From 17.04.2016 - 22.04.2016 the European Geosciences Union (EGU) meets in Vienna (Austria). The TUM Landslides Research Group will be involved in eight posters and three oral presentations throughout the week. Check the timetable below to see where you might meet them.
Posters: Attendance Mon, 18 Apr, 17:30–19:00 / Hall D
- D.213 Residual strain change resulting from stress corrosion in Carrara marble (EGU2016-14639)
by Anne Voigtlaender, Kerry Leith, and Michael Krautblatter
- D.229 Preconditioning of the Eibsee rock avalanche by deglaciation and development of critical bedrock stresses (EGU2016-18256)
by Kerry Leith, Felix Hofmayer, Barbara Kessler, and Michael Krautblatter
- D.214 Experimental simulation of frost wedging-induced crack propagation in alpine rockwall (EGU2016-18262)
by Hailiang Jia, Kerry Leith, and Michael Krautblatter
Posters: Attendance Tue, 19 Apr, 17:30–19:00 / Hall X1
- X1.304 Why is there no Universal Law for Rock Wall Retreat? (EGU2016-13823)
by Michael Krautblatter and Jeffrey Moore
Thu, 21 Apr, 09:15–09:30 / Room L3
- Reconstruction of multistage massive rock slope failure: Polymethodical approach in Lake Oeschinen (CH) (EGU2016-8468)
by Sibylle Knapp, Adrian Gilli, Flavio S. Anselmetti, and Irka Hajdas
Thu, 21 Apr, 09:45–10:00 / Room L3
- Quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of a rockfall warning system (EGU2016-4316)
by Michael Bründl, Martina Sättele, Michael Krautblatter, and Daniel Straub
Thu, 21 Apr, 17:00–17:15 / Room L4/5
- Evidence for enhanced debris flow activity in the Northern Calcareous Alps since the 1980s (Plansee, Austria) (EGU2016-868)
by Andreas Dietrich and Michael Krautblatter
Posters: Attendance Thu, 21 Apr, 17:30–19:00 / Hall D
- D.43 Recent (Late Amazonian) enhanced backweathering rates on Mars: Paracratering evidence from gully alcoves (EGU2016-4208)
by Tjalling de Haas, Susan Conway, and Michael Krautblatter
- D.55 Towards a mechanical failure model for degrading permafrost rock slopes representing changes in rock toughness and infill (EGU2016-13183)
by Philipp Mamot, Michael Krautblatter, and Riccardo Scandroglio
- D.57 Geomorphological indicators of coseismic and extreme-rainfall slope instabilities in alpine settings (New Zealand, China, Taiwan) (EGU2016-14805)
by Theresa Raab, Kerry Leith, and Michael Krautblatter
- D.60 Quantifying structural controls of rockfall activity on alpine limestone cliffs: a LiDAR-based geological approach in the Wetterstein Mountains, Bavarian Alps (EGU2016-15541)
by Benjamin Jacobs and Michael Krautblatter