Prof. Peter Rutschmann
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Hydraulic Engineering (Prof. Rüther)
Arcisstr. 21
80333 München
- Tel.: -
2007 - ongoing | Full professor, Chair of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany Hydraulic and water resources engineering and director of the Oskar von Miller Institute and the Dieter Thoma Laboratory |
2004 - 2007 | Director of Institute for Hydraulic Engineering, University of Innsbruck (IWI), Austria |
2002 - 2007 | Full professor, Institute for Hydraulic Engineering, University of Innsbruck (IWI), Austria Hydromechanics and hydrological engineering |
1980 - 2001 | Research and senior research engineer, VAW-ETHZ, Switzerland Hydraulic and numerical modeling, lecturer and supervisor |
1994 | Invited scientific guest at National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Christchurch, New Zealand Workshop on “Finite Elements in Fluids” and collaboration in various research projects: |
· Flow patterns associated with streaming filamental periphyton · Evolution of a stable channel in a gravel bed river · Distribution of velocities across and along a river reach · Turbulence under flood waves |
1984 - 1988 | Research engineer, Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (VAW-ETHZ), Switzerland PhD thesis entitled “Spillway chute aerators - Operation, Design and Calculation” First examiner: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. D. Vischer, second examiners: Prof. Dr. T. Dracos and Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. H. Kobus |
1973 - 1979 | Civil engineering studies, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Diploma thesis “Seawage system and seawage treatment plant at Lake of Locarno” Supervised by Prof. Dr. R. Heierli |
- Patent “Schachtkraftwerk”, German, European and US patent approved
- Patent “Schachtkraftwerk mit Dammtafeln”, international patent pending
- Patent “Schachtkraftwerk mit Schachtspülung”, international patent pending
- Patent “Wasserkraftwerksrechenanordnung”, international patent pending
- Patent “Wasserkraftwerksrechen”, international patent pending
- Patent “Mehrschachtanlagen”, international patent pending
- Patent „A method for determining and/or trading the spatial distribution of an accoustic impedance within a given volume of water (3D sensorless fish tracking)”, European patent application
2015 | Bavarian State Medal for special merits on behalf of the environment issues |
since 2010 | Advisory Board of BAW, the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute |
since 2009 | Member of the Council of the Europe Division of International Association for Hydro- Environmental Engineering and Research (IAHR) |
since 2009 | Member of the Board (Beirat) of the German Association of Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA), Bavarian Section |
until 2008 | Vice-President Austrian Society for Hydrology (ÖGH) |
since 2008 | Deutsches Talsperrenkomitee (DTK) |
since 2007 | Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall (DWA) |
since 2007 | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) |
since 2002 | Austrian Society for Hydrology |
since 1980 | International Association of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) |
- Dam hydraulics, reservoir management, small hydropower, hydropower
- Flood management
- River engineering, river morphology, fish habitat and aquatic population modelling
- Physical, numerical, hybrid and etho-hydraulic modelling
(80) | Bui, VH, Bui MD; Rutschmann P (2019) Combination of Discrete Element Method and Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Porosity of Gravel-Bed River. Water, 11, Article No. 1461, 21 pages,, (This article belongs to the Section Hydraulics) |
(79) | Reisenbüchler M, Bui MD, Skublics D, Rutschmann P (2019) Enhancement of a numerical model system for reliably predicting morphological development in the Saalach River. International Journal of River Basin Management, 17, pp. 1-14, DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2019.1628034, |
(78) | Stamou AT, Noutsopoulos C, Kuhlmann A, Rutschmann P (2019) How can we link teaching with research in our engineering courses? The case of an ecological modelling course in two European Universities. European Journal of Engineering Education, 44, pp. 1-17, |
(77) | Kaveh K, Bui MD; Rutschmann P (2019) Integration of artificial neural networks into TELEMAC-MASCARET system, new concepts for hydromorphodynamic modeling. Advances in Engineering Software, 132, pp. 18-28, |
(76) | Bui, VH, Bui MD; Rutschmann P (2019) Advanced Numerical Modeling of Sediment Transport in Gravel-Bed Rivers. Water, 11, 2019, Article No. 550, 21 pages,, (This article belongs to the Section Hydraulics) |
(75) | Reisenbüchler M, Bui MD, Skublics D, Rutschmann P (2019) An integrated approach for investigating the correlation between floods and river morphology: A case study of the Saalach River, Germany. Science of the Total Environment, 647, pp. 814-826, |
(74) | Stamou AT, Rutschmann P (2018) Pareto Optimization of Water Resources Using the Nexus Approach. – In: Water Resources Management, 32, pp. 5053-5065, doi:10.1007/s11269-018-2127-x,, |
(73) | Reisenbüchler M, Nguyen ND, Liepert T, Bui M.D., Rutschmann P (2018) TELEMAC - A hydrodynamic solver for HPC?. InSiDE. Innovatives Supercomputing in Deutschland, 16, pp. 95-97, DOI |
(72) | Ateeq-Ur-Rehman S, Bui MD, Hasson S, Rutschmann P (2018) An Innovative Approach to Minimizing Uncertainty in Sediment Load Boundary Conditions for Modelling Sedimentation in Reservoirs. Water, 10, 1411, 27 pages,, Supplement material: |
(71) | Hötzl S, Schechtl T, Rutschmann P, Knapp, W (2018) Development of a Low Head Tidal Turbine. Part 1: CFD Simulations, Design and Optimization. Special issue of the Twelfth European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2017) (2 of 2), Vol 1 No 2, pp. 81-90, [The second of two special issues of IMEJ emanating from the 12th EWTEC held at University College Cork, Ireland, from 27 September - 1 August 2017. (EWTEC 2017 Proceedings: pp. 1041-1 – 1041-10, Paper ID 1041)] |
(70) | Geiger F, Cuchet M, Rutschmann P (2018) Fish behavior and fish guidance at hydropower intake screens for fish downstream passage. E3S Web Conferences, Vol. 40, Article No. 03041, 8 pages, DOI [River Flow 2018. (eds Paquier A, Rivière N), Section: Hydraulic structures and their effects on bed, flow regime and ecology, Session Br 2 – Fishways, Lyon-Villeurbanne, France] |
(69) | Cuchet M, Geiger F, Rutschmann P (2018) Zum Fischschutz und Fischabstieg an geneigten und horizontalen Rechen. [Fish downstream passage at inclined and horizontal screens]. Wasserwirtschaft, 108, pp. 36-40 |
(68) | Duong Tran Anh; Long Phi Hoang, Bui MD, Rutschmann, P (2018) Modelling seasonal flows alteration in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta under upstream discharge changes, rainfall changes and sea level rise. International Journal of River Basin Management, 15 pages,, Article in Press |
(67) | Theodoropoulos C, Georgalas S, Mamassis N, Stamou A, Rutschmann P, Skoulikidis N (2018) Comparing environmental flow scenarios from hydrological methods, legislation guidelines and hydrodynamic habitat models downstream of the Marathon Dam (Attica, Greece). Ecohydrology, 11, Article No. UNSP e2019, 11 pages, |
(66) | Duong Tran Anh, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2018) Simulating Future Flows and Salinity Intrusion Using Combined One- and Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modelling – The Case of Hau River, Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Water, 10, Article No. 897, 21 pages, |
(65) | Stamou AI, Mitsopoulos G, Rutschmann P, Bui MD (2018) Verification of a 3D CFD model for vertical slot fish-passes. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 18, pp 1435–1461, |
(64) | Theodoropoulos C, Skoulikidis N, Rutschmann P, Stamou A (2018) Ecosystem‐based environmental flow assessment in a Greek regulated river with the use of 2D hydrodynamic habitat modelling. River Research and Applications, 34, pp. 538-547, |
(63) | Yao W, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2018) Development of eco-hydraulic model for assessing fish habitat and population status in freshwater ecosystems. Ecohydrology, 11, Article No. UNSP e1961, 17 pages, |
(62) | Theodoropoulos C, Vourka A, Skoulikidis N, Rutschmann P, Stamou A (2018) Evaluating the performance of habitat models for predicting the environmental flow requirements of benthic macroinvertebrates. Journal of Ecohydraulics, 3, pp. 30-44,, Supplemental material |
(61) | Stamou A, Polydera A, Papadonikolaki G, Martínez-Capel F, Muñoz-Mas R, Papadaki C, Zogaris S, Bui MD, Rutschmann P, Dimitriou E (2018) Determination of environmental flows in rivers using an integrated hydrological-hydrodynamic-habitat modelling approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 209, 273-285, DOI 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.12.038, |
(60) | Ateeq-Ur-Rehman S, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2018) Variability and Trend Detection in the Sediment Load of the Upper Indus River. Water, 10, 16, 24 pages,, Supplement material, 6 pages |
(59) | Schwarzwälder K, Abo-EI-Wafa H, Rutschmann P (2017) FIThydro – neue Ansätze und Bewertungen für das Sedimentmanagement als Bestandteil der Betriebsstrategie an Wasserkraftanlagen. / FIThydro – new approaches and evaluations for sediment management strategies as component of operational strategies for hydropower plants. Wasserwirtschaft, 107, 65-68 |
(58) | Sepp A, Rutschmann P (2017) Ökologisches Wasserkraftkonzept „Schachtkraftwerk“. Ingenieur-Spiegel, 65-67 |
(57) | Stamou AT, Rutschmann P (2017) Towards the Optimization of Water Resource Use in the Upper Blue Nile River Basin. European Water,, Special Issue: "10th Word Congress on Water Resources and Environment", EWRA2017 – Issue IV, 60, 61-66, |
(56) | Papadonikolaki G, Stamou A, Dimitriou E, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2017) Comparison of two habitat modeling approaches for the determination of the ecological flow. European Water,, Special Issue: "10th Word Congress on Water Resources and Environment", EWRA2017 - Issue II, 58, 301-305, |
(55) | Kaveh K, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2017) A comparative study of three different learning algorithms applied to ANFIS for predicting daily suspended sediment concentration. International Journal of Sediment Research, 32, 340-350, DOI |
(54) | Schwarzwälder K, Abo-EI-Wafa H, Rutschmann P (2017) FITHydro-Projekt untersucht Auswirkungen von Wasserkraft auf die Fließgewässerökologie. / FITHydro Project investigates the Effects of Hydropower on the Stream Ecology. Wasserwirtschaft, 107, 62-63 |
(53) | Grünzner M, Rutschmann P (2017) Hochaufgelöste numerische Simulation des Transportbeginns einzelner Sedimentkörner. / High resolution simulation of incipient sediment particle motion. Wasserwirtschaft, 107, 28-32 |
(52) | Bui MD, Kaveh K, Rutschmann P (2017) Performance Analysis Of Different Model Architectures Utilized In An Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System For Contraction Scour Prediction. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), 14, 18-32, DOI 10.9790/1684-1403051832,, |
(51) | Theodoropoulos C, Vourka A, Stamou A, Rutschmann P, Skoulikidis N (2017) Response of freshwater macroinvertebrates to rainfall-induced high flows: A hydroecological approach. Ecological indicators, 73, 432 -442, DOI 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.10.011, |
(50) | Geiger F, Cuchet M, Rutschmann P (2016) Experimental investigation of fish downstream passage and turbine related fish mortality at an innovative hydro power setup. (Étude expérimentale de la dévalaison des poissons et du taux de mortalité au passage d'une centrale hydroélectrique de conception innovante.) La Houille Blanche, 44-47, DOI 10.1051/lhb/2016059, |
(49) | Skublics D, Blöschl G, Rutschmann P (2016) Effect of river training on flood retention of the Bavarian Danube. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics. 64, 349–356, DOI:10.1515/johh-2016-0035 |
(48) | Geiger F, Sepp A, Rutschmann P (2016) Fischabstiegsuntersuchungen am Schachtkraftwerk. Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft, 9, 627-632, DOI: 10.3243/kwe2016.10.005 |
(47) | Sepp A, Geiger F, Rutschmann P (2016) Schachtkraftwerk – Konzept und Funktionskontrollen. Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft, 9, 619-626, DOI: 10.3243/kwe2016.10.004 |
(46) | Yew Gan T, Huelsmann S, Qin XS, Lu XX, Liong S-Y, Rutschmann P, Disse M, Koivusalo H (2016) Possible Climate Change / Variability and Human Impacts, Vulnerability of African Drought Prone Regions, its Water Resources and Capacity Building. EGU General Assembly 2016, held 17-22 April, 2016 in Vienna Austria, 3319, Geophysical Research Abstracts (GRA), 18, EGU2016-3319, |
(45) | Gkesouli A, Nitsa M, Stamou AI, Rutschmann P, Bui MD (2016) Modeling the effect of wind in rectangular settling tanks for water supply. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57, 26345-26354, DOI: |
(44) | Heydeck L, Spannring M, Rutschmann P (2016) Sanierung der Unteren Salzach. – Renaturierung = Hochwasserschutz? Wasserwirtschaft, 106, 29-33 |
(43) | Qian J, Walters E, Rutschmann P, Wagner M, Horn H, (2016) Modelling the influence of total suspended solids on E. coli removal in river water. Water Science and Technology, 73, 1320-1332, DOI: 10.2166/wst.2015.605 |
(42) | Yao W, Rutschmann P, Sudeep (2015) Three high flow experiment releases from Glen Canyon Dam on rainbow trout and flannelmouth sucker habitat in Colorado River. Ecological Engineering, 75, 278–290, |
(41) | Geiger F, Rutschmann P (2015) Cavitation erosion - scale effect and model investigations. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 656, conference 1, Paper no. 012047, 4 pages, 9th International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV 2015), EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, |
(40) | Kaveh K, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2015) Improvement of ANFIS model by developing of novel hybrid learning algorithms for contraction scour modeling. Mathematics in engineering, science and aerospace, MESA, 6, 615-628, |
(39) | Walters E, Kätzl K., Schwarzwälder K, Rutschmann P, Müller E, Horn H (2015) Verbleib von faekalen Indikatorkeimen aus Mischwasserentlastungen nach der Einleitung in Fliessgewaesser. GWF Wasser, Abwasser, 156,.62-70 |
(38) | Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2015) Anwendung eines numerischen Modellsystems zur Bewertung von Geschiebehaushalt und Äsche-Laichhabitaten des Hochrheins. Wasserwirtschaft, 105, 27-32 |
(37) | Bui MD, Kaveh K, Penza P, Rutschmann P (2015) Contraction scour estimation using data-driven methods. Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 3, 14 pages, |
(36) | Skublics D, Rutschmann P (2015) Progress in natural flood retention at the Bavarian Danube. Natural Hazards, 75, 51-67 |
(35) | Yao W, Rutschmann P, Sudeep (2014) Modeling of river velocity, temperature, bed deformation and its effects on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) habitat in Lees Ferry, Colorado River. International Journal of Environmental Research, 8, 887-896, DOI: 10.22059/ijer.2014.781 |
(34) | Walters E, Kätzl K., Schwarzwälder K, Rutschmann P, Müller E, Horn H (2014) Persistence of fecal indicator bacteria in sediment of an oligotrophic river: Comparing large and lab-scale flume systems. Water Research, 61, 276–287 |
(33) | Yao W, Rutschmann P (2014) Use of a self-propelled, fish-shaped, computer model to study the effects of shape and tail-beat frequency on torque and velocity in salmon-shaped fish. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 47, 161-172 |
(32) | Skublics D, Rutschmann P (2014) Hochwasserrückhalt durch natürliche Hochwasserretention entlang der bayerischen Donau. Wasserwirtschaft, 104, 20-27. |
(31) | Walters E, Schwarzwälder K, Rutschmann P, Müller E, Horn H (2014) Influence of resuspension on the fate of fecal indicator bacteria in large-scale flumes mimicking an oligotrophic river. Water Research, 48, 466-477. |
(30) | Dittrich A, Fröhle P, Graw K-U, Grünewald U, Haberlandt U, Hinkelmann R, Jensen J, Meon G, Nacken H, Niemann A, Rutschmann P, Schlurmann T, Schumann A (Initiator), Schüttrumpf H, Stamm J, Theobald S, Wieprecht S (2013) Resolution von Professorinnen und Professoren der Lehrstühle für Wasserbau und Ingenieurhydrologie an deutschen Universitäten vom 15. Juni 2013: Versagt der Hochwasserschutz in Deutschland? Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft, 6, 358-359 |
(29) | Disse M, Drewes JE, Rutschmann P (2013) Presentation of the International Master Programme "Environmental Engineering" at the Technical University Munich (TUM). Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 57, 94-99. |
(28) | Rutschmann P (2012) Die Energiewende. Kommentar. Wasserwirtschaft, 102, 3. |
(27) | Stamou AI, Rutschmann P (2011) Teaching simple water quality models. Education for Chemical Engineers, 6, e132-e141, |
(26) | Rutschmann P, Sepp A, Geiger F, Barbier J (2011) Das Schachtkraftwerk – ein Wasserkraftkonzept in vollständiger Unterwasseranordnung. Wasserwirtschaft, 101, 33-36. |
(25) | Rutschmann P, Sepp A, Geiger F, Barbier J (2011) A new take on hydro power design. International Water Power & Dam Construction, 63, 22-25. |
(24) | Schwarz P, Rutschmann P (2010) Das wasserbauliche Versuchswesen im Strom der Zeit. Wasserwirtschaft, 100, 55-60. |
(23) | Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2010) Numerical modeling of non-equilibrium graded sediment transport in a curved open channel. Computers & Geosciences, 36, 792-800. |
(22) | Rutschmann P (2008) Benefits from Hydrodynamic Simulations for Hydrology. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EGU2008-A-12418. |
(21) | Premstaller G, Zößmayr M, Rutschmann P (2008) Pumpspeicherkraftwerk Kops II - CFD gestützte Detailplanung. Wasserwirtschaft, 98, 35-40. |
(20) | Nemmert J, Rutschmann P (2007) Beitrag zur Bestimmung des Bemessungshochwassers von Talsperren mittels stochastischer Langzeitsimulationen. [Stochastically long term simulation to determine the design flood of dams]. ÖIAZ. Österreichische Ingenieur- und Architekten-Zeitschrift, Vol.152, (2007), 129-136 |
(19) | Rutschmann P (2007) "Small is beautiful" as the only possible consensus solution? ["Small is Beautiful" als Einzig Mögliche Konsenslösung?] .WasserWirtschaft, 97, 3 |
(18) | Näf D, Rickenmann D, Rutschmann P, McArdell B (2006) Comparison of flow resistance relations for debris flows using a one-dimensional finite element simulation model. Natural hazards and Earth System Sciences, 6, 155-165. |
(17) | Krüger S, Rutschmann P (2006) Modelling 3D supercritical flow with an extended shallow water approach. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 132, 916-926. |
(16) | Theiner D, Rutschmann P (2005) An inverse modelling approach for the estimation of hydrological model parameters. Journal of Hydroinformatics, IWA Publishing, London, U.K. |
(15) | Rutschmann P, Feurich R, Premstaller G, Theiner D, Zößmayr M (2005) Numerik im Wasserbau - Fallbeispiele aus Praxis und Forschung. Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 57, 1-9, DOI |
(14) | Rutschmann P (2005) Numerische Modelle im Wasserbau. Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 57, S. a11, DOI |
(13) | Kaceniauskas A, Rutschmann P (2004) Parallel FEM software for CFD problems. Informatica Lithuanian Academy of Sciences,3/15, 363-378. |
(12) | Sulzer S, Rutschmann P, Kinzelbach W (2002) Flood discharge prediction using 2D inverse modelling. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 128, 46-54. |
(11) | Krüger S, Rutschmann P (2001) Closure to “Advances in Calculation Methods for Supercritical Flow in Spillway Channels.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 127, 329. |
(10) | Krüger S, Rutschmann P (2001) Advances in Calculation Methods for Supercritical Flow in Spillway Channels. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 127, 328-330. |
(9) | Goring DG, Walsh JM, Rutschmann P, Trösch J (1997) Modeling the distribution of velocity in a river cross-section. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 31, 155-162. |
(8) | Kaceniauskas A, Kacianauskas R, Rutschmann P (1996) Modelling of the flow through sluicegate by the finite element method. Mokslinis Informacinis Leidinys, 10, 21-25. |
(7) | Kacianauskas R, Rutschmann P (1996) Implementation and testing of finite elements for navier-stokes equations in the FEMTOOL code. Mechanika, 2, 5-15. |
(6) | Rutschmann P, Hager WH (1996) Diffusion of floodwaves. Journal of Hydrology, 178, 19-32. |
(5) | Rutschmann P, Hager WH (1992) Closure to “Air entrainment at spillway aerators”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 118, 116-117. |
(4) | Rutschmann P, Hager WH (1990) Design and performance of spillway chute aerators. Water Power & Dam Construction, 42, 36-42. |
(3) | Rutschmann P, Hager WH (1990) Air entrainment at spillway aerators. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 116, 765-782. |
(2) | Rutschmann P, Volkart PU (1988) Spillway chute aeration - Interaction of pumping device and supply system. Water Power & Dam Construction, 40, 10-15. |
(1) | Rutschmann P (1987) Transversale Druckverteilung unter Schussrinnenbelüftern - Auswirkungen auf den Lufteintrag. Wasserwirtschaft, 77, 219-223. |
(19) | Rutschmann P, Schäfer S (2015) Das Schachtkraftwerk - Konzept, Funktion und Betrieb. Wasserkraft und Energie, 21, 32-39 |
(18) | Dittrich A, Fröhle P, Graw K-U, Grünewald U, Haberlandt U, Hinkelmann R, Jensen J, Meon G, Nacken H, Niemann A, Rutschmann P, Schlurmann T, Schumann A (Initiator), Schüttrumpf H, Stamm J, Theobald S, Wieprecht S (2013) Resolution von Professorinnen und Professoren der Lehrstühle für Wasserbau und Ingenieurhydrologie an deutschen Universitäten vom 15. Juni 2013: Versagt der Hochwasserschutz in Deutschland? Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft, 6, 358-359 |
(17) | Rutschmann P (2012) Die Energiewende. Kommentar. Wasserwirtschaft, 102, 3. |
(16) | Rutschmann P, Sepp A, Geiger F, Barbier J (2011) A new take on hydro power design. International Water Power & Dam Construction, 63, 22-25. |
(15) | Schwarz P, Rutschmann P (2010) Das wasserbauliche Versuchswesen im Strom der Zeit. Wasserwirtschaft, 100, 55-60. |
(14) | Rutschmann P (2008) Benefits from Hydrodynamic Simulations for Hydrology. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EGU2008-A-12418. |
(13) | Premstaller G, Zößmayr M, Rutschmann P (2008) Pumpspeicherkraftwerk Kops II - CFD gestützte Detailplanung. Wasserwirtschaft, 98, 35-40. |
(12) | Theiner D, Rutschmann P (2005) An inverse modelling approach for the estimation of hydrological model parameters. Journal of Hydroinformatics, IWA Publishing, London, U.K. |
(11) | Rutschmann P, Feurich R, Premstaller G, Theiner D, Zößmayr M (2005) Numerik im Wasserbau - Fallbeispiele aus Praxis und Forschung. Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 57, 1-9. |
(10) | Rutschmann P (2005) Numerische Modelle im Wasserbau. Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 57, S. a11 |
(9) | Kaceniauskas A, Rutschmann P (2004) Parallel FEM software for CFD problems. Informatica Lithuanian Academy of Sciences,1/15, 363-378. |
(8) | Kaceniauskas A, Kacianauskas R, Rutschmann P (1996) Modelling of the flow through sluicegate by the finite element method. Mokslinis Informacinis Leidinys, 10, 21-25. |
(7) | Kacianauskas R, Rutschmann P (1996) Implementation and testing of finite elements for navierstokes equations in the FEMTOOL code. Mechanika, 2, 5-15. |
(6) | Rutschmann P, Hager WH (1996) Diffusion of floodwaves. Journal of Hydrology, 178, 19-32. |
(5) | Rutschmann P, Hager WH (1990) Design and performance of spillway chute aerators. Water Power & Dam Construction, 42, 36-42. |
(4) | Rutschmann P (1988) Spillway Chute Aerators - Operation, Design and Calculation. VAW (ed Vischer D), 97, 255 pages. Zurich, Switzerland. |
(3) | Rutschmann P, Volkart PU (1988) Spillway chute aeration - Interaction of pumping device and supply system. Water Power & Dam Construction, 40, 10-15. |
(2) | Rutschmann P (1987) Transversale Druckverteilung unter Schussrinnenbelüftern - Auswirkungen auf den Lufteintrag. Wasserwirtschaft, 77, 219-223. |
(1) | Volkart PU, Rutschmann P (1984) Air Entrainment Devices (Air Slots). VAW (ed Vischer D), 72, 57 pages. Zurich, Switzerland. |
(12) | Rutschmann P (2019). The TUM Hydro Shaft Power Plant Innovation. Visionaries and Unsung Heroes: Engineers – Design – Tomorrow . (ed Lang W, Hellstern C, Edition DETAIL), pp. 124–126, DOI, Book DOI, Online ISBN: 978-3-95553-461-5. München, Germany |
(11) | Rutschmann P (2019). Challenges in the Discourse Between Technology and Society. Visionaries and Unsung Heroes:Engineers – Design – Tomorrow, (ed Lang W, Hellstern C, Edition DETAIL), pp. 116–118, DOI, Book DOI:, Online ISBN: 978-3-95553-461-5. München, Germany |
(10) | Rutschmann P (2019). Reinforcing Reservoir Dams: the Sylvenstein Dam Pilot Project. Visionaries and Unsung Heroes:Engineers – Design – Tomorrow, (ed Lang W, Hellstern C, Edition DETAIL), pp. 114–115, DOI, Book DOI, Online ISBN: 978-3-95553-461-5. München, Germany |
(9) | Heydeck L, Spannring, M, Rutschmann P (2018) Sanierung der Unteren Salzach − Renaturierung = Hochwasserschutz? Vorsorgender und nachsorgender Hochwasserschutz. Ausgewählte Beiträge aus der Fachzeitschrift WasserWirtschaft, Vol. 2, (ed Heimerl, S, Springer Fachmedien), Part 4: Planung und Umsetzung, pp 309-316, DOI, P-ISBN 978-3-658-21838-6, e-ISBN 978-3-658-21839-3, DOI, Wiesbaden, Germany |
(8) | Skublics, D, Rutschmann P (2018) Hochwasserrückhalt durch natürliche Hochwasserretention entlang der bayerischen Donau. Vorsorgender und nachsorgender Hochwasserschutz. Ausgewählte Beiträge aus der Fachzeitschrift WasserWirtschaft, Vol. 2, (ed Heimerl, S, Springer Fachmedien), Part 4: Planung und Umsetzung, pp. 231 – 241, DOI, P-ISBN 978-3-658-21838-6, e-ISBN 978-3-658-21839-3, DOI, Wiesbaden, Germany |
(7) | Volkart PU, Rutschmann P (2018) Aerators on Spillways. In: Air Entrainment in Free Surface Flows (IAHR Hydraulic Structures Design Manual, Hydraulic Design Considerations No. 4), (ed Wood IR, Taylor & Francis), Chapter 4, pp. 85-113, eBook ISBN 9781351467780, Reprint of the 1st Edition 1991, London, UK |
(6) | Rutschmann P, Volkart PU, Vischer D (2017) Design recommendations. Intake structures. In: Swirling Flow Problems at Intakes (IAHR Hydraulic structures Design Manual, Hydraulic Design Considerations No. 1), (ed Knauss J, Taylor & Francis), Chapter 6, 33 pages, eBook ISBN: 978-1-351-41216-2; 1-351-41216-7,, Reprint of the 1st Edition 1987, New York, NY |
(5) | Rutschmann P (2017) Ertüchtigung von Staudämmen: Pilotprojekt Sylvenstein-Damm. Visionäre und Alltagshelden: Ingenieure Bauen Zukunft. Buch zur Ausstellung des Oskar von Miller Forums, München, 10.11.2017 bis 14.1.2018 im Oskar von Miller Forum, München. Wasser und Energie, Nutz- und Schutzbauten, (ed W Lang, DETAIL Business Information), pp. 114-115, P-ISBN 978-3-95553-375-5, e-ISBN 978-3-95553-376-2. München, Germany |
(4) | Rutschmann P (2017) Herausforderungen im Diskurs von Technik und Gesellschaft. Visionäre und Alltagshelden: Ingenieure Bauen Zukunft. Buch zur Ausstellung des Oskar von Miller Forums, München, 10.11.2017 bis 14.1.2018 im Oskar von Miller Forum, München. Wasser und Energie, Nutz- und Schutzbauten, (ed W Lang, DETAIL Business Information), pp. 116-118, P-ISBN 978-3-95553-375-5, e-ISBN 978-3-95553-376-2. München, Germany |
(3) | Rutschmann P, Sepp A, Geiger F, Barbier J (2013) Das Schachtkraftwerk – ein Wasserkraftkonzept in vollständiger Unterwasseranordnung. Wasserkraftprojekte. Ausgewählte Beiträge aus der Fachzeitschrift WasserWirtschaft, (ed Heimerl S, Springer Vieweg), pp. 286-291, P-ISBN 978-3-658-00995-3 e-ISBN: 978-3-658-00996-0, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-00996-0_37. Wiesbaden, Germany. |
(2) | Rutschmann P (2013) Ökologische, fischfreundliche Wasserkraft an Fließgewässern. Kapitel 3.4.2. In: Nachhaltige Wasserbewirtschaftung. Konzept und Umsetzung eines vernünftigen Umgangs mit dem Gemeingut Wasser, Kapitel 3 Nachhaltige Technologie als praktische Konkretisierung des IWRM. (ed Grambow M, Vieweg & Teubner), pp. 268-278, P-ISBN 978-3-8348-1863-8, e-ISBN 978-3-8348-2275-8. Wiesbaden, Germany. |
(1) | Rutschmann P, Premstaller G, Bezzola GR (2008) Wellenbildung im Traversensystem - Fallbeispiel Kleine Schliere. In: Ereignisanalyse Hochwasser 2005, Teil 2 (eds Bezzola GR, Hegg C), pp. 181-196. Bundesamt für Umwelt, Bern, Switzerland. |
(12) | Rutschmann P (2019). The TUM Hydro Shaft Power Plant Innovation. Visionaries and Unsung Heroes: Engineers – Design – Tomorrow . (ed Lang W, Hellstern C, Edition DETAIL), pp. 124–126, DOI, Book DOI, Online ISBN: 978-3-95553-461-5. München, Germany |
(11) | Rutschmann P (2019). Challenges in the Discourse Between Technology and Society. Visionaries and Unsung Heroes:Engineers – Design – Tomorrow, (ed Lang W, Hellstern C, Edition DETAIL), pp. 116–118, DOI, Book DOI:, Online ISBN: 978-3-95553-461-5. München, Germany |
(10) | Rutschmann P (2019). Reinforcing Reservoir Dams: the Sylvenstein Dam Pilot Project. Visionaries and Unsung Heroes:Engineers – Design – Tomorrow, (ed Lang W, Hellstern C, Edition DETAIL), pp. 114–115, DOI, Book DOI, Online ISBN: 978-3-95553-461-5. München, Germany |
(9) | Heydeck L, Spannring, M, Rutschmann P (2018) Sanierung der Unteren Salzach − Renaturierung = Hochwasserschutz? Vorsorgender und nachsorgender Hochwasserschutz. Ausgewählte Beiträge aus der Fachzeitschrift WasserWirtschaft, Vol. 2, (ed Heimerl, S, Springer Fachmedien), Part 4: Planung und Umsetzung, pp 309-316, DOI, P-ISBN 978-3-658-21838-6, e-ISBN 978-3-658-21839-3, DOI, Wiesbaden, Germany |
(8) | Skublics, D, Rutschmann P (2018) Hochwasserrückhalt durch natürliche Hochwasserretention entlang der bayerischen Donau. Vorsorgender und nachsorgender Hochwasserschutz. Ausgewählte Beiträge aus der Fachzeitschrift WasserWirtschaft, Vol. 2, (ed Heimerl, S, Springer Fachmedien), Part 4: Planung und Umsetzung, pp. 231 – 241, DOI, P-ISBN 978-3-658-21838-6, e-ISBN 978-3-658-21839-3, DOI, Wiesbaden, Germany |
(7) | Volkart PU, Rutschmann P (2018) Aerators on Spillways. In: Air Entrainment in Free Surface Flows (IAHR Hydraulic Structures Design Manual, Hydraulic Design Considerations No. 4), (ed Wood IR, Taylor & Francis), Chapter 4, pp. 85-113, eBook ISBN 9781351467780, Reprint of the 1st Edition 1991, London, UK |
(6) | Rutschmann P, Volkart PU, Vischer D (2017) Design recommendations. Intake structures. In: Swirling Flow Problems at Intakes (IAHR Hydraulic structures Design Manual, Hydraulic Design Considerations No. 1), (ed Knauss J, Taylor & Francis), Chapter 6, 33 pages, eBook ISBN: 978-1-351-41216-2; 1-351-41216-7,, Reprint of the 1st Edition 1987, New York, NY |
(5) | Rutschmann P (2017) Ertüchtigung von Staudämmen: Pilotprojekt Sylvenstein-Damm. Visionäre und Alltagshelden: Ingenieure Bauen Zukunft. Buch zur Ausstellung des Oskar von Miller Forums, München, 10.11.2017 bis 14.1.2018 im Oskar von Miller Forum, München. Wasser und Energie, Nutz- und Schutzbauten, (ed W Lang, DETAIL Business Information), pp. 114-115, P-ISBN 978-3-95553-375-5, e-ISBN 978-3-95553-376-2. München, Germany |
(4) | Rutschmann P (2017) Herausforderungen im Diskurs von Technik und Gesellschaft. Visionäre und Alltagshelden: Ingenieure Bauen Zukunft. Buch zur Ausstellung des Oskar von Miller Forums, München, 10.11.2017 bis 14.1.2018 im Oskar von Miller Forum, München. Wasser und Energie, Nutz- und Schutzbauten, (ed W Lang, DETAIL Business Information), pp. 116-118, P-ISBN 978-3-95553-375-5, e-ISBN 978-3-95553-376-2. München, Germany |
(3) | Rutschmann P, Sepp A, Geiger F, Barbier J (2013) Das Schachtkraftwerk – ein Wasserkraftkonzept in vollständiger Unterwasseranordnung. Wasserkraftprojekte. Ausgewählte Beiträge aus der Fachzeitschrift WasserWirtschaft, (ed Heimerl S, Springer Vieweg), pp. 286-291, P-ISBN 978-3-658-00995-3 e-ISBN: 978-3-658-00996-0, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-00996-0_37. Wiesbaden, Germany. |
(2) | Rutschmann P (2013) Ökologische, fischfreundliche Wasserkraft an Fließgewässern. Kapitel 3.4.2. In: Nachhaltige Wasserbewirtschaftung. Konzept und Umsetzung eines vernünftigen Umgangs mit dem Gemeingut Wasser, Kapitel 3 Nachhaltige Technologie als praktische Konkretisierung des IWRM. (ed Grambow M, Vieweg & Teubner), pp. 268-278, P-ISBN 978-3-8348-1863-8, e-ISBN 978-3-8348-2275-8. Wiesbaden, Germany. |
(1) | Rutschmann P, Premstaller G, Bezzola GR (2008) Wellenbildung im Traversensystem - Fallbeispiel Kleine Schliere. In: Ereignisanalyse Hochwasser 2005, Teil 2 (eds Bezzola GR, Hegg C), pp. 181-196. Bundesamt für Umwelt, Bern, Switzerland. |
(192) | Rutschmann P, Godde D, Sepp, A (2019) Small low-head hydro in a container. Africa 2019 ~ Water Storage and Hydropower Development for Africa. Windhoek, Namibia. Session 19, Small hydro |
(191) | Aktaş S, Schwarzwälder K, Haas C, Thumser P, Rutschmann P (2018) Variantenstudie zur Implementierung eines Fischabstiegskonzepts an einer Wasserkraftanlage mit bestehendem Fischaufstieg. Tagungsband Wasserbau-Symposium Graz 2018. Wasserwirtschaft – Innovation aus Tradition. (ed Zenz G), Thema C: Umsetzung der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie, Paper C8, pp. 161-168, ISBN 978-3-85125-638-3. Graz, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Austria |
(190) | Schäfer S, Hartlieb, A, Rutschmann P (2018) Quantifizierung der Messungenauigkeiten des ADCP-Messverfahrens bei instationärer, ungleichförmiger Strömung. Tagungsband Wasserbau-Symposium Graz 2018. Wasserwirtschaft – Innovation aus Tradition. (ed Zenz G), Thema D: Speicherbewirtschaftung im 21. Jahrhundert, Paper D3, pp. 221-228, ISBN 978-3-85125-638-3. Graz, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Austria |
(189) | Liepert T, Schlagenhauser M, Schmelz S, Rutschmann P (2018) Photogrammetrische Sohlrekonstruktion im wasserbaulichen Versuchswesen. Tagungsband Wasserbau-Symposium Graz 2018. Wasserwirtschaft – Innovation aus Tradition. (ed Zenz G), Thema F: Aktuelle Wasserkraftprojekte, Paper F8, pp. 355-362, ISBN 978-3-85125-638-3. Graz, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Austria |
(188) | Ateeq-Ur-Rehman S, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2018) Improvement of predictive reality of a hydromorphodynamic model in the Tarbela reservoir. Tagungsband Wasserbau-Symposium Graz 2018. Wasserwirtschaft – Innovation aus Tradition. (ed Zenz G), Thema G: Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte, Paper G2, pp. 403-408, ISBN 978-3-85125-638-3. Graz, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Austria |
(187) | Bui VH, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2018) Modeling infiltration process of fine sediment in gravel bed river. Tagungsband Wasserbau-Symposium Graz 2018. Wasserwirtschaft – Innovation aus Tradition. (ed Zenz G), Thema G: Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte, Paper G4, pp. 417-424, ISBN 978-3-85125-638-3. Graz, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Austria |
(186) | Duong TA, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2018) A comparative study of three different models to predict monthly rainfall in Ca Mau, Vietnam. Tagungsband Wasserbau-Symposium Graz 2018. Wasserwirtschaft – Innovation aus Tradition. (ed Zenz G), Thema G: Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte, Paper G5, pp. 425-432, ISBN 978-3-85125-638-3. Graz, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Austria |
(185) | Geiger F, Cuchet M, Rutschmann P (2018) Zur Prognose von Schädigungsraten beim Fischabstieg an Wasserkraftanlagen. Tagungsband Wasserbau-Symposium Graz 2018. Wasserwirtschaft – Innovation aus Tradition. (ed Zenz G), Thema G: Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte, Paper G7, pp. 439-444, ISBN 978-3-85125-638-3. Graz, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Austria |
(184) | Kaveh K, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2018) Integration of Artificial Neural Networks into TELEMAC-MASCARET system for hydromorphodynamic modelling. Tagungsband Wasserbau-Symposium Graz 2018. Wasserwirtschaft – Innovation aus Tradition. (ed Zenz G), Thema G: Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte, Paper G8, pp. 445-453, ISBN 978-3-85125-638-3. Graz, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Austria |
(183) | Nguyen ND, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2018) A behavior-base robotics model for simulating fish movement in a pathway. Tagungsband Wasserbau-Symposium Graz 2018. Wasserwirtschaft – Innovation aus Tradition. (ed Zenz G), Thema G: Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte, Paper G9, pp. 455, ISBN 978-3-85125-638-3. Graz, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Austria |
(182) | Reisenbüchler M, Liepert T, Nguyen ND, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2018) Prelimirary study on a Bavaria-wide coupled hydrological and hydromorphological model. Environmental Informatics: Techniques and Trends. Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd edition of the EnviroInfo – the long standing and established international and interdisciplinary conference series on leading environmental information and communication technologies. (eds H-J Bungartz, D Kranzlmüller, V Weinberg, J Weismüller, V Wohlgemuth. ISBN: 978-3-8440-6138-3, DOI:, Part IV Disaster Management for Resilience and Public Safety, pp. 145-148, Herzogenrath, Germany |
(181) | Geiger F, Cuchet M, Rutschmann P (2018) Fish Behavior and Fish Guidance at Hydropower Intake Screens for Fish Downstream Passage. 12th ISE 2018, Proc. of the 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics. (eds A. Paquier, N. Rivière), Oral Presentation, Special Session SS38-40: Fish and Hydro Innovations, No. S4-2-5, 8 pages, Tokyo, Japan, |
(180) | Geiger F, Roenneberg S, Cuchet M, Rutschmann P (2018) Fish Upstream Passage at Hydropower Plants and the Influence of Turbine Operation Conditions on Bypass Findability. 12th ISE 2018, Proc. of the 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics. (eds A. Paquier, N. Rivière), Poster Presentation No. PS65, 4 pages, Tokyo, Japan, |
(179) | Geiger F, Cuchet M, Rutschmann P (2018) Fish behavior and fish guidance at hydropower intake screens for fish downstream passage. River Flow 2018. (eds Paquier A, Rivière N), Topic: Hydraulic structures and their effects on bed, flow regime and ecology, Session Br 2 – Fishways, Article No. 03041, 8 pages, Lyon-Villeurbanne, France, Published by EDP Sciences, E3S Web Conferences, Vol. 40, DOI |
(178) | Duong Tran Anh, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2018) Data pre-processing combined with Artificial Neural Network to improve the performance of time series modelling. New Challenges in hydraulic research and engineering. Proc. of the 5th IAHR-Europe Congress. (eds Armanini A, Nucci E), ISBN: 978-981-11-2731-1, doi:10.3850/978-981-11-2731-1_320-cd (Online Proceedings), Session: HM.3 Machine learning applied to hydraulic and hydrological modelling, pp.659-660, doi:10.3850/978-981-11-2731-1_120-cd, Trento, Italy, |
(177) | Kaveh K, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2018) Development of an Artificial-Neural-Network-based concept for hydro-morphodynamic modelling in rivers. New Challenges in hydraulic research and engineering. Proc. of the 5th IAHR-Europe Congress. (eds Armanini A, Nucci E), ISBN: 978-981-11-2731-1, doi:10.3850/978-981-11-2731-1_320-cd (Online Proceedings), Session ST.5 New insights on sediment transport and on gravity driven granular flows, pp. 721-722, doi:10.3850/978-981-11-2731-1_121-cd, Trento, Italy, |
(176) | Reisenbüchler M , Bui MD, Skublics D, Rutschmann P (2018) Implementing the concept of sediment balance for reliable predicting future river development and management: A hydro-morphological study in the Saalach River. New Challenges in hydraulic research and engineering. Proc. of the 5th IAHR-Europe Congress. (eds Armanini A, Nucci E), ISBN: 978-981-11-2731-1, doi:10.3850/978-981-11-2731-1_320-cd (Online Proceedings), Session HS.5 Sediment management at run-of-river hydropower plants, pp. 541-542, doi:10.3850/978-981-11-2731-1_144-cd, Trento, Italy, |
(175) | Bui VH, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2018) A new numerical model for sediment transport in gravel-bed rivers. New Challenges in hydraulic research and engineering. Proc. of the 5th IAHR-Europe Congress. (eds Armanini A, Nucci E), ISBN: 978-981-11-2731-1, doi:10.3850/978-981-11-2731-1_320-cd (Online Proceedings), Session ST.5 New insights on sediment transport and on gravity driven granular flows, pp. 723-724, doi:10.3850/978-981-11-2731-1_189-cd, Trento, Italy, |
(174) | Geiger F, Roenneberg S, Rutschmann P, Cuchet, M (2018) Improving Fish Upstream Passage Findability at Hydropower Plants considering Turbine Operation related Turbulence and Flow Distribution. New Challenges in hydraulic research and engineering. Proc. of the 5th IAHR-Europe Congress. (eds Armanini A, Nucci E), ISBN: 978-981-11-2731-1, doi:10.3850/978-981-11-2731-1_320-cd (Online Proceedings), Session G.3 Ecohydraulics, pp. 769-770, doi:10.3850/978-981-11-2731-1_320-cd, Trento, Italy, |
(173) | Giehl S, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2018) Effects of the Dynamic Bed on Hydrodynamic Modelling in the Inn River. New Challenges in hydraulic research and engineering. Proc. of the 5th IAHR-Europe Congress. (eds Armanini A, Nucci E), ISBN: 978-981-11-2731-1, doi:10.3850/978-981-11-2731-1_320-cd (Online Proceedings), Session G.6 Numerical models in Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, pp. 231-232, doi:10.3850/978-981-11-2731-1_352-cd, Trento, Italy, |
(172) | Schäfer S, Schlagenhauser M, Huber R, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2018) Trainingsdaten aus dem physikalischen Laborversuch - Ein neuer Ansatz zur Validierung von Sedimenttransportmodellen. M³ - Messen, Modellieren, Managen in Hydrologie und Wasserressourcenbewirtschaftung. Tag der Hydrologie 2018. (eds Schütze N et al.), Session 2: Messen und Managen, Paper 2.5. [8652], p. 129, Abstracts, Dresden, Germany |
(171) | Giehl S, Rutschmann P (2018) Die Retentionspotential-Studie am Inn – Herausfordernde hydraulische und morphologische Fragestellungen. M³ - Messen, Modellieren, Managen in Hydrologie und Wasserressourcenbewirtschaftung. Tag der Hydrologie 2018. (eds Schütze N et al.), Session 4: Messen, Modellieren und Managen – Wasserbewirtschaftung I, Paper 4.3. [8659], p. 17, Abstracts, Dresden, Germany |
(170) | Ateeq-Ur-Rehman S, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2017) Detection and estimation of sediment transport trends in the upper Indus River during the last 50 years. International Conference on Hydropower: A Vital Source of Sustainable Energy for Pakistan, ICHP 2017, Conference Proceeding, (eds Ijaz Ahmad, Sarwar, Kaleen), pp. 1-6, ISBN: 978-969-8670-06-01, Lahore, Pakistan |
(169) | Reisenbüchler M, Bui MD, Skublics D, Rutschmann P (2017) Hydromorphological effects of an open stone ramp on flood events in the Saalach river. International symposium on the effects of global change on floods, fluvial geomorphology and related hazards in mountainous rivers, (eds.: José Andrés López-Tarazón, Axel Bronstert, Annegret Thieken, Theresia Petrow. Book of abstracts, Session 4 Catchment management to face river floods in a changing world, Oral Presentations, pp. 46-47, Potsdam, Germany |
(168) | Rutschmann P (2017) Floods are no pure water events – measuring and modelling floods with sediments. International symposium on the effects of global change on floods, fluvial geomorphology and related hazards in mountainous rivers, (eds.: José Andrés López-Tarazón, Axel Bronstert, Annegret Thieken, Theresia Petrow. Book of abstracts,, Session 2 Measuring and modelling river floods from the hydrological, sediment transport and channel morphology points of view at different spatial and temporal scales, Oral Presentations, pp. 23-24, Potsdam, Germany |
(167) | Papadonikolaki G, Stamou AT, Dimitriou E, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2017) Comparison of two habitat modeling approaches for the determination of the ecological flow. Panta Rhei. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of EWRA on Water Resources and Environment. (ed G Tsakiris, VA Tsihrintzis, H Vangelis, D Tigkas), Chapter V. Water Quality and Environmental Processes, pp. 1339-1343, Athens, Greece |
(166) | Stamou AT, Rutschmann P (2017) Towards the Optimization of Water Resource Use in the Upper Blue Nile River Basin. Panta Rhei. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of EWRA on Water Resources and Environment. (ed G Tsakiris, VA Tsihrintzis, H Vangelis, D Tigkas), Chapter III. Water Resources Management, pp. 673-678, Athens, Greece |
(165) | Bui MD, Kaveh K, Ateeq Ur Rehman S, Rutschmann, P (2017): Artificial Neural Networks for Modelling Sediment Transport in Rivers. Proceedings of the 20th Vietnam Conference on Fluid Mechanic. 15 pages, Can-Tho, Vietnam |
(164) | Roenneberg S, Knapp, W, Rutschmann P, (2017) Helping Fish Find their Way. A new approach to optimizing the traceability of upstream fishways by modifying the turbine operating mode. HYDRO 2017 – Shaping the Future of Hydropower, (ed Alison Bartle), 11 pages, Seville, Spain |
(163) | Schechtl T, Hötzl S, Rutschmann P, Knapp, W (2017) Development of a Low Head Tidal Turbine. Part 2: Test Rig and Model Turbine Design. EWTEC 2017. Proceedings of the 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference. Paper ID 687, pp. 687-1 – 687-7, Cork, Ireland |
(162) | Hötzl S, Schechtl T, Rutschmann P, Knapp, W (2017) Development of a Low Head Tidal Turbine. Part 1: CFD Simulations, Design and Optimization. EWTEC 2017. Proceedings of the 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference. Paper ID 1041, pp. 1041-1 – 1041-10, Cork, Ireland, [Published: 2018-11-01 in: International Marine Energy Journal, IMEJ, Vol 1, No 2 (Nov) (2018), pp. 81-90. [The second of two special issues of IMEJ emanating from the 12th EWTEC held at University College Cork, Ireland, from 27 September - 1 August 2017.] |
(161) | Reisenbüchler M, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2017) Implementation of a new Layer-Subroutine for fractional sediment transport in SISYPHE. Proceedings of the XXIIIrd TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference, (ed Sébastien Bourban, Telemac-Consortium), Paris, France, pp. 215-220 |
(160) | Geiger F, Cuchet M, Rutschmann P (2017) Experimentelle Untersuchungen von Fischschutz und Fischabstieg an Wasserkraftkonzepten mit geneigten und horizontalen Rechen. Limnologie der Zukunft – Zukunft der Limnologie. 32. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie DGL und der SIL Austria und dem ÖK-IAD (an der BOKU), (ed Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie e. V.), Extended Abstracts, Session 6 Gewässerrenaturierung und ökologische Durchgängigkeit, pp. 126-132, ISBN-Nr. 978-3-9818302-1-7, Vienna, Austria |
(159) | Pal D, Maji S, Hanmaiahgari PR, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2017) Turbulent hydrodynamics through cross-sections at upstream, interior and downstream of sparse vegetation patch in open channel flow. – In: River Sedimentation. Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, ISRS 2016. (eds Wieprecht, Silke et al.), Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 360-367 [Abstracts p. 87], Print ISBN: 978-1-138-02945-3, eBook ISBN: 978-1-317-22531-7 |
(158) | Rutschmann P, Schäfer S, Rutschmann B, Geiger F, (2016) Fish behavioral and mortality study at intake and turbine. Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change : Proc. 4th IAHR Europe Congress, (ed Erpicum Sébastien). CRC Press, pp. 242-246, E-ISBN 978-1-4987-8149-7, Liege, Belgium |
(157) | Stamou AT, Rutschmann P (2016) Optimierung der Wassernutzung am Blauen Nil, Äthiopien. 18. Treffen junger WissenschaftlerInnen wasserbaulicher Institute, VAW, ETH Zurich, (ed Beck Claudia et al), Extended Abstracts, pp. 65-67, Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, VAW, ETH Zurich, Switzerland,. |
(156) | Bui MD, Huber R, Kaveh K, Da Silva AMF, Rutschmann P (2016) Application of artificial neural networks for river regime. Proc. of the 8th River Flow 2016. (eds Constantinescu G, Garcia M and Hanes D), Topic: A. River flow and transport processes, A1. Laboratory and eddy-resolving numerical investigations of fundamental physical processes and transport in open channels, pp. 154-160, ISBN 978-1-138-02913-2, St. Louis, Missouri, USA |
(155) | Kaveh K, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2016) A new approach for morphodynamic modeling using integrating ensembles of artificial neural networks. „Wasserbau – mehr als Bauen im Wasser“. Beiträge zum 18. Gemeinschafts-Symposium der Wasserbau-Institute TU München, TU Graz und ETH Zürich, (ed Rutschmann P), pp. 304-315, ISBN 978-3-943683-10-3. Wallgau, Germany |
(154) | Ateeq Ur Rehman S, Bui MD, Riaz Z, Rutschmann P (2016) Estimation of Sediment Yield for Dasu Hydropower Project Using Artificial Neural Networks. „Wasserbau – mehr als Bauen im Wasser“. Beiträge zum 18. Gemeinschafts-Symposium der Wasserbau-Institute TU München, TU Graz und ETH Zürich, (ed Rutschmann P), pp. 316-327, ISBN 978-3-943683-10-3. Wallgau, Germany |
(153) | Yao W, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2016) Applying an eco-hydraulic model for European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) in the Aare River.„Wasserbau – mehr als Bauen im Wasser“. Beiträge zum 18. Gemeinschafts-Symposium der Wasserbau-Institute TU München, TU Graz und ETH Zürich, (ed Rutschmann P), pp. 145-154, ISBN 978-3-943683-10-3. Wallgau, Germany |
(152) | Duong Tran Anh, Hoang, LP, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2016) Effects of Upstream Discharge and Climate Change on Hydraulic Regime in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. „Wasserbau – mehr als Bauen im Wasser“. Beiträge zum 18. Gemeinschafts-Symposium der Wasserbau-Institute TU München, TU Graz und ETH Zürich, (ed Rutschmann P), Themenbereich Hochwasserschutz, pp. 478-490, CD, ISBN 978-3-943683-10-3. Wallgau, Germany |
(151) | Geiger F, Sepp A, Rutschmann P (2016) Fischabstiegsuntersuchungen am Schachtkraftwerk. „Wasserbau – mehr als Bauen im Wasser“. Beiträge zum 18. Gemeinschafts-Symposium der Wasserbau-Institute TU München, TU Graz und ETH Zürich, (ed Rutschmann P), Themenbereich Ökohydraulik pp. 672-681, CD, ISBN 978-3-943683-10-3. Wallgau, Germany |
(150) | Sepp A, Geiger F, Rutschmann P (2016) Schachtkraftwerk – Konzept und Funktionskontrollen. „Wasserbau – mehr als Bauen im Wasser“. Beiträge zum 18. Gemeinschafts-Symposium der Wasserbau-Institute TU München, TU Graz und ETH Zürich, (ed Rutschmann P), Themenbereich Wasserkraft pp. 886-895, CD, ISBN 978-3-943683-10-3. Wallgau, Germany |
(149) | Stamou AT, Rutschmann P (2016) Optimization of Water Resource Use within the Blue Nile River basin, Ethiopia. „Wasserbau – mehr als Bauen im Wasser“. Beiträge zum 18. Gemeinschafts-Symposium der Wasserbau-Institute TU München, TU Graz und ETH Zürich, (ed Rutschmann P), Sonstige Themenbereiche pp. 982-992, CD, ISBN 978-3-943683-10-3. Wallgau, Germany |
(148) | Schwarzwälder K, Scholtissek S, Rutschmann P (2016) Experimental Study on the Interaction between Freshwater Mussels, Sediment and Hydraulics. 11th ISE 2016, Proc. of the 11th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics. Hydraulics and the environment - working with nature. (ed Webb JA, Costelloe et al.) Topic Water Quality (Including Temperature) - Ecology Interactions (G14),, ISBN: 978 0 7340 5339 8, Paper 26134,, 4 pages, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne School of Engineering, Melbourne, Australia |
(147) | Geiger F, Cuchet M, Rutschmann P (2016) Experimental investigation of fish downstream passage and turbine related fish mortality at an innovative hydro power setup. SHF - HydroES 2016, (ed Société Hydrotechnique de France, Paris), Session 3 Technological innovation for low-impact facilities, 4 pages, Grenoble, France |
(146) | Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2016) Numerical modelling for reservoir sediment management. ASIA 2016. Sixth Intern Conf. and Exhibition on Water Resources and Hydropower Development in Asia, Session 8 – Managing sedimentation, paper 08.05, 9 pages, Vientiane, Laos |
(145) | Rutschmann P, Schäfer S, Sepp A, Grönitz N, Geiger F (2016) Alternative hydropower development for large rivers: the ecologic and economic ‘multi-shaft’ concept. ASIA 2016. Sixth Intern Conf. and Exhibition on Water Resources and Hydropower Development in Asia, Session 15 – Environment, paper 15.04, 8 pages, Vientiane, Laos |
(144) | Maldonado Lee M, Bachert B, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2016) Hydrodynamic modelling of a horizontal rack in a hydro shaft powerplant: an alternative approach. ASIA 2016. Sixth Intern Conf. and Exhibition on Water Resources and Hydropower Development in Asia, Session 16 – Small and low-head hydro, paper 16.02, 9 pages, Vientiane, Laos |
(143) | Walters E, Kätzl K., Schwarzwälder K, Rutschmann P, Müller E, Horn H (2015) Verbleib von faekalen Indikatorkeimen aus Mischwasserentlastungen nach der Einleitung in Fliessgewaesser. Wasser Schutz Mensch. 5. Aqua Urbanica und 90. Siedlungswasserwirtschaftliches Kolloquium, (ed Steinmetz H), (Stuttgarter Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Band 225), pp. 63-71, ISBN: 978-3-8356-7292-5, Stuttgart, Germany |
(142) | Kaveh K, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2015) New hybrid learning algorithms in adaptive neuro fuzzy inference systems for contraction scour modeling. Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2015), Session 14 Environmental data analysis and modelling, Paper ID cest2015_01401, 6 pages, Rhodes, Greece, |
(141) | Ateeq Ur Rehman S, Riaz Z, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2015) Application of a 1D numerical model for sediment management in Dasu hydropower project. Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2015), (ed Lekkas, TD), Session 19.2 Dams and the environment, Paper ID cest2015_01383, 5 pages, Rhodes, Greece, |
(140) | Duong Tran Anh, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2015) Impact of climate change on salinity intrusion in the Mekong Delta. Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2015), (ed Lekkas, TD), Session 29 Climate change, Paper ID cest2015_01382, 5 pages, Rhodes, Greece, |
(139) | Stamou AT, Rutschmann P, Rumbaur C (2015) Energy and reservoir management for optimized use of water resources. A case study within the water-food-energy context of nexus in the Nile River basin. Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2015), (ed Lekkas, TD), Session 18 Water and energy footprint, Paper ID cest2015_01377, 5 pages, Rhodes, Greece, |
(138) | Papadonikolaki G, Benserhir K, Stamou AI, Stefanakos J, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2015) Design of an environmentally friendly small hydropower plant in the Aliakmon River, Greece. Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2015), (ed Lekkas, TD), Session 19.2 Dams and the environment, Paper ID cest2015_01375, 5 pages, Rhodes, Greece, |
(137) | Nitsa M, Gkesouli A, Bui MD, Stamou AI, Rutschmann P (2015) Modeling the effect of wind in rectangular settling tanks for water supply. Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2015), (ed Lekkas, TD), Session 7 Water supply and treatment, Paper ID cest2015_01374, 5 pages, Rhodes, Greece, |
(136) | Sergeant F, Papadonikolaki G, Stamou AI, Bui MD, Rutschmann P, Dimitriou E, Skoulikidis N (2015) Preliminary assessment of the effect of water abstraction in Sperchios River (Greece)on its ecological status using the hydraulic habital model PHABSIM. Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2015), (ed Lekkas, TD), Session 25.1 Ecology and ecosystem management, Paper ID cest2015_01373, 5 pages, Rhodes, Greece, |
(135) | Theodoropoulos C, Papadonikolaki, G, Stamou A, Bui MD, Rutschmann P, Skoulikidis N (2015) A methodology for the determination of environmental flow releases from dams based on hydrodynamic habitat modelling and benthic macroinvertebrates. Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2015), (ed Lekkas, TD), Session 19.2 Dams and the environment, Paper ID cest2015_01355, 5 pages, Rhodes, Greece, |
(134) | Liepert T, Kuhlmann A, Haimerl G, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2015) Optimization of fish pass entrance location at a hydropower plant considering site-specific constraints. Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2015), (ed Lekkas, TD), Session 19.2, Dams and the environment, Paper ID cest2015_01381, 5 pages, Rhodes, Greece, |
(133) | Bader [= Roenneberg] S, Rutschmann P (2015) Kraftwerke an Bundeswasserstraßen: Datenerhebung und Untersuchung der UW-Strömungsstrukturen. Herstellung der ökologischen Durchgängigkeit der Bundeswasserstraßen. 4. Kolloquium: Forschung und Entwicklung zur Qualitätssicherung von Maßnahmen an Bundeswasserstraßen, (ed Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde BfG), pp. 79-86, DOI: 10.5675/BfG_Veranst_2015.1, Koblenz, Germany |
(132) | Geiger F, Schäfer S, Rutschmann P (2015) Fish damage and fish protection at hydro power plants. Experimental investigation of small fish under laboratory conditions. Deltas of the Future (and what happens upstream). Proc. 36th IAHR World Congress, Themes: (T) Hydro-environment, (ST) Ecohydraulics and ecohydrology, Parallel session: 14G. Environment - Renewable, 6 pages, ISBN: 978-90-824846-0-1, The Hague, The Netherlands, |
(131) | Bui MD, Kaveh K, Rutschmann P (2015) Integrating artificial neural networks into hydromorphological model for fluvial channels. Deltas of the Future (and what happens upstream). Proc. 36th IAHR World Congress, Themes: (T) Sediment management and morphodynamics, (ST) Sediment transport mechanisms and modelling, Poster pitches, Parallel session: Poster pitch: 3A. Sediment - Erosion, 8 pages, ISBN: 978-90-824846-0-1, The Hague, The Netherlands, |
(130) | Giehl S, Skublics D, Schmid M, Rutschmann P (2015): Wirkungsanalyse und Priorisierung von steuerbaren Flutpoldern entlang der bayerischen Donau. Aktuelle Herausforderungen im Flussgebiets- und Hochwassermanagement. Prozesse – Methoden – Konzepte. Tag der Hydrologie 2015. (eds Evers M, Diekkrüger B), (Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, DWA, 35.15), pp. 305-314, ISBN: 978-3-88721-229-2, Bonn, Germany |
(129) | Rutschmann P, Bui MD, Abdelaziz S, Yao W, Rutschmann B, Geiger F (2014) Ökologische Modellierungen – drei Fallbeispiele. Simulationsverfahren und Modelle für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft. 37. Dresdner Wasserbaukolloquium 2014, (ed Stamm J), Themenblock Ökologische Modellierung, pp. 323-332. TU Dresden, Institut für Wasserbau und Technische Hydromechanik, (Dresdner Wasserbauliche Mitteilungen, 50), ISBN 978-3-86780-349-6, Dresden, Germany |
(128) | Sepp A, Rutschmann P (2014) Ecological Hydroelectric Concept „Shaft Power Plant“. Innovations and Development Needs for Sustainable Growth of Hydropower. Proc. of the 18th International Seminar on Hydropower Plants [Viennahydro], (ed Institut für Energietechnik und Thermodynamik, TU Wien), 11 pages, Vienna, Austria |
(127) | Rutschmann P, Sepp A, Geiger F, Schäfer S (2014) Schachtkraftwerk - Konzept, Funktion, Betrieb. 17. Internationales Anwenderforum Kleinwasserkraftwerke (fachliche Gesamtleitung Heimerl S), pp. 22-26, ISBN 978-3-943891-41-6. Kempten, Ostbayerisches Technologie-Transfer-Inst. (OTTI). |
(126) | Yao W, Kumar V, Rutschmann P (2014) Simulating dam effects on river deformation and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) population number. Proc. of the 7th River Flow 2014, (ed Schleiss A), Topic: C. River engineering and restoration, C.7 Eco-hydraulics, pp. 2477-2483, ISBN 978-1-138-02674-2, Lausanne, Switzerland |
(125) | Yao W, Sudeep, Rutschmann P (2014) Simulating High-Flow Effects (HFE) on river deformation and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) habitat. Proc. of the 7th River Flow 2014, (ed Schleiss A), Topic: C. River engineering and restoration, C.7 Eco-hydraulics, pp. 2471-2476, ISBN 978-1-138-02674-2, Lausanne, Switzerland |
(124) | Bui MD, Penz P, Rutschmann P (2014) Application of an artificial neuronal network for estimation of contracting scour. Proc. of the 3rd IAHR Europe Congress, Porto, Portugal, Topic: Local and Contraction Scour, pp. 123-131, ISBN 978-989-96479-2-3, Porto, Portugal. |
(123) | Yao W, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2014) Hydraulic modeling of the effects of glen canyon dam operations on larva rainbow trout habitat in the colorado river. Proc. of the 3rd IAHR Europe Congress, Porto, Portugal, Topic: Eco and Environmental Hydraulics, pp. 17-26, ISBN 978-989-96479-2-3, Porto, Portugal. |
(122) | Schwarzwälder K, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2014) Predicting bacteria movement in rivers – a computational tool based on physical experiments on the fate and transport of bacteria. Proc. of the 3rd IAHR Europe Congress, Porto, Portugal, Topic Environmental Hydraulics: Water Quality I, pp. 38-45, ISBN 978-989-96479-2-3, Porto, Portugal. |
(121) | Geiger F, Rutschmann P (2014) Experimental investigation of fish protection and fish downstream passage for small fish at the TUM-Hydro Shaft Power Plant. [Fish downstream migration at the TUM-Hydro Shaft Power Plant - Experimental study of fish behavior.] 10th ISE 2014, Proc. of the 10th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2014. Topic: Fish screening, Paper 297.00, 4 pages, IAHR, Trondheim, Norway |
(120) | Cuchet M, Rutschmann P (2014) Potamodromous fish behavior during downstream migration at an inclined screen. . 10th ISE 2014, Proc. of the 10th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2014. Topic: Fish screening, Paper 233.00, 4 pages, IAHR, Trondheim, Norway |
(119) | Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2014) Hochwasser und Geschiebe am Beispiel Hochrhein. Fachtagung Hochwasser und kein Ende! - Statusberichte, aktuelle Vorhaben, neue Planungswerkzeuge. Berichte Lehrstuhl und Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft der TU München, (ed Rutschmann P), 130, pp. 123-134. Obernach, Germany. ISSN 1437-3513, ISBN 978-3-943683-06-6 |
(118) | Grünzner M, Rutschmann P (2014) Large Eddy Simulation und physikalisches Modell einer gleichförmig rauen Rinne. Wasser- und Flussbau im Alpenraum, Proc. of the Internationales Symposium Wasser- und Flussbau im Alpenraum, June 25-27, 2014, Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, ETH Zurich, (ed RM Boes), Vol. 1, VAW Mitteilung 227, pp. 367-377. VAW Zurich, Switzerland. |
(117) | Bui MD, Abdelaziz S, Rutschmann P (2014) Numerische Untersuchung zur Verbesserung des Geschiebehaushalts und Fischhabitats im Hochrhein. Wasser- und Flussbau im Alpenraum, Proc. of the Internationales Symposium Wasser- und Flussbau im Alpenraum, June 25-27, 2014, Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, ETH Zurich, (ed RM Boes), Vol. 1, VAW Mitteilung 227, pp. 305-318. VAW Zurich, Switzerland. |
(116) | Grünzner M, Rutschmann P (2014) Large Eddy Simulation – Ein Beitrag zur Auflösung turbulenter Strömungsstrukturen in technischen Fischaufstiegshilfen. Wasser- und Flussbau im Alpenraum, Proc. of the Internationales Symposium Wasser- und Flussbau im Alpenraum, June 25-27, 2014, Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, ETH Zurich, (ed RM Boes), Vol. 1, VAW Mitteilung 227, pp. 295-304. VAW Zurich, Switzerland. |
(115) | Cuchet M, Rutschmann P (2014) Laboruntersuchungen zu Fischschutz und Fischabstieg an geneigten Rechen. Wasser- und Flussbau im Alpenraum, Proc. of the Internationales Symposium Wasser- und Flussbau im Alpenraum, June 25-27, 2014, Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, ETH Zurich, (ed RM Boes), Vol. 1, VAW Mitteilung 227, pp. 283-293. VAW Zurich, Switzerland. |
(114) | Yao W, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2014) Application of habitat and population modeling in river management. Wasser- und Flussbau im Alpenraum, Proc. of the Internationales Symposium Wasser- und Flussbau im Alpenraum, June 25-27, 2014, Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, ETH Zurich, (ed RM Boes), Vol. 1, VAW Mitteilung 227, pp. 207-216. VAW Zurich, Switzerland. |
(113) | Geiger F, Sepp A, Rutschmann P (2014) Prototypanlage Schachtkraftwerk – Konzept Mehrschachtanlage. Wasser- und Flussbau im Alpenraum, Proc. of the Internationales Symposium Wasser- und Flussbau im Alpenraum, June 25-27, 2014, Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, ETH Zurich, (ed RM Boes), Vol. 1, VAW Mitteilung 227, pp. 169-181. VAW Zurich, Switzerland. |
(112) | Bui MD, Abdelaziz S, Rutschmann P (2013) Numerical Modeling of Hydromorphological Change and Fish Habitat in the Rhine River. HydroVision 2013. Proc. of the HydroVision International Conference, July 23-26, 2013, Session 5J1: Environmental Aspects of Hydropower Development, 14 pages, Denver, USA |
(111) | Rutschmann P (2013) Hochwasser 2013 aus Sicht der Wissenschaft. Land unter in Europa - Aufarbeitung der Hochwasserereignisse im Mai/Juni 2013. Acqua Alta Alpina, 25.9.2013. xx pages, Salzburg, Austria |
(110) | Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2013) Assessment of Sedimentation and Flushing Efficiency for Kajbar Hydropower Project in the Nile River. The Wise Find Pleasure in Water: Meandering through Water Science and Engineering. Proc. 35th IAHR Congress, Volume 5 Fluvial Hydraulics and River Management, 5.6. Reservoir sedimentation and density currents, Paper A11035, 8 pages, Chengdu, China |
(109) | Abdelaziz S, Bui MD, Atsushi N, Rutschmann P (2013) Numerical Simulation of Flow and Upstream Fish Movement inside a Pool-and-Weir Fishway. The Wise Find Pleasure in Water: Meandering through Water Science and Engineering. Proc. 35th IAHR Congress, Volume 4, Hydro-Environment, 4.2. Eco-hydrology and eco-hydraulics, Paper A12057, 10 pages, Chengdu, China |
(108) | Rutschmann P, Cuchet M, Geiger F Abdelaziz S, Yao (2013) Wasserkraft und Ökologie – ein hybrider Ansatz. Symposium Wasserkraft AGAW/SWV mit Hauptversammlung 2013. Wasserkraft im Alpenraum - Energiewirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen. Interlaken, Schweiz: 4.-6.9.2013. Veranstalter: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Alpine Wasserkraft e.V. (AGAW) und Schweizerischer Wasserwirtschaftsverband (SWV). In Zusammenarbeit mit den Wasserbauinstituten der TU Graz, TU München, Uni Innsbruck, ETH Zürich, ETH Lausanne, 38 pages. Baden, Schweizerischer Wasserwirtschaftsverband, |
(107) | Bui MD, Abdelaziz S, Rutschmann P (2013) Hydromorphologische Änderung und Fischhabitat am Beispiel der numerischen Simulation für den Hochrhein. Ökohydraulik. Leben im, am und mit dem Fluss. Berichte Lehrstuhl und Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft der TU München, (ed Rutschmann P), 128, pp. 169-183. Obernach, Germany. ISSN 1437-3513, ISBN 978-3-943683-04-2 |
(106) | Abdelaziz S, Bui MD, Atsushi N, Rutschmann P (2013) Einfluss der Geometrie eines Beckenfischpasses auf die Strömungseigenschaften und das Fischverhalten. Ökohydraulik. Leben im, am und mit dem Fluss. Berichte Lehrstuhl und Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft der TU München, (ed Rutschmann P), 128, pp. 105-117. Obernach, Germany. ISSN 1437-3513, ISBN 978-3-943683-04-2 |
(105) | Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2012) Numerical investigation of hydro-morphological changes due to training works in the Salzach River. River Flow 2012. Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on Fluvial Hydraulics, (ed Murillo Muñoz RE). Vol. 1, paper CH078, pp. 589-594. ISBN: 978-0-415-62129-8. San José, Costa Rica. |
(104) | Cuchet M, Geiger F, Sepp A, Rutschmann, P (2012) Fish Protection And Fish Downstream Migration At Horizontal Screens. Proc. of the 9th Int. Symp. on Ecohydraulics 2012, Session 3, 17-S3-C Fish Screening, paper 14647_2 (17-S3-C1), 8 pages, ISE2012, ISE Organizing Committee, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria. |
(103) | Schwarzwälder K, Walters E, Rutschmann P (2012) Bakterienbewegung mittels Laser erfassen. Tagungsband Wasserbausymposium 2012, Wasser - Energie, Global denken - lokal handeln (ed Zenz G), Thema A - Forschung und Lehre, Paper 23855, pp. 9-14, ISBN 978-3-85125-230-9. Graz, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Austria. |
(102) | Geiger F, Cuchet M, Sepp A, Rutschmann P (2012) Fischverhaltensuntersuchungen am Schachtkraftwerk. Fischschutz und Fischabstieg an horizontalen Einlaufebenen. Tagungsband Wasserbausymposium 2012, Wasser - Energie, Global denken - lokal handeln (ed Zenz G), Thema A - Forschung und Lehre, Paper 76171, pp. 47-54, ISBN 978-3-85125-230-9. Graz, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Austria. |
(101) | Abdelaziz S, Bui MD, Hayashida K, Rutschmann P (2012) Numerische Simulation der Aufstiegsbewegung von Fischen in einem Becken-Fischpass. Tagungsband Wasserbausymposium 2012, Wasser - Energie, Global denken - lokal handeln (ed Zenz G), Thema B - Numerische Modellierung, Paper 59495, pp. 267-274, ISBN 978-3-85125-230-9. Graz, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Austria. |
(100) | Geiger F, Huber R, Rutschmann, P (2012) Cavitation cloud erosion model – cloud sample experimental tests. Water infinitely deformable but still limited. Proc. of the 2nd IAHR European Congress, Munich (eds P Rutschmann, et al), Topic Experimental Work, Poster, 3 pages, ISBN 978-3-943683-03-5, USB-Stick, Munich, Germany. |
(99) | Cuchet M, Geiger F, Sepp A, Rutschmann, P (2012) Fish downstream passage at the TUM-Hydro Shaft Power Plant – Experimental study of fish behavior. Water infinitely deformable but still limited. Proc. of the 2nd IAHR European Congress, Munich (eds P Rutschmann, et al), Topic Ecohydraulics, Paper D3, 6 pages, ISBN 978-3-943683-03-5, USB-Stick, Munich, Germany. |
(98) | Abdelaziz S, Bui M D, Hayashida K, Rutschmann, P (2012) Numerical Simulation of flow pattern inside a pool and weir fishway. Water infinitely deformable but still limited. Proc. of the 2nd IAHR European Congress, Munich (eds P Rutschmann, et al), Topic Ecohydraulics, Paper D11, 6 pages, ISBN 978-3-943683-03-5, USB-Stick, Munich, Germany. |
(97) | Abdelaziz S, Al-Nuaimi A, Chugh P, Bui M D, Rutschmann, P (2012) Algorithms for tracking of fish path using image processing. Water infinitely deformable but still limited. Proc. of the 2nd IAHR European Congress, Munich (eds P Rutschmann, et al), Topic Ecohydraulics, Paper D10, 6 pages, ISBN 978-3-943683-03-5, USB-Stick, Munich, Germany. |
(96) | Skublics D, Rutschmann P (2011) Progress in natural flood retention at the Bavarian Danube. Intern. Conf. on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers (eds Habersack H et al.), Conference Abstract Book, Chapter: 4ab - Stresses & Conflicting Demands, p. 331, ISBN 978-80-7399-518-8. Vienna, Austria, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences. |
(95) | Skublics D, Rutschmann P (2011) Enanced flood protection by coordinated retention control. UFRIM Urban Flood Risk Management - Approaches to enhance resilience of communities (eds Zenz G, Hornich R), Topic E - Flood History and Response: E-8, Paper 44403, pp. 541-546, ISBN 978-3-85125-173-9. Graz, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz. |
(94) | Sepp A, Geiger F, Barbier J, Bader S, Rutschmann P (2011) Schachtkraftwerk: Untersuchungsergebnisse der Pilotanlage. 14. Internationales Anwenderforum Kleinwasserkraftwerke (ed Aufleger M), pp. 128-131, ISBN 978-3-941785-64-9. Regensburg, Ostbayerisches Technologie-Transfer-Inst. (OTTI). |
(93) | Sepp A, Geiger F, Rutschmann P, Barbier J, Cuchet M (2011) Wasserkraftkonzept in vollständiger Unterwasseranordnung. DWA-Tagung „Energietage – Biogas“, 12 pages. Hennef, Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall DWA. |
(92) | Cuchet M, Sepp A, Hartlieb A, Geiger F, Rutschmann P (2011) Development of downstream fish passage facilities. Proc. of the Euromech Colloquium, 523 Ecohydraulics: linkages between hydraulics and ecological processes in rivers (eds Chomette C, Steiger J), Session 3 - Fish, pp. 121-126, ISBN 978-2-84516-529-8; Document online: (see: “publications en ligne”). Clermont-Ferrand, France, Diazo 1 |
(91) | Asenkerschbaumer M, Skublics D, Rutschmann P (2011) Wirkungsanalyse zu möglichen gesteuerten Flutpoldern an der bayerischen Donau. Tagungsband des 13. Treffens junger WissenschaftlerInnen an Wasserbauinstituten. Mitteilung 98, (ed Schlurmann T), pp. 103-113. Hannover, Leibniz Univ. Hannover, Franzius-Inst. f. Wasserbau u. Küsteningenieurwesen. |
(90) | Asenkerschbaumer M, Skublics D, Rutschmann P (2011) Investigations in the effect of possible controlled retention basins along the Bavarian Danube. XXVth Conf. of the Danubian Countries on the Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological Bases of Water Management (eds Gabor B, Miklos D), 8 pages. Budapest, Hungary. |
(89) | Abdelaziz S, Jhanwar R, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2011) A numerical model for fish movement through culverts. Proc. of the 34th IAHR Congress, (eds Valentine EM et al.), pp. 2736-2743, ISBN 978-0-85825-868-6. Brisbane, Australia. |
(88) | Abdelaziz S, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2011) Numerical investigation of flow and sediment transport around a circular bridge pier. Proc. of the 34th IAHR Congress, (eds Valentine EM et al.), pp. 3296-3304, ISBN 978-0-85825-868-6. Brisbane, Australia. |
(87) | Efthymiou NP, Eberl F, Rutschmann P (2010) Experimental observations and simulation of non-equilibrium bedload transport of graded bed material. Environmental Hydraulics. Proc. 6th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, (ed by Anastasios I. Stamou et al.) CRC Press, Two Volume Set, Chapter 123, pp. 789–794, E-ISBN: 978-0-203-84123-5, Athens, Greece |
(86) | Sepp A, Rutschmann P (2010) Innovatives Wasserkraftkonzept. Dresdner Wasserbaukolloquium: Wasserbau und Umwelt - Anforderungen, Methoden, Lösungen. Dresdner wasserbauliche Mitteilungen (eds Stamm J, Graw KU), 40, pp. 235-244. Dresden, Germany. |
(85) | Sepp A, Geiger F, Rutschmann P (2010) Wasserkraftkonzept in vollständiger Unterwasseranordnung. Internationales Anwenderforum - Kleinwasserkraftwerke für Planer, Betreiber und Hersteller, 13, pp. 48-52. Kempten, Germany. |
(84) | Rutschmann P, Skublics D (2010) Hochwasserdynamik in Auen. Internationales Symposium Auen und Hochwasser (eds Cyffka B, Kleeberg HB). Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 27, pp. 17-30. Ingoldstadt, Germany. |
(83) | Rutschmann P, Bui MD, Abdelaziz S (2010) Zur Vorhersage von Kolken - Beobachtungen, empirische Ansätze und angemessene Modellierung. Beiträge zum 9. Geotechnik-Tag in München. Wechselwirkungen Boden - Wasser - Bauwerk (ed Vogt N), 46, pp. 69-80. Eigenverlag, Lehrstuhl für Grundbau, Bodenmechanik und Felsmechanik, TU München, Germany. |
(82) | Geiger F, Huber R, Rutschmann P (2010) Comparative cavitation erosion tests for Tsankov Kamak concrete probes. Dam Safety. Sustainability in a Changing Environment. Proc. of the 8th ICOLD Europ. Club Symp., 3 pages. Innsbruck, Austria. |
(81) | Eizel-Din M, Bui MD, El Tahawy T, Rutschmann P (2010) Numerical investigation of grain size effect on bed deformation in meandering channel. Proc. of the First IAHR European Division Congress, 6 pages. Edinburgh, UK. |
(80) | Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2010) Modeling of sediment transport and morphologic changes in alluvial channels. Proc. of the 17th Congr. of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, 11 pages, CD. Auckland, New Zealand. |
(79) | Abdelaziz S, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2010) Numerical simulation of scour development due to submerged horizontal jet. Proc. 5th River Flow 2010, (eds Dittrich A et al.), 2, pp. 1597-1604, ISBN 978-3-939230-00-7. Braunschweig, Germany. |
(78) | Carvajal E, Huber R, Geiger F, Rutschmann P (2010) One- and three-dimensional modeling of surge generated during operation of the hydropower plants Mühlbach and Maiermühle in Landsberg on the Lech River. Proc. 5th River Flow 2010, (eds Dittrich A et al.), 1, pp. 699-706, ISBN 978-3-939230-00-7. Braunschweig, Germany. |
(77) | Eizel-Din M, Bui MD, Kramer K, Rutschmann P, Elzein A (2010) Trap efficiency of reservoirs in the Nile River. Proc. 5th River Flow 2010, (eds Dittrich A et al.), 2, pp. 1111-1117, ISBN 978-3-939230-00-7. Braunschweig, Germany. |
(76) | Grünzner M, Rutschmann P (2010) Flume LES of a glued spheres layer - Detailed analysis of initial motions of a single grain. Proc. 5th River Flow 2010, (eds Dittrich A et al.), 1, pp. 763-768, ISBN 978-3-939230-00-7. Braunschweig, Germany. |
(75) | Sepp A, Geiger F, Rutschmann P (2010) Wasserkraftkonzept in vollständiger Unterwasseranordnung. Beiträge zum 15. Gemeinschafts-Symposium der Wasserbau-Institute TU München, TU Graz und ETH Zürich, (ed Rutschmann P), pp. 79-88, ISBN 978-3-940476-22-7. Wallgau, Germany. |
(74) | Rutschmann P, Bui MD, Eizel-Din M, Kramer K, Elzein S (2010) Sediment management for dam projects in the Nile River: Hydrological numerical investigation. Proc. of the 78th ICOLD Annual Meeting, Topic-15, 22 pages. Hanoi, Vietnam. |
(73) | Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2009) 3D Geschiebetransportmodell – Was ist möglich? „Sedimentologische Prozesse – Analyse, Beschreibung, Modellierung. 11. Gewässermorphologisches Kolloquium“, (ed Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde (BfG)), Veranstaltungen 3/2009, pp. 61-77. Koblenz, BfG. |
(72) | Assudani RK, Huber R, Rutschmann P, Dewan A (2009) Comparison of 3D RANS and LES based turbulent simulations of cavitating flow. Proc. 33rd IAHR Congress, pp. 6360-6366. Vancouver, Canada. |
(71) | Bui MD, Eizel-Din M, Rutschmann P (2009) Simulation of morphological changes due to flooding in the Inn River. Proc. 33rd IAHR Congress, pp. 944-951. Vancouver, Canada. |
(70) | Efthymiou N, Rutschmann P (2009) Estimation of grain size distribution by image analysis. Proc. 33rd IAHR Congress, pp. 944-951. Vancouver, Canada. |
(69) | Eizel-Din M, Bui MD, Kramer K, Rutschmann P, Elzein A.S. (2009) 1D numerical simulation of hydromorphological changes at a Nile hydropower project. Proc. 33rd IAHR Congress, pp. 3108-3115. Vancouver, Canada. |
(68) | Eizel-Din M, Bui MD, El Tahawy T, Rutschmann P (2009) 3D numerical investigation of bed grain size effect on the position and steepness of the bed forms in a medium-amplitude meandering channel. Proc. 33rd IAHR Congress, pp. xx. Vancouver, Canada. |
(67) | Geiger F, Huber R, Rutschmann P (2009) Dependency of cavitation erosion scale effects on measurement methods. Proc. 33rd IAHR Congress, pp. 2157-2164. Vancouver, Canada. |
(66) | Grünzner M, Rutschmann P (2009) Floating debris simulation. Proc. 33rd IAHR Congress, pp. xx. Vancouver, Canada. |
(65) | Grünzner M, Rutschmann P (2009) Initial motion of exposed grains - High resolution LES of experiments by fenton and abbot (1976). Proc. 33rd IAHR Congress, pp. 6344-6351. Vancouver, Canada. |
(64) | Hartlieb A, Kramer K, Rutschmann P, Elzein AS (2009) Hydraulic model tests for sediment flushing at power intakes of a Nile hydropower project in Sudan. Proc. 33rd IAHR Congress, pp. 4055-4062. Vancouver, Canada. |
(63) | Skublics D, Rutschmann P (2009) Numerical investigation on natural flood retention at the Bavarian Danube. Proc. 33rd IAHR Congress, pp. 2941-2948. Vancouver, Canada. |
(62) | Walder S, Rutschmann P (2009) A web-based platform for hydraulic engineering education using New Media technologies. Proc. 33rd IAHR Congress, pp. 3752-3759. Vancouver, Canada. |
(61) | Zunic F, Fiedler K, Rutschmann P (2009) Gauging with ADCP in rivers with bed-load and sediment transport. Proc. 33rd IAHR Congress, pp. 1340-1347. Vancouver, Canada. |
(60) | Rutschmann P (2008) Sustainable Water Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Climates. Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Water Resources in the Middle East - Reality and Aspiration, (eds Rutschmann P and Malkawi H), pp. 184-189. Lehrstuhl und Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft der TU München, Irbid, Jordan. |
(59) | Rutschmann P, Grünzner M, Bui MD (2009) Hydraulik - Geschiebetransport - 1D, 2D, 3D - Ist nur das Beste gut genug? „Zukunftsfähiger(s) Wasserbau und Flussgebietsmanagement - Wasser- und Feststofftransport in Fläche und Fluss“. Mitteilung 123 des Lehrstuhls und der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft der TU München, (ed Rutschmann P, in co-operation with the Bayer. Wasserwirtschaftsverwaltung), pp. 46-55, ISBN 978-3-940476-19-7. Munich, Germany. |
(58) | Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2008) 3D Geschiebetransportmodell - Was ist möglich? Workshop: „Gewässermorphologie und EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie“. Mitteilung 122 des Lehrstuhls und der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft der TU München, (ed Rutschmann P), pp. 138-155, ISBN 978-3-940476-15-9. Munich, Germany. |
(57) | Eizel-Din M, Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2008) Study of roughness effect on flow characteristics in a curved open channel by means of numerical model. Int. Symposium „Neue Anforderungen an den Wasserbau“. Mitteilung 208 der VAW (ed Minor E), pp. 929-942. Zurich, Switzerland. |
(56) | Feurich R, Zößmayr M, Premstaller G, Rutschmann P (2008) Hydraulische Optimierung von Entsanderkammern mittels dreidimensionaler Strömungssimulation. Int. Symposium „Neue Anforderungen an den Wasserbau“. Mitteilung 208 der VAW (ed Minor E), pp. 27-38. Zurich, Switzerland. |
(55) | Grünzner M, Rutschmann P (2008) Vergleich zweier 3D Strömungssimulationsprogramme anhand eines physikalischen Modellversuchs. Int. Symposium „Neue Anforderungen an den Wasserbau“. Mitteilung 208 der VAW (ed Minor E), pp. 955-964. Zurich, Switzerland. |
(54) | Haselsteiner, R, Fischer M, Strobl Th, Rutschmann P (2008) Der Überlastfall an Flussdeichen - Strategien, Sicherungsmöglichkeiten, Risikominderung. Int. Symposium „Neue Anforderungen an den Wasserbau“. Mitteilung 208 der VAW (ed Minor E), pp. 577-592. Zurich, Switzerland. |
(53) | Theiner D, Zößmayr M, Premstaller G, Rutschmann P (2008) Verringerung des Hochwasserrisikos durch gesteuerten Hochwasserrückhalt bei Speichern - Fallstudie Welsberg. Int. Symposium „Neue Anforderungen an den Wasserbau“. Mitteilung 208 der VAW (ed Minor E), pp. 691-702. Zurich, Switzerland. |
(52) | Assudani RK, Huber R, Rutschmann P, Dewan A (2008) Computation of cavitation flow in channel using two RANS based turbulence models and Large Eddy Simulation. Proc. Int. Conference on Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering Technology and Science, (ed Jani NN), CD, 6 pages. Rajkot, Gujarat (India). |
(51) | Kapeller G, Rutschmann P, Fellin W, Kleemayr K (2007) Two-phase avalanche simulation in a water tank based on a turbulent dense flow - physical and numerical investigation. Proc. XXIV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), (eds Müller J and Hornik H), CD. München, Verl. der Bayer. Akad. der Wissenschaften, ISBN 978-3-7696-8595-4. |
(50) | Rutschmann P (2007) VAO quo vadis? Zur Zukunft des wasserbaulichen Modellversuchs. „Wasserbau an der TU München. Beiträge zum wasserbaulichen Symp. zu Ehren von Herrn Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Theodor Strobl“. Mitteilung 110 des Lehrstuhls und der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft der TU München, (ed Strobl T), pp. 251 – 261. Munich, Germany. |
(49) | Zößmayr M, Rutschmann P (2007) Kostengünstige hydraulische Optimierung mittels dreidimensionaler Strömungsberechnungen. 10. Int. Anwenderforum - Kleinwasserkraftwerke für Planer, Betreiber und Hersteller, (ed Pelikan B), pp. 130-135, ISBN 978-3-934681-58-3. Salzburg, Austria. |
(48) | Kapeller G, Rutschmann P, Walder S (2007) Hybrid Modelling of two-phase avalanches an related phenomena - a turbulent dense flow approach. CMOS-CGU-AMS Congress - Air, Ocean, Earth and Ice on the Rock (ed Snelgrove K), pp. S04-4C3.2. Mount Pearl, NZ, Hutton International Press. |
(47) | Walder S, Kapeller G, Rutschmann P (2007) Computeranimation im Wasserbau - Erfahrungen in Forschung, Praxis und Lehre. uDay V - Informieren mit Computeranimation. Zusammenfassung der Beiträge zum Usability Day V (eds Kempter G, Dontschewa M), pp. 174-180. Pabst Science Publishers. |
(46) | Kopeinig T, Boubée J, Rutschmann P (2007) Numerical study of flow through a culvert – investigation on various modifications using a 3D turbulent Navier-Stokes code. Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Ecohydraulics, CD. National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) Christchurch, New Zealand. |
(45) | Feurich R, Boubée J, Rutschmann P (2007) Optimising flow patterns in culverts of varying size to facilitate the upstream passage of small fish. Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Ecohydraulics, CD. National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) Christchurch, New Zealand. |
(44) | Walder S, Rutschmann P (2007) Hybrid modelling of an intake for hydraulic optimization. Proc. 32 IAHR Congress (eds Di Silvio G et al.), Theme C2.b, Paper 1016, 10 pages. Venice, Italy. |
(43) | Eizel-Din M, Bui MD, Feurich R, Rutschmann P (2007) 3D numerical simulation of flow and sediment transport in an S-shaped open channel. Proc. 32 IAHR Congress (eds Di Silvio G et al.), Theme A2.a, Paper 977, 10 pages, CD. Venice, Italy. |
(42) | Gems B, Nemmert J, Rutschmann P (2007) Three dimensional modelling of an extreme flood event for the city of Innsbruck. Proc. 32 IAHR Congress (eds Di Silvio G et al.), Theme A1.d, Paper 1004, 10 pages, CD. Venice, Italy. |
(41) | Premstaller G, Rutschmann P (2007) Three dimensional numerical investigation of flow regimes in step-pools - limits of unsteady wave generation. Proc. 32 IAHR Congress (eds Di Silvio G et al.), Theme C1.c, Paper 112, 10 pages, CD. Venice, Italy. |
(40) | Nemmert J, Rutschmann P (2007) A contribution determining design floods. EGU Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, EGU2007-A-09658. Vienna, Austria. |
(39) | Nemmert J, Rutschmann P (2006) Bestimmung der Jährlichkeit von hochwasserauslösenden Faktoren. Risikomanagement extremer hydrologischer Ereignisse, Hydrology Day (eds Disse M, Guckenberger K, Pakosch S, Yörük A, Zimmermann A), 15.06, Vol. 3, pp. 79-82. Munich, Germany. |
(38) | Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2006) A 3D numerical model of graded sediment transport in nonequilibrium condition. Proc. 7th International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering (eds Piasecki M et al.), 15 pages. Philadelphia Paper: Conference: |
(37) | Walder S, Rutschmann P (2006) Virtuelles Wasserbaulabor - Wissenschaft anwenderfreundlich umgesetzt. Proc. Usability Day IV - Information nutzbar machen (ed Kempter G), pp. 26-29. Pabst Science Publishers. Dornbirn, Austria. |
(36) | Walder S, Rutschmann P (2006) Virtual Hydraulic Laboratory - an approach to a new learning method, Proc. MApEC - Multimedia Applications in Education Conference (eds Grabe D, Zimmermann L), pp. 149-154. Graz, Austria. |
(35) | Nemmert J, Theiner D, Zößmayr M, Rutschmann P (2006) Erfahrungsreport zur Anwendung des Leitfadens zum Nachweis der Hochwassersicherheit von Talsperren. Wasserbausymposium Graz - Schriftenreihe zur Wasserwirtschaft (ed Heigerth G), 46, Vol. 2, pp. 121-135. Graz, Austria. |
(34) | Premstaller G, Kopeinig T, Rutschmann P (2006) Instationäre, dreidimensionale Schwalluntersuchungen der Druckkammer von Kops II. Wasserbausymposium Graz - Schriftenreihe zur Wasserwirtschaft (ed Heigerth G), 46, Vol. 1, pp. 490-501. Graz, Austria. |
(33) | Walder S, Stärz R, Rutschmann P (2006) Hybride Modellierung des Einlaufbauwerks im Speicher Kops. Wasserbausymposium Graz - Schriftenreihe zur Wasserwirtschaft (ed Heigerth G), 46, Vol. 2, pp. 162-176. Graz, Austria. |
(32) | Nemmert J, Rutschmann P (2006) Jährlichkeiten in Niederschlag-Abflussprozessen. SYNAP 2006 - Dresdner Schriften zur Hydrologie (ed Schmitz GH), 5. Technische Universität Dresden, Eigenverlag, Germany. |
(31) | Zößmayr M, Theiner D, Rutschmann P (2006) Rechnergestütztes Hochwassermanagement am Beispiel des Kraftwerkes Naturns. SYNAP 2006 - Dresdner Schriften zur Hydrologie (ed Schmitz GH), 5. Technische Universität Dresden, Eigenverlag, Germany. |
(30) | Rutschmann P (2005) Hybride Modelle im Wasserbau. Workshop „Anwendung und Grenzen physikalischer und numerischer Modelle im Wasserbau“. Mitteilung 104 des Lehrstuhls und der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft der TU München, (ed Strobl, T), pp. 87-96 Wallgau, Germany |
(29) | Rutschmann P (2005) When the Alam Mater calls - Wenn die Alma Mater ruft. Mitteilung 190 der VAW (ed Minor E), Session 1, pp. 35-46. Zurich, Switzerland. |
(28) | Theiner D, Zößmayr M, Rutschmann P (2005) Kraftwerksoptimierung mit Hilfe numerischer Modelle Hochwassermanagement und Betriebsoptimierung am Beispiel des Speicherkraftwerkes Naturns. Internationales Anwenderforum - Kleinwasserkraftwerke für Planer, Betreiber und Hersteller, 12, pp. xx. Brixen, Italy. |
(27) | Zößmayr M, Rutschmann P (2005) Numerische Modellierung eines Entsanderbauwerkes unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Einlaufbedingungen. Internationales Anwenderforum - Kleinwasserkraftwerke für Planer, Betreiber und Hersteller, 8 (ed Scheuerlein H), pp. 102-107, ISBN 3-934681-40-9. Brixen, Italy. |
(26) | Bui MD, Rutschmann P (2005) Validation of a numerical model for graded sediment transport on open channels. Proc. 31. IAHR Congress (ed Jun B-H), CD. Seoul, South Korea. |
(25) | Feurich R, Rutschmann P (2005) Efficient design optimization and investigation by combining numerical and physical models. Proc. 31. IAHR Congress (ed Jun B-H), CD. Seoul, South Korea. |
(24) | Theiner D, Zößmayr M, Rutschmann P (2005) A neuronal network based operational reservoir inflow forecasting model for an alpine Hydropower plant. Proc. 31. IAHR Congress (ed Jun B-H), CD. Seoul, South Korea. |
(23) | Rutschmann P, Stärz R (2004) Videogestützte Bahnbestimmung strömungsinduzierter Partikel. Neue Entwicklungen in der Durchflussmessung in natürlichen und künstlichen Gerinnen, (ed Valentin F). Lehrstuhl und Laboratorium für Hydraulik und Gewässerkunde der TU München, Eigenverlag, Germany. |
(22) | Premstaller G, Rutschmann P, Oberhuber M (2004) Numerical simulation of flow instabilities in steep stepped channels. River Flow 2004. Proc. of the second International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, (ed Greco M), Vol. 1, pp. 555-562. Napoli, Italy. |
(21) | Rutschmann P, Stärz R (2004) Videogestützte Bahnbestimmung strömungsinduzierter Partikel. Neue Entwicklungen in der Durchflussmessung in natürlichen und künstlichen Gerinnen, CD. Lehrstuhl und Laboratorium für Hydraulik und Gewässerkunde der TU München, Munich, Germany. |
(20) | Sulzer S, Kinzelbach W, Rutschmann P (2001) Discharge estimation for complex river geometries with a 3D inverse model. Wasserwirtschaft im Wandel, Kasseler Wasserbau-Mitteilungen, 12 (ed Hoffmann A), pp. 275-283. Herkules Verlag, Kassel, Germany. |
(19) | Sulzer S, Rutschmann P, Kinzelbach W (2000) Determination of flood discharge in rivers with an inverse numerical model. Int. Symposium on Flood Defence, Kassel reports of hydraulic engineering, 9 (ed Tönsmann F), Vol. 2, pp. G-119-G-128, (best paper award). Kassel, Germany. |
(18) | Krüger S, Rutschmann P (2000) Numerical sensitivity analysis of supercritical confluences to inaccuracy of upstream boundary conditions. Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Hydroinformatics 2000, CD. Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, Iowa City, USA |
(17) | Krüger S, Rutschmann P (2000) Modelling Floods in Spillways using an Extended Shallow Water Approach. Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Hydroinformatics 2000, CD. Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, Iowa City, USA |
(16) | Sulzer S, Rutschmann P, Kinzelbach W (2000) A 2D inverse model to estimate flood discharge in rivers. Proc. of the 4th Conference on Hydroinformatics. Cedar Rapids. |
(15) | Bürgisser MF, Rutschmann P (1999) Numerical solution of viscous 2D free surface flows: Flows over spillway crests. Proc. 18th IAHR Congress (ed Abbott, MN), CD. Graz, Austria. |
(14) | Krüger S, Bürgisser MF, Rutschmann P (1998) Advances in calculating supercritical flows in spillway contractions. In: Proc. of the 3rd Int. Hydroinformatics’ 98 (ed Babovic V), Vol. 1, pp. 163-170. Copenhagen, Denmark. |
(13) | Kacianauskas R, Kaceniauskas A, Rutschmann P (1997) Modelling of the steady-state viscid incompressible flow in the sluicegate and adaptive analysis. Proc. Polish Conf. on Comp. Methods in Mechanics, 201-208. Poznan, Poland. |
(12) | Hermann F, Horat P, Naef F, Rutschmann P (1996) Die Strömung an ausgewählten LHG-Pegeln bei extremen Hochwassern, untersucht mit numerischen 2- und 3-dimensionalen Modellen. 100 Jahre Eichstelle für hydrometrische Flügel, Landeshydrologie und -geologie, Bern, Hydrologische Mitteilungen, 24, pp. 141-151. Bern, Switzerland. |
(11) | Näf D, Rutschmann P (1995) FE computations of contractions with supercritical flow. Actes du 12e Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2, pp. 381-384, ISBN 2-909932-26-5. Strasbourg, France. |
(10) | Rutschmann P (1994) Obtaining higher order accuracy with linear shape functions - A new approach for transient problems. Proc. of the Second European Computational Fluid Dynamic Conference (eds Wagner, Hirschel, Periaux & Riva), pp. 165-169, ISBN 0-471-95063-7. Stuttgart, Germany. |
(9) | Rutschmann P (1993) FE solver with 4D finite elements in space and time. Proc. 8th Int. Conference on Finite Elements in Fluids (eds Morgan K, Oñate E, Periaux J, Peraire J, Zienkiewicz OC), pp. 136-144. Barcelona, Spain. |
(8) | Rutschmann P, Jiménez O, Chaudhry MH (1991) Optimum channel contraction for supercritical flows. Proc. ASCE Int. Hydraulic Engineering Sessions, Water Forum 92, (eds Jennings ME, Bhowmik NG), pp. 754-759, ISBN 0-87262-879-5. Baltimore. |
(7) | Rutschmann P (1990) Die Methode der Finiten Elemente in der Hydraulik. ASIM-Report 19 (ed Halin J), pp. 8-14. Zurich, Switzerland. |
(6) | Rutschmann P (1988) Spillway Chute Aeration - Design and Computation. Int. Symposium on Erosion, Abrasion and Cavitation in Hydraulic Structures. Mitteilung 99 der VAW (ed Vischer D), pp. 149-170. Zurich, Switzerland. |
(5) | Rutschmann P (1988) Calculation and optimum shape of spillway chute aerators. Proc. Int. Symposium on Model-Prototype Correlation of Hydraulic Structures, HY Div/ASCE (ed Burgi PH), pp. 118-127. Colorado Springs. |
(4) | Vischer D, Rutschmann P (1988) Spillway facilities - typology and general safety questions. Proc. 16th ICOLD Congress, Vol. IV, Q63 / R23, pp. 371-381. San Francisco. |
(3) | Rutschmann P, Volkart P, Wood IR (1986) Air entrainment at spillway chute aerators. Proc. 9th Australasian Conference, pp. 350-353. Auckland, New Zealand. |
(2) | Volkart PU, Rutschmann P (1986) Aerators on spillway chutes: Fundamentals and applications. Proc. of Speciality Conf. on Advancements in Aerodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Hydraulics, ASME/ASCE (ed Arndt REA), pp. 162-177. Minneapolis. |
(1) | Volkart PU, Rutschmann P (1983) Rapid flow in spillway chutes with and without deflectors - A model-prototype comparison. Proc. Symposium in Scale Effects in Modeling Hydraulic Structures (ed Kobus H), pp. 4.5-1 to 4.5-8. Esslingen, Germany. |
- Neue Wasserkraft-Ideen. arte X:enjus (D), 22.03.2011
- Kleinwasserkraftwerke - Renaissance der Wassermühlen?, 3sathitec (D), 20.03.2011
- Regenerative Energien in Bayern. Sat1 Bayern (D), 19.03.2011
- Kleinwasserkraftwerke. 3sat hitec(D), 14.03.2011
- Kleinwasserkraftwerke. BR Unser Land (D), 26.11.2010
- Niedriges Gefälle, hohes Potential., by Peter Carstens, 03.11.2010
- Wasserenergie: Die Kraft der Wellen. n-tvenergyday(D), 01.11.2010
- Strömung im Schacht - ein Wasserkraftwerk für nebenan. Wasser und Abfall (D), by Ruth Treudt, 26.10.2010
- Wasserkraft. Sat1 Bayern (D), 23.10.2010
- Kleinwasserkraftwerk. BR Faszination Wissen (D), 03.10.2010
- Kleinwasserkraftwerke. SF 10 vor 10 (CH), 19.08.2010
- Miniturbinen. 3sat nano (D),14.05.2010
year | main focus | project title |
2018 - 2021 | FM | VieWBay: Virtual WaterArea Bavaria (expertise, numerical modelling) Contractor: Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection, Germany |
2016 - 2020 | HP | FITHydro – Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower (expertise) Contractor: Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union |
2018 - 2020 | SM | Surrogate Bedload Transport Measurements with Acoustic Sensors Contractor: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Germany |
2018 - 2019 | FM | Erodable Dike Overflow Sections (physical model study scale 1:1 and 1:3,5) Contractor: RMD Wasserstraßen GmbH, Germany |
2017 - 2019 | SM | Danube Sediment Management - Restoration of the Sediment Balance in the Danube River (expertise) Contractor: Danube Transnational Programme of the European Union |
2017 - 2018 | SM | HPP Nonner Rampe (physical model study scale 1:25) Contractor: Bayerische Landeskraftwerke GmbH, Germany |
2012 - 2018 | HP | Examination of flow pattern downstream of low head turbines (physical model study) Contractor: Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, Germany |
2014 - 2017 | HP | Safe*Coast: Tidal Energy und Flood Protection Contractor: Eurostars Programme of the European Union |
2017 | FM | Stilling basin and riprap stability HEPP Faizabad (physical model study scale 1:40) Contractor: Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG, Germany |
2019 - 2017 | FM | Intake for Flood Polder Riedensheim (physical model study scale 1:50) Contractor: Regional Water Authority Ingolstadt, Germany |
2015 - 2016 | V | Quantification of inaccuracies of ADCP measurements in unsteady non-uniform flow Contractor: Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau, Germany |
2015 - 2016 | FM | Flow capacity of weir Bittenbrunn (river Danube) (physical model study scale 1:40) Contractor: Uniper Kraftwerke GmbH, Germany |
2015 - 2016 | SM | Scour protection for river Rhine bridge of highway A1 (physical model study scale 1:40) Contractor: Ingenieurbüro Grassl GmbH, Germany |
2015 | FM | Flood Management at the Inn River (hybrid physical and numerical modeling) Investigation of flood management options considering sediment transport. Identification of locations for polders, acceleration/deceleration options of flood waves, flood security and weir regulation considering sedimentation. Contractor: Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection, Germany |
2015 | HP | Ljusne Strömmar HPP [36,4 MW/ 16 m] (physical model study scale 1:25) Investigation and improvement of energy dissipation and spillway discharge capacity. Contractor: Fortum Generation AB, Sweden |
2014 - 2015 | HP | Hällby Bottom Outlet [84 MW/ 29 m] (physical model study scale 1:40) Investigation of bottom outlet discharge capacity and improvement of tailwater channel Contractor: E.ON Vattenkraft Sverige AB, Sweden |
2015 | SM | Sediment trap in the reservoir of Krüner Weir [0,2 MW/ 5 m] (physical model study scale 1:17,5) Investigation of sediment traps Contractor: Wasserwirtschaftsamt Weilheim, Germany |
2014 - 2015 | SM | Flood water levels in the reservoir of Krüner Weir (physical model study scale 1:17,5) Investigation of water levels and sediment transport during flushing Contractor: E.ON Kraftwerke GmbH, Germany |
2014 | FM | EXAR Expert Panel Evaluating the risk of extreme flood events in the Rhine and Aare river catchments in Switzerland due to very rare events. Discussing appropriate methodologies with a dozen of experts from all research areas. Working out proposals for the project team. Contractor: BAFU the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland |
2014 | SM | Floating debris and sediment/suspension worst case scenarios for Swiss nuclear power plants 2 (expertise) Checking the improved risk evaluation and numerical modeling methodology by the power plant owners concerning the impacts of floating debris, bed load and suspended matter transport and induced morphologic changes to the river bed on the plant safety. Reporting to the controlling administration. Contractor: ENSI the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate, Switzerland |
2013 - 2014 | HP | Kiblinger dam [0,7 MW/ 11 m] (physical model study, scale 1:30) Investigation of energy dissipation, scouring and spillway discharge capacity. Contractor: DB Energie GmbH, Germany |
2014 | HP | Inn weirs Neuötting and Stamham with ship lock [26 MW/ 26 m] (physical model study scale 1:33 1/3) Investigation on the effect of weir geometry change and reservoir sedimentation on discharge capacity of the weir. Contractor: Verbund Innkraftwerke GmbH, Germany/Austria |
2013 - 2014 | EH | Fish monitoring at a prototype shaft power plant (prototype test rig with 35kW Kaplan turbine) Investigation of downstream migration behavior and turbine damage to fish (size: 50mm to 200m) of differing species. Contractor: Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU), Germany |
2013 - 2014 | HP | Hydropower station Au at the Iller river [0,9 MW/ 2,3 m] (physical model study scale 1:20) Physical model study to investigate and optimize the design of a VLH (very low head) power plant. Contractor: Bayerische Landeskraftwerke GmbH, Germany |
2013 | FM | Optimization of a torrent weir at the Große Laine river (physical model study scale 1:12,5) Physical model investigation and design optimization for a weir structure to protect a nearby village by spilling off floods through a bypass system. Contractor: Regional Water Authority Weilheim, Germany |
2013 - 2014 | HP | Spillway Skallböle Dam [46 MW/ 21 m] (physical model study scale 1:40) Physical model study to investigate extension of the spillway structures due to adapted design flood discharges. Capacity measurements and design optimizations. Contractor: Statkraft Sverige AB, Sweden |
2013 | SM | Floating debris and sediment/suspension worst case scenarios for Swiss nuclear power plants 1 (expertise) Checking the risk evaluation by the power plant owners concerning the impacts of floating debris, bed load and suspended matter transport and induced morphologic changes to the river bed on the plant safety. Reporting to the controlling administration. Contractor: ENSI the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate, Switzerland |
2013 - 2016 | V | NeXus of Water, Food and Energy (teaching project, expertise) Project to setup a master study line with Nexus topic. With academic partners from Switzerland, Denmark, Greece, US, Egypt, Tanzania and Ethiopia. Contractor: DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service, Germany |
2011 - 2014 | V | Guidelines for integral torrent catchment (part 2) (expertise) Developing new guidelines for the development of protective measures in alpine torrent catchment considering optimization of protection and cost efficiency. Contractor: Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU), Germany |
2012 - 2014 | HP | Hydropower plant Borgharen [11 MW/ 4,5 m] (3D numerical model) Optimizing the design of a new power plant at the Maas river in the Netherlands by means of 3D CFD computations including sedimentation and dredging issues. Contractor: ARBRA BV, The Netherlands |
2012 - 2013 | FM | Control and damping of floods with polders at the Bavarian Danube (2D numerical model) Detailed numerical 2D investigation of the Bavarian Danube and the effect of flood polder management. Focussing on the time management of polder operation in interaction with the main tributaries and upstream and downstream polders. Contractor: Regional Water Authority Deggendorf, Germany |
2010 - 2013 | SM | Sediment management plan for the Rhine River (2.5D numerical model) Sedimentation and sediment mobilization potential, sediment management by flushing, optimization of fish habitat conditions. Contractor: Federal Ministry for Energy, Switzerland |
2010 - 2014 | FM | Decay and fate of fecal bacteria in rivers at storm water sewage outlets (physical model study and 2D numerical model development) Etohydraulic investigation in a large outdoor facility fed by original Isar river water with original Isar river gravel, biofilm and macrozoobenthos growth. Implementation of the findings into a predictive 2D numerical tool. Contractor: DFG the German Research Foundation (in Cooperation with Prof. Horn, Chair of Sanitary Environmental Engineering), Germany |
2012 - 2014 | FM | Hydraulic investigation on fish guidance on turbine outflows of hydropower plants at the Danube river (3D numerical model) 3D numerical computations with geometrically differing setups to optimize the turbine outflow for fish attraction. Contractor: Bayerische Elektrizitätswerke GmbH, Germany |
2012 - 2015 | V | Concepts for torrent basin management (part 1) (expertise) Reconstruction of the structural elements of torrent catchemnt. Derivation of new guidelines for secure yet economic solutions. Contractor: Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU), Germany |
2010 - 2012 | SM | Licca Liber the “free” Lech River (expertise and 2D numerical model) Investigation of the effect and the position of fixed weirs on river morphology. Alternative possibilities for bed stabilization. Contractor: Regional Water Authority Donauwörth, Germany |
2012 | HP | Krün weir and powerplant [0,2 MW/ 5 m] (hybrid 3D numerical and physical model investigation, scale 1:17,5) Sediment and suspended load transport at the weir of the power plant. Management of suspended load and bed load. Contractor: E.ON hydropower, Germany |
2012 - 2014 | HP | Dal hydropower plant at the Sudanese Nile [570 MW/ 19 m] (hybrid 3D numerical and physical model investigation, scale 1:35) Physical model investigation of the spillway and the power plant. Design improvement, sediment management and vortex prevention at the power intakes. Contractor: Dam Implementation Unit (DIU), Sudan |
2012 - 2013 | HP | Winznau hydropower plant [51 MW/ 17 m] (overall and detailed physical model, scale 1:40 and 1:15) Investigation of the new hydropower plant. Design optimization, capacity measurements, weir optimization on a full and a detailed model of the power intake. Contractor: Alpiq AG, Switzerland |
2011 - 2012 | HP | Felsentunnel hydropower plant [0,3 MW/ 9 m] (physical model investigation, scale 1:15) Investigation of the dam on flood security upstream of the dam. Design optimization. Contractor: WKW Felsentunnel GmbH & Co. KG, Germany |
2011 | HP | Kiblinger dam (expertise) [0,7 MW/ 13 m] Investigation of energy dissipation, scouring and spillway discharge capacity Contractor: DB Energie GmbH, Germany |
2011 | SM | Alternative approach to numerical sediment transport (expertise) Expertise and literature search on alternative options to compute sediment transport in rivers. Contractor: BAW, Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute, Germany |
2010 - 2011 | FM | Lechsend hydropower plant (2D numerical model) Numerical investigation of floods on the groundwater situation in case of dam construction. Contractor: LEW, Augsburg, Germany |
2010 - 2011 | FM | Flood security at the Bavarian Danube (2D numerical model investigation) 2D numerical investigation of floods and flood management with polders. Optimization of the storage volumes and the managing strategies of a series of potential polders. Contractor: Bavarian Ministry of the Environment (StMUG) |
2011 - 2013 | HP | Shaft power plant (physical model, scale 1:10) Invention of a new hydropower concept with several patents. Improving of the design and measurement of the flow fields and the efficiencies. Contractor: AiF, ZIM funded research project |
2010 - 2011 | HP | Pumped storage scheme Riedl [300 MW/ 350 m] (overall and detailed physical models, scale 1:55 and 1:20) Investigation of intake and outlet structures in the Danube and the upper reservoir. Contractor: Verbund Hydropower, Austria |
2010 - 2011 | HP | Beznau hydropower plant [19,5 MW/ 6,8 m] (physical model, scale 1:40) Investigation of the new hydropower plant. Design optimization, capacity measurements, weir optimization. Contractor: Axpo AG, Switzerland |
2010 | EH | Evaluation of fish behaviour at inclined trash racks (physical model) Investigations with various living fish species on the behaviour at differently sloped and spaced trash racks. Contractor: Grenzkraftwerke GmbH, Germany/Austria |
2010 | V | Discharge measurements at the Mühlthaler Weir, Traun river, Germany (expertise) Propeller measurements in prototype. Contractor: Georg Koller Electric Power Station, Germany |
2009 - 2011 | HP | Flood safty investigation for Mühlbach Powerplant in Landsberg a. Lech, Germany [0,47 MW/ 5 m] (1D numerical model) Surge heights and propagation times due to transient turbine operation. Contractor: Bayerische Elektrizitätswerke GmbH, Germany |
2010 | HP | Discharge and velocity measurements at the Trostberg 1 power plant [2,6 MW/ 5 m] (prototype) Anemometer measurements in the intake cross section to determine turbine efficiency. Contractor: Alzkraftwerke Heider GmbH, Germany |
2009 - 2010 | HP | Degerforsen dam [64 MW/ 25m] (3D numerical and physical model, scale 1:35) Hybrid 3D numerical and physical model investigation of spillway capacity, shock wave formation and dam face erosion problems. Contractor: EnergoRetea, Sweden |
2009 - 2010 | EH | Fish bypass for downstream migration (physical model) Comparison of various bypass options for downstream migration of fish. Contractor: Bavarian State Ministry for Agriculture, Germany |
2009 | HP | Power plants at the Var River (expertise) Consulting for a feasibility study. Contractor: Schlegel GmbH & Co.KG, Germany |
2009 | SM | Kajbar dam reservoir management (2.5D numerical model) Effects of various flushing schemes on the Nile River bed and the Kajbar reservoir including the near field of power intakes and low level sluices. Contractor: Dam Implementation Unit (DIU), Sudan |
2009 | HP | Kajbar dam, spillway model [360 MW/ 16 m] (physical model, scale 1:35) Functionality and operation of spillway, low level outlets and energy dissibation. Design optimization with respect to cavitation damage Contractor: Dam Implementation Unit (DIU), Sudan |
2009 | HP | Kajbar dam, power house model [360 MW/ 16 m] (physical model, scale 1:30) Investigation of sedimentation and flushing options at the power house. Velocity distribution, vortex formation and vortex prevention at the intakes. Contractor: Dam Implementation Unit (DIU), Sudan |
2004 - 2008 | FM | Retardation and damping of flood waves in the Bavarian Danube (2D numerical model) Flooding at the Bavarian Danube, natural and historical retention potentials and development of management strategies. Contractor: Bavarian Ministry of the Environment, Germany |
2009 - 2011 | V | Gravity waves in the Kühtai reservoir (3D numerical model) Avalanche and rock slide induced waves in the Kühtai reservoir and dam overtopping. Contractor: Tiroler Wasserkraft AG (TIWAG), Austria |
2009 | V | Vortices in pump sumps (expertise) Scalability and probability of air entraining vortices in a nuclear power plant due to emergency operation. Contractor: Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Germany |
2009 | HP | Lambach powerplant [14 MW/ 9,5 m] (3D numerical model) Approaching flow conditions and sedimentation of the reservoir. Comparison of numerical computations with observations. Contractor: Energie AG, Austria |
2009 | EH | Pielweichs outlet weir (physical model, scale 1:10) Bypass for fish and micro-organisms and dynamic flushing of the wetlands. Contractor: Regional Water Authority Landshut, Germany |
2007 - 2009 | HP | Powerplant Feldheim [8,5 MW/ 8 m] (physical model, scale 1:30) Energy dissipation in the stilling basin and stability of scour protection. Contractor: Bayerische Elektrizitätswerke GmbH, Germany |
2010 | HP | Powerplant Oberaudorf - Ebbs [60 MW/ 12,6 m] (physical model, scale 1:30) Preventing sedimentation of the power intakes with hydraulic modifications. Contractor: Grenzkraftwerke GmbH, Germany |
2007 - 2008 | SM | Discharge and dynamic bed measurements with ADCP (field study) Determination of transient bed changes at the weir and in the reservoir during a flood. Contractor: E.ON Wasserkraft GmbH, Germany |
2008 | SM | Reservoir management Shereik dam [370 MW/ 20 m] (2.5D numerical model) Effects of flushing on the Nile River bed and the Shereik reservoir. Near field and far field investigations. Contractor: Dam Implementation Unit (DIU), Sudan |
2008 | HP | Shereik dam, spillway model [370 MW/ 20 m] (physical model, scale 1:35) Functionality and operation of spillway, energy dissipation and power intakes. Air entraining vortex formation and sedimentation upstream the power intakes. Contractor: Dam Implementation Unit (DIU), Sudan |
2008 | HP | Shereik dam, power house model [370 MW/ 20 m] (physical model, scale 1:35) Investigation of sedimentation and flushing options at the power house. Velocity distribution, vortex formation and vortex prevention at the intakes. Contractor: Dam Implementation Unit (DIU), Sudan |
2008 | V | Floating debris 2 (physical model, scale 1:20) Blockage and capacity reduction due to floating logs, design of constructional measures. Contractor: ELFORSK AB, Sweden |
2008 | V | Flood prediction and management at the Bavarian Danube (1D/2D hydrologic/hydrodannamic numerical model) Strategies and potential of improvement of flood prediction and management. Contractor: Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU), Germany |
2007 - 2008 | HP | Perach reservoir [19 MW/ 5,5 m] (physical model, scale 1:40) Spillway capacity of the plant under consideration of sediment depositions. Contractor: E.ON Wasserkraft GmbH, Germany |
2008 | HP | Merowe dam [1260 MW/ 43 m] (3D numerical model) Flooding of bay 1 in the final stage of construction Contractor: Dam Implementation Unit (DIU), Sudan |
2008 | HP | Merowe dam [1260 MW/ 43 m] (advisor to the panel of experts) Controlled actions in case of extreme floods in the final construction stage. Contractor: Dam Implementation Unit (DIU), Sudan |
2006 - 2010 | FM | Isarplan (physical model, scale 1:22) River renaturation and flood protection of the Isar River in Munich. Contractor: Regional Water Authority Munich, Germany |
2007 | HP | Reiselsberg dam [0,4 MW/ 9 m] (physical model, scale 1:20) Spillway and bottom outlet capacity and energy dissipation. Contractor: Halblech-Kraftwerke Einsiedler GmbH & Co, Germany |
2006 - 2007 | V | Floating debris 1 (physical model, scale 1:20) Blockage and capacity reduction due to floating logs, design of constructional measures. Contractor: ELFORSK AB, Sweden |
2007 | HP | Regulation basin Innertkirchen [1260 MW/ 43 m] (physical model, scale 1:25) Hydraulic and morphologic effects of the basin - present and future status. Contractor: Kraftwerke Oberhasli AG, Switzerland |
2006 - 2007 | FM | A8 highway bridge over the Lech River (physical model, scale 1:25) Cause of erosion and flood damage. Contractor: Highway direction, Southern Bavaria, Germany |
2007 | FM | Flooding of the city of Innsbruck (3D numerical model) Flooding, flood propagation and flood management action planning in the historical city centre. Contractor: City of Innsbruck, Austria |
2007 | V | Meng gauging station (physical model, scale 1:15) Design optimization, stage/discharge curve and fish passage options. Contractor: Land Vorarlberg, Austria |
2007 | HP | Kopswerk II - Intake/outlet of downstream reservoir [525 MW/ 818 m] (3D numerical model) Surges due to transient pumping and turbinating including air entraining vortices and their prevention. Contractor: Vorarlberger Illwerke AG, Schruns, Austria Until April 2007 |
2006 | FM | Risk management of the city of Innsbruck (3D numerical model) Flooding and transient inundation of the city center. Contractor: City of Innsbruck, Austria |
2006 | HP | Hieflau power plant [63 MW/ 85 m] (physical model, scale 1:15) Design optimization, spillway capacity and optimization of approaching flow. Contractor: Austrian Hydro Power (AHP), Austria |
2006 | V | Kleine Schliere torrent (physical model, scale 1:30) Spilling optimization considering high sediment load and roller waves. Contractor: Wuhrgemeinschaft Alpnach, Switzerland |
2006 | HP | Einöden power plant [0,66 MW/ 15,4 m] (3D numerical model) Weir capacity, sand trap and design optimization. Contractor: Bernard Consulting Engineers, Austria |
2006 | HP | Enerpass power plant [16,5 MW/ 258 m] (3D numerical model) Spillway weir design and sand trap optimization, effect of debris flows on spillway capacity. Contractor: Enerpass AG, St. Leonhard in Passeier, Italy |
2006 | HP | Swiss/Austrian power plant at the Inn River [89 MW/ 161 m] (physical model, scale 1:75) Optimize intake positions with respect to sedimentation, spillway capacity, stilling basin optimization and wave generation due to avalanches. Contractor: Grenzkraftwerke Inn, Austria/Switzerland |
2006 | FM | Welsenberg dam (numerical model) Rainfall-runoff model with artificial neuronal networks, online flood management tool. Contractor: Autonomous Province Bozen, Italy |
2005 | SM | Nordkettenbahn New (physical model, scale 1:15) Bridge scouring and scour protection. Contractor: Strabag AG, Austria |
2005 | V | Stubachtal hydrology (expertise) Design discharges using statistic methods and rainfall-runoff models, 3D numerical investigation on capacity increase of the spillway. Contractor: Austrian railways, Austria |
2005 | HP | Kopswerk II power plant [525 MW/ 818 m] (physical model, scale 1:35, and 3D numerical model) Half-model of inlet/outlet of Kops II, vortex formation, design optimization, hybrid physical/numerical investigation. Contractor: Vorarlberger Illwerke AG, Austria |
2004 | V | Stage-Discharge relations (3D numerical model) Extrapolation of 17 stage discharge curves using 3D hydrodynamic modelling. Contractor: Hydrographic Service Tirol, Austria |
2004 | V | Discharge capacity of the Isel River (3D numerical model) Capacity of the Isel River in the city of Lienz, Austria. Contractor: Hydrographic Service Tirol, Austria |
2004 | V | Floodrisk - Floods in alpine catchments (expertise) Floods in alpine catchments, state of art chapter in the floodrisk report. Contractor: Ministry of Environment (BMLFUW), Austria |
2004 | HP | Merowe dam spillway [1260 MW/ 43 m] (physical model, scale 1:35) Capacity, approaching flow and design optimization. Contractor: Dam Implementation Unit (DIU), Sudan |
2004 | HP | Merowe dam power intake [1260 MW/ 43 m] (physical model, scale 1:25) Vortex formation, approaching flow and design optimization. Contractor: Dam Implementation Unit (DIU), Sudan |
2003 | HP | Kopswerk II pumped storage power plant [525 MW/ 818 m] (3D numerical model) Transient water level fluctuations, aeration of the flow and vortex formation in the surge chamber. Contractor: Vorarlberger Illwerke AG, Austria |
2003 | V | Seeklause Seekirchen (3D numerical model) Stage-discharge evaluation of the orifice spilling structure. Contractor: Hydrogaphic Service Salzburg, Austria |
2002 | V | Rodeo wave Terminator 3 (3D numerical model) Optimization of the rodeo wave for the Rodeo World Championship in Graz, Austria. Contractor: Hydrographic Service Steiermark, Austria |
2001 | V | Paragon building (3D numerical model) Numerical simulation of the “Formal Lake” of the TAG McLaren F1 head quarter in London. Architectural design by Sir Norman Foster. Contractor: Atelier Dreiseitl, Ueberlingen, Germany |
1996 | V | Potsdamer Platz (3D numerical model) Optimization of the flow in the urban watersheds of the Debis Centre. Architectural design by Renzo Piano. Contractor: Atelier Dreiseitl, Ueberlingen, Germany |
1995 | FM | Flooding of the city of Zurich (1D numerical model) Flood wave propagation in the Sihl River in Zurich, Switzerland. Contractor: Basler & Hofman, Engineers and Designers AG, Switzerland |
1993 | V | Water hammer in the supply system of the city of Berne (1D numerical model) Pressure hammer computations to determine maximum pressures and possible pipe failures. Contractor: Gas, Wasser und Fernwärme, Berne, Switzerland |
1990 | V | Contaminant transport in the Rhine River (2D numerical model) Development and application of a numerical alarm model for contaminant transport in the Rhine River, literature search and report in collaboration with J. Trösch und C. Beffa. Contractor: Swiss Federal Administration, Switzerland |
1988 | HP | Aeration of spillway chutes - Design and calculation (physical model) Experimental research project on spillway chute aeration with thesis ETH No. 8514. |
1987 | HP | Panix dam [50 MW/ 740 m] (physical model, scale 1:25) Investigation and optimization of spillway overfall, spillway chute and bottom outlets. Contractor: NOK power corporation, Switzerland |
1985 | HP | Aghios Nikolaos dam [445 MW] (physical model, scale 1:15) Design and optimization of the aeration devices in the spillway chute. Contractor: Public Power Corporation, Athens, Greece |
1985 | V | Sulgenrain sewer storm outlet (physical model, scale 1:14.5) Design of a supercritical sewer junction with storm water outfall. Contractor: Steiner, Marchand & Türler, Switzerland |
1983 | HP | El Cajon dam [600 MW/ 226 m] (physical model, scale 1:100) Design and opimization of the ski jump spillway. Contractor: Empresa Nacional de Energia Electrica, Honduras |
1983 | HP | Mosul dam chute aeration [750 MW] (expertise) Number and shape of the aeration devices Contractor: Swiss Consultants, Switzerland |
1983 | HP | Mosul dam power intake [60 MW] (physical model, scale 1:30) Design and optimization of the power intake at “Mosul Regulating Scheme” Contractor: Swiss Consultants, Switzerland |
1982 | HP | Mosul dam bottom outlet [750 MW] (expertise) Vortex formation and air entrainment into the bottom outlet. Contractor: Swiss Consultants, Switzerland |
1982 | HP | Mosul dam regulating scheme [60 MW] (physical model, scale 1:100) Design and optimization of spillway, bottom outlet and stilling basin. Prevention of vortex formation at the bottom outlets. Contractor: Swiss Consultants, Switzerland |
1981 | HP | Mosul dam main scheme spillway [750 MW] (physical model, scale 1:100) Design and optimization of the main spillway, shock wave optimization, ski jump optimization and scouring investigation. Contractor: Swiss Consultants, Switzerland |
1980 | V | Barrage El Fakia (physical model, scale 1:10) Optimization of energy dissipation in the stilling chamber. Contractor: Société Générale pour l’Industrie, Switzerland |
Legend | ||
HP | Hydropower | |
SM | Sediment management and morphology | |
EH | Etho-hydraulics | |
FM | Flood management | |
V | Various |