- An integrated approach for detecting and classifying pores and surface topology for fatigue assessment 316L manufactured by powder bed fusion of metals using a laser beam using μCT and machine learning algorithms. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2024 mehr…
- Dissipative and thermal aspects in cyclic loading of additive manufactured AISI 316L. Engineering Failure Analysis 163, 2024, 108446 mehr…
- Analysis of damage and failure behavior of additively manufactured stainless steel 316L by biaxial experiments. PAMM Proceedings In Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024 mehr…
- Cyclic plastic material behavior of novel high manganese austenitic stainless steel Printdur® HSA additively manufactured by PBF-LB/M. 13th International Fatigue Congress (FATIGUE2022+1) , 2023 mehr…
- Combined effect of surface treatment and heat treatment on the fatigue properties of AISI 316L, manufactured by powder bed fusion of metals using a laser (PBF-LB/M). International Journal of Fatigue, 2023, 108025 mehr…
- Additive Manufacturing in Construction—Implementing Powder-Bed Fusion of Metals Using a Laser (PBF-LB/M) and Shape Optimization in the Construction Design Process. INALCO 2023, MDPI, 2023 mehr…
- A Novel Methodology for the Thermographic Cooling Rate Measurement during Powder Bed Fusion of Metals Using a Laser Beam. Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, 2023 mehr…
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- Einfluss der Abkühlrate auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften von additiv gefertigten Zugproben aus 316L. Stahlbau, 2020 mehr…
- The influence of oxygen on the chemical composition and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V during laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF). Additive Manufacturing 32, 2020 mehr…