PhD Seminar Winter Term 2024/2025
- Using SWAT+ to improve water resources management in the Upper Tagus River Basin, Spain
🗓 17.10.2024 - Prof. Dr. Eugenio Molina Navarro
University of Alcala UAH, Geology, Geography and Environment Science, Spain
- Hydrodynamic Catchment Flood Modeling using a revised Green-Ampt Infiltration Method in TELEMAC
🗓 24.10.2024 - Frederik de Vos
TUM, Chair of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering
- Increased water availability and crop yields in an ungauged Kenyan catchment: A comprehensive SWAT+ model evaluation for climate change assessment
🗓 31.10.2024 - Pablo Sarmiento
TUM, Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management
- My Setup for Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
🗓 07.11.2024 - Dr. Faizan Anwar
TUM, Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management
- Machine Learning for Hydrology and Water Quality Assessments: Using Random Forest for Spatial Extrapolation of Streamflow Metric
🗓 14.11.2024 - Dr. Jens Kiesel
Stone Environmental
- Integrated River Basin Management from the Salzach to the Yellow River
🗓 21.11.2024 - Christian Fischer
- Plants and Evapotranspiration: Exploring the Role of Vegetation for Eco-Hydrological Modelling in Western Africa
🗓 28.11.2024 - Fabian Merk
TUM, Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management
- Extreme flood events: Processes and Management
🗓 05.12.2024 - Prof. Dr. Bruno Merz
Geoforschungszentrum, Potsdam, Sektionsleiter Sektion Hydrologie
- Assessing the performance and uncertainty analysis of an event-based conceptual hydrological model for flash flood estimation
🗓 12.12.2024 - Muhammad Usman
TUM, Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management
- Weather whiplash: impacts of abrupt shifts from dry to wet extremes on vegetation growth in Europe
🗓 19.12.2024 - Haiyan Chen
TUM, Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management
- How and why do landscapes change? Historical analyses and visualization of possible futures
🗓 09.01.2025 - Prof. Dr. Matthias Bürgi
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Head Research Unit Land Change Science / Landschaftsdynamik
- Using SWAT+ to improve the management of water quantity and quality in catchments: Current capabilities and limitations of the model
🗓 16.01.2025 - Dr. Katrin Bieger
Aarhus University, Department of Ecoscience, Denmark
- Restoration of the Erft river in the framework of the earlier phasing-out of lignite mining
🗓 23.01.2025 - Dr. Daniel Bittner
Leitung Flussgebietsbewirtschaftung Erftverband
- Coupled terrestrial-atmospheric modeling systems and -observations
🗓 30.01.2025 - Prof. Dr. Harald Kunstmann
Head of the Chair of Regional Climate and Hydrology, University of Augsburg
- Integration Platform for Hydro-Environmental Risks
🗓 06.02.2025 - Prof. Dr. Jorge Leandro
Head of Chair of Hydromechanics, University of Siegen
- Dynamic spatiotemporal drought cascades in Central Asia from a cross-system drought continuum perspective
🗓 21.02.2025 (Friday!) - Lu Tian
TUM, Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management
Alle Präsentationen finden persönlich und online statt, es sei denn, es werden zusätzliche Änderungen angegeben. Hier finden Sie den Ort und die Einzelheiten der Veranstaltung:
📌 When? Thursday | 11:30 – 13:00
📌 Where? In-person location: Room 2601
🔹 Zoom details:
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📌 Meeting ID: 623 9929 5295
📌 Passcode: 815674