Chair of Landslide Research

Just before winter hit the Wetterstein Mountains, Verena and Ben completed our biannual terrestrial laser scan of the Höllental Gorge. We use the TLS data to localize and quantify rockfall activity in the gorge and thus enabling local stakeholders to…

At the end of November, we officially founded the new TUM Center for ALPine HAzards and Risk (TUM ALPHA), which is the first coordinating research center for natural hazards in Germany under the leadership of Prof. Michael Krautblatter (Chair of…

We are delighted to have participated in the 6th World Landslide Forum in Florence, which brings together scientists, engineers, practitioners, companies, and policy makers to share progress in landslide risk reduction. Our team proudly presented…

The documentary "Rockfalls in the Alps - How climate change is changing our mountains" will run on Sunday Oct. 29 at 3:45 p.m. on analog TV / ZDF and is already available in the ZDF Mediathek (28 min, German). …

Benjamin Jacobs and Maike Offer participate at the "Fachsektionstagung Geotechnik - Interdisziplinäres Forum" with a focus on Soil Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Engineering Geology and Environmental Geotechnics from 12.-13. September 2023 in Würzburg.…

Mateja Jemec Auflič joined the TUM Landslide Research Group as a postdoctoral researcher from Geological Survey of Slovenia from June to September. She was awarded the Climate and Seismic Controls of Future Rockfall Activity in the Calcareous Alps of…

Philipp Gewalt joined the TUM Landslide Research Group as a PhD student working on historic debris flow activity. He finished his B.Sc. in Geosciences at TUM and LMU and his M.Sc. in Geosciences at the University of Tübingen.   His research interest…

When is a rock slope going to fail? Forecasting the time of an imminent slope failure is still a very challenging task, even with constantly improving monitoring techniques. How can we get reliable prospective forecasts despite the diverse geology…

The TUM Landslide Research Group participated at the European Conference on Permafrost from 18th to 22nd June 2023 which was held in the picturesque village of Puigcerdà nestled in the Spanish Pyrenees. The conference focused on permafrost research,…

After a long winter in the higher altitudes this year and quite unfavourable weather conditions at the summit, we could finally make it to the summit this Monday. We finished important work like changing batteries, maintaining the early warning…