Dr. Daniel Andrade from the Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional (IG-EPN) in Quito visited the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) as guest scientist in the frame of the RIESGOS project from 15 - 26 October 2019. The IG-EPN is responsible for the assessment of seismic and volcanic hazards in Ecuador.
The visit was kicked-off with Daniel’s and Theresa’s participation at the 3-day conference “Early warning systems for debris flows” in Bolzano, Italy. Daniel and Theresa are both studying lahars (debris flows) at the volcano Cotopaxi. The conference was the ideal platform to get in exchange with international colleagues on the current state of research.
During his stay at the Landslide Research Group, an intensive exchange on the RAMMS lahar models took place. Daniel presented current mapping and radar measurement activities of IG-EPN carried out around the volcanic flank of Cotopaxi. Last but not least Daniel gave a lecture on “Lahars at Ecuadorian volcanoes: overview of the hazards and monitoring strategies” in the seminar series “Frontiers in Earth Sciences” in front of numerous students and lecturers of the LMU and TU Munich.
Guest scientist visit from Ecuador