Chair of Landslide Research

In January 2019 Michael Krautblatter and Saskia Eppinger joined the first meeting for this years arctic expedition at the Alfred Wegener Institute Potsdam. The field campagne will take place this summer on Herschel Island, Yukon Territory, Canada.…

Debris flows are destructive mass movements in alpine regions. In a new paper, appeared in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (ESPL), Andreas Dietrich and Michael Krautblatter detected geomorphic change induced by an erosive debris flow in the…

Saskia Eppinger joins the TUM Landslide Research as a PhD student on permafrost research in the Arctic. She is part of a cooperating project with the Alfred-Wegener-Institut Potsdam. Saskia’s project focuses on the carbon release due to Giant…

Doctoral researcher Riccardo Scandroglio and Prof. Dr. Michael Krautblatter present their research efforts within an 6.30 min report on climate change. A team of Bayerische Rundfunk (BR) journalists accompanied Riccardo and some colleagues to the…

Tanja Schröder, PhD candidate of the TUM Landslide Research group, was elected as the first doctoral candidate representative of the TUM Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering – Faculty Graduate Center (FGC-BGU) starting November…

The Bavarian TV broadcasted an 8 min documentary in "Gut zu wissen" about the AlpSenseBench project at the Hochvogel on 20.10.2018, 19:00. Link: Gut zu wissen: Felssturz am Hochvogel erwartet (8 min) (German)

After the last lightning strike good weather conditions mid October made it possible to install the new datalogger and prepare the whole measurement system at the Hochvogel for winter. The system now also includes a rain gauge and a webcam. Also…

The German TV Channel ARD broadcasts short report about the work at the Hochvogel (Allgäu) with Prof. Dr. Michael Krautblatter. ARD: Allgäu: Frühwarnsystem soll vor Felssturz warnen  2:40 min (in German)

Daniel Draebing recently published two studies on the development of Alpine lateral moraine slopes in the special issue “Paraglacial processes in recently deglaciated environments” in the journal “Land Degradation and Development” (IF 7.27).…

The 3rd fieldwork season within the project “Alpine Rock Slopes” lead by Daniel Draebing took place one and a half weeks in the Gaisberg Valley, Austrian Alps, and three weeks the Turtmann Valley, Swiss Alps. In the Gaisberg Valley, the fieldwork…