Alpine remote sensing of climate‐induced natural hazards

Publikationen aus AlpSense
Leinauer, J., Dietze, M., Knapp, S., Scandroglio, R., Jokel, M., and Krautblatter, M. (2024): How water, temperature, and seismicity control the preconditioning of massive rock slope failure (Hochvogel), Earth Surf. Dynam., 12, 1027–1048,
Scandroglio, R., Weber, S., Rehm, T., and Krautblatter, M. (2024): An empirically-derived hydraulic head model controlling water storage and outflow over a decade in degraded permafrost rock slopes (Zugspitze, D/A), EGUsphere [preprint],
Stammberger, V., Jacobs, B. & Krautblatter, M. (2024): Hyperconcentrated flows shape bedrock channels. Commun Earth Environ 5, 184.
Offer, M., Weber, S., Krautblatter, M., Hartmeyer, I., and Keuschnig, M. (2024): Pressurised water flow in fractured permafrost rocks revealed by joint electrical resistivity monitoring and borehole temperature analysis, EGUsphere [preprint], doi: 10.5194/egusphere-2024-893.
Barbosa, N., Leinauer, J., Jubanski, J., Dietze, M., Münzer, U., Siegert, F., and Krautblatter, M. (2024): Massive sediment pulses triggered by a multi-stage 130 000 m3 alpine cliff fall (Hochvogel, DE–AT), Earth Surf. Dynam., 12, 249–269,
Leinauer, J., Weber, S., Cicoira, A., Beutel, J., and Krautblatter, M. (2023): An approach for prospective forecasting of rock slope failure time. Commun Earth Environ 4, 253.
Barbosa, N., Jubanski, J., Münzer, U., Siegert, F. (2022): Monitoring rockfalls on alpine peaks. A trade-off between spatial extent and resolution. European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2022, Wien, 3-8 April 2022
Leinauer, J., Weber, S., Cicoira, A., Beutel, B., and Krautblatter, M. (2022): Towards prospective failure time forecasting of slope failures, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7673.
Lucks L, Hirt P-R, Hoegner L, Stilla U (2022) Photogrammetric monitoring of gravitational mass movements in alpine regions by markerless 3d motion capture. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B2-2022: 1063–1069
Scandroglio, R., Heinze, M., Rehm, T., Pail, R., and Krautblatter, M.: Hydrological changes in high alpine environments detected with relative gravimetry, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-11950,, 2022.
Raffl, L., C. Holst (2022). Including virtual target points from laser scanning into the point-wise rigorous deformation analysis at geo-monitoring applications. In: Proc. of the 5th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring, Valencia, Spain, 20-22 June.
Raffl, L, R. Schnider, C. Holst (2022). Accuracy investigation of a novel GNSS monitoring system for geo-monitoring on Mt. Hochvogel. AVN, allgemeine vermessungs-nachrichten (avn), Vol. 129, No. 4, pp. 115-124
Hagg, W., Mayer, C., Münzer, U., Barbosa, N., Schuler, H.M., Staudacher, M. (2022): Estimating local surface glacier mass balance from migration of the 1918 Katla eruption tephra layer in Southern Iceland. Annals of Glaciology. AOG-90-0327. Under revision, 09 August 2022.
Rodriguez Forero, A., Schröder, D., Siegert F. (2022): Application of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for a multitemporal susceptibility analysis at the Hechendorfer Berg landslides between 2006 and 2020. Earth Science Informatics. Submitted.
Pudasaini, S.P., Krautblatter, M. The mechanics of landslide mobility with erosion. Nat Commun 12, 6793 (2021).
Geissler, J., Mayer, C., Jubanski, J., Münzer, U., Siegert, F. (2021): Analyzing glacier retreat and mass balances using aerial and UAV photogrammetry in the Ötztal Alps, Austria. The Cryosphere 15, 3699-3717, 2021,
Leinauer, J., Meindl, M., Jacobs, B., Stammberger, V., and Krautblatter, M. (2021): Anticipating cascading risks at the imminent Hochvogel peak failure, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9581.
Scandroglio R., Rehm T., Limbrock J., Kemna A., Heinze M., Pail R., Krautblatter M. (2021): Decennial multi-approach monitoring of thermo-hydro-mechanical processes, Kammstollen outdoor laboratory, Zugspitze (Germany). EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19-30 Apr 2021, EGU21-13815.
Pudasaini, S.P., Krautblatter, M. (2021a): The mechanics of landslide mobility with erosion. arXiv:2103.14842.
Pudasaini, S.P., Krautblatter, M. (2021b): The landslide velocity. arXiv:2103.10939.
Leinauer, J., Jacobs, B., Krautblatter, M. (2021): High alpine geotechnical real time monitoring and early warning at a large imminent rock slope failure (Hochvogel, GER/AUT). IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 833 012146 (Paper und Vortrag EUROCK 2021)
Scandroglio R., Stoll V., Krautblatter M. (2021): The driving force of all nature. Modelling water pressure and its stability consequences on alpine bedrock slopes. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 833 012109. (Paper und Vortrag EUROCK 2021)
Lucks, L., Hoegner, L, Stilla, U. (2021): Change detection of expected rock slope failure “Hochvogel” based on M3C2 distances in photogrammetric point clouds. The 7th International Conference on Earth Observation for Environmental Changes, Selangor Malaysia [Konferenzbeitrag, in Planung (03-05. Dezember 2021)]
Leinauer, J., Jacobs, B., Krautblatter, M. (2020): Anticipating an imminent large rock slope failure at the Hochvogel (Allgäu Alps). Geomechanics and Tunnelling 13, No. 6, pp. 597–603.
Dietze, M., Krautblatter, M., Illien, L., and Hovius, N. (2021) Seismic constraints on rock damaging related to a failing mountain peak: the Hochvogel, Allgäu. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 46: 417– 429.
Raffl, L. & Wunderlich, Th. (2020): Challenges and Hybrid Approaches in Alpine Rockslide Prevention – An alarming Case Study. In: Proceedings of 8th INGEO International Conference on Engineering Surveying & 4th SIG Symposium on Engineering Geodesy. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1-4 April 2020.
Dinkel, A. R., Hoegner, L., Emmert, A., Raffl, L. & Stilla, U. (2020): Änderungsdetektion in photogrammetrischen Punktwolken für das Monitoring hochalpiner, gravitativer Massenbewegungen - Beispiel Hochvogel. 40. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF in Stuttgart – Publikationen der DGPF, Band 29, 2020.
Dinkel, A., Hoegner, L., Emmert, A., Raffl, L. & Stilla, U. (2020): Change detection in Photogrammetric point clouds for monitoring of alpine, gravitational mass movements. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (in press).