Paper (peer-reviewed)
Etzelmüller, B., Czekirda, J., Magnin, F., Duvillard, P.-A., Ravanel, L., Malet, E., Aspaas, A., Kristensen, L., Skrede, I., Majala, G. D., Jacobs, B., Leinauer, J., Hauck, C., Hilbich, C., Böhme, M., Hermanns, R., Eriksen, H. Ø., Lauknes, T. R., Krautblatter, M., and Westermann, S. (2022): Permafrost in monitored unstable rock slopes in Norway – new insights from temperature and surface velocity measurements, geophysical surveying, and ground temperature modelling, Earth Surf. Dynam., 10, 97–129,
Hilger, P., Hermanns, R. L., Gosse, J. C., Jacobs, B., Etzelmüller, B., & Krautblatter, M. (2018). Multiple rock-slope failures from Mannen in Romsdal Valley, western Norway, revealed from Quaternary geological mapping and 10Be exposure dating. The Holocene, 28(12), 1841–1854.
Nield, J.M., King, J., Jacobs, B. (2014): Detecting surface moisture in aeolian environments using terrestrial laser scanning, Aeolian Research, 12, 9-17.
Nield, J.M., Chiverrell, R.C., Darby, S.E., Leyland, J., Vircavs, L.H., Jacobs, B. (2012): Complex spatial feedbacks of tephra redistribution, ice melt and surface roughness modulate ablation on tephra covered glaciers, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 38, 95-102.
Conference Proceedings
Jacobs, B., Myrha, K., Leinauer, J., Krautblatter, M. (2018): Can Lateglacial / Holocene permafrost dynamics explain lag-times between fjord deglaciation and massive rock slope failure?: A coupled thermal-mechanical model. Central European Conference on Geomorphology and Quaternary Sciences 2018, Giessen.
Jacobs, B., Myrha, K., Leinauer, J., Krautblatter, M. (2018): Thermal and mechanical modelling of massive rock slope failure following fjord deglaciation. European Conference on Permafrost 2018, Chamonix, France.
Jacobs, B., Myrha, K., Leinauer, J., Krautblatter, M. (2018): Thermal and mechanical modelling of massive rock slope failure following fjord deglaciation. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria. Prceedings: 928-929. Link
Jacobs, B. & M. Krautblatter (2017): LiDAR-basierte Quantifizierung von strukturellen Einflüssen auf Steinschlagaktivität in alpinen Kalksteinwänden. DGGT, Fachsektionstage Geotechnik, Würzburg, Tagungsband: 362-367. Link
Jacobs, B., Krautblatter, M., Myhra, K. S. & Etzelmüller, B. (2017): Towards a thermo-mechanical model of permafrost-related rock wall instabilities at high risk sites in Norway. Geophysical Research Abstracts 19, EGU2017-13658.
Jacobs, B. & M. Krautblatter (2016): Quantifying structural controls of rockfall activity on alpine limestone cliffs: a LiDAR-based geological approach in the Wetterstein Mountains, Bavarian Alps. Geophysical Research Abstracts 18, EGU2016-15541-2.
Jacobs, B., Myrha, K., Leinauer, J., Magnin, F., Krautblatter, M. (2018): Thermal and mechanical modelling of massive rock slope failure following fjord deglaciation - News and perspectives - Cryowall at TUM. CryoWall Final Meeting, Zugspitze, Germany 21.09. - 24.09.2018
Jacobs, B., Myrha, K., Leinauer, J., Krautblatter, M. (2018): Thermal and mechanical modelling of massive rock slope failure following fjord deglaciation. European Conference on Permafrost 2018, Chamonix, France 25.06 - 29.06.2018
Jacobs, B., Myrha, K., Leinauer, J., Krautblatter, M. (2018): Thermal and mechanical modelling of massive rock slope failure following fjord deglaciation. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria 08.04.-13.04.2018.
Jacobs, B. & M. Krautblatter (2017): LiDAR-basierte Quantifizierung von strukturellen Einflüssen auf Steinschlagaktivität in alpinen Kalksteinwänden. DGGT, Fachsektionstage Geotechnik, Würzburg, 06.-08.09.2017.
Jacobs, B. & M. Krautblatter (2017): Stabilität permafrostbeeinflusster Felsflanken von Hochrisikostandorten (Mannen & Gamanjunni) in Norwegen. AK Permafrost, Einsiedeln, Switzerland, 09.-11.02.2017.
Jacobs, B. & M. Krautblatter (2016): Quantifying structural controls of rockfall activity on alpine limestone cliffs: a LiDAR-based geological approach in the Bavarian Alps. Geofaredagen, NGU Trondheim, Norway, 19.10.2016.
Jacobs, B. & M.Krautblatter (2016): LiDAR-basierte Quantifizierung von strukturellen Einflüssen auf Steinschlagaktivität in alpinen Kalksteinwänden. AK Geomorphology, University of Jena, Germany, 06.-07.10.2016.
Jacobs, B. (2016): Strukturelle Einflüsse auf Steinschlagaktivität: ein LiDAR-basierter geologischer Ansatz im Wettersteingebirge. Freunde der Geologie München e.V., TU Munich, 21.03.2016.