TUM Center for ALPine HAzards and Risks (TUM-ALPHA)

The TUM Center for ALPine HAzards and Risks (TUM-ALPHA) aims to establish a coordinating research center for alpine natural hazards in Bavaria and Germany.
Our mission focuses on:
- Collaborative research: Facilitating partnerships that drive innovative research in the field of alpine hazards.
- Integrated funding opportunities: Creating sustainable funding solutions to support current and future projects.
- Stakeholder Engagement: Forstering interaction with a wide range of stakeholders, including industry representatives, policy makers, NGOs, and international partner organisations.

As part of our initiative, we are proud to host key figures in the field, including the Bavarian Minister of the Environment, representatives from the Ministry of Environment, heads of cable car companies, mountain rescue services, members of the German Alpine Association (DAV), hut operators, mayors of affected communities, state geologists from Tyrol, Salzburg, and South Tyrol, and leading researchers from TUM.
We invite you to join us in our efforts to enhance the understanding and management of alpine hazards and to contribute to safer and more resilient communities.