A new publication by Shiva and colleagues is out:
Deposition morphology in large-scale laboratory stony debris flows
Baselt, de Oliveira, Fischer, Pudasaini (2022, Geomorphology)
A new publication by Shiva and colleagues is out:
Evolution of stony debris flows in laboratory experiments
Baselt, de Oliveira, Fischer, Pudasaini (2021, Geomorphology)
Prof. Krautblatter was part of the german documentation, broadcasted by ZDF. The part about our research at the Zugspitze starts at 34:10.
Link to the mediathek.
In September, we organized a stakeholder meeting at the Schneefernerhaus on the Zugspitze within the AlpSenseRely project. The roundtable with the topic "What needs do you see as users in forecasting natural hazards in climate change?" was an…
The Chair of Landslide Research joined the online European Rock Mechanics Symposium (EUROCK, 21-24 September 2021) with two articles, published in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
Here the two contributions
High alpine…
Doris Hermle arrived two weeks ago in Rome at NHAZCA s.r.l. (Natural HAZards Control and Assessment), a startup company of La Sapienza University. NHAZCA is an international leader in the analysis and monitoring of natural hazards and large…
Matthias Hofner joined the TUM Landslide Group as a researcher working on the assessment of the rockfall hazard in the Partnachklamm gorge on behalf of the municipal council of Garmisch-Partenkirchen. He finished his B.Sc. in Geosciences and M.Sc. in…
The German working group Geomorphology is organising the Mid-European Geomorphology Meeting 2021, taking place Nov. 6-10 in Munich. Of course, the current situation still requires flexibility. All information can be found here. We are looking forward…
Carolin Kiefer joined the TUM Landslide Research Group as a PhD student working on debris flow dynamics in the Northern European Alps. She completed her BSc in Applied Geosciences at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and her MSc in Engineering…
Electrical Resistivity Tomography data collected at the permafrost-affected and unstable Steintaelli Ridge (3100 m a.s.l., Matter Valley, Switzerland) in the last 13 years were inverted with a 3D time-lapse scheme in BERT. Thanks to the…