During 2021, despite the extended Covid limitations, the Chair of Landslide Research continued the permafrost monitoring on the Zugspitze on the ridge and in the Kammstollen, 15 years after the first measurements.
We are thankful to all the students that worked with us this year:
- Jonas Brixle and Barbara Rosch - responsible for ERT measurements,
- Saskia Brose and Alexandra von der Esch - that took care of the IP measurements,
- Frederik Reese - that analysed the data from the water discharge and
- Jack Gruber - who continued the long-time monitoring with ERT on the ridge.
Without all the voluntary helpers, Maximilian Reinhard and all the colleagues of the chair the measurements would not have been possible: a special thanks to them all!
A special acknowledgment goes to the UFS Schneefernerhaus GmbH, the Bayerische Zugspitzbahn Bergbahn AG and their employees, for the amazing constant support.
Last but not least we thank Maike Offer for sharing the coordination and the execution of the measurements, for her endless helpfulness and for the constructive scientific exchange. We are glad you decided to continue the adventure in our team!
See you in 2022, always on the Zugspitze!!!
Riccardo and Michael