04/2016-04/2020 | “Debris-flow modeling and sediment budget monitoring near Oberstdorf (Bavaria, Germany)" Funding: Bavarian Environmental Ministry Amount of Funding: 46 k€ Contributing People: |
12/2015-02/2016 | “Assessing, Geophysical Reconnaissance and Modelling of slope instability above a hydropower structure Mühltal." Funding: E.ON (hydropower) Contributing People: - Michael Krautblatter (PI, Technische Universität München)
- Theresa Raab (PI, Technische Universität München)
11/2015-05/2017 | “Real time monitoring of fracture initiation in natural stones induced by environmental stresses (StoneMon)” Funding: DBU (German Environmental Foundation) Amount of Funding: 115 k€ Contributing People: |
07/2015-06/2018 | "CryoWall – Permafrost rock walls in Norway" Funding: The Research Council of Norway Contributing People: - Bernd Etzelmüller (PI, Lead, University of Oslo, Norway)
- Michael Krautblatter (PI, Technische Universität München)
- Benjamin Jacobs (PI, Technische Universität München)
- Sebastian Westermann (PI, University of Oslo, Norway)
- Kristin Sæterdal Myhra (PI, University of Oslo, Norway)
- Reginald Hermanns (PI, Norwegian Geological Survey, Norway)
- Paula Hilger (PI, Norwegian Geological Survey, Norway)
- Jan Otto Larsen (PI, Statens Vegvesen, Norway)
- Ketil Isaksen (PI, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Norway)
06/2014-05/2017 | "Georisks in a changing climate, Landslide hazard assessment in the Bavarian Pre-Alps" Funding: Bavarian Environmental Ministry Amount of Funding: 130 k€ (extended to 165 k€) Contributing People: - Michael Krautblatter (PI, Technische Universität München)
- Kurosch Thuro (PI, Technische Universität München)
- Theresa Raab (PI, Technische Universität München, 75 % project-financed)
- Benjamin Jacobs (PI, Technische Universität München, 75 % project-financed)
12/2012-06/2013 | "Assessing, Monitoring, Geophysical Reconnaissance and Modelling of slope instability above a lake reservoir (Bavaria)" Funding: E.ON. Contributing People: - Michael Krautblatter (PI, Technische Universität München)
- Theresa Raab (PI, Technische Universität München, 100% project-financed).
07/2013-06/2014 | ESA-Project: “Assessment of slow permafrost-controlled Alpine landslides using differential SAR interferometry over two decades” in cooperation with Dr. S. Plank Geo-Risks and Civil Security, German Aerospace Center (DLR). Own share: Radar imagery and software. (10 k€) |
08/2011-09/2011 | Cooperation project (09/2011) Japanese Southern and Northern Alps, Permafrost site at the Fujiyama. Funding: 7 k€ (own share) Contributing People: - Norikazu Matsuoka (PI, Tsukuba University)
- Atsushi Ikeda (PI, Tsukuba University)
- Thomas Parkner (PI, University of Bonn)
- Michael Krautblatter (PI, University of Bonn)
→ Own share: 3 week research visit/field work in Japan Honshu/ Hokkaido, international/national flights, invited stay / shipping of samples. (7 k€)
09/2011-03/2015 | Principal applicant in “ISPR: Influences of snow cover on thermal and mechanical processes in steep permafrost rock walls.” D-A-CH (SNF/DFG) proposal, with Dr. M. Phillips (SLF), Prof. M. Hölzle (Fribourg) and Dr. S. Gruber (Zurich). 2 Ph.D. 75%-positions for 36 months. → Own share: 75%-positions for 36 months, 6-channel nanoseismic and 128 electrode resistivity tomography monitoring units, 8 crackmeters and piezometers. |
11/2010-11/2011 | Co-applicant in TRANSAFROST: Critical Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Transitions in thawing permafrost rocks and soils. Funding: DFG research group initiation funding of the ABCJ (Geozentrum Aachen Bonn Köln Jülich) Amount of Funding: 60 k€ Contributing People: · - Andreas Kemna (PI, University of Bonn)
- Christoph Galerne (PI, University of Bonn)
- Dani Or (PI, ETH Zurich)
- Michael Krautblatter (PI, University of Bonn)
05/2010-11/2012 | Co-applicant in "Carbon release from degrading permafrost in the western Canadian Arctic". Funding: BMBF Amount of Funding: 15 k€ (own share) Contributing People: - Hugues Lantuit (Lead, Alfred-Wegener Institute)
- Wayne Pollard (PI, McGill University, Montreal).
- Michael Krautblatter (PI, Technische Universität München)
10/2010-01/2012 | Scientific partner in “Monitoring the thermal state of permafrost by automated time-lapse Capacitive Resistivity Imaging”. Funding: NERC/UK Amount of Funding: ~12 k€ (own share) Contributing People: - Julian Murton (Lead, University of Sussex)
- Oliver Kuras (PI, British Geologic Survey)
- Michael Krautblatter (PI, University of Bonn)
09/2010-10/2010 | Principal Applicant in “1st Mid-European Summerschool on Geomorphology: Complex Response of Earth Surface Processes to Environmental Change”. Funding: Volkswagen Foundation. Amount of Funding: 25 k€ for 30 participants/13 lecturers from 10 countries. |
04/2010-03/2017 | Co-applicant in “Monitoring potential hazardous rock walls and slopes in mountain regions (MOREXPERT)”. Funding: K2-competence center of Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). Amount of Funding: → Own share: mechanical and geophysical laboratory testing including a several month postgraduate position, several field campaigns |
08/2009-09/2011 | Co-applicant in “Dangerous lakes - Hazard assessment and outburst flood estimation of naturally dammed lakes in Central Asia”. Funding: Volkswagenstiftung Amount of Funding: 6 k€ (own share) Contributing People: - Jürgen Herget (Lead, University of Bonn)
- Michael Krautblatter (PI, University of Bonn)
- Several international colleagues (UK, RUS)
08/2008-08/2011 | Scientifc design and authoring of “Sensitivity of Rock Permafrost to Climate change (SORP)” in the DFG Bundle-Project „Sensitivity of Permafrost to Climate Change (SPCC)". main applicant Prof. R. Dikau. (University of Bonn) → Own share: 3 year Ph.D. position (S. Verleysdonk) and equipment, travel costs, helicopter, laboratory installation, conferences |
06/2005-10/2007 | Scientific partner in the Public-Private Partnership “SensorGIS” with Terrestris, TÜV Rheinland, Schütz GmbH, Scatterweb to develop an expert system for remote monitoring of slope instability. → wireless sensor network instrumentation |
04/2005-04/2008 | Student on Position C7: Permafrost Research Training Group Landform, Studies. University of Bonn, Institute of Geography Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG) Amount of Funding: ~200 k€ (own share Contributing People: - Michael Krautblatter (PhD, University of Bonn)
- Richard Dikau (Lead, University of Bonn)
Key Publications: - Krautblatter, M. (2008): Rock Permafrost Geophysics and its Explanatory Power for Permafrost-Induced Rockfalls and Rock Creep: a Perspective. In: Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Permafrost, Fairbanks, US: 999-1004.
- Krautblatter, M. & Hauck, C. (2007): Electrical resistivity tomography monitoring of permafrost in solid rock walls. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth-Surface. http://dx.doi.org/112. 10.1029/2006JF000546
- Otto, J.-C., Kleinod, K, König, O, Krautblatter, M., Nyenhuis, M., Roer, I., Schneider, M., Schreiner, B. & R. Dikau (2007): HRSC-A data: a new high-resolution data set with multi-purpose applications in physical geography. Progress in Physical Geography, 31(2): 179-197. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0309133307076479
02/2005-05/2005 | Research Invitation, Rock breakdown laboratory, U. of Oxford (Prof. H.A. Viles): Nonlinear dynamics of weathering in response to climatic fluctuations; test site Nant Ffrancon, North Wales. |