Leinauer, J., Dietze, M., Knapp, S., Scandroglio, R., Jokel, M., and Krautblatter, M. (2024): How water, temperature, and seismicity control the preconditioning of massive rock slope failure (Hochvogel), Earth Surf. Dynam., 12, 1027–1048,
Barbosa, N., Leinauer, J., Jubanski, J., Dietze, M., Münzer, U., Siegert, F., and Krautblatter, M. (2024): Massive sediment pulses triggered by a multi-stage 130 000 m3 alpine cliff fall (Hochvogel, DE–AT), Earth Surf. Dynam., 12, 249–269,
Leinauer, J., Dietze, M., Knapp, S., Scandroglio, R., Jokel, M., and Krautblatter, M. (2024): Real-time and multi-method monitoring of the imminent Hochvogel rock slope failure(DE/AT), Interpraevent 2024 E35, p. 912-915, International Research Society INTERPRAEVENT, Klagenfurt, Austria, ISBN 978-3-901164-32-3.
Leinauer, J., Weber, S., Cicoira, A., Beutel, J., and Krautblatter, M. (2023): An approach for prospective forecasting of rock slope failure time. Commun Earth Environ 4, 253.
Etzelmüller, B., Czekirda, J., Magnin, F., Duvillard, P.-A., Ravanel, L., Malet, E., Aspaas, A., Kristensen, L., Skrede, I., Majala, G. D., Jacobs, B., Leinauer, J., Hauck, C., Hilbich, C., Böhme, M., Hermanns, R., Eriksen, H. Ø., Lauknes, T. R., Krautblatter, M., and Westermann, S. (2022): Permafrost in monitored unstable rock slopes in Norway – new insights from temperature and surface velocity measurements, geophysical surveying, and ground temperature modelling, Earth Surf. Dynam., 10, 97–129,
Leinauer, J.; Jacobs, B., Krautblatter, M. (2021): High alpine geotechnical real time monitoring and early warning at a large imminent rock slope failure (Hochvogel, GER/AUT). IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 833 012146
Leinauer, J., Jacobs, B., Krautblatter, M. (2020): Anticipating an imminent large rock slope failure at the Hochvogel (Allgäu Alps). Geomechanics and Tunnelling 13, No. 6, pp. 597–603.
Early warning of rock slope failures – real-time monitoring, process analysis and failure time forecasting (link)
Conference Proceedings, Talks & Posters
Leinauer, J. and Krautblatter, M. (invited talk): AlpSenseRely – Multi-Methoden-Monitoring zur Vorhersage klima-induzierter Naturgefahren, 2. Steinschlagsymposium der TU Graz,
Schladming, 28.11.2024.
Leinauer, J., Dietze, M., Knapp, S., Scandroglio, R., and Krautblatter, M. (2024): Real-time and multi-method monitoring of the imminent Hochvogel rock slope failure(DE/AT), Interpraevent 2024, Vienna, Austria, 10.-13.06.2024.
Leinauer, J. (invited talk): Hochvogel - Naturgefahren im Einfluss des Klimawandels, öffentlicher Vortrag im Rahmen der Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für vergleichende Hochgebirgsforschung, Jugendbildungsstätte Hindelang, DAV, Bad Hindelang, 07.06.2024.
Leinauer, J., Dietze, M., Knapp, S., Scandroglio, R., and Krautblatter, M. (2024): Echtzeit-Monitoring und Quantifizierung von treibenden Faktoren am bevorstehenden Hochvogel Felssturz, XXVII. Geoalp Wintercup 2024, Bozen, 02.02.2024.
Leinauer, J. (invited talk): Displacement data for early warning: forecasting the time of landslides, Landaware online event 2023, 01.06.2023.
Leinauer, J., Weber, S., Cicoira, A., Jokel, M., Beutel, B., and Krautblatter, M. (2023): A new concept for prospective failure time forecasting, 6th World Landslide Forum, 14.-17.11.2023, Florence.
Leinauer, J., Jacobs, B., Scandoglio, R., Dietze, M., and Krautblatter, M. (2023): The Hochvogel outdoor laboratory: diciphering the preparatory phase of rock falls, 6th Symposium of the Virtual Alpine Observatory (VAO), Grainau, 21.-23.03.2023.
Krautblatter, M., Leinauer, J., et al. (2023): AlpSense-Rely: Challenging the predictability of climate-induced impacts in alpine hazards (STMUV project), 6th Symposium of the Virtual Alpine Observatory (VAO), Grainau, 21.-23.03.2023.
Scandroglio, S., Offer, M., Leinauer, J., and Krautblatter, M. (2023): Climate Change effects in alpine permafrost: 15 years of geoelectrical monitoring in the Kammstollen (Zugspitze, D/A), 6th Symposium of the Virtual Alpine Observatory (VAO), Grainau, 21.-23.03.2023.
Leinauer, J., Dietze, M., Knapp, S., Jokel, M., Barbosa, N., Scandroglio, R., and Krautblatter, M. (2023): Rock slope failure evolution towards a sensitive close-to-failure system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7521. Link
Barbosa, N., Leinauer, J., Jubanski, J., Dietze, M., Münzer, U., Siegert, F., and Krautblatter, M. (2023): Quantifying massive cascading sediment transport triggered by a cliff fall in a highly-active alpine basin., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13129. Link
Leinauer, J., Dietze, M., Knapp, S., Jokel, M., Barbosa, N., and Krautblatter, M. (2022): Preparation of rock slope failure towards a high-sensitivity close-to-failure system, Mid-European Geomorphology Meeting MGM, Kaprun, 25.-28.11.2022.
Leinauer, J., Weber, S., Cicoira, A., Beutel, B., and Krautblatter, M. (2022): Towards prospective failure time forecasting of slope failures, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7673. Link
Leinauer, J., Sachs, M., Krautblatter, M. (2021): The effects of heavy rain on irreversible crack opening at the large imminent rock slope failure at the Hochvogel (GER/AUT), Mid-European Geomorphology Meeting MGM, München, 06.-09.11.2021.
Leinauer, J.; Jacobs, B., Krautblatter, M. (2021): High alpine geotechnical real time monitoring and early warning at a large imminent rock slope failure (Hochvogel, GER/AUT). IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 833 012146, EUROCK 2021, Torino, 21.-24.09.2021 Link
Leinauer, J., Meindl, M., Jacobs, B., Stammberger, V., and Krautblatter, M. (2021): Anticipating cascading risks at the imminent Hochvogel peak failure, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9581. Link
Dietze, M., Krautblatter, M., Leinauer, J., Illien, L., and Hovius, N.: The melody of a failing peak – seismic constraints on rock damaging and stick-slip motion at the Hochvogel (DE/AT Alps), EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2602, 2021. Link
Leinauer, J., Jacobs, B., Krautblatter, M. (2020): Antizipation eines bevorstehenden Felssturzes am Hochvogel (Allgäuer Alpen), 69. Geomechanik Kolloquium 2020/ Johann Golser Kolloquium, Salzburg, 08.10.2020
Leinauer, J., Jacobs, B., Krautblatter, M. (2020): Process dynamics, real time monitoring and early warning at an imminent cliff fall (Hochvogel, Allgäu Alps). European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria 03.05.-08.05.20 Link
Krautblatter M., Mayer C., Münzer, U., Siegert, F., Stilla, U., Wunderlich, T., Kraushaar, S., Keuschnig M., Leinauer, J. (2020): AlpSense: Alpine remote sensing of climate-induced natural hazards: A multi-method hazard prediction. 5th Symposium of the Virtual Alpine Observatory (VAO), Bern, 04.-06.02.2020
Leinauer, J., Friedrich, B., Jacobs, B., Krautblatter, M. (2019): Prozessdynamik und Frühwarn-Strategien für ein sich vorbereitendes Felssturz-Großereignis am Hochvogel (Allgäuer Alpen). Fachsektionstage Geotechnik, Forum für junge Ingenieurgeologen, Würzburg, 29.-30.10.2019 ResearchGate
Leinauer, J., Friedrich, B., Jacobs, B., Krautblatter, M. (2019): Process dynamics and early warning strategies for a preparing high-magnitude rock slope failure at the Hochvogel (Allgäu Alps). Jahrestagung Geomorphologie, Kiel, 28.09.2019
Leinauer, J., Friedrich, B., Jacobs, B., Krautblatter, M. (2019): Process dynamics and early warning strategies for a preparing high-magnitude rock slope failure at the Hochvogel (Allgäu Alps). European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria 07.04.-12.04.2019 Link
Krautblatter, M., Mayer, C., Münzer, U., Siegert, F., Stilla, U., Wunderlich, T., Kraushaar, S., Keuschnig, M., Leinauer, J., Friedrich, B., Jacobs, B., Scandroglio, R., Wittmann, M., Emmert, A., Hoegner, L., Raffl, L., Reith, C., Van der Laan, L., Hermle, D., Pläsken, R. (2019): The AlpSense-Project: Alpine remote sensing of climate-induced natural hazards. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria 07.04.-12.04.2019 Link
Jacobs, B., Leinauer, J., Myhra, K. S., Krautblatter, M. (2019): Short- and Long-term Thermal and Mechanical Transition in NorwegianPermafrost Rock Walls. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria 07.04.-12.04.2019 Link
Leinauer, J., Friedrich, B., Jacobs, B., Krautblatter, M. (2018): Process dynamics and early warning strategies for a preparing high-magnitude rock slope failure at the Hochvogel (Allgäu Alps). Central European Conference on Geomorphology and Quaternary Sciences 2018, Giessen, Poster. Researchgate
Jacobs, B., Myrha, K., Leinauer, J., Krautblatter, M. (2018): Can Lateglacial / Holocene permafrost dynamics explain lag-times between fjord deglaciation and massive rock slope failure?: A coupled thermal-mechanical model. Central European Conference on Geomorphology and Quaternary Sciences 2018, Giessen.
Jacobs, B., Myrha, K., Leinauer, J., Krautblatter, M. (2018): Thermal and mechanical modelling of massive rock slope failure following fjord deglaciation. European Conference on Permafrost 2018, Chamonix, France. Link
Jacobs, B., Myrha, K., Leinauer, J., Krautblatter, M. (2018): Thermal and mechanical modelling of massive rock slope failure following fjord deglaciation. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria. Prceedings: 928-929. Link