Thomas Wunderlich and Michael Krautblatter organised a DFG-funded Round Table Meeting „Anticipative Signals for Alpine Hazards: Geosystem Configurations, Prediction and Forecast (AlpPred)“ inviting ca. 20 experts from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the University of Halle, University of California (Berkeley), University of Potsdam and the GFZ Potsdam which took part at the TUM on Nov. 12-13, 2015. Results were reported to the German Commission on Future Tasks in Geosciences in April.
DFG Rundgespräch „Anticipative Signals for Alpine Hazards: Geosystem Configurations, Prediction and Forecast (AlpPred)“ (DFG-KR 3912 6-1)