Last week Saskia Eppinger attended the 28th International Polar Conference in Potsdam 2022, our first international meeting on-site after Corona.
On Friday 6th May three PhDs also presented their research at the AK Permafrost online meeting:
- Saskia Eppinger, Michael Krautblatter, Michael Angelopolus, Hughues Lantuit, Michael Fritz & Josefine Lenz - Deciphering long-term changes in retogressive thaw slumps (Herschel Island)
- Theresa Frimberger, Michael Krautblatter, Daniel Andrade - Towards a conceptual model for perigacial lahars on Ecudorian Volcanoes (Cotopaxi&Chimborazo)
- Riccardo Scandroglio, Markus Heinze, Till Rehm, Roland Pail, and Michael Krautblatter - Hydrological changes in high alpine bedrock permafrost with relative gravimetry and discharge measurements