T. Winter, F. Schölderle, D. Pfrang, T. Baumann, K. Zosseder, G. Kus & F. Einsiedl (2025): Evaluierung allgemeiner Modellvorstellungen zur großräumigen Fließsystematik im Oberjura-Aquifer (Molassebecken), Grundwasser doi://10.1007/s00767-024-00581-w.
L. Zacherl & T. Baumann (2024): Quantification of scalings in dynamic environments using a combination of quartz crystal microbalance and Raman microscopy, Adv. Geosci. 65, doi://10.5194/adgeo-65-9-2024.
T. Michaelis, F. Kaplar, T. Baumann, A. Wunderlich & F. Einsiedl (2024): High methane ebullition throughout one year in a regulated central european stream, Scientific Reports doi://10.1038/s41598-024-54760-z.
L. Augustin & T. Baumann (2024): Suitability mapping for subsurface floodwater storage schemes, InterPore Journal 1(2), doi://10.69631/ipj.v1i2nr20.
L. Zacherl & T. Baumann (2023): Quantification of the effect of gas-water-equilibria on carbonate precipitation, Geothermal Energy 11, doi://10.1186/s40517-023-00256-4.
T. Michaelis, A. Wunderlich, T. Baumann, J. Geist & F. Einsiedl (2023): Technical note: Testing the effect of different pumping rates on pore-water sampling for ions, stable isotopes, and gas concentrations in the hyporheic zone, HESS 27, doi://10.5194/hess-27-3769-2023.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann (2023): Forecasting changes of the flow regime at deep geothermal wells based on high resolution sensor data and low resolution chemical analyses, Adv. Geosci. 58, doi://10.5194/adgeo-58-189-2023.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann (2023): Assessing sustainable development of deep aquifers, Water Resources Management doi://10.1007/s11269-023-03529-6.
C. Wismeth, M. Flury & T. Baumann (2022): Experimental quantification of interfacial convections at the water–nonaqueous-phase liquid interface in microfluidic systems, Vadose Zone J doi://10.1002/vzj2.20209.
T. Michaelis, A. Wunderlich, Ö. K. Coskun, W. Orsi, T. Baumann & F. Einsiedl (2022): High-resolution vertical biogeochemical profiles in the hyporheic zone reveal insights into microbial methane cycling, Biogeosciences 19, doi://10.5194/bg-19-4551-2022.
C. V. Chrysikopoulos, T. Baumann, M. Tong & C. Darnault (2022): Preface: Special section on emerging particles and biocolloids in terrestrial and aquatic systems, Vadose Zone Journal doi://10.1002/vzj2.20247.
B. Tilley, M. Ueckert & T. Baumann (2021): Porosity dynamics through carbonate-reaction kinetics in high-temperature aquifer storage applications, Mathematical Geosciences doi://10.1007/s11004-021-09932-2.
G. Metreveli, S. Kurtz, R. R. Rosenfeldt, F. Seitz, S. K. Kumahor, A. Grün, S. Klitzke, H.-J. Vogel, M. Bundschuh, T. Baumann, R. Schulz, W. Manz, F. Lang & G. E. Schaumann (2021): Distribution of engineered ag nanoparticles in the aquatic-terrestrial transition zone: A long-term indoor floodplain mesocosm study, Environ. Sci. Nano doi://10.1039/d1en00093d.
C. Wieland, H. Spliethoff & T. Baumann (2020): CO\_2-neutral carrier-gas utilization for deep geothermal applications, Geothermics 88, doi://10.1016/j.geothermics.2020.101895.
M. Ueckert, C. Wismeth & T. Baumann (2020): Crystallization of calcium carbonate in a large scale push-pull heat storage test in a jurassic carbonate aquifer, Geotherm. Energy 8, doi://10.1186/s40517-020-0160-5.
B. Köhl, J. Grundy & T. Baumann (2020): Rippled scales in a geothermal facility - a key to understanding the scaling process, Geotherm. Energy 8, doi://10.1186/s40517-020-00177-6.
B. Köhl, M. Elsner & T. Baumann (2020): Hydrochemical and operational parameters driving carbonate scale kinetics at geothermal facilities in the Bavarian Molasse Basin, Geotherm. Energy 8, doi://10.1186/s40517-020-00180-x.
B. Köhl & T. Baumann (2020): Scalings in hydrogeothermal systems, In: , Proc. World geothermal congress, , , (2020).
H. H. Dieter, H. Höring & T. Baumann (2020): Befund und Bewertung, In: R. Niessner, Höll - Wasser, 797-892, deGruyter, Berlin (2020).
T. Baumann (2020): Hydrogeochemical restrictions for flexible hydrogeothermal power generation, In: , Proc. World geothermal congress, , , (2020).
S. Amininejad, N. P. Ivleva & T. Baumann (2020): Characterization of coatings on metallic nanoparticles by surface-enhanced raman scattering (SERS) for environmental purposes, Vadose Zone J doi://10.1002/vzj2.20076.
M. Ueckert & T. Baumann (2019): Hydrochemical aspects of high temperature aquifer storage in carbonaceous aquifers - evaluation of a field study, Geotherm. Energy 7, doi://10.1186/s40517-019-0120-0.
N. Liu, T. Skauge, D. Landa-Marbán, B. Hovland, B. Thorbjørnsen, F. A. Radu, B. F. Vik, T. Baumann & G. Bødtker (2019): Microfluidic study of effects of flow velocity and nutrient concentration on biofilm accumulation and adhesive strength in the flowing and no-flowing microchannels, J. Industr. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 46, doi://10.1007/s10295-019-02161-x.
T. Hörbrand, T. Baumann & H. C. Moog (2018): Validation of hydrogeochemical databases for problems in deep geothermal energy, Geotherm. Energy 6, doi://10.1186/s40517-018-0106-3.
L. Degenkolb, G. Metreveli, A. Philippe, A. Brandt, K. Leopold, L. Zehlike, H.-J. Vogel, G. E. Schaumann, T. Baumann, M. Kaupenjohann, F. Lang, S. Kumahor & S. Klitzke (2018): Retention and remobilization mechanisms of environmentally aged silver nanoparticles in an artificial riverbank filtration system, Sci. Total. Environ. 645, doi://10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.079.
P. Anger, E. v. d. Esch, T. Baumann, M. Elsner, R. Niessner & N. P. Ivleva (2018): Raman microspectroscopy as a tool for microplastic particle analysis, Trends in Analytical Chemistry 109, 214-226.
S. Eyerer, C. Schifflechner, S. Hofbauer, C Wieland, K. Zosseder, W. Bauer, T. Baumann, F. Heberle, C. Hackl, M. Irl & H. Spliethoff (2017): Potential der hydrothermalen Geothermie zur Stromerzeugung in Deutschland, Potential der hydrothermalen Geothermie zur Stromerzeugung in Deutschland .
T. Baumann, J. Bartels, M. Lafogler & F. Wenderoth (2017): Assessment of heat mining and hydrogeochemical reactions with data from a former geothermal injection well in the malm aquifer, bavarian molasse basin, germany, Geothermics 66, doi://10.1016/j.geothermics.2016.11.008.
A. C. Wiesheu, P. M. Anger, T. Baumann, R. Niessner & N. P. Ivleva (2016): Raman microspectroscopic analysis of fibers in beverages, Anal. Meth. 8, doi://10.1039/C6AY01184E.
M. Ueckert, R. Niessner & T. Baumann (2016): High temperature aquifer storage, In: , Proceedings, 41st workshop on geothermal reservoir engineering, 1396-1407, Stanford University, (2016).
L. Pang, M. Lafogler, B. Knorr, E. McGill, D. Saunders, T. Baumann, P. Abraham & M. Close (2016): Influence of colloids on the attenuation and transport of phosphorus in alluvial gravel aquifer and vadose zone media, Sci. Tot. Environ. 550, 60-68.
M. Lafogler, F. Wenderoth, J. Bartels, G. Somogyi, T. Hinkofer, K. Hess & T. Baumann (2016): Processes in the vicinity of an injection well of a geothermal facility in the malm aquifer, In: , Proceedings, 41st workshop on geothermal reservoir engineering, 251-256, , (2016).
M. Lafogler, J. Bartels, F. Wenderoth, A. Savvatis, U. Steiner, A. Schubert, R. Niessner & T. Baumann (2016): Quantifizierung der lokalen und Prognose der regionalen hydraulischen und hydrochemischen Reservoireigenschaften des Malmaquifers auf Basis eines Push-Pull-Tests am Standort Pullach (Puma), Quantifizierung der lokalen und Prognose der regionalen hydraulischen und hydrochemischen Reservoireigenschaften des Malmaquifers auf Basis eines Push-Pull-Tests am Standort Pullach (Puma) doi://10.2314/GBV:869941763.
T. Baumann (2016): Validation of hydrochemical analyses and gas concentrations of deep geothermal aquifers, In: , Proceedings, 41st workshop on geothermal reservoir engineering, 1269-1277, Stanford University, (2016).
G. E. Schaumann, A. Philippe, M. Bundschuh, G. Metreveli, S. Klitzke, D. Rakcheeva, A. Grün, S. Kumahor, M. Kühn, T. Baumann, F. Lang, W. Manz, R. Schulz & H.-J. Vogel (2015): Understanding biological effects of Ag- and TiO2-nanoparticles in the environment: The quest for advanced analytics and interdisciplinary concepts, Sci. Tot. Environ. 535, doi://10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.10.035.
G. E. Schaumann, T. Baumann, F. Lang, G. Metreveli & H.-J. Vogel (2015): Engineered nanoparticles in soils and waters, Sci. Tot. Environ. 535, 1-2.
M. Kühn, S. P. Ivleva, S. Klitzke, R. Niessner & T. Baumann (2015): Investigation of coatings of natural organic matter on silver nanoparticles under environmentally relevant conditions by surface-enhanced Raman scattering, Sci. Tot. Environ. 535, doi://10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.12.026.
M. Herbrich, R. Niessner & T. Baumann (2015): Minimierung von Risiken bei Planung und langfristigem Betrieb tiefengeothermischer Anlagen im bayerischen Molassebecken, Minimierung von Risiken bei Planung und langfristigem Betrieb tiefengeothermischer Anlagen im bayerischen Molassebecken .
C. Chrysikopoulos, T. Baumann & M. Flury (2015): Special issue on fate and transport of biocolloids and nanoparticles in soil and groundwater systems, J Cont. Hydrol. 181, 1-2.
C. Mayrhofer, R. Niessner & T. Baumann (2014): Hydrochemistry and hydrogen sulfide generating processes in the Malm aquifer, Bavarian Molasse Basin, Germany, Hydrogeol J. 22, doi://10.1007/s10040-013-1064-2.
N. Nestle, R. Morris & T. Baumann (2013): Environmental NMR: Magnetic resonance imaging, eMagRes 2, doi://10.1002/9780470034590.emrstm1349.
N. P. Ivleva, S. Huckele, B. Weinzierl, R. Niessner, C. Haisch & T. Baumann (2013): Identification and characterization of individual airborne volcanic ash particles by Raman microspectroscopy, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 405, doi://10.1007/s00216-013-7328-9.
T. Baumann (2013): Organische Spurenstoffe in Tiefengrundwasserleitern, Jh. Ges. Naturkde. Württemberg Sonderband Carlé, 103-117.
P. Abraham, S. Barnikol, T. Baumann, M. Kühn, N. P. Ivleva & G. Schaumann (2013): Sorption of silver nanoparticles to environmental and model surfaces, Environ. Sci. Technol. 47, doi://10.1021/es303941e.
B. Tilley & T. Baumann (2012): On temperature attenuation in open-loop wells, Renew. Energy 48, 416-423.
M. Rieger, G. E. Schaumann, Y. Kunhi Mouvenchery, R. Niessner, M. Seidel & T. Baumann (2012): Development of antibody-labeled nanoparticles for the visualization of benzo[a]pyrene in porous media with magnetic resonance imaging, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 403, 2529-2540.
A. Schultze, L. Augustin & T. Baumann, Co-management of floods and droughts for the adaptation of agricultural water supply to climate change, EGU 2025, 27.4.-2.5.2025, Vienna.
M. Hegels & T. Baumann, Safe yield of deep groundwater aquifers - a case study from mineral water production, EGU 2025, 27.4.-2.5.2025, Vienna.
P. Schätzl, L. Augustin & T. Baumann, Smart-SWS: Combining flood protection and drought prevention to sustain groundwater resources - site assessment and numerical modeling, IAH World Groundwater Congress, 8-13 Sep 2024, Davos.
M. Ruck, L. Augustin & T. Baumann, Indicators for anthropogenic and natural water contributions to a small river, EGU 2024, 14.-19.4.2024, Vienna.
M. Omidi & T. Baumann, Coupling OpenFOAM and PhreeqC to quantify local disruptions of hydrochemical equilibria due to bubble formation and stripping of CO2, EGU 2024, 14.-19.4.2024, Vienna.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann, Hydrochemical indicators for sustainable and optimized geothermal use of deep groundwater, EGU 2024, 14.-19.4.2024, Vienna.
L. Augustin & T. Baumann, Suitability mapping for subsurface floodwater storage schemes, EGU 2024, 14.-19.4.2024, Vienna.
L. Zacherl & T. Baumann, Quantifizierung der Calciumkarbonatausfällungskinetik unter dynamischen Bedingungen, Wasser 2023, 15.-17.5.2023, Augsburg.
M. Omidi & T. Baumann, Numerical analysis of scaling formation in geothermal systems: Application in bubble columns, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.
A. Dietmaier, C. Tomsu & T. Baumann, Smart-SWS und Ökosystemdienstleistungen im natürlichen und urbanen Raum, WaX-Statusseminar, 2023-09-20/21, Potsdam.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann, Smart-SWS: Eine Lösung für Hochwasser und Dürreperioden, Wasser 2023, 15.-17.5.2023, Augsburg.
T. Baumann, L. Augustin & A. Dietmaier, Smart-SWS: Combining flood protection and drought prevention - concept and site selection criteria, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.
J. Bartels, P. Schätzl & T. Baumann, Hydrochemical stimulation in fractured carbonate rocks - monitoring and simulation, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.
L. Augustin, R. Paudyal & T. Baumann, Monitoringkonzept für Smart-SWS, WaX-Statusseminar, 2023-09-20/21, Potsdam.
L. Augustin & T. Baumann, Standorteignung für Smart-SWS, WaX-Statusseminar, 2023-09-20/21, Potsdam.
T. Michaelis, A. Wunderlich, T. Baumann & F. Einsiedl, A new high-resolution sampling methodology for monitoring hyporheic zone geochemistry, JESIUM 2022, 10.-14.10.2022, Kuopio, FI.
M. Ueckert, C. Wismeth & T. Baumann, Kristallisation der polymorphen Formen des Calciumcarbonats während eines Wärmespeicherversuchs in den carbonatischen Sedimenten des oberen Jura, Der Geothermiekongress 19.-21.11.2019, München.
M. Ueckert & T. Baumann, Großräumige geothermische Nutzung im Bayerischen Molassebecken, Der Geothermiekongress 19.-21.11.2019, München.
S. Amininejad, N. P. Ivleva & T. Baumann, Organic coatings on engineered inorganic nanoparticles, EGU General Assembly, 7.-12.4.2019, Vienna.
M. Ueckert & T. Baumann, Large scale geothermal exploration in the bavarian molasse basin, EGU General Assembly, 8.-13.4.2018, Vienna.
B. Köhl & T. Baumann, Scalings at geothermal facilities - characterisation, processes and mass balance, EGU General Assembly, 8.-13.4.2018, Vienna.
L. Degenkolb, F. Lang, G. Metreveli, S. Klitzke, A. Philippe, L. Zehlike, A. Brandt, K. Leopold, S. Kumahor, G. E. Schaumann, T. Baumann, H. J. Vogel & M. Kaupenjohann, Die Alterung von Silbernanopartikeln in Böden erhöht ihre Mobilität und ihr Remobilisierungspotential in der Uferfiltration, Wasser 2018, 7.-9.2018, Papenburg.
S. Amininejad, N. P. Ivleva & T. Baumann, Application of surface-enhanced Raman scattering for detection of coatings on Au@Ag nano particles, Wasser 2018, 7.-9.2018, Papenburg.
S. Amininejad, N. P. Ivleva & T. Baumann, Analysis of coatings on au@ag nanoparticles using surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy (sers), EGU General Assembly, 8.-13.4.2018, Vienna.
C. Wismeth, M. Manhart, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Quantification of the mass transfer at fluid interfaces in microfluidic systems and the Marangoni effect, ANAKON, 3.-6.4.2017, Tübingen.
M. Ueckert, C. Wismeth & T. Baumann, Crystallization of calcium carbonate in a large scale field study, EGU General Assembly, 23.-28.4.2017, Vienna.
M. Ueckert, C. Wismeth & T. Baumann, Crystallization of calcium carbonate in a large scale field study, Der Geothermiekongress, 13.-14.9.2017, München.
G. Metreveli, S. Kurtz, A. Philippe, N. Tayyebi, F. Seitz, R. R. Rosenfeldt, A. Grün, S. K. Kumahor, T. Baumann, M. Bundschuh, F. Lang, S. Klitzke, W. Manz, R. Schulz, H.-J. Vogel & G. E. Schaumann, A floodplain mesocosm study: Distribution, mobility, aging, and functioning of engineered silver nanoparticles at the aquatic-terrestrial interface, EGU General Assembly, 23.-28.4.2017, Vienna.
B. Köhl, J. Grundy & T. Baumann, Ripple scalings in geothermal facilities, a key to understand the scaling process, EGU General Assembly, 23.-28.4.2017, Vienna.
B. Köhl & T. Baumann, Scalings im Geothermiekreislauf, Der Geothermiekongress, 13.-14.9.2017, München.
S. Amininejad, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, SERS investigation of coatings on thermal modified titanium dioxide nanoparticles, EGU General Assembly, 23.-28.4.2017, Vienna.
S. Amininejad, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Observation of coating on titanium dioxide nanoparticles by surface-enhanced raman scattering, ANAKON, 3.-6.4.2017, Tübingen.
S. Amininejad, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Observation of coating on TiO2 nanoparticles by surface-enhanced raman scattering, NanoImpact Conference, 12.-17.3.2017, Monte Verita, Switzerland.
C. Wismeth, S. Muffler, M. Ueckert, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Fluid-matrix interactions during high-temperature aquifer storage - lab experiments and modelling, 25. Tagung der FH-DGGV, 13.-17.4.2016, Karlsruhe.
C. Wismeth, S. Muffler, M. Ueckert, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Fluid-matrix interactions during high-temperature aquifer storage - lab experiments and modelling, EGU General Assembly, 17.-22.4.2016, Vienna.
M. Ueckert, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, High temperature aquifer storage, 25. Tagung der FH-DGGV, 13.-17.4.2016, Karlsruhe.
B. Köhl, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Teilprojekt Scaling - Prinzip, wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen und Lösungsansätze, Auftaktveranstaltung Geothermie-Allianz Bayern, 30.9.2016, Garching b. München.
B. Köhl, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Scalings at geothermal facilities exploring the Malm aquifer (Bavarian Molasse Basin), European Geothermal PhD-day, 24.-26.2.2016, Bari.
B. Köhl, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Scalings at geothermal facilities (Bavaria), Münchener Wissenschaftstage, 12-15.11.2016, Munich.
M. Herbrich, B. Köhl & T. Baumann, Scalings at geothermal facilities exploring the Malm aquifer in the Bavarian Molasse Basin, 25. Tagung der FH-DGGV, 13.-17.4.2016, Karlsruhe.
T. Baumann, M. Lafogler, F. Wenderoth & J. Bartels, Processes in the vicinity of an injection well of a geothermal facility in the Malm aquifer, EGU General Assembly, 17.-22.4.2016, Vienna.
M. Ueckert, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, High temperature aquifer storage, EGU General Assembly, 12.4.-17.4.2015, Vienna.
M. Ueckert & T. Baumann, Wärmespeicherung im malm aquifer, Der Geothermiekongress, 2.11.-4.11.2015, Essen.
G. E. Schaumann, Z. Steinmetz, G. Metreveli, H.-J. Vogel, M. Bundschuh, T. Baumann, R. Schulz, F. Lang, F. Seitz, R. R. Rosenfeldt & W. Manz, Floodplain mesocosm system for studying environmental fate and effects of engineered nanoparticles, EGU General Assembly, 12.4.-17.4.2015, Vienna.
M. Kühn, N. P. Ivleva, S. Klitzke, F. v. d. Kammer, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) to detect natural organic coatings on silver nanoparticles, EGU General Assembly, 12.4.-17.4.2015, Vienna.
M. Kühn, N. Ivleva, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) to detect natural organic coatings on silver nanoparticles, ANAKON, 23.3.-26.3.2015, Graz.
M. Ueckert, U. Steiner, M. Auer, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, High temperature aquifer storage in the Molasse Basin, Bavaria, FH-DGG Tagung, 28.-30.5.2014, Bayreuth.
M. Ueckert, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Colloids in the River Inn, EGU General Assembly, 27.4.-2.5.2014, Vienna.
M. Lafogler, A. Savvatis, F. Wenderoth, A. Seitz-Gutmann, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Effects of hydrogeochemistry on the long-term hydraulic behaviour of geothermal wells in the Molasse Basin, Bavaria, FH-DGG Tagung, 28.-30.5.2014, Bayreuth.
M. Kühn, N. P. Ivleva, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Stability and effects of natural coatings on engineered inorganic nanoparticles (EINP) investigated by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), FH-DGG Tagung, 28.-30.5.2014, Bayreuth.
M. Herbrich, C. Hecht, N. Frank, C. Pletl, F. Barenth, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Scalings in the thermal water system of a geothermal power plant in the Malm aquifer, FH-DGG Tagung, 28.-30.5.2014, Bayreuth.
T. Baumann, C. Metz & R. Niessner, Colloids at NAPL-interfaces, EGU General Assembly, 27.4.-2.5.2014, Vienna.
C. Metz, N. P. Ivleva, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Quantification of chemical gradients at biogeochemical interfaces, ANAKON 2013, 4.-7.3.2013, Essen.
M. Lafogler, G. Somogyi, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Fluoreszenzspektroskopie zur Prognose der Reservoireigenschaften des Malmaquifers für die Geothermie, ANAKON 2013, 4.-7.3.2013, Essen.
M. Kühn, N. P. Ivleva, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Untersuchung von Huminstoffbeschichtungen künstlich hergestellter Silbernanopartikel mittels oberflächenverstärkter Raman-Spektroskopie, ANAKON 2013, 4.-7.3.2013, Essen.
M. Herbrich, N. Frank, C. Pletl, F. Barenth, R. Baasch, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Gas- und Partikelmonitoring an tiefengeothermischen Anlagen, ANAKON 2013, 4.-7.3.2013, Essen.
H. Halm, M. Lafogler, T. Baumann, A. Seibt & H. Würdemann, Temperature induced changes on the microbial community in a geothermal plant in the Molasse Basin, How dead is dead: Life cycles III, 6.-7.6.2013, Berlin.
C. Metz, N. P. Ivleva, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Bacterial growth in porous media - the pore scale perspective, Wasser 2012, 14.-16.5.2012, Neu-Ulm.
M. Lafogler, L. Pang, M. Close, R. Nießner & T. Baumann, Phosphorous transport, EGU General Assembly, 23.-27.4.2012, Vienna.
M. Lafogler, M. Nottebohm, F. Wenderoth, R. Baasch, A. Schubert, M. Sauter, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Characterizing a geothermal doublet in the Malm aquifer of the Bavarian molasse basin by performing a push-pull tracer test, FH-DGG Tagung, 16.-19.5.2012, Dresden.
M. Herbrich, N. Frank, C. Pletl, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Fluid monitoring of geothermal facilities in the Bavarian molasse basin, FH-DGG Tagung, 16.-19.5.2012, Dresden.
T. Baumann, S. Huckele & R. Nießner, Nanoparticles at the interface between atmosphere and hydrosphere, EGU General Assembly, 23.-27.4.2012, Vienna.
M. Hegels & T. Baumann, Das hohe C in der Geothermie, 9. Wissenstransfer der Geothermie-Allianz Bayern, 2025-02-10, Garching (invited).
T. Baumann, L. Augustin, A. Schultze & Smart-SWS Projektteam, Smarte multifunktionelle Wasserspeicher - Eine Lösung für saisonale Hochwasserereignisse und zunehmende Dürreperioden (Smart-SWS), WaX Abschlusskonferenz, 12./13.3.2025, Potsdam (invited).
T. Baumann & L. Augustin, Künstliche Grundwasseranreicherung: Eine schnelle Anpassungsoption für die Bewässerung?, KTBL-Tage 2025, 25.-27.3.2025, Celle (invited).
T. Baumann & L. Augustin, Coupling stormwater protection and water supply for hop gardens: First results from a pilot plant, ISMAR 12, 28.4.-2.5.2025, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
T. Baumann, Hydrogeochemistry in geothermal applications, Institute of Geo-Hydroinformatics, TU Hamburg-Harburg, 2025-01-28 (invited).
L. Augustin & T. Baumann, Smart-SWS combining flood protection and drought prevention, Institute of Geo-Hydroinformatics, TU Hamburg-Harburg, 2025-01-28 (invited).
L. Augustin & T. Baumann, Monitoring dynamics in river water quality and quantity of the river Günz in Bavaria (GER), ISMAR 12, 28.4.-2.5.2025, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
L. Zacherl & T. Baumann, Pore scale assessment of disrupted hydrochemical equilibria in geothermal systems, EGU 2024, 14.-19.4.2024, Vienna.
T. Michaelis, A. Wunderlich, T. Baumann & F. Einsiedl, Understanding the hyporheic methane cycle based on field investigations in a small stream, EGU 2024, 14.-19.4.2024, Vienna.
M. Hegels, F. Schölderle & T. Baumann, Hydrochemische Fingerabdrücke als Basis für ein optimiertes Reservoirmanagement, Der Geothermiekongress 2024, 22.-24.10.2024, Potsdam.
M. Hegels & T. Baumann, Depletion of a mineral water aquifer – implications on sustainable groundwater management, EGU 2024, 14.-19.4.2024, Vienna.
A. Dietmaier, L. Augustin & T. Baumann, Store excess river water in groundwater aquifers close to potato and cucumber farms, EU CAP Network Workshop 'Circular water management', 2024-03-12/13, Seville, Spain (invited).
A. Dietmaier, L. Augustin & T. Baumann, Smart-SWS eine Lösung für Hochwasser und Dürreperioden, Straubinger Vortragsreihe, 2024-01-29, Aiterhofen (invited).
T. Baumann, L. Augustin & A. Dietmaier, Smarte multifunktionelle Wasserspeicher - Eine Lösung für saisonale Hochwasserereignisse und zunehmende Dürreperioden (Smart-SWS), 57. Essener Tagung für Wasserwirtschaft, 6.-8.3.2024, Essen.
T. Baumann, L. Augustin & A. Dietmaier, Smart-SWS - combining flood protection and drought prevention, Seminar TUM Chair of Hydrology, 6.5.2024, Munich (invited).
T. Baumann & L. Augustin, Smarte Wasserspeicher - eine Chance für den Wasserkreislauf?, WaX Lunchtalks: "Wasserextreme im Fokus – Neue Impulse aus der Forschung", 26.11.2024 (invited).
T. Baumann & L. Augustin, Smart-SWS - Hochwasserschutz und Dürrevorsorge, Minisymposium Fit for Future: Climate-Adapted Water Management, IFAT 2024, 15.5.2024, München (invited).
T. Baumann & L. Augustin, Managing local hydrological threats in climate change, Unraveling the Linkage of Surface and Subsurface Ecosystems in a Changing Environment: International Symposium of CRC 1076 AquaDiva, 6.-7.6.2024, Jena.
T. Baumann & L. Augustin, Kopplung hydrologischer Extreme zur Sicherung der Wasserversorgung, HerbstDialog Herrsching, 18.-19.11.2024 (invited).
T. Baumann & L. Augustin, Grundwasseranreicherung zur Kopplung von Hochwasserschutz und Dürrevorsorge - Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojektes Smart-SWS, Herausforderungen Wasserverfügbarkeit und Anpassungsoptionen im Gartenbau, BMEL, 18.-19.6.2024, Berlin (invited).
T. Baumann & L. Augustin, Coupling stormwater protection and aquifer recharge, EGU 2024, 14.-19.4.2024, Vienna.
L. Augustin & T. Baumann, Stormwater storage to support sustainable irrigation, Toward Sustainable Groundwater in Agriculture - Linking Science and Policy, 17.-20.6.2024, San Francisco.
L. Zacherl & T. Baumann, Quantification of calcium carbonate precipitation kinetics under dynamic conditions, Anakon 2023, 11.-14.4.2023, Vienna.
T. Michaelis, F. Kaplar, A. Wunderlich, T. Baumann & F. Einsiedl, One-year methane ebullition measurements over a cross section of a small stream, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.
B. Gu, B. S. Tilley & T. Baumann, Long-term impact of nonlinear pore dynamics on species and thermal transport under temporally periodic far-field forcing, American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, 2023-11-20, Indianapolis.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann, Local effects of the injection of undersaturated waters in geothermal applications, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann, Grundwasserabhängige Ökosystemfunktionen, Smart-SWS Workshop: Speicherung von Hochwasserwellen in lokalen Grundwasserleitern, 2023-11-15, Garching (invited).
T. Baumann, L. Augustin & A. Dietmaier, Smarte multifunktionelle Wasserspeicher: Eine Lösung für saisonale Hochwasserereignisse und zunehmende Dürreperioden, RPTU Fachtagung: Hoch- und Niedrigwassermanagement und deren Konsequenzen für die städtebauliche Planung und Raumordnung, 2023-09-19, Ramstein.
T. Baumann, L. Augustin & A. Dietmaier, Smarte multifunktionelle Wasserspeicher: Eine Lösung für saisonale Hochwasserereignisse und zunehmende Dürreperioden, WaX-Statusseminar, 2023-09-20/21, Potsdam (invited).
T. Baumann, L. Augustin & A. Dietmaier, Smarte multifunktionelle Wasserspeicher - Hochwasserschutz und Dürrevorsorge, Bürgermeisterteambesprechung LK Deggendorf, 2023-09-14, Moos (invited).
T. Baumann, L. Augustin & A. Dietmaier, Smart-SWS - Konzept, Smart-SWS Workshop: Speicherung von Hochwasserwellen in lokalen Grundwasserleitern, 2023-11-15, Garching (invited).
T. Baumann, L. Augustin & A. Dietmaier, Combining floods and droughts - mitigation of the effects of climate change on the local water balance, InterPore 2023, 22.-25.5.2023, Edinburgh, UK.
T. Baumann, Smarte multifunktionelle Wasserspeicher: Eine Lösung für saisonale Hochwasserereignisse und zunehmende Dürreperioden, VBEW-Fachtagung Wasser 2023, 29.-30.3.2023, Schweinfurt (invited).
T. Baumann, Hydrogeo(log|chemistr)y in climate change – including a view on the role and contribution of analytical chemistry, Seminar, Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Chemo- and Biosensors, Univ. Regensburg, 24.11.2023 (invited).
L. Augustin & T. Baumann, Standortsuche mit GIS und frei verfügbaren Daten, Smart-SWS Workshop: Speicherung von Hochwasserwellen in lokalen Grundwasserleitern, 2023-11-15, Garching (invited).
L. Augustin & T. Baumann, Infiltration von Hochwasser in den Grundwasserleiter: Säulenversuche zur Eignung von Filtermaterialien, Wasser 2023, 15.-17.5.2023, Augsburg.
L. Augustin & T. Baumann, Infiltrating flood waves into aquifers: Column experiments on the suitability of filter materials, EGU 2023, 23.-28.4.2023, Vienna.
L. Zacherl, M. Omidi & T. Baumann, Scalings in geothermal systems: Quantifying and modeling the role of degassing, European Geothermal Congress 2022, 17.-22.10.2022, Berlin.
L. Zacherl & T. Baumann, Gas phase induced carbonate precipitation - experimental proof and model verification, EGU 2022, 23.-27.5.2022, Vienna.
T. Michaelis, W. Orsi, A Wunderlich, T. Baumann & F. Einsiedl, Spatial variance in river bed methane cycling – measurement and interpretation of geochemical profiles linked with quantitative pcr and 16s rrna sequencing, EGU 2022, 23.-27.5.2022, Vienna.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann, Multiple sensor data fusion applied to geothermal reservoir management, European Geothermal Congress 2022, 17.-22.10.2022, Berlin.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann, Forecasting high resolution variations in deep geothermal wells based on low resolution measurements utilizing virtual sensors, EGU 2022, 23.-27.5.2022, Vienna.
T. Baumann, Smarte multifunktionelle Wasserspeicher: Eine Lösung für saisonale Hochwasserereignisse und zunehmende Dürreperioden, WaX-Auftaktveranstaltung, 2./3.5.2022, Bonn.
T. Baumann, Smart-SWS: A solution for saisonal flash floods and droughts, TRITON Workshop on Floods and Droughts in Europe, IFAT 2022, 30.5.-3.6.2022, München.
T. Baumann, Assessment of the hydrochemical integrity of deep geothermal aquifers - lessons from bottled water producers, EGU 2022, 23.-27.5.2022, Vienna.
L. Zacherl & T. Baumann, Gasblaseninduziertes Scaling in Geothermieanlagen, Der Geothermiekongress, 30.11.-1.12.2021, Essen (online).
L. Zacherl & T. Baumann, Gas bubble induced scalings in geothermal systems, vEGU 2021, 19.-30.4.2021, online.
B. Tilley, M. Ueckert & T. Baumann, Porosity dynamics through carbonate-reaction kinetics in high-temperature aquifer storage applications, InterPore 2021 online, 31.5.-4.6.2021.
F. Kaplar & T. Baumann, Comparative study of chemical stimulation at geothermal wells in the carbonates of the upper jurassic in the bavarian molasse basin, vEGU 2021, 19.-30.4.2021, online.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann, Long term variations of the hydrochemical composition of deep thermal ground water in the lower bavarian molasse basin - causes and perspectives, vEGU 2021, 19.-30.4.2021, online.
A. Dietmaier & T. Baumann, Langfristige Schwankungen in der hydrochemischen Zusammensetzung des tiefen geothermalen Grundwassers im Bayerischen Molassebecken - Gründe und Perspektiven, Der Geothermiekongress, 30.11.-1.12.2021, Essen (online).
T. Baumann, C. Wieland, R. Staudacher, S. J. Baumann & G. Pasquazzo, Gasmonitoring: Erhöhung der Betriebssicherheit und energetischer Nutzen, GAB Wissenstransfer 25.3.2021 (online).
S. Amininejad, T. Baumann, N. Talebian & S. M. Amininezhad, Morphological effect of zno nanoparticles for photocatalytic degradation of azo dyes in water, vEGU 2021, 19.-30.4.2021, online.
E. v. d. Esch, P. M. Anger, T. Baumann, R. Niessner, M. Elsner & N. P. Ivleva, Raman-Mikrospektroskopie für die Einzelpartikel-Analyse von Mikroplastik, ANAKON 2019, 25.-28.3.2019, Münster.
E. v. d. Esch, P. M. Anger, T. Baumann, R. Niessner, M. Elsner & N. P. Ivleva, Raman microspectroscopy as a tool for microplastic particle analysis, EGU General Assembly, 7.-12.4.2019, Vienna.
M. Ueckert, G. Somogyi, J. Bartels, M. Lafogler, T. Hinkofer & T. Baumann, Tracers in Deep Hydrogeothermal Systems - Stagnation or Breakthrough, Der Geothermiekongress 19.-21.11.2019, München.
B. Köhl, J. Kullick, C. M. Hackl & T. Baumann, Betriebssicherheit im Thermalwasserkreislauf, Der Geothermiekongress 19.-21.11.2019, München.
T. Baumann, R. Staudacher, S. J. Baumann & C. Haisch, Monitoring der Gaskonzentrationen an Geothermieanlagen, Der Geothermiekongress 19.-21.11.2019, München.
C. Wismeth, C. Glaubitz, M. Manhart, M. Elsner & T. Baumann, Characterization of interfacial convection in microfluidic systems, EGU General Assembly, 8.-13.4.2018, Vienna.
C. Wieland, A. Seitz-Gutmann, H. Spliethoff & T. Baumann, CO$_2$ -neutrale Begleitgasnutzung in tiefengeothermischen Anlagen, Der Geothermiekongress, 27.-29.11.2018, Essen.
M. Ueckert & T. Baumann, Großräumige geothermische Nutzung im Bayerischen Molassebecken, Der Geothermiekongress, 27.-29.11.2018, Essen.
S. Kurtz, G. Metreveli, S. Klitzke, F. Seitz, R. R. Rosenfeldt, S. Lüderwald, T. Baumann, M. Bundschuh, W. Manz, R. Schulz, H.-J. Vogel & G. E. Schaumann, Distribution of Ag and TiO$_2$ nanoparticles in aquatic-terrestrial indoor mesocosm system, InterNano Conference, 19.-21.9.2018, Landau.
T. Baumann, M. Ueckert & T. Hörbrand, Hydrogeochemical modelling of aquifer heat storage systems, 26. Tagung FH-DGGV, 21.-24.3.2018, Bochum.
T. Baumann, M. Ueckert & J. Bartels, Fluidmonitoring nach Stimulationsmaßnahmen und TH*C*M, Der Geothermiekongress, 27.-29.11.2018, Essen.
T. Baumann & B. Köhl, Scalings in Geothermal Systems – Past, Present, and Future, GDMB FA Geothermie, 7.-8.6.2018, Witten (invited).
T. Baumann & B. Köhl, Scalings - Past, Present and Future, Der Geothermiekongress, 27.-29.11.2018, Essen (invited).
T. Baumann, Hydrogeologie des Oberpfälzer Jura, Workshop: Grundwasserschutz geht uns alle an, 8.2.2018, Neumarkt (invited).
S. Aminineyad, N. P. Ivleva & T. Baumann, Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) for characterization of coatings on metallic nanoparticles, InterNano Conference, 19.-21.9.2018, Landau.
C. Wismeth, M. Manhart, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Quantification of the mass transfer at fluid interfaces in microfluidic channels, EGU General Assembly, 23.-28.4.2017, Vienna.
C. Wismeth & T. Baumann, Mass transfer ar interfaces between water and non-aqueous liquids: Marangoni and others, IMMENS Workshop 5.-6.10.2017, Centre of Integrated Petroleum Research (CIPR), Uni Research, Bergen, NO.
M. Ueckert & T. Baumann, Quantification of the reactions in heat storage systems in the malm aquifer, EGU General Assembly, 23.-28.4.2017, Vienna.
M. Ueckert & T. Baumann, Hochtemperaturaquiferspeicher im bayerischen Molassebecken, Der Geothermiekongress, 13.-14.9.2017, München.
T. Baumann & M. Ueckert, Hydrogeochemical modelling of geothermal systems in the malm aquifer, EGU General Assembly, 23.-28.4.2017, Vienna.
T. Baumann & M. Ueckert, Hydrogeochemical modelling of geothermal systems in carbonates, Univ. Bergen, Dept. of Mathematics, 9.10.2017, Bergen, NO.
T. Baumann & M. Ueckert, Hydrogeochemical modelling of deep geothermal systems in the Upper Jurassic aquifer, bavaria, Der Geothermiekongress, 13.-14.9.2017, München.
T. Baumann, B. Köhl & M. Herbrich, Reasons for scalings in the geothermal cycle, Praxisforum Geothermie.Bayern, 12.9.2017, München.
M. Ueckert, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, High temperature aquifer storage, 41st Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 22.-24.2.2016, Stanford.
M. Ueckert, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, High temperature aquifer storage, EGU General Assembly, 17.-22.4.2016, Vienna.
M. Lafogler, F. Wenderoth, J. Bartels, G. Somogyi, T. Hinkofer, K. Hess & T. Baumann, Processes in the vicinity of an injection well of a geothermal facility in the malm aquifer, 41st Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 22.-24.2.2016, Stanford.
M. Lafogler, F. Wenderoth, J. Bartels, G. Somogyi, T. Hinkofer, K. Hess & T. Baumann, Processes in the vicinity of an injection well of a geothermal facility in the Malm aquifer (Bavarian Molasse Basin), 25. Tagung der FH-DGGV, 13.-17.4.2016, Karlsruhe.
M. Herbrich, B. Köhl & T. Baumann, Scalings at geothermal facilities exploring the Malm aquifer (Bavarian Molasse Basin), EGU General Assembly, 17.-22.4.2016, Vienna.
T. Baumann & M. Ueckert, High temperatature storage in reactive aquifers - a hydrogeochemists perspective, Themses Kickoff Meeting, 26.-27.9.2016, Bergen/Voss, Norway (invited).
T. Baumann, Visualization of fluid motion at non-aqueous phase interfaces, IMMENS Kickoff Meeting, 29.-30.9.2016, Bergen, Norway (invited).
T. Baumann, Validation of hydrochemical analyses and gas concentrations of deep geothermal aquifers, 41st Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 22.-24.2.2016, Stanford.
T. Baumann, Nanopartikel in aquatischen Systemen - Fluch und Segen, BAM Themenfeld Workshop Umwelt, 15.3.2016, Berlin (invited).
S. Amininejad, R. Weiss, N. Ivleva, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Visualization of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in environmental samples by using Raman microspectroscopy, Internano Workshop, 20.-21.10.2016, Landau.
M. Ueckert, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Colloids in the River Inn, EGU General Assembly, 12.4.-17.4.2015, Vienna.
B. S. Tilley, D. S. Brady, M. Ueckert & T. Baumann, Pore dynamics and calcite solubility in carbonaceous aquifers used in energy storage applications, SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 2 July 2015.
B. S. Tilley, D. S. Brady, M. Ueckert & T. Baumann, Pore dynamics and calcite solubility in carbonaceous aquifers used in energy storage applications, American Physical Society 68th Annual Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting, Boston, MA, 24 November 2015.
M. Lafogler, F. Wenderoth, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Quantification of heat mining in the malm aquifer of the bavarian molasse basin, EGU General Assembly, 12.4.-17.4.2015, Vienna.
C. Metz, N. P. Ivleva, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, In situ analysis of pore scale processes at biogeochemical interfaces, FH-DGG Tagung, 28.-30.5.2014, Bayreuth.
M. Kühn, N. P. Ivleva, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Stability and effects of natural coatings on engineered inorganic nanoparticles (einp) investigated by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), Internano Conference, 12./13.3.2014, Landau.
C. Hecht, N. Frank, C. Pletl, T. Baumann & M. Herbrich, Geothermieanlage Sauerlach, Untersuchungen und Maßnahmen zur Betriebsoptimierung, Der Geothermiekongress, 11.-13.11.2014, Essen.
T. Baumann, Pesticide metabolites as tracers in deep groundwater, International Multidisciplinary Conference on Mineral Waters, 8.-11.9.2014, Karlovy Vary, CZ.
P. M. Abraham, T. Baumann & G. E. Schaumann, Sorption of untreated and humic acid coated silver nanoparticles to environmental and model surfaces, EGU General Assembly, 27.4.-2.5.2014, Vienna.
M. Lafogler, U. Steiner, A. Savvatis, F. Wenderoth, A. Seitz-Gutmann, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, From injection to production - insights from the reverse of the geothermal well in Pullach, 9. Internationale Geothermiekonferenz, 15.-17.5.2013, Freiburg.
M. Lafogler, G. Somogyi, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Assessment of a geothermal doublet in the malm aquifer using a push-pull tracer test, EGU General Assembly, 7.-12.4.2013, Vienna.
M. Kühn, N. P. Ivleva, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Visualization of dynamic changes and the effects of coatings on silver nanoparticles by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Goldschmidt 2013, 26.8.-30.8.2013, Florence, Italy.
M. Kühn, N. P. Ivleva, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Investigation of surface coatings on silver nanoparticles by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, EGU General Assembly, 7.-12.4.2013, Vienna.
N. Frank, C. Pletl, T. Baumann & M. Herbrich, Geothermieanlage Sauerlach: Erfahrungsbericht aus der Inbetriebnahme des Heizkraftwerks, Der Geothermiekongress 2013, 12.-14.11.2013, Essen.
T. Baumann, C. Metz, N. P. Ivleva & R. Niessner, Pore scale visualization of chemical gradients at biogeochemical interfaces using micromodels and Raman microspectroscopy, Goldschmidt 2013, 26.8.-30.8.2013, Florence, Italy.
M. Lafogler, R. Baasch, F. Wenderoth, U. Steiner, A. Schubert, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Quantifizierung und Prognose des Malmaquifer-Reservoirs mit einem Push-pull-Test in Pullach, Der Geothermiekongress, 13.-16.11.2012, Karlsruhe.
M. Herbrich, N. Frank, C. Pletl, F. Barenth & T. Baumann, Monitoring zur Minimierung der Risiken bei Planung und Betrieb tiefengeothermischer Anlagen im Malmaquifer, Workshop Betriebsbegleitendes Fluidmonitoring in geothermischen Anlagen, 26.3.2012, Potsdam.
M. Herbrich, N. Frank, C. Pletl, F. Barenth, R. Baasch, R. Niessner & T. Baumann, Minimierung von Risiken bei Planung und Betrieb tiefengeothermischer Anlagen, Der Geothermiekongress, 13.-16.11.2012, Karlsruhe.
T. Baumann, N. P. Ivleva, C. Metz, M. Rieger & R. Niessner, Visualization of biogeochemical interfaces using micromodels and MRI, INTERPORE 2012, 14.-16.5.2012, West Lafayette, U.S.A.
T. Baumann, S. Huckele, M. Reitzel & R. Niessner, Nanoparticles in the aquatic environment, INTERPORE 2012, 14.-16.5.2012, West Lafayette, U.S.A.
T. Baumann, Visualization of processes in porous media, Institut für Erd- und Umweltwissenschaften, Univ. Potsdam, 5.11.2012 (invited).
T. Baumann, Heilbäder in der Provinz Krabi (Thailand), 3. Forum Gesundheitswirtschfaft Bayern, 29.2.2012, Bad Kissingen.
T. Baumann, Geothermal exploration of the malm aquifer in the bavarian molasse basin - hydrochemical and techical issues, Institute of Engineering Geology, ETH Zürich, 17.4.2012 (invited).
T. Baumann, Geothermal exploration of the malm aquifer in the bavarian molasse basin - hydrochemical and techical aspects, Centre for Integrated Petroleum Research, University Bergen, 5.9.2012 (invited).
T. Baumann, Geothermal exploration of the malm aquifer - hydrochemical analysis as prerequisite for exploration and long term use, TUM Analytik Club, 5.12.2012 (invited).
T. Baumann, Geothermal exploration in the bavarian molasse basin - hydrochemical aspects, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam - Internationales Geothermiezentrum, 6.11.2012 (invited).
T. Baumann, Der Orientierungsrahmen für die ursprüngliche Reinheit, Jahrestagung Arge Naturwissenschaft und Technik im VBK, 19.5.2012, Bad Arolsen.
T. Baumann, Colloids in groundwater, Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, 29.8.2012 (invited).