-420.
N. Nestle, A. Wunderlich & T. Baumann (2008): MRI studies of flow and dislocation of model NAPL in saturated and unsaturated sediments, Europ. J. Soil Sci. 59, 559-571.
Einsiedl, F., Hertkorn, N., Wolf, M., Frommberger, M., Schmitt-Kopplin, P. and Koch, B. P. (2007): Rapid biotic molecular transformation of fulvic acids in a karst groundwater system, Geochimica et Cosmochimica. Acta 71, 5474-5482.
Mangalo, M., Meckenstock, R.U., Stichler, W. and Einsiedl, F. (2007): Stable isotope fractionation during bacterial sulfate reduction is controlled by reoxidation of intermediates, Geochimica et Cosmochimica. Acta, 71, 4161-4171.
Einsiedl, F., Schäfer, T. and Northrup, P. (2007): Combined sulfur K-edge XANES spectroscopy and stable isotope analyses of fulvic acids and groundwater sulfate identify sulfur cycling in a karstic catchment area, Chemical Geology 238, 268-276.
Rein, A., Fernqvist, M. M., Mayer, P., Trapp, S., Bittens, M. and Karlson, U. (2007): Degradation of PCB congeners by bacterial strains. – Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 77, 469-481.
Einsiedl F. and Mayer, B. (2006): Hydrodynamic and microbial processes governing nitrate in a fissured-porous karst aquifer, Environmental Science and Technology 40, 6697-6702.
Rein, A., Bittens, M. and Teutsch, G. (2006): Bioprocesses under practical aspects – Multimedia environmental impact assessment of in situ-soil remediation with genetically modified microorganisms. – In: Mendez-Vilas (Ed.): Modern Applied Microbiology, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim
Einsiedl F. (2005): Application of multiple artificial and environmental tracers to characterize the flow system of a karstic-fissured-porous aquifer, Journal of Hydrology 312 (1-4), 312-321.
Einsiedl, F. and Maloszewski, P. (2005): Tracer tests in fractured rocks with a new fluorescent dye-pyrene-1,3,6,8-tetra sulphonic acid (PTS), Hydrological Sciences Journal 50 (3), 543-554.
Einsiedl F., Maloszewski, P. and Stichler, W. (2005): Estimation of denitrification potential in a karst aquifer using the 15N and 18O isotopes of NO3-. Biogeochemistry 72, 67-86.
Einsiedl F. and Mayer, B. (2005): Sources and Processes Affecting Sulphate in a Karstic Groundwater System of the Franconian Alb, Southern Germany, Environmental Science and Technology 39, 7118-7125.