Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Krautblatter
Further contact details | TUM vcard |
Outreach: affiliations and media
2015 | IACS Representative of the GeoRisk Commission (Int. Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) |
2015 | Vice head of the German Society for Geomorphology |
2014 | International Conference on Arctic Research Planning core group member |
2012 | Vice President (before Secretary, 2015-president) of the Glacier and Permafrost Hazards in Mountains (GAPHAZ) Standing Group of the International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS) and the International Permafrost Association (IPA) |
2011 | German Representative for the International Permafrost Association (IPA) |
2010 | Co-speaker of the German working group on permafrost (AK Permafrost) |
2010-2015 | Science Officer “Permafrost” in the Cryosphere Division of the European Geoscience Union |
2009-2010 | Head of Permafrost Young Researcher Network Germany |
2007-2011 | Co-Founder and co-head of the Young Geomorphologists in Germany |
2015 | Bayern 1&2, Radio Feature (5 min.) Sept. 7, 2015. Einsturzgefährdeter Gipfel: Bäumenheimer Weg zum Hochvogel bleibt gesperrt. |
2015 | BR Rundschau, TV Feature (5 min.), June 15, 2015, “Live aus Oberstdorf: Schlammlawinen im gesamten Alpenraum?” |
2014 | ARD W wie Wissen, Radio Feature (8 min.) August 17, 2014, “Bergsturz an der Zugspitze” |
2013 | Bayern 2: Radiowelt, Feature (5 min.), Oct 10, 2013. “50 Jahre nach der Katastrophe von Vajont” |
2013 | ARTE – Dokumentation (45 min.), Bayern! (2/4): Im Süden, August 6, 2013 |
2013 | ORF - Ö1, Wissenschaftsmagazin "Dimensionen", July 12, 2013 |
2013 | Bayern 2: IQ-Wissenschaft und Forschung, Feature (25 min.), July 18, 2013. “Gletscher und Permafrost: Eisschmelze in den Alpen.” |
2013 | ZDF – TerraX, Feature (45 min.), 4 Jahreszeiten |
2011 | Bayerischer Rundfunk - Bayern 2: IQ-Wissenschaft und Forschung, Feature (25 min.), June 1, 2011. “80 Jahre Schneefernerhaus auf der Zugspitze.” |
2010 | ZEIT – Wissen 2010/Feb., p. 11: Rubrik: Woran arbeiten Sie: „Ich setze Berge unter Strom.“ |
2010 | Forsch - Artikel 2010/Feb, p. 14: „Zugspitz-Gipfel unter Strom.“ |
2010 | Bild der Wissenschaft – Artikel, 2010/Mar., p. 6: „Zugspitze: Berg unter Strom.“ |
2010 | ZDF – TerraX (45 min.), July 4. 2010, 19.30: „Gefahr aus den Bergen.“ |
2009 | Süddeutsche Zeitung - Artikel, 14 Dez. 2009, p. 50: „Zugspitze steht unter Strom.“ |
2009 | ARTE - Dokumentation (45 min.), Feb. 20, 2009: "Geheimnis im sibirischen Eis." |
2008 | Deutschlandfunk - Feature (15 min.), July 2, 2008: „Hitze auf der Zugspitze: Forscher untersuchen den Schwund des Permafrostes auf Deutschlands höchstem Berg.“ |
2008 | ARTE - Dokumentation (45 min.), April 3, 2008: "Rückzug des Eises." |
2007 | ARD - W wie Wissen, Documentary (10 min.), Dec. 2, 2007: "Zugspitze wird durchbohrt." |
Teaching and supervision
2015 | Best Teaching Award for summer and winter semesters 2014/2015 in B.Sc. Geology and Master Engineering/Hydro-Geology “Goldene Steinlaus”. |
2014 | Preis für gute Lehre des Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst (Good teaching award of the Education Ministry of Bavaria, 1 price for 600 TUM professors awarded per year) |
2014 | Doce et delecta Award for the lecture “Introdoction to Geoscience” for B.SC. Civil and Environmental Engineering |
2014 | Excellence in teaching award of the TUM |
2013 | Best teaching award summer and winter semesters 2012/2013 in B.A. Geology and Master Engineering/Hydro-Geology “Goldene Steinlaus”. |
2013/2014 | Alpine Hazards (lecture 2h, MA Environmental Eng. and MA Civil Eng.) |
2013 | Landslides – recognition, investigation & risk management (lecture, 4 hrs/week, Master in cooperation with Prof. Wunderlich, Geodesy and Prof. Straub, risk management). |
2012/2013 | Numerical methods I and II for landslide research. |
2012 | Landslides – recognition, investigation & risk management (lecture, 4 hrs/week, Master in cooperation with Prof. Wunderlich, Geodesy and Prof. Straub, risk management). |
2012 | Engineering geological field mapping of the Rindberg landslide (Sibratsgfäll, 1 week). |
2012 | GIS-course for geologists II (co-supervised). |
University of Bonn
2011/2012 | Natural hazards and risks in the European Alps (2 hrs/week, Diploma/Master). |
2011/2012 | Field and laboratory methods in slope instability research (seminars and 1 week hands on). |
2011 | Undergraduate Seminar Physical Geography with excursion (2 sem. a 4 hrs/week, B.A.). |
2010/2011 | Soil and rock mechanical concepts in the modeling of slope instability: temporal and spatial anticipation, release, propagation and deposition (2 hrs/week, Diploma/Master). |
2010 | 1st Mid-European Summerschool on Geomorphology (1 week, funded by VW-foundation). |
2010 | Postgraduate seminar: Periglacial and glacial natural hazards in alpine and polar regions in a changing climate (Diploma, 2 hrs/week). |
2013 | Bayern 2: Radiowelt, Feature (5 min.), Oct 10, 2013. “50 Jahre nach der Katastrophe von Vajont” |
2009/2010 | Field and laboratory methods in slope instability research (2 seminars and 2 weeks hands on). [1000€ teaching award] |
2009 | Field course “Alpine Geosystems in the Ötztal Valley” (1 week, B.A.). |
2009 | Postgraduate excursion in Mexiko – geology, volcanisms, neotectonics physical geography, geomorphology, natural hazards, human-environment interaction (Diploma, 3 weeks). |
2008/2009 | Regional postgraduate seminar „Mexiko – geology, physical geography, geomorphology, natural hazards, human-environment interaction“ (Diploma, 2 hrs/week). |
2008 | Field course „Alpine Geosystems Oberengadin” (1 week, Diploma). |
2008 | Field course “Alpine Geosystems in the Ötztal Valley” (1 week, B.A.). |
2007 | Undergraduate Seminar Physical Geography (4 hrs/week, Diploma). |
2004/2005 | Postgraduate excursion traversing the Alps together with C. Samimi (Diploma). |
International conferences: presentations and organisation
Convened Sessions
Moore, Petley, Dorren, Crosta and Agliardi (2013): Rockfall, rock slides and rock avalanches. European Geoscience Union, Vienna.
(→ this rockfall session that Dr.J. Moore (ETH) and I initiated in 2009 has now become one of the largest Natural Hazards sessions with an audience of 200 people, 12 talks and typically 25 posters.)
Moore, Krautblatter, Dorren, Crosta and Agliardi (2012): Rockfall, rock slides and rock avalanches. European Geoscience Union, Vienna.
Krautblatter, Moore, Dorren, Crosta and Agliardi (2011): Rockfall, rock slides and rock avalanches. European Geoscience Union, Vienna.
Krautblatter, Moore, Rosser, Dorren, Berger, Volkwein (2010). Rockfall I&II: Detachment, trajectory modelling, deposition and mitigation strategies. European Geoscience Union, Vienna.
Krautblatter and Otto (2009): FS97: Fluss- und Kreislaufprozesse in geomorphologischen Systemen. Geographentag, Vienna.
Moore, Krautblatter, Löw (2009): Processes and rates of rock slope erosion: weathering, detachment, and transport. European Geoscience Union, Vienna.
Invited talks and Guest Lectures
Krautblatter (06/2014). Why permafrost rocks become unstable and how this affects natural hazards in space and time. Key-Note at 4th the European Conference on Permafrost EUCOP, Evora.
Krautblatter (03/2014). Permafrost and Climate Change. Invited talk, 7th Sino-German Frontiers of Science Symposium, Peking.
Krautblatter, Kemna, Funk & Guenzel (12/2012). Quantitative geophysics in permafrost rock walls and their explanatory power for geomechanics. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco.
Krautblatter, Wunderlich, Pail, Thuro et al. (11/2012). Multirisk-Ansätze für Naturgefahren im Hochgebirge. DFG-Zukunftskommission, Rundgesprächs-Initiative – approved by DFG commission .
Krautblatter (12/2011). Permafrost und Hangbewegungen in den Alpen. Geowissenschaftliches Seminar TU München, Fak. Bauing.-Vermess./Ingenieurgeol. (Prof. K. Thuro), Invited talk.
Krautblatter (10/2011). Permafrost im globalen Umweltwandel. University of Vienna. Invited Guest Lecture.
Krautblatter (10/2011). Warum Permafrost-Felsen instabil werden. Geologie Universität Innsbruck and alpS, Invited talk.
Krautblatter (09/2011). Climate change and enhanced rockfall activity in the European Alps. Geomorphology Laboratory (Profs. N. Matsuoka / A. Ikeda), University of Tsukuba, Japan, Invited talk.
Krautblatter (09/2011). Magnitude and frequency of rockfalls in the Late Holocene - implications for hazard and risk. Fragile Earth, Munich, Invited talk.
Krautblatter (09/2011). Why thawing permafrost rocks can become unstable. Fragile Earth, Munich, Invited talk.
Krautblatter (06/2011). Warum tauende Permafrostfelsen instabil werden können: ein geomechanisches Konzept und Laborversuche. Experimental Geophysics Section, University of Bochum (Prof. J. Renner), Invited talk.
Krautblatter (03/2011). A geomechanical concept for the destabilisation of permafrost rocks. ETH Zurich, Engineering Geology, Invited talk.
Krautblatter (2009). “Rock slope erosion“ in response to climate change. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Invited talk.
Krautblatter (2009). „Rock slope erosion“ im Zuge des Klimawandels mit Beispielen aus den Deutschen, Schweizer, Österreichischen und Französischen Alpen. Geol.-geogr. Institutskolloquium Salzburg, Invited talk.
Krautblatter (2008). Auswirkungen von veränderter Niederschlagsregimen und von Permafrostdegradation auf Hangformung in den Alpen. Physisch-Geographisches Institutskolloquium der Universität Halle, Invited talk.
Krautblatter (2008). Permafrost in Felsen: Einflussgrößen, Detektion und Auswirkungen auf Hanginstabilität am Beispiel Steintälli (Matter-/Turtmanntal, CH) und (Zugspitze, D/Ö). Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Würzburg, Invited talk.
Krautblatter (2007). Steinschlag, Felsstürze und Bergstürze - nehmen sie infolge des Klimawandels zu und können wir sie vorhersagen? Geographisches Kolloquium der Universität Wien, Invited talk.
Krautblatter (2007). Geophysical investigations of permafrost-affected bedrock. La dégradation du Permafrost. Séminaire du laboratoire EDYTEM. April 2, 2007, Université Bourget du Lac, France, Invited talk.
Krautblatter (2007). Welchen Einfluss hat die vor 2.7 Ma aufkommende Klimavariabilität für den alpinen Sedimentfluss? DFG-Rundgespräch Erdoberflächenprozesse. 30. März 2007, Heidelberg, Germany, Invited talk.
Krautblatter (2006). Steinschlaggefahr, -risiko und wirksame Schutzmaßnahmen/-bauten: Eine Neueinschätzung basierend auf einer vierjährigen Steinschlagmessung in den bayerischen Alpen. 29. Baugrundtagung in Bremen, Invited talk.
Awarded talks
Krautblatter (2009). Führt der Klimawandel zu einer verstärkten Aktivität von Sturzprozessen in den europäischen Alpen? Jahrestagung AK Geomorphologie, Wien, Awarded talk.
Krautblatter (2007). Permafrost in alpine rockwalls - geophysical detection and implications for slope stability. International Symposium "Landform - structure, evolution, process control", Bonn, Germany. Awarded talk.
Krautblatter and Moser (2005). The implications of a four-year quantitative rockfall measurement for hazard assessment, risk mitigation and the design of protection measures. 15th conference on Engineering Geology, Erlangen, Awarded talk.
Krautblatter et al. (04/2013). Temporal and spatial dynamics of retrogressive thaw slumps revealed by 2D/3D geophysics and mechanical implications (Herschel Island, western Canadian Arctic). European Geoscience Union, Vienna.
Draebing and Krautblatter (04/2013). An ice pressure time-average model for p-wave measurements in permafrost rocks. European Geoscience Union, Vienna.
Krautblatter, Funk und Günzel (11/2012). Warum Permafrostfelsen instabil werden. AK Permafrost, Potsdam.
Krautblatter (09/2012). Rock slope failure and climate change in the European Alps: processes and mechanical explanations. The Sino-Germany Workshop (GZ849) Monitoring and Early Warning of Geohazards under Global Climate Changes. Beijing, China.
Krautblatter (09/2012). Magnitude and frequency spectra of rock slope failures: determination and temporal variability. Sino-German Symposium „Mass Movements in the Three-Gorges Area – from Recognition to Monitoring. Wuhan, China.
Draebing and Krautblatter (06/2012). The Influence of Ice-Pressure on P-Wave Velocity in Alpine Low-Porosity Rocks: A Modified Time-Average Model. 10th Int. Conf. on Permafrost, Salekhard, RUS.
Krautblatter (06/2012). Steinschlag, Felsstürze und Bergstürze in den bayerischen Alpen: Bedeutung, Vorhersage und die Rolle des Klimawandels. Ingenieurgeologischer Workshop: Monitoring, Analyse und Frühwarnung von Hangbewegungen. Technische Universität München.
Pudasaini and Krautblatter (04/2012). A Real Two-Phase Mechanical Model for Rock-Ice Avalanches. European Geoscience Union, Vienna.
Krautblatter and Kemna (04/2012). Quantitative electrical imaging in permafrost rock walls. European Geoscience Union, Vienna.
Krautblatter, Kemna and Dräbing (05/2011). Geophysical methods for the analysis and monitoring of unstable permafrost rocks. Interdisciplinary Workshop of the Rockfall Expert Network, Innsbruck, Austria.
Krautblatter and Funk (04/2011). Why permafrost rocks become unstable. European Geoscience Union, Vienna.
Krautblatter, Moser, Kemna, Verleysdonk, Funk and Dräbing (2010). Climate change and enhanced rockfall activity in the European Alps. GeoDarmstadt.
Krautblatter and Funk (2010). A rock-/ice mechanical model for the destabilisation of permafrost rocks and first laboratory evidence for the “reduced friction hypothesis.” 3rd European Permafrost Conference, Svalbard, Spitzbergen.
Krautblatter, Verleysdonk, Flores-Orozco and Kemna (2009). A step towards temperature-referenced ERT: Laboratory-calibrated ERT of seasonal changes in permafrost rock walls at the Zugspitze (D/A). European Geoscience Union, Vienna.
Krautblatter and Verleysdonk (2009). Saisonales Auftauverhalten von Felspermafrost: Elektrische Resistivitätstomographien (ERT) und Felstemperaturen eines 3-jährigen Monitorings (2007-2009) an der Zugspitze (D/A). Geographentag, Vienna.
Krautblatter (2009). Estimating the impact of climate change on rockfall activity in the European Alps, Joint Workshop Japan/Germany: Climate and Human Impact on High Mountain Geosystems, Schneefernehaus, D.
Krautblatter, Heißel, Moser, Nittel und Verleysdonk (2009). Bliggferner 2007 – Analyse und Tomographie im Anrissbereich eines Bergsturzereignisses zur Einschätzung des Gefährdungspotentials von Permafrostfelsen im Kaunertal. Geoforum Umhausen.
Krautblatter (2008). 3D-tomographies of rock permafrost evolution over time derived from seismic and resistivity measurements. June 29 – July 3, 2008, Fairbanks, Alaska, US.
Krautblatter (2008). Permafrost aggradation in the rock crest „Steintälli“ as a multiannual response to cool summers recorded by a three-year monitoring of rock permafrost by 2D/3D-ERT and refraction seismics. Eurpoean Geoscience Union, Vienna.
Krautblatter, Schädler, Moser and Keller (2008). Characterising vertical and horizontal sediment flux in alpine geosystems: Caine’s “geomorphic work” vs. Barsch’s “geomorphic activity” concept reanalysed by a multiannual record in two highly-active catchments (Reintal and Lahnenwiesgraben, German Alps). 3. Mitteleuropäische Geomorphologietagung, Salzburg.
Krautblatter (2008). Felsstabilitätsbewertung durch seismische und elektrische 2D und 2.5D-Tomographien an Permafrostfelsen: Laborkalibrierung, Fehlermodelle, Inversionsoptimierung und Tempertaturreferenzierung. Jahrestagung des AK Permafrost, AWI, Potsdam.
Krautblatter (2008). Detecting rock mass stability relevant parameters from ERT and seismics. Int. GriAAlp Meeting: Measuring and modelling instability factors of permafrost-affected bedrock, Zurich.
Hauck, Delaloye, Farbrot, Frauenfelder, Hilbich, Kneisel, Krautblatter, Nyenhuis, Otto und Roer (2007). Ice content and ice origin of mountain permafrost occurrences using electrical resistivity tomography. Eurpoean Geoscience Union, Vienna.
Krautblatter, M.; Hauck, C.; Wolf, S. (2007). Geophysical 2D and 3D-monitoring of permafrost in rock walls. Eurpoean Geoscience Union, Vienna.
Krautblatter, M.; Moser, M.; Schrott, L.; Wolf (formerly Poppel), J. (2007). A detailed record of sediment transfer and geomorphic work of small, medium and high magnitude-rockfalls in an Alpine Catchment (Reintal, German Alps). Eurpoean Geoscience Union, Vienna.
Krautblatter (2007). Das "Energiekonzept" zur Charakterisierung des Sedimentflusses alpiner Geosysteme. Probleme und Perpektiven aufgezeigt an zwei alpinen Einzugsgebieten. Deutscher Geographentag, Bayreuth.
Krautblatter (2007). Evolution of alpine slopes over time: what do present process-based measurements tell us? Joint Workshop "Source to Sink Sedimentary Cascades: Perspectives Germany/Japan", Sapporo, Japan.
Krautblatter (2007). Die Potentiale von ERT und Seismik zur Erkennung von Permafrost in Felswänden. "Klimaveränderung im Hochgebirge". Swiss Snow Ice and Permafrost Society. July 13-15, 2007, Samedan, CH.
Krautblatter and Dikau (2006). How can we extract the information gathered in existing rockfall studies for sediment budget estimations - A conceptual approach. Eurpoean Geoscience Union, Vienna.
Krautblatter und Moser (2006). Primär und sekundär dominierte Steinschlagregime und deren Implikationen für Gefahrenpotential, Risikoanalyse und Schutzmaßnahmen. 8. Geoforum, Oct. 8-10, 2006, Umhausen, A.
Krautblatter, Hauck und Dikau (2006) Detektion und Monitoring von Permafrostvorkommen in Felsen: Geophysikalische Methoden und Implikationen für Massenbewegungen. Jahrestagung AK Geomorph., Dresden.
Krautblatter and Dikau (2005). How can we extrapolate from existing studies on back-weathering (rockwall retreat) and rockfall supply in time and space? - A conceptual approach. SEDIFLUX Meeting, Durham, UK.
Krautblatter and Moser (2005). Will we face an increase in hazardous secondary rockfall events in response to global warming in the foreseeable future? Global Change in Mountain Regions, Perth, Scotland.